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I think I found a secret facility

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posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 06:10 PM
There are a few people commenting on why there are so many planes there, this is because it is an aircraft cemetery. As stated in a link provided by the OP.
A quick google image search confirms this:

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 06:28 PM
Common sense would require at least some secrecy in all military training facilities. How much would you want your enemies to know about your training? No big mystery! It's too bad that cloaked government operations aren't overseen by a reliable body to ensure public and not private interests are being met. Even if there were a reliable check and balance procedure, most people who log on here would prefer to believe there isn't. So what if it was a secret facility? Maybe we could focus on ways to pass new legislation that limits public funds and resources from being controlled private corporations instead of potentially undermining a military whose mandate is to protect you (ask any enlisted person). You'll never change the nature of the us military head on, you must change the nature and legality of lobbyists and public/private conflict of interest.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 06:31 PM

Originally posted by spitefulgod
reply to post by ravenshadow13

ohh well, here is a nice google map in that you rarely see people on aerial maps,19.429728&spn=0.000648,0.001202&z=20

Wow, I actually got the chills for a second, all those people seem to be doing their thing, but one guy just north of that hole (who I inadvertently zoomed right into), is just standing there, staring up in the direction the photo was taken.

Kind of like those portraits where you feel the eyes follow you. LOL, gave me the hee-bee-jeebies for a sec.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 06:45 PM
So we have got possible CIA involvment.
Circle crops with irrigation.
Transport planes and cargo depot.
Perhaps they got sick of importing there drugs and are trying to grow there own?

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 06:45 PM
hey guys long time tucsonan here its very probible there is something going on there ive seen some # over the years

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 06:47 PM
You can look up federal contracts with Evergreen here:

The entries that seem to pertain to the plane stuff for 2007 are (and the data is in order of Parent Company Name, Contractor Name(s), Total Amount (for this search)):





No results are found for 2008. 2006 results for The Alliance Contractor Team with contractors "EVERGREEN INTERNATIONAL AIRLIN; NORTH AMERICAN AIRLINES" give $999,318,445. For 2005, same contractors for $985,865,540. 2004 gives "North American Airlines" as the contractor under the same parent company for $961,600,936. 2003 - same contractor for $1,194,932,415. 2002 - same contractor, $622,198,878. No data before then.

Contractor Misconduct's site says :

The Alliance Contractor Team is composed of World Air Holdings and Evergreen International Airlines. World Air Holdings (purchased by Global Aero Logistics Inc. in 2007) is the parent company of World Airways, North American Airlines and World Risk Solutions, Ltd. World Airways and North American Airlines have more than 70 years of combined experience in the aviation business. They operate around the world in every time zone and carry both passengers and cargo. Evergreen International Airlines has provided passenger and cargo service around the world for more than 40 years.

Federal Contract $: $ 999.3m

This 2005 article sheds light on what The Alliance Contractor Team does: The Air Force issues "delivery orders to the various carriers" and the U.S. military "uses military and commercial air carriers to provide airlift capabilities to U.S. forces, including deployment of troops overseas and transport of cargo."

This September 11, 2008 article talks more about Evergreen and what the Alliance Contractor Team do:

It says this is for "International Airlift Services". The article has some interesting diagrams of planes on there, and mentions modifications Evergreen makes to the Boeing 747.

Defense business as usual, right?

[edit on 24-11-2008 by wintermarches]

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 06:50 PM

Originally posted by helpmefindtheway
Kind of like those portraits where you feel the eyes follow you. LOL, gave me the hee-bee-jeebies for a sec.

I zoomed out on that, and that photo is from the Middle East, not the U.S. where this plane site was found.

[edit on 24-11-2008 by wintermarches]

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 06:55 PM
reply to [url=]post by evil gnome[/u

Thanks.....It is the equipment used to conduct icing tests on aircraft.......

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 07:14 PM
I don't really think there is anything to be suspicious about here, only to be curious about things that your government is doing on your behalf.

Every country has secrets to keep. Every nation has bunkers, military installations and equipment classified to maintain secrecy and the upper hand against any other nation.

To me, this looks like a regular aviation company has bought ex-government land, and shares that access road with the existing (smaller) military grounds to the top (fenced in, black choppers and army vehicles...)

In the UK I think we often sell off military land that is no longer used to companies related to the government (such as trusted contractors).
An M.O.D site I once worked on was down-scaled, so they sold off some buildings, fenced between them, removed bridges and filled voids.
Then a few years later the site closed and they sold the remaining property to a land management contractor for the M.O.D. That contractor then removed any sign of what it once was and sold it on to a regular development company to build.

This looks like a military site, partially sold to a civilian company who also provides services to the military under contract. It's a good way to make money back on a site no longer used, while maintaining as much of the infrastructure as possible should it be needed for military use again.

Bunkers, secrecy, military vehicles and high security only tell you that it was or is a military site. There's nothing to be suspicious about here.

But there is plenty for curious minds like myself to enjoy.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 07:32 PM
reply to post by Chadwickus


That is an awesome photo! I have a few questions:

1.) If this is "an aircraft cemetery", why have they not been sold for scrap metal? Especially in these times?

2.) If the answer is that this is a museum of some sort, then why do they need so many of the same planes, as there are on the right of the pic?

