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Why Can't I Walk Around Naked?

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posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 09:05 AM
almost everyone here is totally sure that most people are ugly, have you stopped to consider what this really means?

Is a fat person really 'ugly' or 'revolting' to us? what's the mechanism in the brain that controls this? I think we've programmed ourself into small little mental boxes and are now blinkered by our own minds, we think that we only find lithe young sweeties attractive but only a short time ago historically the majority of people would ignore a skinny girl for a fine comely lass with broad hips.

of course we are attracted in some biological way to the healthiest, most athletic people but does that mean that excess fat upon someones form or wrinkled skin makes us feel ill?

I'm from the twee side of england so naturally prudish but i've visited a nudest beach, at first it seemed like everyones looking at my bits and i was nervous about looking at anyone out of embaresment but really rather quickly i grew used to seeing people naked and i soon relaxed into enjoying the feeling of hot sun on my body, i really do think that our clothes habit is a far weaker addiction than most people seem to think.

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 09:13 AM
Hey, to each his own I ALWAYS say. I don't care because it doesn't effect me, and it shouldn't effect anyone else. Why does it matter? As long as you're not hurting anyone it shouldn't be a least that's how I would run a place.

I think it's silly that we have a LAW in place to put an end to if it really matters. The public needs to stop whining.

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 09:17 AM
To the OP:

What do you look like? Are you between the ages of 16-25 with less than 8% body fat if you're a guy or 15% body fat if you're a girl? Would you consider yourself within the top 10% of good looking people?

People can't walk around naked because NO ONE wants to see 90% of the people in this world naked. Most people look horrible naked, which is why most people have sex with the lights OFF. In this world, you can't let some people walk around naked and not others, so it's all or nothing. Because the vast majority of people that exist are disgusting naked, NOTHING is the way to be. Do you have any idea how many car accidents would be caused if a group of fat old ladies ran naked down the street? Or a group of naked cheerleaders at that?

No. Naked would cause too many problems, and chances are, I'd want to mace myself if I saw you naked.

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 09:20 AM
reply to post by ChocoTaco369

That's a tad rediculous don't you think? The only reason you'd be effected by "a group of fat old ladies" is because you like to keep the illusion that people SHOULD look like cheerleaders and if they don't they're ugly. The fact of the matter is: If EVERYONE walked around naked, no one would care about all of the things you just said because everyone would be used to it.

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 09:26 AM

Originally posted by ChocoTaco369
To the OP:

What do you look like? Are you between the ages of 16-25 with less than 8% body fat if you're a guy or 15% body fat if you're a girl? Would you consider yourself within the top 10% of good looking people?

People can't walk around naked because NO ONE wants to see 90% of the people in this world naked. Most people look horrible naked, which is why most people have sex with the lights OFF. In this world, you can't let some people walk around naked and not others, so it's all or nothing. Because the vast majority of people that exist are disgusting naked, NOTHING is the way to be. Do you have any idea how many car accidents would be caused if a group of fat old ladies ran naked down the street? Or a group of naked cheerleaders at that?

No. Naked would cause too many problems, and chances are, I'd want to mace myself if I saw you naked.

Good point. Maybe we can suggest a "naked Permit" in which you must pass certain physical criteria

My thoughts are D cup or larger, with height and weight proportionate

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 10:38 AM
Do you have children? If you do, how would you feel about your 14 year daughter viewing another mans body in that manor?

If you have a son, would you like those hormones to be at its peak everytime he walked down the street and saw a naked woman?

How would you like if your wife is walking down the street and a HIV positive rapist gets here, and she has nothing on?

Clothes are ment for the protection of your body, and yourself. If i smack someone with a stick while wearing jeans - the pain is minimal.

If i smack you with a stick while naked - pain is at maximum.

Want to try this theory out? This post is ridiculous....

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 10:39 AM
In societies in which people didn't wear clothes there were no fat people and no old people.
Nakedness may be natural to a degree but being old or fat due to easily available medical supply and food isn't.

Maybe people just started wearing clothes because the average naked person was getting uglier.

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 10:42 AM
em, because nobody wants to see people walking about naked.

ok, i lie, there are CERTAIN people id like to see walking about naked.

if you are female, and hot, go for it.

