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Jesus Christ is Definitely Coming

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posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 06:48 AM
reply to post by pause4thought

>>> OK. sorry. I admit to sometimes taking certain comments "the wrong way" and sometimes under assumption.

and THE TRUE REDEEMER of all who come to Him.

thanks again.

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 06:54 AM

Originally posted by jaden_x
I look like jesus, based on peoples mentalities.
Would you believe me if i said i was jesus?

what good would jesus be in the ages we live in today? what if he already came and said, screw it, it's not worth it, and left?

why are "we" waiting for a savior and not trying to save ourselves?

bypass religion and try to get straight to the source, whatever that might be.
put the book down, stop being a follower and start asking questions.
sorry, just venting.

>>> Hi. Questions are important.

Having the right Authority and the right-spirit is EVEN MORE important.


posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 08:35 AM
reply to post by dodgygeeza

Well, if you stop to think about the real purpose of this thread, it's either one of two options isn't it? I'm more inclined to lean towards human nature.

- If I knew about a new diet that could shed those unwanted pounds overnight, change your life forever and I told everyone here on this forum - I’d be a hero.
If I knew a sure fire cure for cancer, or a method to stop smoking painlessly, anything the body and/or soul needs - but Christianity - I’d be lauded here.
But share something so life changing it’s hard to keep it inside and not share it?
And have that *thing* be Christianity?
The prejudice is immediate and for the most part negative towards Christianity - especially when the view of an OP expounds the life saving, soul saving, it’s all good for you attributes they see in the Faith.
It’s almost impossible to find anyone who doesn’t already have some type of bias in one direction or another - not many fence sitters on this one.
If they OP feels an ardent desire (there’s that Christian *rap* for you) to share this information - more power to him/her. Why does there have to be any other motive than the OP thinks they’ve found the cure for the world and wants to share it?
Maybe there‘s another *agenda* you‘re speaking of. I don‘t look for them so I don‘t see them.

I'm trying to understand, that is all. Don't kid yourself into believing that all human beings think differently either, because unless this person is some kind of saint and has chosen to preach on a faceless forum, I and everyone else shouldn't take the OP at face value.

- What reason could there be for you not to take this person at face value?
Is the OP asking you for cash?
To do something that will hurt you or your family (as an ex Christian you have to admit, following the *rules* does nothing to endanger, hurt, or decrease the quality of life you have with your family).
And it doesn’t take a Saint to share joy and a profound sense of *rightness* with other people.
Don’t forget, most Saints did all their *good work* while they were alive.
I don’t know any Saints that became Saints until they were long dead and gone.

I don't need someone to tell me what I'm thinking, and the OP doesn't either, but perhaps people need to be given an alternative point of view? Or will you use this post against me as well?

- I’d apologize but I don’t see how I have anything to apologize for.
If you think I was trying to tell someone how to think, you’re wrong.
Use a post against you?
Sorry you feel that way.

Being a former Christian, I'm speaking from experience. Throwing oneself in the lions den to fight some kind of "holy battle" against the sinful.

- You know from your own experience, only that, your experience.
You know nothing about the OP’s motivation for posting about Christ, but you have your opinion.
I just happen not to agree necessarily. But in all fact I don‘t know the reasons for the post either, I just don‘t question them as no one can really know what’s in this guys head (heart).

There are people who help people without even thinking that they are helping people (it is built into their nature), and there are others who help people only because they have essentially been told to or believe there is some kind of reward (the modern interpretation of karma)

- And there are people who are kind and giving and try to help people in order to make a difference in the world.
Good people who go against their own *nature* mindfully and with intent, to *be good* both Christian and non Christian alike. Sad to say when a Christian does *good* most think they have other motives (making points with God, etc) but a non Christian does good? They’re just a *good Guy* no questions asked.

Maybe the OP is an example of the former. Being indoctrinated with Christianity makes that highly unlikely though (Hell/Punishment, Heaven/Reward)

- I guess that’s not a *Christianity* I’m associated with.
My Christianity isn’t *Do unto others so God will do unto you*.
Also, I don’t follow Christ because I fear him (hell), but because I want to please Him, and thank Him for what He’s done for me, and to try to give to others.
That's *reward* enough right there.
Heaven’s rewards can be found right here on earth by being kind, giving, willfully go against baser nature in order to be *more* or a good person.

