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Worker trampled to death at Long Island Wal-Mart during Black Friday stampede

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posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 04:45 AM

Originally posted by ConservativeJack
Don't blame this on capitalism!

Or consuming!


This is about society. In lower class areas, you can expect something like this to happen. It's the same part of society where murder, rape, and double-crosses go down.


Its the lower class Americans that need to be deported.

The big difference is that the 'upper-class' America make their 'sale grabs' in other ways. When they see trinkets they want, they normally send in the lower classes to get it for them. How many 'lower class Americans' die because of the greed of 'upper class' Americans?

Let me know when the Wal*Mart death count reaches anywhere near how many die in order to satisfy the greed and the stupidity of the rich.

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 05:26 AM
What's the quote ?...hum...oh yes:

"-Do you know what a duvet is?
-It's a comforter...
-It's a blanket. Just a blanket. Now why do guys like you and me know what a duvet is? Is this essential to our survival, in the hunter-gatherer sense of the word? No. What are we then?
-Right. We are consumers. We're the bi-products of a lifestyle obsession."

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 07:02 AM
I have two daughters, I am giving them both a check for 25 dollars in a card, they can go buy what they want, we have to STOP this totally mindless consumerism. I refuse to stand in a line and spend money I dont have on things I dont need made in a third world country by slave labor. The way the elites maintain control is to keep people head over heals in debt with credit cards, so all they can think about is keeping the little postage stamp sized lot of land with a house full of crap they dont need, driving a car that is overpriced they have to become slaves to own. Then you cant send yourt kids to school, they can, their kids end up being your kids bosses, and the cycle is repeated. Its set up to keep the elites in power and the rabble (us) down. And the funny thing is, most people dont realize that their only purpose in American society is a vehicle for moving capital around, "consumers" More like slaves.

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 07:03 AM

Everyone seems very "involved" with inter-member debates over the "moral" issues of this horrible event.

No one seems to want or DARE to to touch the fact that all the media photos of this event showed only ethnic minorities.

HM. . .

I see how it works. Everyone here has an agenda, a pulpit to defend. I acquiesce to the mass public who do not see the racial/ethnic bias that is being (if at all reported) perpetuated.

Very well. Let's all continue to debate the state of "humanity" and not see this as what is really is -- a planned and executed operation by the powers in charge to further polarize the race/class war in the USA.

The sooner you start to realize THIS and stop bickering about the minute details of who is physically responsible : AKA (well the first/front of the crowd) ...

And start to realize a MUCH larger picture, just look at THIS PICTURE:

Or this one:

Wow, look at that mob... but look at the same set of photos of who is in "charge" --

White, Anglo-American authority figure....

I am a white, anglo, 26 year old...and I find this media coverage "fishy" -- there HAD to be a near equal "white" representation at this Walmart in this neighborhood.

This is nothing more than another "us vs. them"

It sickens me.

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 07:11 AM
Another poster mentioned the 32" flat screen tv's on sale at Walmart.

Funny, the news here interviewed a gentleman that looked just like the men in that crowd, and he was waiting in line at a local walmart bragging that "i must have that 32" flatscreen tv, i will do whatever I have to do to get it, i absolutely MUST have that tv, no matter what it takes!".

Lets face it mostly males would be fixated on those tv's, lots of the females are shopping for toys and such for their kids. Those homeboys are not standing in line for hours and breaking down the doors of walmart so they can provide their kids with one nice toy on christmas. Sheesh a lot of them probably don't even know where their kids live.

Perhaps walmart should NOT offer blitz sale items that will attract specific demographics that may cause trouble. Perhaps they should cater their blitz sales towards those buying toys and such.

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 07:13 AM

"Give up all rights, privacy...humanity is sick and we need an Orwellian society to grant us a Utopia! All unite and cast off personal freedom for the common good!"

Yep...the terrors will only reach a boiling point before a "world leader" claims that which I have already said.

Sad but true, this is the fate of humanity.

The great minds of science fiction such as Issac Asimov and George Orwell knew and understood the nature of mankind...

I'm glad I will not give birth to a child in my life to this world.

[edit on 29-11-2008 by MystikMushroom]

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 07:21 AM
Yes lets all debate and talk about the sickness of the materialistic nature of mankind, but at the same time ignore the biased and sickening (little to no and biased) coverage.

Sounds good to me!

Whatever.... Small potatoes vs. the REAL ISSUES.

I suppose the smaller issues need to be integrated by as many as possible -- in order for more people to really open their minds.

I accept this...

It just sickens me that it takes so long for a supposed "intelligent race" to realize what is being done to itself.

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 07:41 AM
you people say "we" "us" speak for yourself because "I" am not part of the cattle mentality...

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 07:43 AM
Greed takes over people when they're after something they want. It's a sad emotion for humans, but Hey - It happens.

I feel bad for his family.

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 07:46 AM
reply to post by wayno

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 07:48 AM

Originally posted by MystikMushroom
Yes lets all debate and talk about the sickness of the materialistic nature of mankind, but at the same time ignore the biased and sickening (little to no and biased) coverage.

Sounds good to me!

Whatever.... Small potatoes vs. the REAL ISSUES.

I suppose the smaller issues need to be integrated by as many as possible -- in order for more people to really open their minds.

I accept this...

It just sickens me that it takes so long for a supposed "intelligent race" to realize what is being done to itself.

No offence, but you're coming across as a little sanctimonious. I've seen a couple of photographs, but I live on the other side of the Atlantic and I don't know how representative the photographs are of the population that particular area. Should I make a comment on it all the same? Just make something up?

Also, the points about consumerism are hardly off-topic despite your personal belief they're secondary to what you perceive as being the real 'story' behind this tragedy.

