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Just wondering, why do so many of you seem to hate Jesus?

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posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 05:31 AM
reply to post by dominicus

Sorry, due to time restrictions I haven't read the whole thread yet, (will do later), but just in case no-one else has said;
I have no problems with the message which Jesus allegedly preached, it's just the subsequent interpretations and manipulations of his message and the act's and deeds of SOME of his followers which I find abhorent.

By the way, I am not exclusive in my dislike of Christianity; I find most interpretations of Islam repulsive and have a particular disgust for the intolerance it preaches.
Judaism is a fascist religion which preaches the superiority of one particular race and there are aspects of Hinduism that I find repulsive.

All in all I find most organised religions have some beliefs, interpretations and followers which are quite disgusting.

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 06:00 AM
It's not that so many of us hate jesus per se. It's the fact that we hate having religion itself forced on us by the fanatical contingent within religion. Most people are neutral but like everything else we need to be left alone to make up our own minds and not be told what to feel, think or how to act. Myself i am a wiccan, and proud of it, but i dont insist that everyone else become a wiccan that is just my choice and it suits me. It gives me the support i want, and everyone should find support in the way and in the place they want.

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 07:06 AM
reply to post by prevenge

i felt obliged to respond to one of the mor scathing posts here

then do some research and check out the salem witch trials or the inquisition... or what missionaries did to native peoples to force them into converting into christians... would you like to drink some boiling oil too, OP? i didn't think so.

salem witch trials...... I never consider the culprits behind it to be true Christians, only masqueraders. Missionaries is a mixed bag, certainly many are masqueraders, but then you have ask your self the question of: if sum culture is sacrificing children as part of their religion, it definitely is a good idea to get in there and make changes. I feel missionaries are spreading an "updated" form of experiencing God, but also that those cultures should be historically "preserved"

also even today..the leadership of your clergy are perverted child raping psychos. you really think they "caught them all" ?? you think that jsut because a few of them were sued, that thats "it" .. no more?

I dont really consider the majority of Catholics as being true Christians. The clergy who "touch" kids, simple .... non-Christians masquerading.

you cling to the book because it's the reality you've wrapped yourself in since childhood, and you cannot see any other way of looking at reality.

Actually, been an Athiest all my life until I began the search for, if God is real, came across the Bible, and experienced Spiritual Enlightenment, you know Buddha under the Bodhi tree, with all the fireworks included. For me, I dont need faith, for me I know God exists and is part of me every day waking reality.

you're the victim of a cruel form of mind control.

HAHAHAhahaha Thats the funniest thing ever. Truth is, I was under mind control being an atheist before I became a Christian. After my conversion, I underwent ego death, transcendence, Illumination, experiencing oneness/non-duality, infinite Love, and "un-programming." I'm so far from mind-control its not even worth discussing. After my conversion is when I stopped watching TV, eating fast foods, eating meat, and listening to the Murdoch controlled MSM.

Have you ever considered that perhaps you're under mind control to make you believe Xtianity is wrong so that your kept from Experiencing God and seeing behind the veil of the matrix??? Ask yourself this.

you defy ultimate intellectual pursuit as "playing god"

Wow!!!! I'll tell you what, you can play with your "intellectual pursuits" all you want, with your logic and your reason and your rationale. In the mean time, I'll just kick back and rest in the eternal now, in the omnipresence of God, in transcendent realities beyond the mind, watching infinity, and listening to eternity, having peace and Divine Love.

and set limits around yourself as an invisible prison as to how you can't gratify urges your body tells you it wants.

This body my soul is using is a vehicle for me to experience "earth life." I have transcended its urges, since after Enlightenment, God has given me the strength to be master of my domain. I dont answer and succumb, as a slave, to my urges. They all answer and succumb to me.

so while i don't hate the symbolic character "Jesus" in your book... I detest any religion that limits mankind's infinite potential.

