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Ultimate Snub Fest: World Leaders Refuse to Shake Bush's Hand During G20 Photo-Op

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posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 11:56 AM
reply to post by pieman

Arabs usually don't like the nation of Israel. Osama is using that position to justify him attacking us, because, he claims we are a zionist nation, all of this zionist propaganda about the US pretty much more or less has come directly from his words. They claim we are a zionist nation and I think they are trying to get people against us by saying that.

reply to post by Jay-in-AR

He has said he wants to bring Jihaid to the entire world and to America. I've never said he hates us for our freedom, but, it just so happens that the nations he wants to convert to Islam, are free in that sense and that they have freedoms.

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 11:58 AM
reply to post by Frankidealist35

Peace initiatives in the middle east?

Yeah, peace on OUR terms.

The United States has a very long history of meddling in the affairs of the Middle Eastern people. The Iran Contra scandal?

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by Frankidealist35

Well at least SOMEONE gives a damn about what Bin Laden claims. Could he be playing you??

Apparently Bush and Co. don't really give a damn about him. They diverted their resources away from the task of finding and killing him long ago. In fact, one could argue that they don't want to anyhow. Afterall, he IS a known CIA asset.

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 12:02 PM
reply to post by Jay-in-AR

Yes I am aware of this but I don't think that the middle east was this bad before 9-11. In fact, I do remember that before 9-11 we were talking about peace in the middle east. I just don't think that what Al-quaeda wants has had anything to do with that.

The Obama administration seems really intent on finding Osama Bin Laden. Hopefully they won't be like the Bush administration and give up on finding him.

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 12:05 PM
reply to post by Frankidealist35

The middle east has been "bad" for a very long time. You tend to see that in regions with very little in means of natural resources. Odd that they all fight over the good pieces of land.

Hey, if I were a nomadic herder, I would call the desert oasis a holy land also.

Funny thing is that they have ONE resource that drives EVERY ASPECT of our economy. And we use that as a means of war in the area. As if these people couldn't fight over their land themselves. We have to MAKE SURE there is peace over there, don't we?

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 12:08 PM

Originally posted by Frankidealist35
Arabs usually don't like the nation of Israel.
i don't like isreal, it's expansionist and it shoots children for throwing stones!! what's to like.

Osama is using that position to justify him attacking us, because, he claims we are a zionist nation, all of this zionist propaganda about the US pretty much more or less has come directly from his words.

i think it comes from the fact that the US helped set up a country especially for jews and gives it lots and lots of money and guns to maintain itself. in what way is the us not a zionist state? thats not particularly why he doesn't like the US, mainly it's because the US is in his country proping up an oppressive monarchy because that monarchy give the US oil in return.

[edit on 21/11/08 by pieman]

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 12:09 PM
reply to post by Jay-in-AR

Yup. We have to protect our own interests. I'm sure if we didn't care about the countries we're interested in within the middle east and that we were independent from foreign oil that we would not need to be there.

Me? I blame the NWO for making us be there...

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 12:10 PM
reply to post by pieman

The US didn't do it. The UN did it. Their nation was made in 1947 by the UN following World War II, and, it wasn't just some US ploy.

Also, I would like to mention that our Government is not their slaves like people like to think we are. We only give aid to them. We tend to not get involved with their conflicts.

[edit on 21-11-2008 by Frankidealist35]

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 12:12 PM
reply to post by Frankidealist35

As I said, anyone who opposes U.S. Hegemony is regarded as a terrorist, and we kill them.

Then the Government uses their propaganda machine (the MSM) to tell YOU that these people are "terrorists" and you start saying stuff like "we've got to defeat the terrorists"...

I don't blame the NWO, I blame YOU for not seeing through the bullsnap.

And to actually apologize for Bush is beyond me.

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 12:12 PM
Am i reading this? knock knock, i thought i would meet enlightened people on ATS who dont listen to propaganda...Seems some people still do...

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 12:12 PM
reply to post by Frankidealist35

not saying they are the only ones that helped set up isreal, i'm saying the US is zionist.

and the US gives isreal militery aid, that means you do get involved in their conflicts.

[edit on 21/11/08 by pieman]

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 12:15 PM
Furthermore, the "interests" you speak of are nothing more than the tools they use to keep their own citizens in an indentured servitude living.

We DON'T NEED those "interests."...

The real problem here is our own apathy. Nothing more, nothing less.

But to spew the MSM talking points irritates me to no end. People need to WAKE UP.

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 12:15 PM

Originally posted by Shocka
Not a hoax...

I can't believe the amount of ignorance that's being embraced by ATSers in this thread. It's not a hoax because it was never a hoax in the first place, just a misunderstanding due to BAD REPORTING. The clip you posted predates the clarifications that have been made which state that Bush wasn't ignored, and he wasn't shaking hands because he had his own photo OP a very short while before that footage was shot.

Let's say you run into an old acquaintance at the grocery store. You go through the usual motions w/ salutations and chit chat then go on your way. 5 mins later you run into the same person in a different aisle, and then again 5 minutes later. Are you supposed to go through the motions again two more times? This is nothing more than an awkward situation that everyone can appreciate if they take the time to think. How the hell did this thread get to 4 pages anyway?

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by pieman

Do you have proof? I know that you may think that our country is zionist, but, zionism is just a word thrown around by people who are anti-Israel. The word itself really has no meaning. We don't look at Israel more favorably than any other nation. We look at Europe more favorably than Israel.

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 12:17 PM
reply to post by Jay-in-AR

How are we living in servitude?

We aren't a police state yet.

I am still able to do what I want to. The Government isn't telling me what to do.

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 12:21 PM
I don't understand why this thread is still open when there is one that is open on this subject from yesterday.

[edit on 11/21/2008 by CaptGizmo]

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 12:23 PM
reply to post by Frankidealist35

When you realize that we don't need the interests we protect in the first place, it all becomes very clear.

Do you know people have created cars that run on water? I'm sure you've heard it. Now think about that for a bit in the context of our discussion. Now ponder the fact that your LABOR IS TAXED.

You are a servant. Your requests are not represented (bailout bs). And if you DO free yourself from the system (create a car that runs on water and try to sell it) you'll be killed. Nothing is allowed that does not conform to their plans - period.

How cheap would groceries be if they didn't have the shipping costs of fuel added on? How much more money could you use to buy those cheap groceries if your labor wasn't taxed? The questions could go on and on. You are a slave. So am I.

They just give us the illusion of having a voice. Put it to the test and see what happens. We did, just recently. It went unheard.

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 12:25 PM

Originally posted by Frankidealist35
The word itself really has no meaning.

this comment explains a lot.

Modern Zionism is concerned with the support and development of the state of Israel.

america is clearly Zionist, they support isreal.

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 12:27 PM
reply to post by Jay-in-AR

I'm not enslaved anymore than you are or anymore than anyone else living under a Government.

reply to post by pieman

America is not zionist. We are a nation that is allied with a lot of other nations. There is no proof that Israel controls our foreign policy.

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 12:33 PM
reply to post by Frankidealist35

If it is more comfortable for you to feel that way, by all means. Here in reality however, people are starting to see through this system. The next revolution, whenever it comes, is going to be the most significant in human history. The next renaissance is going to be one of almost utopian consequence, when compared to this debt serfdom reality we are suspended in today.

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