Anything, please, keep it tucked in.



posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 10:47 AM
reply to post by Syntaxstealth

By the time she is fourteen, my daughter should already know what a naked man looks like...why? Because there's nothing wrong with it. I don't understand what exactly is supposed to be so frightening about a penis or a pair of breasts that we are shielding our children from.

As far as the rapist is concerned, people get raped now, while wearing clothes. So I don't think clothing is really stopping the rapists out there. Maybe you'd preferr it if all women wore chastity belts?

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 10:48 AM
reply to post by Tinman67

As long as you are behind closed doors I do not see a problem. The "Peeping Tom" should be named the pedofile.

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 10:54 AM
You cannot argue with morales. If you argue with morals, the very space-time fabric that makes up our reality will fall apart at the seems and create a very unpleasant rip in our perception causing everything to whiter and die in a series of violent energy spasms that will engulf the entire dimension of our existence, eventually causing our third dimension to cease to exist.

So please, wear clothes.

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 10:54 AM
When serving at the Presidio, they had a nude beach just behind our barracks (and down a hill). Some mornings for PT we'd run down that. And lemme tell you.. every person that was without clothes, where the people I really felt should be the LAST people to not wear clothes, it was frightening.

And even though times change, widespread public nudity really hasn't been that common in history. Ancient Greece once practiced this more than other cultures, with their Gymnopaedia (annual activity where they participated in athletics in the nude), and even going to city square occasionally in the casual nude, but it's never been super common.

Of course, they also practiced pederasty, and covering oneself in olive oil to appear more erotic... that wouldn't go over very well now-a-days.

It really isn't very practical, and it does inspire illicit thoughts, even if YOU don't have them, as you walking around in the nude.

You are not going to see this change anytime soon, so OP, if this is the lifestyle you really want, I'd highly suggest to moving to Brazil, or other countries, where hanging out on the beach like this is common.

One last note though: When the Greeks paraded around naked, they were fit and in shape. Much of the populace exercised in one form or another. Their gods were even often depicted as athletes. In our day and age, the % of people who are just out of shape is frightening. And I don't even mean the percentage of highly overweight people, but just those folks who are 20 or so pounds over their ideal weight. I really don't want to see someone's fat jiggling as they walk. Unless you are a perfect specimen, please keep that stuff under wraps..

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 11:00 AM

Originally posted by N. Tesla
why cant i walk around naked? it feel comfortable and it keeps you cool in the summer. but you do it once and suddenly your a registered pedophile.

i just don't understand where these laws and social rules come from. whos the first guy to have said "okay if your not wearing pants you have to go to jail and spend a night with a bunch of night... with no pants"

i feel we were born to be nude. its natural. animals dont feel the need to wear clothes. why do we? we in essence are animals when it comes down to it. i just would like to know your thoughts on this.

is it a moral issue? a law issue? or was it really made for the benefit of us all?

The answer is simple, people are stupid and afraid of everything.

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 11:03 AM

Originally posted by TasteTheMagick
reply to post by ChocoTaco369

That's a tad rediculous don't you think? The only reason you'd be effected by "a group of fat old ladies" is because you like to keep the illusion that people SHOULD look like cheerleaders and if they don't they're ugly. The fact of the matter is: If EVERYONE walked around naked, no one would care about all of the things you just said because everyone would be used to it.

Incredibly wrong. Not even a good argument. By your logic, there's no such thing as sexual attraction. Or are you supposed to be equally sexually attracted to everyone? Are you saying no one looks better or worse than anyone else to you? What you're saying makes no sense at all. So since everyone now wears clothes, you think everyone looks good? Guess what? Most of the people I see walking around the street I find highly unattractive, clothed or not.

It has absolutely nothing to do with what I think. It has everything to do with what is sensible. Most people are incredibly UNATTRACTIVE because most people don't take care of their bodies. Most people don't exercise or exercise enough. Most people eat a poor diet. Most people don't take care of their acne or their hair loss.