I also detest "religion", something that Jesus himself bashed. When I was an atheist and a non-Christian I was limited. Now I have transcendence and experience infinity and taste eternity. In my everyday reality, I walk in non-duality beyond any limits any one could ever even intellectualize. My way of life is direct knowledge from the Divine, whereas you, my dear friend whom I have much Love and compassion for, seem to be locked in box of bitterness and limits. Let go and be.

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 07:07 AM
'Jesus' being the Ideal we should strive for, is generally acknowledged as a worthwhile life quest.

But there are some people among us who truly detest those Ideals, personified in the 'Jesus image' as presented by modern Christianity.

others reject the method of attaining and actually living those 'Jesus Ideals' to the best of one's ability, as they are called flakes or persecuted as whimps, etc

the wide variety of reactions about Jesus, are usually formed by witnessing the acts & character of the leadership of Christ followers,
and the moral and behavior codes these different sects & Christian faiths insist upon for their followers/believers/faithful/parishiners.

the outsiders see hyprocracy and more

~~~ which begs the question;
did the prophetic word that Jesus would be 'despised among men'
carry over, beyond the Christ Ministry 2,000 years ago?
And 'Jesus' would continue to be hated, despised until the 2nd coming,
which includes the observation of this thread that Jesus is hated by 'many'

[edit on 19-11-2008 by St Udio]

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 07:25 AM

Originally posted by dominicus
HAHAHAhahaha Thats the funniest thing ever. Truth is, I was under mind control being an atheist before I became a Christian. After my conversion, I underwent ego death

For someone who claims to have experienced "ego death". Your post seems quite ego driven. You seem a bit gloating at times, condescending at others and even mocking. Maybe you're an 'ego zombie' or something? It died but came back later in some weird corrupted form?

transcendence, Illumination,

For all your illumination and understanding, it doesn't escape the fact that the premise for this thread is utterly wrong. You can't be that illuminated. It's been demonstrated many times on here that the starting point for your question - that many people seem to hate Jesus - is actually wrong. People don't hate Jesus, just the people who claim to act in his name.

Perhaps you're not so much 'illuminated' but actually 'in the dark' when it's come to this specific issue?

[edit on 19-11-2008 by Merriman Weir]

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 10:50 AM
reply to post by Merriman Weir

For someone who claims to have experienced "ego death". Your post seems quite ego driven. You seem a bit gloating at times, condescending at others and even mocking. Maybe you're an 'ego zombie' or something? It died but came back later in some weird corrupted form?

Merrimen Weir,
Your right, all I get from this thread is food for my ego. I love this thread soooo much it gives me everything I need in my life...... ahhhhh ego food. Get out of here are you serious????? What the heck is it with some people wanting to call others gloating, condescending, and mocking???

Difference between me and you is that being a Christian, I experience daily some awesome, out of this world, divine realities(non-duality). Now I dont know your situation and what you've experienced, but its funny, every time I'm at a get-together or dinner part, and someone brings up my Spiritual Enlightenment experiences ......there's usually a bitter person in the room, who after I leave and behind my back, says the exact thing you say. Then when I ask about this person, they're usually attributed by everyone else as negative, bitter, pessemystic, and low self esteem ....not saying that's you, but it has been an interesting observance so far from 3 other such persons.

But isn't it funny that i would sacrifice my own life to push you away from a run away bus, train, drunk driver, or murderer??? I'd literally take your place.

For all your illumination and understanding, it doesn't escape the fact that the premise for this thread is utterly wrong. You can't be that illuminated. It's been demonstrated many times on here that the starting point for your question - that many people seem to hate Jesus - is actually wrong. People don't hate Jesus, just the people who claim to act in his name.

The premise for this thread is to see what people think about this question I posed. I have brought up Jesus many times to people and have seen disgust on their face, leaving the room, people saying Fu#! Jesus, and many other nasty stuff. I dont know where your getting your speculated premise from, but your losing me here ........ this coming from the horses mouth.

Btw, many many people do hate Jesus and cant stand the guy.

Perhaps you're not so much 'illuminated' but actually 'in the dark' when it's come to this specific issue?

If I was illuminated on this issue, I would have never asked this question, isnt that obvious????

