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Zionism = Biblical Great Deception

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posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 04:37 PM
Let us suppose just for a moment that instead of the Jews it was another people living in the Holy Land using state of the art bombs to attack terrorist hiding amongst civilians. Lets say that instead of the Jews these people were Russians, Germans, or Eastern Europeans. I guarantee that these alternative peoples would not enjoy such enthusiastic support from Evangelical followers of a Man who preached love. If you currently support what the Jews are doing then ponder this for a while, give this the ole critical thought and honestly consider the answer that you come up with.

Let us then consider that perhaps that the vast majority of "Jews" who currently live in Israel are not blood or spiritual descendants of Abraham, and as a result have absolutely no claim on the Holy Land. Let us further consider that these "Jews" do not follow a religion that resembles Old Testament Judaism, and that their spiritual roots are actually found in the Pharasaical sect of Judaism that Jesus Christ despised (Pharisees were not high preist of Judaism, they were essentially a cult of mainstream Judaism that caught on and survives through today).

Let us consider what Zionism is. Is Zionism the love of Jewish people or is it a political movement? Do you "love" the "Jews" because of how holy and good they are, or because you think that you are supposed to?

Let us consider how the biggest enemy of Christ (or the Truth and Light if you prefer) are organizations and movements orchestrated and funded by "Jews".

It is my contention that the current "Jews" who you love so much are no more Jewish than you are. There is considerable evidence that many of the Eastern European Ahkhenzi "Jews" who wound up in the Holy Land after WWII are not of any of the 12 Tribes of Israel, but are actually descendants of Khazar converts to the Jewish faith in the 8th century AD. It is also my contention that these "Jews" are the Synagogue of Satan spoken of in Revelation, and that your irrational support of these people is probably caused by your being under a spiritual deception.

What Israel is doing to the Palestinians is evil, bottom line. It is tantamount to my attempting to kill flys in a room full of people with a shotgun and a food and medicine blockade whilst just shrugging off all of the collateral damage and human suffering. Jesus would not support the treatment of the Palestinians by these "Jews" and neither would you if you weren't brainwashed by sheister televangelist and under spiritual deception by the father of lies himself.

I am not denying that Hamas is bad, and that terrorism is bad. But pain, suffering, and oppression, only breads more pain, suffering, and oppression. Hamas exist because Zionism exist. Without Zionism there would be no Hamas. There are far better ways to handle the Palestinian situation than the way that the Zionist have been doing. My God, the Palestinians are people too and deserving of the same respect and dignity that you are.

For the love of God wake up.

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 05:08 PM
reply to post by times up?
Well stated! I was surprised to learn that many orthodox Jews oppose Zionism! It seems that Zionism is closely associated with the NWO and has nothing to do with the true faith of Israel,yes its time for us to look closer at the truth of the matter !

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 05:31 PM
reply to post by times up?

Nice post. The argument that many anti-Zionist Jews have is that the Kingdom that God promised them cannot be made by man's hands - i.e. politics, war, bought out, etc; which is what is happening today with the creation of Israel.

The kingdom mentioned to the children of Abraham is much different than what Israel is today. For one thing, the true "promised land" incorporates land from Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria. I don't think many Zionists realize that the current borders of Israel is man made and not the one the Bible describes.

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 06:10 PM
I think it's pretty well established that Israel and the WWII fake holocaust are contrivances of the Khazar AshkaNAZI pseudo Jews far more than the true middle eastern bloodline Jews.

I think Torah True Jews is still active in anti-Israel Zionism. Their site is:

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 09:56 AM
Ive posted this before in other threads,

1.The majority of Jews in Israel are not Ashkenazim.

The majority are Sephardim.

2. Out of those Ashkenazim, 40% have genetic markers that go back to the matriarchs of Israel.

3. It doesn't matter what the ancestry is of the other 60%. The tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh were Egyptians, who are not even Semites. So it doesn't matter if someone is Ethiopian or Navajo. They are adopted into the House of Israel regardless of their ancestry.

