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Man refuses to drive 'No God' bus

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posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 10:38 PM
reply to post by XXXTheClown

245 stars from southern Guardian..... if I had that ability

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 10:51 PM

Originally posted by GamerGal
This is so stupid. Guy needs to learn about the real world. Gah, Christians, and most religious types, worry me. I don't believe in the boogyman in the sky. I don't do bad things because they are bad things. Religious people don't do bad things because they don't want to be punished. I don't murder some one because it is wrong to do that. A Christian doesn't murder some one because they don't want to go too hell. Who has the morals again?

I wanted to respond to this:

Christians do not refrain from violence and deception on the basis of condemnation to Hell. First of all, the Church has nothing to do with the organized religions that call themselves Christianity. Secondly, the Church has absolutely nothing to do with morals. Third, the Church has absolutely nothing to do with human concepts of right and wrong. Fourth, the Church exists. Fifth, the Church's Husband exists. Sixth, the Church's Father exists.

Atheists often claim they do good because it is good; yet they lie when they say the Father is not, having forgotten His plea to stay in His arms; they lie when they speak against Christ, not knowing the contents of their own heart, having forgotten the moment they told God that they wanted their eyes closed so that they may live of self and not of Christ, free to chase food, wine, women, money, power, and praise without knowledge of their insanity (yet still never satisfied, for only God satisfies); they steal every moment they work at a brother's denial of Sight, knowing only their own understanding and having forgotten the Father's voice when He called their OWN name; they murder every time they judge their brothers and sisters, having forgotten that man is worth nothing but dust no matter how great nor feeble; they rape every time they lust, ignorant of the damage their state of mind causes to self and those around; the man who says 'there is no God' is indeed an evil man, for he has abandoned his Sight and sees nothing of the darkness emanating from his heart.

When God is abandoned, man raises his self-determined virtues as his new deity. These fail him utterly, and he replaces them with a false respect for his brothers - he sees loving others as a means to satisfying himself. He doesn't love because it is right, he loves because he yearns for God yet is too proud to pray, and rather tries to hold on to the last remnant of God in his heart: the capacity to love. When this too fails, the man falls upon his intellect - cold of heart and emotionally dead, he sees nothing but letters and numbers and only the raw calculations of the infinite. He is purposeless and lives on his ability to confuse others in discussion and make himself appear right. When this too fails to satisfy him, he rests upon his manners, trying to wrest satisfaction from his life by behaving as he thinks he ought, hoping others will see him as a good and proper man and thus boost his pride and keep him safe and secure.

He calls himself free, virtuous, loving, logical, and considerate, yet inside his heart is constant loneliness because he has abandoned the only One that can fill the vessel that is his soul as it needs to be filled. He tries not to offend, he tries to figure out life, he tries to be kind, he tries to be moral, he tries to be free, but he is nothing but a slave to self; he wanders the earth and his spirit is dry for he will not drink of the only waters that be. He believes the easiest lie to believe: that happiness must come from him.

May it be recorded: A Christian has no manners, no intelligence, no love, no morals, and no will. A Christian is a man possessed by the Holy Spirit, of which there was only one - but many who have met the Spirit and tried to follow the one true Christian's path. Those who are members of the Church seek no freedom, nor virtue, nor love, nor greatness, nor consideration; they seek only God, and THERE is true Freedom.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 03:06 AM
reply to post by Blood of the Infinite

I hate having to defend both atheists and theists but you have slandered against your brother and for that I condemn you. People do not "need" to follow the path you have chosen to Ascend, some people believe in god and some don't, some people believe in YOUR god and some don't. Your very post is faulty because you assume that atheists believe in God and reject him, which in itself is folly! How can I make you understand? Atheists don't believe in God. They cannot reject something they do not view as reality!

And, "they murder every time they judge their brothers and sisters, having forgotten that man is worth nothing but dust no matter how great nor feeble; they rape every time they lust"! How dare you insinuate such vulgarities! Slandering your Brothers and Sisters! The religious do this just as much as the non-believers! Except that you have proven, YOU judge others the same way you claim they judge you! You are a hypocrite in every sense of the word, especially in that you call others a hypocrite when you are one! Christ wouldst not approve of your animosity to those who differ from you.
Your whole "holier than thou" attitude is pretty evident, so I need not waste my time telling you that you are imperfect, because thou wouldst not believe it.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 06:17 AM

Originally posted by XXXTheClown
I have another example. If you recall a south park episode were they made fun of Scientology and tom cruse, ect. The voice of the character chef is a Scientologist. he took loads of offense to this and refused to play along so they fired him. killed off his character as darth chef child molester. This got little to no media attention because this wasn't a christian sheep getting fired for it but it still stands as a lesson if you don't do your #ing job you'll get fired.

