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Bolton: Gaza Conflict Could Lead To U.S. Attack On Iran

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posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 09:43 AM
I seriously do not think that this country would support an attack on Iran, but we've been known to be collectively incredibly stupid.

Where's Obama's opinion in this? Doesn't he, as the president-elect, think that he owes it to the people who elected him? I see his supporters out there making excuses but they know he should be saying something.

The person I supported put herself into the thick of it to bring aid to gaza. Why should she care what anybody thinks? Especially since reaching out to those oppressed the most by the situation is the right thing to do.

Cynthia McKinney in 2012.

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 11:19 AM
All this talk of nuke this and nuke that just heightens support that as a race we're doomed to destruction.

I think some of the nuke advocates would be in a much smaller realm of support if not total opposition if they were to actually study the effects of such an option. (not to mention the political ramifications of a nuclear first strike on Iran)

The ONLY way I'd ever support a nuclear war would be on the basis of imminent self-preservation (IE unrefutable evidence they were going to launch or already did launch) or the use of small tactical nuclear weapons on isolated military-only targets (silos, bunkers etc) and that's even iffy for me.

Not only would millions be killed in the initial blast and the deaths following from fallout.. with so much anti-USA attitude flowing in the world I wouldn't be suprised if a counter-attack didn't ensue with full nuclear options from used against the USA.

Nuclear weapons were used twice. I can sort of justify the use the first time but that is it. The destruction and aftershock of such a move should be enough to deter the future use of said devices at all costs to anyone that considers themselves human.

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 12:38 PM
It seems that the only country who wants to support the people of Palestine is Iran , since none of the other arabs in teh region are remotely interested 0 save Saudi Arabia who fund them the most.

SO now , Iran , and especially Ahmenajad is being villified - not just here but everywhere for supporting `the other side` - what sickens me is the blatent disregard for human life so many extremists on ATS has - openly suggestion , ne , demanding the death of millions

great if you feel this way go join the army , get your boots on the ground.

but no , they want to nuke Iran - nuke Syria , and until recently , Egypt and all the rest so the star of david is `safe` , amoungst a wasteland of millions of unburied dead

shall i start a pro russia thread? about how a launch when the NORAD satellites were out of position would mean the entire usa gets glassed and there would be no reponse to it? and how greatful the world would be to see the end of such a tyrant state?

and finally the US Airforce themselves sponsoered the making of this video

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 12:42 PM
I agree with others on this thread to take what Bolton has to say with a tiny grain of salt.

He is a neocon war-mongering nut-job who should be locked up in a psychiatric ward.

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 12:46 PM
Just my dos pesos, but I am of the opinion that Israel will take care of Iran at the first proven sign of hostilities, and then pretty much tell the rest of the middle east, "next?".
Though it is still not publicly acknowledged Israel has nukes, it is well guessed by all that they possess around a hundred or so warheads and delivery systems.

Just a statement that Tehran, Damascus, Mecca and Medina are targeted should be enough of a deterrent to quiet things down, or start Armageddon.

Then of course, Pakistan will think "if Israel can get away with it" and the Russian warships in Cuba and south america might just think, " hey, with everyone watching the middle east?"

Just my humble opinion, but I would rather deals with "global warming" than "nuclear winter".

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 01:01 PM
I can't believe anyone would support those murdering terrorists Hamas, who think it is fine to target civilians. Who are the war mongers? The Muslim extremist who believe in attacking without provocation.

Today is a fine example.;_ylc=X3o'___'I1NzZyc3Q3BFJfYWlkAwRSX2RtbgN5YWhvby5jb20EUl9maWQDYmRhMGMzMzU0NTFiYmY2YjY0Y2Q0 MWRlYjBiYWRlNDYEUl9sdHADMQ--

Conflicting reports on the number of dead and wounded are common in Iraq in the chaotic aftermath of attacks. But it appeared the blast was the deadliest attack in Iraq since Dec. 11, when a suicide bomber killed 55 at a cafe in Kirkuk.

Authorities said the sheik had invited senior tribal figures and other members to lunch.

The sheik also had invited members of the Sons of Iraq, a group of former Sunni insurgents who turned against al-Qaida in Iraq and joined the U.S. military in the fight against the terror group, said a police official who asked not to be named because the investigation was ongoing.

The decision by the former Sunni insurgents to switch allegiance was a key turning point in the battle against al-Qaida in Iraq and helped shift the war in America's favor.

One year ago, Osama bin Laden warned Iraq's Sunni Arabs against joining the councils fighting al-Qaida. The groups have since been targeted in a series of deadly attacks. The bomber was a suspected member of al-Qaida, the police official said. Suicide vests are a hallmark of the terror group's techniques. The sheik was slightly injured in the blast, according to local officials. A witness said he and a friend were standing a few yards from the entrance to the meeting room when the bomber blew himself up.

There is no excuse for these murderous attacks. They need to hunt down all these radicals and give them just what they deserve, a harsh death or a life in a cage.

These terrorists are the ones willing to push for war at all costs. They have no honor, they are animals.

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 05:55 PM
reply to post by Harlequin

All Countries support of "anything" is always based on Political
or Financial Arrangements. Being on the Good side or Bad side or
Humanitarian reasons never comes into the equation.

I'm still tring to figure out the US supprt for Israel thing. And so far
the only thing I can come up with is, the US wants to Piss off the
Arabs causing them to blow each other up. The US then strolls into
town collecting all the Oil.

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