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 07:54 AM
For me this says far more about the nature of our society and consumerism than anything else.

I can't imagine ever desiring an OBJECT so much as to be in this kind of situation, ever!

It's very sad that Humans find such ridiculous pleasure in ownership, status and material gain...

It really is quite pathetic.

In all honesty, while it is sad for the people involved, if you worship at the alter of consumerism with such an unashamed feverish thirst, my sympathy is limited.

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 08:08 AM

Originally posted by jsobecky
reply to post by Voxel

Panic is where someone is driven by fear, as in escaping a building fire. Being trampled because you are enraptured, whatever the idol may be, god or TV, is stupid.

OK So you didn't even read the article you posted. I can see why your ignorance shines through in every post. According to the article, the people at the front of a huge line started to panic because it was raining and some rocks started to fall from the mountainside.

I know you don't like to let facts stand in the way of your sanctimonious BS but the least you could do is read your own linked article before you start your knee-jerk "Merica is Great" spiel.

Admit it, you are are simply outmatched by most everyone on this forum so you resort to hit-and-run posting tactics in an effort to inflate your own ego while offering little more than patriotic platitudes in support of some corrupt institution which neither asks for nor desires your protection.


posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 08:18 AM
Its very clear that the genetic make up of the perps tells the whole story. You can take the negro out of the jungle but you cannot take the jungle out of the negro.

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 08:32 AM
This is what happens when the value of -things- becomes more important then the value of your fellow man. Year after year we have become more rabid in our desire to consume and farther and farther from the spirit of why we celebrate the season. We get deeper debt and in the end don't have much to show for it.

The entire contents of that store were not worth anyones life. Could you imagine being that man, dieing on the floor as throngs of people rush by, hoping that someone, -anyone- would stop and help you but instead they keep on rushing by to get their flatscreen TV or Blue-ray player.

Every person who saw him on the floor and did not help forfited a good portion of their humanity/soul.

[edit on 29-11-2008 by Helmkat]

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 08:34 AM
This is not about America, it is about the whole Human race.

Humans are not 'good' or altruistic by nature. Unless there is a current or future strategic or materialisic gain from assisting someone, your average human would not bother. It is something that one comes to realise by being part of society in any Western (and most other) country.

I feel though, in this case the individuals at the store (CCTV, credit card details are traceable) should all be fined for 'disorderly conduct' to the tune of what they gained from the store.

or....Corporate Social Responsibility should be constituted into law.

Corporate Social Responsibility

This would make Corporations legally responsible for their actions and any possible impacts on society.

My other point is that there is NO consequence or punishment for undesirable actions. Who will be held to account for the death? no one.

The crime / punishment association seems to have eroded away in recent times and is more of a crime / rehabilitation and absolution of blame association. (in the UK anyway)

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 08:47 AM

Originally posted by MystikMushroom
Yes lets all debate and talk about the sickness of the materialistic nature of mankind, but at the same time ignore the biased and sickening (little to no and biased) coverage.

Sounds good to me!

Whatever.... Small potatoes vs. the REAL ISSUES.

I suppose the smaller issues need to be integrated by as many as possible -- in order for more people to really open their minds.

I accept this...

It just sickens me that it takes so long for a supposed "intelligent race" to realize what is being done to itself.

It's ridiculous statements such as this that only look at the smaller and IRRELEVANT picture, that put people like yourself in my ignore list. Have fun continuing to convince people that the news media somehow managed to convince 2000 black people to come to this particular wal mart, and kill a person, all so they could catch it on tape and paint blacks in a negative light in the news
You're so incredibly cluless its laughable.

Don't bother replying, you're on my ignore list now and I won't see your posts anymore

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 08:49 AM

Originally posted by Zepherian
In an attempt to inject some common sense into this thread, let me remind people that for every 100 idiots camped in front of a store, there are 10's of thousands smart enough to stay at home with their families. This is the low end of the Bell curve, and while indeed very sad, especially for the innocent victim and his family, it is in no way representative of what humanity as a whole is.

I would rather pay 30% more a few weeks earlier than be caught up in the middle of a crowd of morons, as would most people.

Well said Zepherian, VERY LOW end of the curve. Take a look at the pictures at the CROWD('

In our Small American town nothing ever happens like this.

So saddened for the family of the victims.


posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 08:51 AM
reply to post by Nerevar

I hope you don't mind my disagreeing with you. Because to be completely honest, I don't really see myself in that light (though who knows, I might be wrong) I believe that people can in fact be altruistic and do good things. However, we've been conditiones ever since we're children to be the complete opposite, that we think that it's normal to behave in a selfish egotistical manner. I mean look at the images on TV and for the most part, that's what you'll see. That's why pretty much I've gotten rid of cable TV and get my info only from online sources, or if I do watch something on TV, it's on DVD. I simply don't bother with current media shows. Personally I think it's made me a better person for it. But again, I could be wrong.

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 09:12 AM

Originally posted by andy1033
I have always said that consumerism is a mental illness, that like above, is forced on us by the media.

Though most sheeple, want to play along anyway.

there is a reason it is forced on us, and it is human nature for some to fall for it

OUR socioeconomic system revolves around CAPITALISM. In order to get captial/$/income you must entice people to buy......

once we understand that every socioeconomic system has inherent "flaws" no matter what , and stop imagining we live in a fairy tale world where, if everyone does there job we will have a flawless society...we have to realize and balance that humans as a society will have these issues no matter what. On an individual level we can each choose family friendships nature over material excess but the paradox is that if this was the majority opinion the country would go into a deep depression..........which we may be doing now anyhow.

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