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"Iran declares war on US"

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posted on Apr, 5 2004 @ 09:00 PM
This article is from WorldNet Daily, you need to see it yourself!

"Nobody else is saying it, so, once again, it is left to me to explain what really happened in Iraq yesterday.

Iran declared war on the U.S. "

See the entire article on:

[Edited on 6-4-2004 by John bull 1]

posted on Apr, 5 2004 @ 09:20 PM
This is a really good take on whats behind the current violence in Iraq and would be a good read for all wether you agree with it or not politically - It spells out the Iranian complicity in causing further death and misery to American as well as Iraqi families.

The story you will not see in the biased media!

posted on Apr, 5 2004 @ 09:27 PM
were we at war with the russians last time we were in Afghanistan and the russians were supporting the other side?. Nope, looks like the same type of thing. There has been no formal declaration of war. Just more religious fanaddicts who want to die. I wonder how long it will go before we let some nukes lose? They are much cheaper than troops.

posted on Apr, 5 2004 @ 09:27 PM
that's great but will iran do anything besides send clerics into iraq to brainwash the iraqis? doubt it. but if they do carry out a large scale attack, they're f*cked. we have superior military power so if they really wanna hand over their country to us on a silver platter, cool. another chunk of the middle east we can control. o and about the death for our soldiers and stuff like that...i think we learned our lesson in what NOT to do during postwar (i hope). BRING IT ON, IRAN!

posted on Apr, 5 2004 @ 09:37 PM
Might be the Iranians way of getting our goat for calling them out at the UN over their nuke program, the mullahs never have liked us but now they are barely hanging onto power from a lot of blog info I come across from there. They need a boogyman to stay in control of their people too!

posted on Apr, 5 2004 @ 09:46 PM
There is just too many wars happening. It seems like it's also progressing very quick as well in the middle east, perhaps in this era we will see nukes go off, who knows. But when it is all over and done, then the NWO will be in place. Who will be the next enemy? Will it be religious terrorists? Or will it be us who will end up in a Nazi Germany type scenario, with our rights gone while small groups of "us" under the Dictator who will attempt to overthrow the system?-See where it is all leading to? And the new laws are there to prevent just that, because if we speak against future Nazi type governments, we will be terrorists.

posted on Apr, 5 2004 @ 11:01 PM
They really hate us over there. We've changed "allies" too many times, so it seems.

posted on Apr, 5 2004 @ 11:05 PM
Plain and simple.....NUKE THE BASTARDS, BEFORE THAY CAN GET US!!!!! Turn the desert into a parking lot.........then ask if they wan't to TALK!!!!!!

posted on Apr, 5 2004 @ 11:39 PM

Plain and simple.....NUKE THE BASTARDS, BEFORE THAY CAN GET US!!!!! Turn the desert into a parking lot.........then ask if they wan't to TALK!!!!!!

ladies and gentalmen, I present the worlds largest sheet of glass............

hahaha - and I thought I was the American Mad Man - you might destroy some of our oil

On a serious note though, I dunno if this is true, but if it is - and is proven to be true - bet your bottom dollar that the US will be in there in no time. Iran is a top priority because of their nuke programs.

posted on Apr, 5 2004 @ 11:44 PM
Scary story because Iran know that Iraq was more powerful then them and they witnessed how fast they were destroyed. Something up there sleeve maybe??? But once again we will go through the UN and have to go in alone because the UN will let Iran do whatever they like.

posted on Apr, 6 2004 @ 12:01 AM

Originally posted by Quicksilver
Scary story because Iran know that Iraq was more powerful then them and they witnessed how fast they were destroyed. Something up there sleeve maybe??? But once again we will go through the UN and have to go in alone because the UN will let Iran do whatever they like.

I agree on the UN - they will let anyone do what they want, as long as it's not what the US wants. Good thing we are in a position to do what we want when we want without some BS UN acceptence.

posted on Apr, 6 2004 @ 12:50 AM

Originally posted by silQ

Funny how it is those who will remain comfortable at home on the couch while others are sent to fight and die who say BRING IT ON...

Much like Bush.

posted on Apr, 6 2004 @ 01:16 AM
I don't see how you think this will be a war that will be easy for the US! Iran spends about 10 billion a year Military expenditures compared to iraq's 1 billion. I'm sure their military aircraft and guns work!! The CIA estimates that they have about 8 million soldiers ready for service...with about 800,000 enrolled right now. The US can't afford to go to war here...the US people won't stand for anymore lies out of the bush administration...

[Edited on 6-4-2004 by dvspro]

posted on Apr, 6 2004 @ 01:50 AM
Thus the desert of glass comment. Why fight, they have nothing we want just push a button.

posted on Apr, 6 2004 @ 06:40 AM
Quote:that's great but will iran do anything besides send clerics into iraq to brainwash the iraqis?

Quote:Scary story because Iran know that Iraq was more powerful then them and they witnessed how fast they were destroyed. Something up there sleeve maybe??? But once again we will go through the UN and have to go in alone because the UN will let Iran do whatever they like

It astounds me how narrow minded some individuals are on this site.

You went it alone because you were telling the rest of the world that Iraq had Weapons of Mass Destruction, when there was no actual evidence, only intelligence which turned out to be total BS. Then justified the occupation of Iraq on human rights issues, which you didn't give two tosses about before.

This conflict exists as a vendetta, a hand me down from Daddy Bush, something Daddy Bush can be proud of his son for, after so many failings.

You're right about one thing though, you'll start off with the UN, so you can say that you pursued the correct channels, then YOU will go and do what YOU want. As long as you keep the conflict from American soil, who cares who dies.