Thanks for your post


[edit on 27-12-2008 by silo13]

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 09:22 AM
reply to post by dodgygeeza

>>> People who prove themselves UNWILLING to listen, ... and who MOCK GOD and those who uphold Christian truth *should* be ignored. ... it's FAR BETTER than "taking the bait" and devolving a discussion into hostile tit for tat.

IGNORE is FAR BETTER than "casting pearls of truth" before those who only want to mock and REJECT that glorious Truth.

condemn me all you like: the ignore option is often a very valid alternative.


posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 11:34 AM
So tell me something Len...

Would you listen to my words about Isis and how to be saved through her? If you didn't should I say you are mocking and ignore you? We Pagan types have a long history of being mocked by any and all sides. See the way I see it, if you want people to believe, add some backup. This OP simply said, Jesus is coming soon and be on his team. Not a bad message but here is the problem. A post like that has a hidden message to many. He is what it says to some...

Jesus is coming ((because I said so))

Be prepared ((that's what I know to be true and since I said it, it has to be true))

Whether OP meant it that way or not makes little difference. A university grad should know about perception. Let's say I make a sexually charged joke. Everyone around me laughs except for one female. She finds it offensive. Now...I in no way meant it to be offensive but I still hurt her feelings and offended her. That's perception. It isn't what I said, it's what she thought I meant. Now I carelessly painted myself as a sexist.

OP has this message to deliver. Whether I believe it or not is irrelevant. OP and yourself want to spread the message right? You need to find a less condescending way to do it or you will find yourself shorted on the amount of people you reach.

Now your message on the other hand sounds like this to some;

I will ignore you ((because I can't back anything up))

You really want to reach people for God's plan and not just your selfish plan? ((again...not saying you are selfish, just how it is coming off to some)) then lead by example and then calmly and rationally tell people what helped you be this way. Don't throw scripture in people's face. Livein his example and show that example to the rest.

Just my thoughts anyway


posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 12:14 PM
reply to post by silo13

Thanks silo, good points. I'm sure you understand its all in the interest of a good debate. ATS is one of the only places where you can do that.

Lenbenhear, it is only YOU who provoke any kind of mockery when you copy and paste things that have been heard a thousand times. You seem to think there is a mass persecution of Christians, (no doubt because of predictions) but I believe people are getting tired of being threatened into believing this or that. People generally don't respond well to threats of eternal hell.

And by showing that you believe you are a perfect Christian even though you evidently are not, how are you so sure that YOU are "saved"? If you feel the need to use the ignore button on anyone who doesn't agree (I haven't been disrespectful), why the hell are you here in the first place? Stick your fingers in your ears and start singing, right? What a bloody brilliant preacher you are

I think that you are just afraid. It's true what they say, fear controls the masses. Only, fear of hell has been replaced with Global Warming/Terrorism/Over population/Flu Virus - the Christian one is just wearing a little thin.

Think for yourself, do you really believe that your so-called loving God would allow his children to be tormented in hell forever? Don't you think that little bit of information could have been manipulated in order to control you. Look at how well that worked.

[edit on 27-12-2008 by dodgygeeza]

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 03:27 PM
reply to post by dodgygeeza

Debate is all good - and for me ATS is my only option for debate also - so it’s double good

The rest of your post brings up some great points.
Points I had to STOP asking myself the *Whys and Whatfors* over.
A loving God who wipes out His own Creation/Children by a flood when they grew beyond Him.
A loving just God who allows little children to be raped tortured and buried alive.
I just have to STOP myself and think - what are these few seconds we have here on earth compared to all of eternity.
That helps some.
But beyond that my mind and heart just can’t even fathom the big *Whys*...
I have to stop getting angry about them though and choose to do all I can - even if that is only taking care of the ones around me, the ones I can really touch and interact with.
I want it all to stop - the hell here on earth - but I’m not God to pull the plug on hate and violence and children crying out in pain and terror now am I.