4. Zionism is not "love of the Jews", its the dream of a Jewish homeland safe from persecution, terror and oppression.

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 10:37 AM

Originally posted by MikeboydUS
Ive posted this before in other threads,

4. Zionism is not "love of the Jews", its the dream of a Jewish homeland safe from persecution, terror and oppression.

Read the above post while looking at the poster's avatar. There is humor there.

[edit on 1-1-2009 by yourrolemodel]

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 10:48 AM
You anti-zionist retards are so ignorant. It's sad. it's people like you who allowed the holocaust to happen and now that "jews" run the world you're scared and angry again. Pathetic "unchosen" people. Deal with it!

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 10:50 AM
reply to post by times up?

Why speculate at all? Is it because there is not enough real facts to support the hate mongers? Everyone please read this:

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 10:56 AM
reply to post by times up?

& your solution is ?.
becuase i dont care who or from where you might be from, the bottom line is, if you want to fire rockets at me & my family then ide want my countrys military to use smart bombs & any means to destroy you, even if you happen to be hiding like a coward behind your family or behind public.

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by yourrolemodel

There's always humor in Cobra Commander.

Happy New Year!

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 11:26 AM

Originally posted by MikeboydUS
reply to post by yourrolemodel

There's always humor in Cobra Commander.

Happy New Year!

Haha! That's the face you show the yanks when your real visage is what's on your avatar!!!

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 12:44 PM

In a debate on another website, I was told by an israeli, "we have been here for over 60 years, it's time to accept it."

He blocked me when I said the Arabs had made it their home for centuries, and WILL fight for it, as anyone else would... it's time to accept it.

Kicking ANYONE out of houses their father's and grandfather's built and land their family's have passed down for generations, so a foreign people could sit upon the dust their ancestors did is asking for trouble. AND THIS IS NEWS TO NO ONE!! Many of these Arab built houses are occupied by israeli's today. Not good enough to live in our illegal jewish only settlements, but your houses are good enough to live in, and FREE. Such BS.

[edit on 1-1-2009 by breakingdradles]

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 12:55 PM
I don't feel any sympathy for the palestinians, shooting rockets off surrounding themselves with women and children so when a counterstike comes they maximize civilian casualties. It's like they want innocents to die to further their cause. If their situations were reversed how would the palestinians treat israel? People who have no regard for their own life or the lives of children deserve every missile they get. Let's pretend that there is a ceasefire again..who will break it? Palestinians...again. Not saying all palestinians feel that yeah right, sure they do otherwise they wouldn't elect hamas, the same people dragging this war out. How can you have peace when you elect a government that is dedicated to cowardly attacks on civilians? Their cause would be more worthy if they only attacked soldiers. These acts only further demonize islam in the eyes of the west. Doesn't help everytime something bad happens in the west, it is cheered for on the streets in the middle east. Like this behavior is going to sway public opinion. It adds more support to the ranks of people agreeing with george bush's war on terror. I say get rid of zionists and hamas so that palestine and israel exist in peace. This is a prime case of the needs of the few outweigh the needs of the many. Both of these overgown power hungry babies need to grow up.

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 01:41 PM
Let's bring this debate up to the 21st century or at least the 20th century.

Israel was created by UN mandate.

If you hate Israel then you must really hate the UN for creating it.

So far, I have seen no serioius attempt to reverse the UN mandate that created the state of Israel, and so it is a legitimate, recognized, nation. It therefore has all the rights of statehood, something that the "Palestinians" lack.

Most of the "Palestinians" are in fact Egyptians in the case of Gaza, Jordanians in the case of the West Bank, and Syrians in the case of the Golan Heights.

So if these poor oppressed "Palestinians are seeking a homeland. Why don't we help them out and return Gaza to Egypt, the West Bank to Jordan, and the Golan Heights to Syria? It seems to me that, that should solve the problem.

The only problem with that is that Jordan kicked the "Palestinians" out back in the 60's when they tried to topple the Jordanian government. So, Jordan is content to leave them where they are. Egypt also has abandoned claims on the Gaza strip because they don't want to deal with the crazed idiot in Hamas. Syria would like the Golan Heights back but only so their rockets can reach farther into Israel.