Do you really think that we will obtain peace by destroying any culture that isn't westernised or for that matter Christian, that doesn't follow our rules, that doesn't do as we say and not as we do?

I would rather live in the Middle East than the states, sitting there behind locked doors with your guns waiting for the next mad mullah to come charging through the door, murder your children, rape your wives and girlfriends......and you say, they are the ones that have been brainwashed. Cos' there is no way that you could have been fed misinformation, no you live in a democracy, Land of the Free, no, your democratically elected leader wouldn't fill your minds with hogwash, no, at least not unless his people were as selfcentred as himself.

If you really believe that pumelling the supposed enemy into submission is the way forward, and that this will not breed contempt for America through the eyes of the rest of the world, then you are looking in a mirror. Cos' this will never end, you're right and the rest of the world is wrong, and nobody can tell you any different....cos' you're the good guys....!!!

posted on Apr, 6 2004 @ 07:18 AM
misleading title... first it was Baath Party and Saddam loyalists who inspired rebellions in Iraq, then it was the fault of Al-Qaeda insurgents, as far as I know now it's religious extremist clerics who are at fault. But who else can be blamed after we kill and arrest all the clerics....lemme see...Iran maybe?

excuse after your eyes regardless of the bull they spin it's the Iraqi people on a whole who don't want there. It's the middle east and arab mentality that we shouldn't be involved in their land.

if Iran has declared war on the US by being involved in sneaky # to fund and instigate rebellion in Iraq, then how many times haven't we declared war on other countries. Would you say that every operation in which we helped fund one party over another (whether in the open or not) is a declaration of war on those countries? If you believe the misleading statement that Iran has declared war then you should also believe that we've already declared war on Cuba, Venezuela, Panama, Phillipines, etc, etc, etc.

A declaration of war needs to come from the leader of the country...not some radical cleric.

and btw, just reading some of the comments already on this thread, shows how arrogant and blind American mentality is. Sure lets destroy a whole people, culture, area and region of the world simply because they don't agree with us. It's amazing how people can cast judgement without ever putting on the other shoe. If there was another country that could match our military might, that ever decided to enforce their way of life on Americans...we would all be doing the same # that people in that part of the world do.

[Edited on 4-6-2004 by worldwatcher]

posted on Apr, 6 2004 @ 07:51 AM

Originally posted by worldwatcher
and btw, just reading some of the comments already on this thread, shows how arrogant and blind American mentality is. Sure lets destroy a whole people, culture, area and region of the world simply because they don't agree with us. It's amazing how people can cast judgement without ever putting on the other shoe. If there was another country that could match our military might, that ever decided to enforce their way of life on Americans...we would all be doing the same # that people in that part of the world do.

that is sooo true worldwatcher, also reading some of these comments i wondered the same thing. how can everyone sit around and say nuke em?? what about all the innocent people that live over there? What if we were the ones that were going to be nuked, would you want to die, if you were innocent?in any case, i think that if its Iran now, then who's next?? what other countries does the US have to be control of.
I was talking to my husband about this, and he said something about a religious war. Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan are mostly islamic/muslims, Maybe Bush is going for a "holy war" trying to take out everyone that isn't christian, or taking over the country, putting our troops into place, and bringing christianity in. (Just a thought he had).
I personaly don't know what to think, I think its dumb to go to war with yet another country.

posted on Apr, 6 2004 @ 08:10 AM

Originally posted by CSRules
Plain and simple.....NUKE THE BASTARDS, BEFORE THAY CAN GET US!!!!! Turn the desert into a parking lot.........then ask if they wan't to TALK!!!!!!

The problem is, the rest of the world is going to view us as a loose cannon, even more than they already do. There are other countries that don't like us, and aren't scared of us either. If we go nuking people, someone is going to get mad.

posted on Apr, 6 2004 @ 08:15 AM
This is very interesting all, but Farah is a bit on the over eager side. He seems more than willing to blow things out of proportion to make it sounds interesting. I would take this with a grain of salt.

posted on Apr, 6 2004 @ 09:26 AM

Originally posted by Satyr

Originally posted by CSRules
Plain and simple.....NUKE THE BASTARDS, BEFORE THAY CAN GET US!!!!! Turn the desert into a parking lot.........then ask if they wan't to TALK!!!!!!



Nato was the last straw,

the jews (your masters) overstepped the mark, this is showdown, nukes may be used, however, trust russia to get out of any scrap on top.(does that leave any room for your morale??)

i leave you with this dilemma, and i ask, if you can in any way justify the use of force on iraq.

while the jews brainwash some more americans, i might point out, that the minute the first american nuke is launched...we will face ww3, (i hope that happens btw...since, well, face it, you're shoving your weight about with the military, your time will come

since undoubtedly, you can start yelling "the russians are coming" soon as the football is accessed.
(football...the "supposed" access panel giving the president the right to order a nuclear GB access to that would be like giving a monkey a gun)

if iran, is attacked, then russia wont stand for it,
there's enough russian arsenal in iran to send all your troops to hell YOU MORON, do you realize what you're saying???

the american empire

has already been defeated, the people in iraq are rebelling, time to relax, rip open a can of beer, and watch the show.

face it AMER, the U.S just wont win any wars,(you may win battles...i.e afghanistan, iraq) but it simply wont happen, GB or not

i am a russian, pro-war rubes disgust me,
this is just getting ridiculous, you people just wont learn will you?? some inteligents were sent to the U.S, not many, but some, and the rest? a weeding out process occured in europe in the middle-ages, criminals...etc...were sent to the U.S, that would explain your fascination with firearms.

ON WITH THE WAR time to teach pro-war f**kers a lesson.

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