As far as Spiritual Illumination with the Love and Light that comes from God that I experienced, question it all you want. To you, I am whatever you say I am. To me, there is no you or me, there is only God and a big charade being played out

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 11:07 AM
reply to post by dominicus

I think that maybe you are using the wrong terms here. Why? Well, the term 'hate' is aweful strong.

I don't 'hate' Jesus at all. I believe that his "TRUE" message (not the one that is crammed down your throat by established churches) is closer to what you are saying here.

What I believe is that people have begun to 'HATE' the organized religion that has twisted his teachings. You say it yourself. He was AGAINST religion. He was for your personal journey and growth. Yet that is NOT what the churches will say.

Why? Because they will lose their source of income. Granted, many of the smaller churches actually use those funds to better their communities. But I have seen churches in down trodden neighborhoods that cost $5 million plus. I used to go to one in Tacoma WA.

Also, I believe your figures of the .0001% of academics NOT believing in him is WAY OFF. I would say it is closer to 50-50 at best. Most likely a higher number against. So that is a number I feel you have pulled from your own heart.

You see, I HAVE walked the path and I believe HE was right but that the churches are WRONG. They have used him to start wars against nations that don't believe IN HIM. What is wrong with NOT believing in him? Nothing. But to move in and KILL them in his name because you want to save their souls is a crock of crap that I will never believe. No matter what ANYONE says to me.

I have become disenfranchised with the established religion. With the greed that dwells at the top of most of these churches. When a pastor is driving around in a Mercedes that has every accessory possible and lives in a $750k home I begin to ask the question, Why?

You may say that it isn't like that everywhere but the problem is, with most decent size churces, that is the fact of the matter. The norm. And they don't pay taxes on that income so they make even more money.

So, you see, I attack now on what I have experienced. What I have seen. I don't hate or attack Christians at all. I do believe in what Jesus said. I feel that even if he didnt' exist that at least his message is good. It's just all of the other crap thrown in by the establishment that has corrupted his message that I don't like.

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 12:13 PM
at the end of a post reply, i found this strange, cryptic...

Originally posted by dominicus

To you, I am whatever you say I am.
To me, there is no you or me, there is only God and a big charade being played out

i understand the the first parts of identiifying self & recognizing others...
but whats with the '...big charade being played out' ??

one might find it enjoyable to explore this link & the related links it connects with;

the author has done some deeper soul searching, and offers a glimpse of the flavor of chapter one; 'the not so secret history of jesus'

to plumb ones spiritual nature, amongst other things

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 12:17 PM
reply to post by dominicus

Seriously? You're claiming to have undergone "ego death"? Do you read your posts? You sound pretty defensive and even a little angry to me. Maybe even smug?

I experience daily some awesome, out of this world, divine realities(non-duality)

Is this one of those 'my god is bigger than your god' things? Because it sure sounds like it. Also, it's a little arrogant to think I don't 'experience daily awesome' too. Or is your 'awesome' just that little better than mine because yours is Christian?

Again, none of this sounds like someone who has undergone "ego death" to me.

[edit on 19-11-2008 by Merriman Weir]

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by Benarius


My friend someday you will get to meet him face to face and I don't believe he will be asking you for a joint. But more likely "If you not believe in me, then you also do not believe in my Father, therefore, I do not know you."
You don't want to hear that when you see him!

In the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ


posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by kissy princess

When God created man. The angels were there with him as well as Jesus and the Holy Spirit. That is who is referred to as "We" and "our likeness".

God is a God of justice not hate. He loves all his creation ans wishes that none of them should be lost. That is why Jesus came to bridge the gap that no one else could to be able to reach the Father. Jesus was the perfect blood sacrifice for all men and all women. Thought Christ we have peace with God.

God bless,

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 01:18 PM
good question, why so many hate Jesus, unknown at this point.
I love Jesus because he died for our sins, and in these days
who would do this for all of mankind if God told them?
And I am not talking about lots of people doing this after drinking
cool aid! Jesus went through lashing that would hurt so bad that even his skin was being ripped from his body.
