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what Proof would convince the entire world that Aliens are visiting this planet ?

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posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 09:08 AM
reply to post by thetruthhurts78

if we give chimps a laptop do we expect them to use it and start coding a new state of the art operating system or do we expect them to beat another chimp upside the head with it?

I gave this post a star and totally agree.

Mankind still has a lot of growing up to do.

Giving humanity at present, advanced technology would be like giving your two year old a pack of matches.

In order to convince the entire world? Like in the movie "Independence Day" it would take a fleet of hugh ships anchored above all the major cities over head to convince the skeptics and even then they would probably find a excuse to not believe.

Why don't they?

Because "United we stand - divided we fall". (Aesop)

While some of us are busy fighting amoung ourselves as to "their" exsistence, they are busy dividing and conquering us.

The moment everyone wakes up to the reality that our planet and our species is being mucked with is the moment humanity will possibly put aside our differences and UNITE.

"They don't want that" because united we are more powerful and pose a threat. Divided we are weak and stupid.

Hence to fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting.

Therefore the skillful leader subdues the enemy's troops without any fighting; he captures their cities without laying siege to them; he overthrows their kingdom without lengthy operations in the field.

O divine art of subtlety and secrecy! Through you we learn to be invisible, through you inaudible; and hence we can hold the enemy's fate in our hands.

We can form a single united body, while the enemy must split up into fractions. Hence there will be a whole pitted against separate parts of a whole, which means that we shall be many to the enemy's few.

Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.

The quotes above from "The Art of War" by SunTzu.

[edit on 21-12-2008 by ofhumandescent]

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 09:51 AM
I think a low altitude fly-by over major worldwide population centers would satisfy me. The footage, witnesses and media coverage would be undeniable to enough people. I've no doubt a minority would insist that it was a NWO HAARP NSA manipulated event, but it would be enough for most people.

Re; Crop circles. A site called 'circle-makers' used to support a forum where circle-makers discussed techniques for creating major circles. They are very organised and use GPS trackers, LED and laser for lines etc. About three years ago a group came over to England from Japan to join a group from Wiltshire, England. Occassionally, farmers are paid for the damage to their crops. An LED light with a single-cell battery was found next to the famous 'alien face' circle. The makers have to be secretive to avoid charges of property damage. Although there are circles where the corn has 'bent' in an unnatural way and remain mysterious, until we can rule out human agency they aren't evidence of anything much.

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 09:54 AM
a world-wide event that cant be denied. I disagree with the technology statement though... I mean, where did lasers come from? You guessed it and most people accept it as some scientist who came up with it. it doesnt matter if we come up with a 2 gram battery that can poswer a Mack truck, scientist and the mainstream will say WE created it, lol.
I believe that IF ETs decide to show up, we will shoot at them, piss them off and they will destroy us all. Just my .02

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 09:55 AM
reply to post by ofhumandescent

"They don't want that" because united we are more powerful and pose a threat. Divided we are weak and stupid.

great post and i like the way you think

makes you wonder if we as a people were united we might have already had contact with Aliens because we would know all the secrets that have been kept from us. knowledge is power and without it we are weak.

thanks again

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 10:53 AM
People do not believe in God because there is no evidence so why
should anyone think beyond mankind to deal with.

We deal with people, isn't that enough.

People might see God before any alien shows up to be a factor to mankind.
That would be why people are not concerned about alien questions.
Too much to think about in the immediate world such as Burger King
virgins that are small and lean and healthy from not having any burgers.

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 12:01 PM
reply to post by easynow

The most convincing evidence would have to be something everyone experiences personally. Moses called plague after plague before his people were let go from Egypt. He was obviously not easy to convince!

A minor thing like announcing that everyone's thumb would turn green at a certain time and place and then making it happen would be a simple idea. And then to change it back the same way to show they mean peace.

Other reversible bodily changes or physical sensations could be follow-on ways of eventually causing acceptance.