The more I read of the OP’s posts?
I smell hogwash in the intent.
Thank goodness the message overrides the messenger...

Good call on this one.

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by spellbound
Yes and so is the Easter Bunny.

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 03:09 AM
reply to post by ofhumandescent

Glad to hear it.

Easter just wouldn't be the same...

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 04:34 AM
reply to post by dodgygeeza

>>> You or anyone else are entirely at liberty to ignore or reject BIBLICAL TRUTH. (many have already done so) ... I have never denied you that option, ... but I will not cease to remind you of the REAL consequences of denying the Truth of the Gospel and the Mission of Jesus Christ by embracing paganism or other religions or some other means of finding salvation, forgiveness, and reconciliation with GOD.

Here is a summation of what I am trying to convey as the essence of what Jesus Christ and His Gospel is all about . . . you are welcome to RECEIVE IT, ... or treat it as nothing to you . . .

A Thought Poem
(help for the hollow men)

Did you ever notice how everyone tries to “prove” how “right” they are
about many things they do not actually know with real certainty. ?
Truly, this is mostly mere foolishness and vanity.

we know that we are mortal and we die.
we know we have this guilt and emptiness inside.
we are the hollow men. let’s admit it.

and only women and children, … and GOD
seems capable of filling the deep, deep, and unavoidable void.

We are the hollow men. searching for some meaning
and significance in a world gone mad
with self serving lust that utterly defiles all that it touches
such that all that should Be
is pitifully tarnished and twisted beyond recognition.

We are the hollow men. Who or What will change or transform
this awful aching alienation?
We who secretly fear utter aloneness more than death.
What can be done for us?
TO WHOM shall we go?

Suddenly, a thought, - a hope beckons at a near yet transcendent distance:
A Thought, - A Voice:

“your Home, your Shalom was lost long ago
when you decided that your will would be your own god.” – “that you
would have a dream, - an existence outside of and apart from Me,”
said The EternaL One.

“Return to Me
And I Will fill your void
With Hope & Truth & Love & Reality:
For I AM
The Life, … The Way,
The Truth That Lives Forever.”
all else, - all else is but a vain and passing shadow of flickering lights…
and chasing after the wind…

Again He spoke, “you do not know (nor truly understand)
what you think (or profess) you know
UNTIL you have come to a Knowledge of Me
Through surrender
To The only I AM.

“your” “i am” will not Be, but will cease
you find and rightly acknowledge Me.”
said The LORD YahOvah-GOD.

“man without GOD is a vain, - a tragic and very foolish thing.
And so often: even the very religious miss Me,”
said The LORD.

A question for you now, my friend:

What will you do? What will you say? When GOD, - The Measure of all, -
The Moral Center and Sovereign of the Universe, - calls you to account?
will you strut your stuff? will you “mightily defend” yourself? and then
tell Him “how worthy” you truly are.” ?

Truly, will you even DARE to open your mouth before Him. ?
Pure, Radiant, unblemished Righteousness:
No pretense. No shadows. No excuses.
In THAT awesome Moment: will you have an Advocate to exonerate? …
… or a prosecutor to convict and condemn? … which will it be ?
Which will it be?

Long ago, The Perfect Victim and Substitute said, (speaking to all)
“no one comes to [is reconciled to] The Father
EXCEPT BY ME.” … no one.

Please understand the truth:
you don’t appeal to “your own” “innocence”
or “righteousness” or “your” “goodness.”
not at all.
you are a hollow man (with many excuses), …

And yet JESUS says, “Come unto Me.” …
… and then He leaves the choice to you.
What will you do? What is your answer?

your heart, … your very soul must give the answer.
And He will then perfectly
and righteously
Judge accordingly.

Len 11/16/2008
For Clearlight Ministries

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 04:37 AM

Originally posted by pause4thought
reply to post by ofhumandescent

Glad to hear it.

Easter just wouldn't be the same...

>>> I'm curious: do you believe in mixing paganism with Christian Truth?

Where should we 'draw the line' in such matters?