I thought he quit. It was my understanding that Isaac Hayes walked off of the show. That is what is great about America. He is rich and set for life anyway. He can afford to pick and chose to work. I hope the bus driver has the same opportunities. Otherwise, I think it would be pretty silly to walk away from a job because the job you do reminds people that something you think may be wrong. If your job is to drive a billboard around, you better accept the fact that the show it promotes may be gay, the store it promotes may be run by atheists, the star it promotes my be pro-choice, the tv series it promotes may be funded mainly by satanists or even worse, Disney. He knows that and if his morals are going to get in the way, he needs to quit too.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 11:25 AM
Sure you are entitled to your point of view. However, as a matter of keeping our government a just government, you are not entitled to use government buses that were bought with tax dollars to spread your opinions on that which is metaphysical and a matter of faith one way or another. As a citizen and also employee, the bus driver had every right to choose not drive the bus. The government transit authority and government ad agency were insensitive in the desire to make money and push unpopular opinions using missapriated government resources. Personally, as a liberal, I like to think of myself as more permissive or pluralistic to most others. It seems simply wrong to force a person of conviction to advertise something counter to their convictions simply in order to stay employed, or even get a job for that matter. Political Correctness is not modern. Through out history there have been majorities that crushed minorities in that way, like in 1930-1940s Germany. So, after we are fired from our jobs, get kicked out of our rents and start sleeping on park benches, you could accuse us of being loiterers and the cause of all your personal failures. Are you going to send us to farms (Aushwitz) in the country where we could run, play and be with people like ourselves? Do we get marmalade at the station? So, do not hire anyone who has a different opinion than your own, fire those who have gotten past human resources screening for disagreeing with you, and get that train rolling.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 12:54 PM
I'll just bet he thinks muslim cab drivers who refuse customers carrying alcohol should be fired. Imho he should be fired too.

When will these psychotic christians learn? The reason they are seeing signs like this is that people are tired of their arrogance and over-bloated sense of entitlement to tell the rest of society how to live and think. Get over it already. Society belongs to ALL of us. Not just you.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by machinegun_go_go

I am a pharmacy technician.
If I opposed birth control, could I walk out every time we sell "Plan B?"
He should be fired.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 02:14 PM

Originally posted by Luciferdescending

Yes, it is.

Please go apply for a job with the Regional Transit System. It clearly states in the application that you will be basically driving a billboard around and you have no say in what is going to be advertised.

Basically, it says this is America and you have the right to shut up and feed your family, or quit and walk away. It is up to you. You do not get the right to sign on to a job and then decide new conditions under which you are willing to perform them.

This was a UK London Big Red bus. Not America.

Just a point of accuracy, no judgement on your arguments.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 02:40 PM

Originally posted by rcwj75
Interesting....athiests can demand and sue that GOD be taken out of everything. They can use the excuse of "i'm offended" and pretty much cry and whine to get their way...but when a religious person stands for THEIR right to believe...all of a sudden he is the one that should be punished. I forget...only atheists are allowed to be offended and get results because of it right?

Add Muslims and Jews.

Originally posted by GamerGal
Or how about this?

What about that?

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 05:08 PM
Oh sweet Jesus Christ on a Cracker, seriously? How many pages is this going to go??!!?

It's a paycheck.

If you dont like it, find another paycheck. There are others that would LOVE the $$$ to support their families.

I recommend the driver drive the Church bus instead.

I'm not against religion. I'm against people that use it to make it an "issue." They are making it an issue and frankly it does not seem like that big of a deal.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 05:19 PM
reply to post by Lilitu

What really swells my swede, is that so many xtians are claiming that this is the end times and are observing all the wars,crime and such with glee. happy in the knowledge that the jesusgod is on his way to chew bubblegum and kick none believing ass.

So why's the driver or other xtians got a bee in the bonnet? All they gotta do to prove their case is shut up and sit pack smugly knowing we're all going to hell. Seems a little presumptuous to do Jesusgods work no ?

Matthew 22:21. Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's

Doesn't this mean if you want their money drive the bus and shut up or walk with me and be skint ?

Why all the fuss, the dude should have handed the keys back and gone home knowing in faith that the jesusgod would have taken care of his needs
Clearly the driver does not in fact have any faith, or belief , the jesusgod sent the satangod to test him and he clearly failed the test. I mean he wasn't asked by the god to slit his own childs throat or anything.

Driver 0 Satangod 1

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by drink2forget

I recommend the driver drive the Church bus instead. I'm not against religion. I'm against people that use it to make it an "issue." They are making it an issue and frankly it does not seem like that big of a deal.

Yes it is interesting how no church has offered him a job yet.
I would disagree that it is not a big deal. What if one of my children got on the bus carrying a copy of "God is not great religion poisons everything", would my child be left on the bust stop? How am I to know this man wouldn't act so irrationally with my child ?

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 06:17 PM

Originally posted by RogerT

This was a UK London Big Red bus. Not America.

Just a point of accuracy, no judgement on your arguments.