Plus, of course, addressing the whole world with information about themselves, at the same time, in everyone's native tongue, and answering questions in person, would be powerful evidence.


posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 01:30 PM
proof that would convince me is if i was walking outside and seen an alien scapeship land and an alien go out and was in no way a human dressed in a suit and took me away in its ship to its planet where ever it was and showed me how the aliens lived etc and showed me their world, life etc.....

then gain, im guessin even if aliens came to earth we'd have the conspiracy theorists sayin "oh its a staged event by the governments of the earth etc etc to control us blah blah blah"

there is no satisfying people sometimes

i'll just keep an open mind, there is a probability of absolutely anything happening in this universe, just depends how high or low that probability is!

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 01:37 PM
Close encounter of the 3rd kind, in a large public place.

Nothing more nothing less.

What good is aliens visiting the Earth if we don't have first hand contact with them anyway? It's all just sensationalism and fodder for the sheep. Something to keep them entertained till the chains are in place around their ankles.

To say it short... what good is a photo or a videoclip of something someone claims to be a ufo? Honestly it's useless...

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 01:44 PM
I am convinced that proof already exists in one form or another but will never see the day of light unless people demand it. However the real issue in convincing people we are being visited by extra-terrestials is not lack of proof, it is more a lack of belief.

People do not believe in aliens because the mainstream media has choosen to ignore, ridicule or otherwise belittle the entire topic. What should be science fact is called science fiction. Perhaps we, as a collective species, are not ready for unconditional full disclosre or perhaps america and a few other super-powers have agreed to keep quiet so they can hog the new technology and thus have total control over second and third world countries. The think the second scenario is a bit more plausible than the first!

When it comes down to providing proof to everyone I am sure the PTB can figure out some ingenious solution if they want or have to but in the meantime those that thirst for "secret knowledge" can get it.

[edit on 21-12-2008 by EarthCitizen07]

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by easynow

like i said originally, when i looked into crop circles. you really don't have to dig too deep, all the research is there. this subject, like so many others, was discredited early on and now nearly forgotten. evidence of man made crop circles, while true, only happened in the beginning of this phenomenon. since then there has been many, many CC's scientifically proven not to be man made. sadly the attention span and mental capacity of modern man seems to have lost interest.

i have attached a link showing extensive research on 15 anomalies directly caused during the process. this is only a tiny bit of this research, but might sway some opinions on the subject? if not, look around the site a bit. many of the facts cannot be explained possible by any means available to man.


posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 03:32 PM
I don't understand why everybody have to believe anyway.I mean really,what's the point in this?Some people need more evidence than others to be convinced and to be honest,i don't blame them...!
If we consider the hoaxers and that they're getting better and better (with tech getting better and helping them in some cases offcourse) i think that being on the fence is actually a good thing.

But even if we'll talk about the extreme skeptics,will they gain anything if they'll believe before they'll see/meet any extra-terrestrials?I don't think so,they'll be on the same level with you,the believer,when you'll both see the aliens.(if there are any offcourse)

I never figured out the point in this "skeptics vs believers" thing.


[edit on 21-12-2008 by Oceanborn]

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 03:39 PM
In my humble opinion, we've already got the proof.

Thousands of upstanding citizens and government officials have claimed that they've either seen, or been in contact with E.T's.

Now why would they lie? Sure, there are a couple of attention seekers here, but some of these men have careers which are put on the line when they come out and make these claims.

Surley that would lead to some credence?

But I do understand the (respectable) skeptics, it's hard to believe in something "so far fetched". But my way of thinking is, maybe it's meant to sound far fetched for a reason? (My only comeback.

Either way, I believe I know the answer, and that answer is they exist. Now what sort of proof, undeniable physical proof that would blow away not only the debunkers, but scientists as well, I don't really know. But maybe something like out of independence day where a "mother ship" covers an entire city.