I don't prescribe to any fancy theories, but if you could answer that for me, I'd be most thankful!

Respectfully, Tort!

Viva "Eddie" - what a wrestler!!

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 07:46 PM
reply to post by TortoiseKweek

I think these planes could be used for spares and repair of units that are in use. To build a part for an existing plane in use, especially if the manufacturers are no longer producing these parts, would be extremely expensive surely.

Plus, the labor needed to strip these planes and process the materials might negate the profit made from the process. It could be cheaper to let the planes slowly rust away than pay to have them dismantled and the materials used.

Or, they could just be really bad at managing their backlog of planes to be dismantled!

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 07:49 PM
reply to post by TortoiseKweek

Hiya TortoiseKweek, from this article it says:

Old airplanes are stored there with the hope that the dry desert climate will prevent any form of corrosion in case the aircraft is pressed into service in the future. Even so, many aircraft which are brought there wind up being scrapped. Nearby Davis-Monthan Air Force Base provides the same service to the U.S. military. The majority of the aircraft at Pinal Airpark formerly belonged to Northwest Airlines, though many other airlines are represented as well.

So this explains why so many just sit there, there are quite a few bone yards around Checkhere for a few more.

Also this site has heaps of photo's from Pinal Airpark:

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 07:55 PM
From references in my googling, it seems that one of the things international airlift carriers do is transport food to countries in need (as in humanitarian aid and disaster relief operations). One title I happened upon was "INTERNATIONAL AIRLIFT SERVICE FOR MOVEMENT OF PERISHABLE SUBSISTENCE". For security reasons, my computer is giving me a hard time about opening that one.

Another reference I found was regarding food to Somalia. Plus the U.S. has sent airlift aid to Bosnia-Herzegovina in 1992.

That could explain the food in the location as described by OP.

[edit on 24-11-2008 by wintermarches]

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 08:08 PM
Lookie here:
Li nk
(Scroll down to "Evergreen International Airlines")

Some tidbits from that page:

-USAF has been using them since 1975

-they were very involved in providing services for the Iraq war, even receiving awards for it

-Amnesty International included them in a report "Below the Radar: Secret Flights to Torture and 'Disappearance'" in 2006. From the above link:

Evergreen was one of only a handful of private companies with current permits to land at U.S. military bases worldwide. That same year, the company even airlifted FOX News personality Bill O'Reilly and his TV show crew to Kuwait and Iraq...

Are these airlift operations part of the Civil Reserve Air Fleet? It's got 3 sections: international, national (with two separate divisions for domestic and Alaskan), and aeromedical evacuation.

As far as domestic duties, the CRAF can be used in times of emergency. This fleet saves the Air Force money, and would be used in wartime or times of high conflict.

So would these be used as FEMA planes during martial law?

[edit on 24-11-2008 by wintermarches]

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 08:20 PM
reply to post by Chadwickus

Thanks Chadwickus!!

You answered my questions! And posted evidence.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 08:20 PM
The link below has quite an extensive historical look at the airfield and what it is being used for now, and what it has been used for in the past. Scroll down about 1/3 way and you will see it starts there.

Abandoned and Little Known Airfields

[edit on 24/11/2008 by xtradimensions]

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 08:34 PM
ah yes,the white plane is the give away,for white planes are used to chemtrail.

its highly dubious anyone woudl be allowed to enter such a facility who would able to spread the information you are supplying, smell a rat,a false trail.

instead this is whats happening,the chemtrail campaign is an ai cover up/disinfo campaign designed to mask to existence of nanobot technology within humans which has been present for thousands of years.those responsible are future ai who hold to allegiance to any human,they want us all dead.
so in order to cover up thier own nanobots they have to blame some one else,hence why as usual they blame a human organisation who appear to be capable of creating nanobot technology,and hence why this base as usual is linked to the cia,their favourite whipping boys!.

listen not to thier lies,the chemtrail campaign is an instigated disguise,a smokescreen for nanotech thats been here for thousands of years,know who is really responsible for the nanotech and who they are setting up as the fall guy!

thus this base is a set up,a false flag so to speak!

its obvious,well to me anyway.

on another note i suspect what the white planes are actually being used for is most likely weather control experiments,not to much harm there compared to the ais scalar wave methods,and this weather control is being portrayed with a clever misinfo campaign by the ais into being a nanobot spraying campaign.
there so smart!.

yet another note,such human weather control is most likely being used as a mask for the ais weather control which once again has been present for millenia.
hence why everyone knows about it,we always know dont we?,some how apparently super secret info is always easily availible at our fingetips,and thats because the ais want us to know,so we believe its humans doing it and not them.

isnt the magnificently evolved future with all thier super ais and inter temporal viewing supposed to be infinitly smarter than all humans,i guess not,ahhhh thank god for biological pattern recognition skills they try so hard to dumb down!

thanks s!

[edit on 24-11-2008 by welivefortheson]

[edit on 24-11-2008 by welivefortheson]

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 08:55 PM
reply to post by Retseh

It could be anything, but if you want a sinister theory, it could be drugs. 'Skyhook', 'food distribution' white military aircraft, sounds like it.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 09:05 PM
Evergreen also offers:

Highly trained private security contractors and civilian peacekeepers

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 09:10 PM
I am curious as to how/why your friend was allowed entrance to this facility.

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