Fair enough. Can is it not customary in the UK to inform people of the aspects of their job before they take it? I am honestly quite ignorant of how things go over there. It would not change my opinion of whether or not he should get to keep his job but it might make me a little more sympathetic if this was a surprise to him that his bus would be carrying a message that the bus company approved and not him personally.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 09:24 PM
reply to post by Revealation

I agree with you that the world is full of pansies, but just who are these pansies?
Who are the people that beg for gods forgivenes?
Who are the people that beg god to give them strength in tough times?
Who are the people who have an inferiority complex and believe that there were born full of sin and need to pray everyday just to be worthy.
Who are the people who can't deal with death and long to see their loved ones in heaven?
Who are the people who only see the world as black and white? Good or evil. For them there are no shades of grey.
Who are the people who hate their fellow man so much that they can't wait for the rapture so that they will get their rewards for all of the suffering they had endured?

When you answer this question, you will find who the true pansies of the world really are.

It takes great strength to deal with life in a realistic honest way. To know that good actions sometimes go punished and that there is no one who will reward you.
That the people who have wronged you will get away with it and not be judged (this is why man created laws because if left up to god, people would get away with murder!)
That you will die and there is no comforting afterlife.
It takes courage to realize that we are not special. We are just another creature on this planet bound by the same rules as the rest of the animals: we have to eat, sleep, procreate, work, defecate, and die.
If we were truly special and dear to god, why would he subject us to the same indignities as that of the animals?

Anyway, I could ramble on and on but some people will get the point. Others will choose to consciencely and willingly stay in their happy place and flat out refuse to grow up.
These are the true honest to god pansies.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 03:26 AM
reply to post by Luciferdescending

Sorry, don't have the info on that, better to ask Stu Mason

The UK certainly has different hire and fire policies than the US. From conversations with UK business owners, it seems it can become quite costly for an organisation to fire an individual if said individual is savvy enough and cries foul.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 07:00 AM
reply to post by Dhante

You, yourself said; that you believe in 'higher beings', not on Earth.

Once you know G-d, the 'pansy', self-righteous, name-calling, seems childish.
In case you hadn't realized, not everyone with faith on here has resorted to ad hominem attacks;

An ad hominem argument, also known as argumentum ad hominem (Latin: "argument to the man", "argument against the man") consists of replying to an argument or factual claim by attacking or appealing to a characteristic or belief of the source making the argument or claim, rather than by addressing the substance of the argument or producing evidence against the claim. The process of proving or disproving the claim is thereby subverted, and the argumentum ad hominem works to change the subject.

It takes will power not to live like an animal, but by convictions!

[edit on 22-1-2009 by Clearskies]

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 10:06 AM
The slogan on the bus is a direct attack on the beliefs of this person, and the enormous number of other Christians everywhere.

It is disgusting.

Atheists do not base their lives and their culture upon the possible non-existence of God.

"Supposedly", they simply do not want the beliefs of God-worshippers forced upon them. A large part of the philosophy associated with non-believers is supposed to be a call to people to use "logic", and to turn from religion, due in part to the negatives that have been associated with Christianity and other belief systems.

So, there is a difference between a slogan that supports the belief of God, and a slogan that supports the non-existence of God.

Anytime the spiritual beliefs of people are shaken, the result will be much more powerful than if the, by definition, "non-beliefs" are touched upon by believers.

I mean, is it really that hard for some of you to see that these people base their entire being upon a relationship with their God, that, in-turn, this slogan is attacking them personally?

Is is directly similar to attacking a person's race, origin or culture.

And, FYI, I am not even a Christian.

Atheists today are every bit as close-minded, aggressive and militant as the Christians, Muslims, Catholics, etc, that have done so much harm in the past.

I think the answer is simple. Regardless of the source, if it is not a positive message, it should not be pushed into the face of anybody.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 10:30 AM
Whether or not this is a positive message is subjective isn't it? Or are you suggesting that the questioning of a belief structure is intrinsically negative?

Personally, I find the message on the ad to be quite positive and somewhat uplifting.

posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 02:04 AM
reply to post by SumnerKagan

But it's clearly NOT an attack. It's a statement. It may not be true it may not be false, but it's not attacking anyone. If it said Christianity is wrong! THAT is an attack. You believe in lies! THAT is an attack. Just because someone disagrees with it does not make it an attack! How can I make this any clearer? I despise ham.

Ham: its delicious!

The hell it is, that ad's attacking my right to not eat ham! Im offended!

posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 02:07 AM

Originally posted by RogerT
reply to post by Luciferdescending

Sorry, don't have the info on that, better to ask Stu Mason

The UK certainly has different hire and fire policies than the US. From conversations with UK business owners, it seems it can become quite costly for an organisation to fire an individual if said individual is savvy enough and cries foul.

That is not that different in America depending on the size of the company. A guy who owns a shop can fire anyone at anytime and usually have no repercussions but once the company gets big enough, firing people becomes a huge legal matter.

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