Let's see them debunk that as; "Oh, that's just a weather balloon".


posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 03:42 PM
well, I just finished Jordan Maxwell's 3.0 hr lecture on the Illuminati - and well - he possed a interesting angle to ponder:
We were created by the Gods ... as slaves ... to do the work ... that is why you waste your time on mindless crap like sports...

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 03:42 PM
I'm thinking that showing up on wall street and ringing the opening bell after telling everyone that they will giving away several gazillions of dollars to everyone might do it.

That, while a few of their brethren stop off at Detroit and buy a couple thousand cars.

Unless they show up on every single persons doorstep and ring the bell, there will still be many, many people who won't believe. They'll just think that Hollywood produced the whole thing to advertise one of their movies.

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 03:44 PM
The subject has so much ridicule that it requires a mass event that allows large groups of people to experience it ith their own eyes and not on a television.

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 03:48 PM
How about a handshake? Or whatever might pass for it.

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 08:01 PM
reply to post by Aeons

How about a handshake? Or whatever might pass for it.

that may work but they would have to shake 7 billion hands...

maybe this will help ?

thanks everybody for your input and i think most people agree that it will take a huge event like a mass landing of somekind to convince everyone.

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 08:18 PM
reply to post by easynow

IMO any such event that is along the lines of Independence Day in the future is more likely to be a promo for a film or something along the lines of the War of the Worlds . It is more likely that a meteor(SP?) would crash on earth and contain microscopic life that is not found on earth .

It is true that it would be very hard to prove unless samples were taken from the crash site but such a scenario is far more probable then some figment of the human imagination appearing .

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 08:31 PM
this is the only time i will reply to any of these messages. the leaders of the elite, the new world order, even the devil himself aka shapshifting santa clause(claws?) will die out meaning us positive humans, aliens or beings, hybrids so forth etc. will track them down where ever they at and send them on their next existences. good and bad will always be around cant have one without the other, it's called universal naturalness, in other words supreme balance. the energies trying to maintain control will lose it whether they kill all of us or most of us or even kill us at all in efforts to maintain control. just how evil and f u ked they are there is someone or thing greater than them vice versa. people will know soon whether they want to or not. whether they cover it up or not. where there is knowlegde seeked there is knowlegde fount no matter the quantity small or large. but i will tell you this me and others like are not afriad of fear or death or a messed up way of living. im mean we been living like this since birth on earth so its nothing new. no need to panic. i cant say much more but we will evolve the day people, beings, etc get rid of money currencies cuz money keeps order of control. and one more thing the elite,nwo,reptilians, hybrids, and other beings not mentioned in the seat of power really have no power and they know that thats why they try so hard to protect that with fear of the unknown but yet they only have power cuz we give it to them, without us there is no them, without them there still be us and you know this maannnnn!!!! im living proof of your question physical and metaphysical. WHY is infinite. WHY?/\ \/ i have and will put out more useful information throughout life for you can be this forum or it can be in music, art, a rock you tripped over or stub ya toe on, bad breath you smell next to you. you never know just stay aware and open-minded, thats the beauty of the universe. love the creator of all existence and nonexistence for he/she/it /they/them etc. created your creator. (It is What it Is)

Thank you ya world is fun, joyfull, and very painfull. Running loose wit the goose like bird $#!T. take care of yourselves and one another. one is all and all is one

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 10:45 PM
reply to post by Badge01

"Actually there are a whole lot of things - an alien astro-navigation chart"

You asked, you shall receive:

"In 1964, under hypnosis, Betty Hill drew a map she claimed she was shown during the abduction, showing the aliens' home star, the Sun, and 14 other stars. In the late 1960s and early 1970s, an Ohio schoolteacher and amateur astronomer Marjorie Fish constructed a 3-dimensional map of nearby sun-like stars and claimed a good match from the perspective of Zeta Reticuli. There were also 3 stars on the map that were previously unknown to Astronomers until 1969, known as Gliese stars. The fit of the Hill/Fish star maps was debated in the December 1974 edition of Astronomy Magazine"

Here is the Original:

Here is a Newer version represented in 3D space:

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