Jesus was also mocked and laughed at and then nailed to the cross and
dies for our sins.

just a thought

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 01:20 PM
sorry for being so graphic but alot of people has forgotten or just plain
dont want accept was happened.

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 04:48 PM
I am completely two ways with Jesus - generally he did good stuff/good speeches but he made some mistakes:

>> I wasn't impressed with his first miracle of turning water into wine. Much better if he gave a great speech to show that these people did not need drink to enjoy themselves

>> Also I can't equate a magician to preach his word. This would be Paul Daniels tying to educate us. Let's be honest about this - someone who produces "miracles" to get his message across can't have a fantastic message. Mother Theresa or Martin Luther King never succumbed to stage tricks.

>> If you interprt his role of coming into Jerusalem on donkey with palms as trying to imitate David coming into Jerusalem as the king, he had very high political ambitions - well need I say more.

And I hav nevr had nyone explain the whole world of angels and other demigogue figures. Christians baulk at all the Greek mythological figures and say there is only one god but ..... also a son, oh and angel gabriel, oh and other lesser angels (some bizarre demigod structure), oh and a devil.

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 04:48 PM
I am completely two ways with Jesus - generally he did good stuff/good speeches but he made some mistakes:

>> I wasn't impressed with his first miracle of turning water into wine. Much better if he gave a great speech to show that these people did not need drink to enjoy themselves

>> Also I can't equate a magician to preach his word. This would be Paul Daniels tying to educate us. Let's be honest about this - someone who produces "miracles" to get his message across can't have a fantastic message. Mother Theresa or Martin Luther King never succumbed to stage tricks.

>> If you interprt his role of coming into Jerusalem on donkey with palms as trying to imitate David coming into Jerusalem as the king, he had very high political ambitions - well need I say more.

And I hav nevr had nyone explain the whole world of angels and other demigogue figures. Christians baulk at all the Greek mythological figures and say there is only one god but ..... also a son, oh and angel gabriel, oh and other lesser angels (some bizarre demigod structure), oh and a devil.

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 04:50 PM
By the way - I did not ask Jesus to die for me, I sort my own mistakes out.

That is a little egocentric - isn't it?

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 04:54 PM

Originally posted by Pjotr

Originally posted by dominicus
Just wondering, why do so many of you seem to hate Jesus?

I dont think its right to hate Jesus because allot of "so called" Christians


I have been here on Earth for 2 days now and I noticed nobody respects HenryZpoc. Nobody seems to acknowlegde him. Why are you all such big Haters? HenryZpoc is total LOVE, he really rocks. He gave as everything we have on our planet. Why don't you see that? I must be the HATE that blinds you.
Has there been ONE Zpocian that ever did anything to you to hate our Henry so much?

(I am trying to put forward the logical stance of this post, this is not a flaming or whatever, and I don't hate anything or anybody, I am just trying to understand)

I love your post and I understand the idea you are conveying - well said

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 05:15 PM
To be honest here at the ATS I see those that hate Jesus or simple dont believe in him. And I see those who do believe in him. I for one believe and follow as best as I can. GOD is alive and Jesus is out their and until the end I will always try to be a better man for our family. God bless

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 05:59 PM

Originally posted by slymattb
To be honest here at the ATS I see those that hate Jesus or simple dont believe in him.

Where? Do I really even have to ask this again? Where are all the Jesus haters. Bring them before me, I will deal with them. As soon as they materialize. I think the others are right, this was just and excuse for the OP to preach or some crap, who knows but it seems a little strange that a thread on ATS with an accusation in can get this far without one post to back it's premise.

I think it is sad that any of us bothered to reply with a genuine answer to begin with. None is being sought here. Either you are wrong for not agreeing with the Christians or you are one of the few that do not hate jesus? That is the only choices given throughout this thread and still, nothing to back up this claim of hatred toward jesus.

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 06:13 PM
reply to post by HugmyRek

It is clear that you have not studied up on the 'guy'. As I have told others I will tell you. Jesus believes in you even if you do not believe in him, but at some point you will see him face to face and I hope you will KNOW him much sooner than that day.


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