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 04:52 AM
reply to post by Lenbenhear

OK, fair question. I don't remember ever buying any Easter eggs for my kids. Frankly it just never occurs to me - my mind is so full of thoughts of what that momentous time of year actually means. On the other hand when my relatives have given them chocolate eggs for a treat it's never even occurred to me to take offence. They are just showing love and kindness.

All I was trying to convey with the reply is that I fully understand why some people would regard Christ's second coming as absurd - they don't believe he is still alive, after all - but also that those of us who live in sure expectation of his return hold no malice toward those who don't believe.

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 09:14 AM
It's also really difficult when history tells us most Christian holidays were taken and converted from Pagan sabbats.


posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 09:24 AM
So did Jesus come yet?
Just kidding.

Just stopping by to remind you all that there is no such thing as a messiah and this Jesus Christ character was a fraud.

Anyhow, carry on.

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 09:36 AM
reply to post by 12.21.12

Welcome back. Any evidence for that assumption?

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 09:41 AM

Originally posted by Lenbenhear
>>> People who prove themselves UNWILLING to listen, ... and who MOCK GOD and those who uphold Christian truth *should* be ignored. ... it's FAR BETTER than "taking the bait" and devolving a discussion into hostile tit for tat.

If something is true does it need to be upheld? Or will it stand eternally on it's own?

If a fish refuses the fact that he lives and moves in water. How sane is it to waste away attempting to debate the existence of the water into him?

If a fish cannot feel his way to finding the water he is in. Will he benefit if other fish, who have been caught and set free, proceed to slap him around?

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by pause4thought

Thanks Pause, I left my cookie trails on page three. To answer your question, I would never assume anything without looking into it first at the very least.

Thats why when people say that Jesus was born of a virgin and died for our sins, I say WTF?!?

Jesus was not born of a virgin and did not die and come back only to magically float through the sky up to heaven only to let mankind continue down this self destructive path for 2,000 more years. Quite the opposite actually.

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 10:50 AM
reply to post by 12.21.12

Jesus was not born of a virgin

If he was the incarnation of the God who created the universe you could expect his birth to differ from the norm.

...and did not die and come back

If he was the incarnation of the God who created the universe you could expect him to conquer death.

...only to magically float through the sky up to heaven...

If he was the incarnation of the God who created the universe he would have power over the laws of nature, enabling him to walk on water and leave gravity behind at will, not to mention stop wind and waves with a word.

At the end of the day it comes down to who you believe he was.

If you don't believe he was God, that is your prerogative, especially if you've examined the evidence.

However claiming he was a fraud will draw requests for evidence on your part.

Did you perhaps just mean to say you find the evidence unconvincing?

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 11:02 AM
No, want I mean is that the virgin birth story as well as many others are pure speculation and deny both physics and logic. Nobody has come forward with any sort of proof. I have looked into the origins of Christ and determined his account to be fraudulent.

Christians, what do you have against science? What do you have against logic?

Why is it that you can simply believe that Jesus was the one and only son of God without seeing any evidence or proof.

Your taking the book placed in your hands, by those who modified it and taking it for the truth not only plays into the hands of the elites, but also keeps human kind in the state of slavery and oppression. You taking these oppressors at their word, by a creation of their own works with a bit of truth sprinkled here and there has kept us slaves for thousands of years. Why would you consider this a matter of faith and not beg the question why this information has been put fourth? I believe in things that are tangible and have at least a very large amount of evidence to back it up.

Christians, the story doesn't add up. Your faith has no basis. You have been lied to.

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 11:59 AM
What on earth is going on here? you are talking about Jesus as if he existed in a matter-of-fact manner. This certainty is completely unwarranted. Do you have even the faintest of ideas about biblical scholarship? It seems not.

The Bible is a collection of tales that you are behaving as if have been proven to be true. There is no reason to think that these tales are anything other than fiction. There are no contemporary accounts of the existance of Jesus, the gospels were not written by eye witnesses and are hearsay at best.

No-one has ever proven a single Bible story to be true, yet millions of people seem to think that someone has.

By all means behave as the Biblical Jesus would have you behave, but to act as if the Biblical stories are real accounts of historic events is childish and dishonest.


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