Do you know what exercise, Acutane and minoxidil all have in common? They're dirt cheap. I took Acutane when I was 17 with zero side effects because I didn't want acne. I exercise regularly because I have self respect for myself and care about my appearance. I use minoxidil twice a day even though I have a full head of hair because some of my family have a history of baldness. Guess what? I'm not fat, I'm not bald and I don't have acne, but I still don't want to see myself naked.

I get repulsed enough looking at people walking down the street. If they didn't wear clothes, it would only intensify the problem. I'm definitely better looking than most because I care about my appearance, but I still wouldn't want to see me naked. The fact is, the people you'd want to see naked comprise what, 5% of the population? All you'll be doing is intensifying the problem.

[edit on 26-12-2008 by ChocoTaco369]

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by ChocoTaco369

There's nothing wrong with my argument, apparently YOU are a very shallow individual. It doesn't have anything to do with sexual attraction, if everyone ran around naked, it wouldn't be a big deal.

You have an idea of beauty stuck in your head that is mass marketed by MTV.

No I'm not saying that there's no such thing as sexual attraction and I'm not saying you're supposed to find EVERYONE attractive. Clothes or otherwise you're still going to make your judgements.

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 11:12 AM
I am sure it came about when marriage came about.

Because with someone's displays for all the world to see, you dont want your partner running off with the better display.

And no one wants to sit there and see if someone is obviously attracted to them, when they are partnered.

What clothes does is makes everything equal and discretionary. Does every guy want it to be obvious to every girl that he is attracted to them?

I am also sure that this has something to do with humans focusing on intelligence as oppossed to physcial prowess. It forces people to re-evaluate a person's mental and amibition potential, instead of just focusing on the obvious physical potential.

And lets face it when a human sees an attractive human naked, all reason goes out the door and you get stupid.

It may be a human adaptation.

Caveman sees a cavewoman, it is cold out so they are bundled in fur. He doesn't know if she has the hips or chest to raise children, but she cooks great, and has figured out how to sew skins together, she has other potential.

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 11:12 AM
So I think its unfair that people are allowed to smoke just about every where and give people second hand smoke and probly cancer, so how is it harming someone if I want to be naked? Personally I think we wouldnt have so many obese people in the world, because nude people are proud of their natural beauty.

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by TasteTheMagick

When your daughter is pregnant at 15, remember this reply.

Secondly, as for the rapist.
Almost 2/3 of rapes were committed by someone known to the victim.
73% of sexual assaults were perpetrated by a non-stranger.
38% of rapists are a friend or acquaintance.
28% are an intimate.
7% are a relative.

With that being known at the following site.

Would you let your daughter walk around naked?

Sure this is great for you, you feel great being naked. trust me i do to, but be realistic. What you do, your kids will do. The last thing i want to see is a bunch of 13 girl old girls and boys walking around naked. Pregnancies will be at an all time high, people in public housing will be at an all time high, and abortions will be an all time high.

Being naked 100% of the time comes with too many problems. in addition it doesnt help anything. Your causing yourself more problems than benefiting from being relaxed.

Be naked at home, in your own privacy or nude beach. Thats what these things are their for.

Chastity belt? for my daughter maybe. i have seen too many promising young adults live paycheck to paycheck at dead end jobs because they could not get the education they need to excel.

just my two cents, dont take any offense.

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 11:21 AM

Originally posted by Syntaxstealth
reply to post by TasteTheMagick

Sure this is great for you, you feel great being naked. trust me i do to, but be realistic. What you do, your kids will do. The last thing i want to see is a bunch of 13 girl old girls and boys walking around naked. Pregnancies will be at an all time high, people in public housing will be at an all time high, and abortions will be an all time high.

You could look at it this way too. If everyone was naked, and acceptably naked, not the 13 year old shock of seeing your first naked person kind of naked. It would not be taboo. The mystery of the other sex would be gone.

You remove the mystery and the fun of something being unreachable, it may just have the opposite effect.

I think if everyone was naked, it wouldn't be that you see a naked body and want it, just the opposite. With all the cards laid out on the table, and everyone naked, it may be, what can you REALLY offer that is new and unusual and that stands you out?

Hence, everyone may focus on other attributes like education, intelligence, athletics, etc.

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 11:23 AM
Here's a twist, if you were aloud to walk around naked, would you still wear shoes?

If so, then why?

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