Seems to me that the current state of international affairs favors the Israeli position.

By the way, on the question of lineage. The earth's population has been mixed so completely over the past 500 or so years that we all have a little Abraham in us.

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 01:43 PM
Let us imagine that Palestinians have nothing to do with ancient Palestine name.
Let us imagine that Italians have nothing to do with ancient Italia...
Egyptians - Egypt
Britains - brits.
And hundreds of other examples.So what is the point of all that thread?
Throwing people out of their homes is wrong thing to do of course. But it is the same if those people are Palestinians or Israelis. When Arabs took other the area thousand plus years ago - they did not throw people out? Jewish cities in Saudi Arabia were no ruined? All this does not justify what happened in 1948 of course. But it is not new , it was done and by the way still is done throughout the world. I personally think that those people deserve full financial compensation. Anything more then that will not be accepted by Israeli public just as Saudi Arabia (or Syria or Iran or Iraq) will not return to its Jews their property which they lost.

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 01:46 PM
reply to post by breakingdradles

You do realize of course that the Arabs invaded the area back in the 9th century or so. In that case they are no different than the Romans or the Greeks.

Hey I have an idea! Let's return the whole area to the Greeks! It seems that their claims should be more legitimate than the Arabs, since the Greeks got there a thousand years earlier.

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 01:46 PM
reply to post by breakingdradles

You do realize of course that the Arabs invaded the area back in the 9th century or so. In that case they are no different than the Romans or the Greeks.

Hey I have an idea! Let's return the whole area to the Greeks! It seems that their claims should be more legitimate than the Arabs, since the Greeks got there a thousand years earlier.

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 01:52 PM
I can see even the Zionists don't know their own History, zionism was founded by Herlz to control the world, and they embraced the terminology because the Zionist are not even jewish they are Mongols-Turkish from Kazakh. and anybody who trust them, there will be Hell to pay.
Perhaps you should read the 300,000 Ring worm Chidren assassinated by Ben Gurion and Golda Meir in 1949, these children were all Sephardim.
Perhaps you should read the declarations of Rebbe Titlebaum about how these same Mongols during the Russian Revolution kill as many Oriental Jews as Sephardim,millions, and is was done by a Zionist, Kaganovich, and also Titlebaun wrote the importance of the Zionist cabal and influence to arrive to the Holocaust where 4,000,000 jews were slaughter, at the time there were not 6,000,000 in all Europe, and if you are vigilant you can notice how the Zionist provoque and manipulate the hatred agains the jew to used as a weapon, but in the process many innocent Jews Suffer.
Please read your History
and try not to be so arrogant trying to teach what you don't know

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by ZeroKnowledge

There are three accepted ways to annex territory.

1.) Conquest, this is the oldest and time honored tradition of invading a territory and making it yours. It has long been recongnized by nations of the world that land is a spoil of war. It is this time honored tradition that made the Sinai, Golan Heights, and West Bank part of Israel. I would also point out that it was the intention of the Arab states to do the same thing to Israel back in 1948 when they invaded.

2.) Treaty, land can be gained by international treaty. This is the way that Isreal was created in the first place. It's funny because the people who claim that Israel has no legitimate right to exist, want to use this method to make it go away. So, they accept the right of treaties to create and destroy territorial claims.

3.) Purchase, land and sovereign rights can be transfered by purchase. The purchase of land has also been a time honored tradition. In the case of the US for example the Louisianna Purchase and the Alaskan Purchase are very famous examples. I would point out that the governments involved exchanged money, no compensation is given to the inhabitants of the territory. I am sure that the Israelis would gladly pay for some of the land if that would settle the dispute over it. Unfortunately it will not.

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 02:05 PM
this thread is why ATS should stick to topics such as archeology, ets, futurism and not politics. Dont stir the pot with pros and cons; what can be done to resolve the violence? No ideas? Then shut up, ur only adding to confusion and the pseudo-philosophies are comical.

[edit on 1-1-2009 by havanaja]

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