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how many of you actually belive in the 2012 prediction?

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posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 06:07 AM
reply to post by OuttaHere

love your diatribe.. it says it all..

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 06:21 AM
yep 2012 is real, i don't think we'll have to wait until then to see things getting chaotic, it's already begun. I could list out over a dozen prophecies that say these are the end days but i won't cuz i bet they're already in this post. All i have to say is the Mayans have a supernatural way of accuracy that beats out ancient egyptians (and the pyramids are tough to beat). The mayans say it is a rebirth of this earth but anyway you look at it we're still screwed.

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 06:24 AM
I suppose you could say, it is with great dissappointment that nothing special will happen.

I think life has beome awfully mundane and any excitement (whether good or bad) would be greeted with open arms from myself.

After having read and watched countless theories and predictions on this whole 2012 saga, its pretty apparant that its going to be just another year like any other, maybe just slighly more mundane than the one before.

No concrete alien evidence will surfice, no concrete evidence will show any 911 inside job. Politicians will still be corrupt, people will still be "donkey"holes! and we will still all sit here on ats trying to figure out the huge untruths we are being fed!

We seem to be stuck in this downward spiral of mass boredom!

Bah, Live like theres no tommorow and dance like no-ones watching!

Cause honestly, thats the closest anyone of us will come to any truth...our inner truth!

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 06:36 AM
I have been told by my guides that I was being prepared for the shifting of the earths axis. I believe them. Not sure about time lines for the event, but with all of the travel towards the center of the milky way, it is possible.

Also I have a theory which I am sharing here now for the first time, and may or may not come to pass, but what if global warming and the melting of the polar ice caps will cause the entire shelf of South America to disappear under the sea level? What if the prophecies are true but only for the modern Mayan civilization? perhaps an asteroid hit? I dont know but they have hit pay dirt too many times to discount something big for that region about to happen.

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 07:09 AM
I predict in 2012 that nothing cosmic will happen, but people will try hard to find things to justify their beliefs. Those that believe this nonsense will further entrench themselves in it, that is normal human psychology. All kinds of excuses will be made. Others will try to connects things like natural disasters, crises, and conflicts in nonsensical ways.

We'll all still be here and so will the weirdos. Yay....

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 07:22 AM
On that date the spaceship Charmin from the diarrhea galaxy will be circling Uranus looking for ClingOns..........

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 07:22 AM
2012 and Y2K couldn't be more different. Y2K was a superficial occurence - simply a significant number that had the potential to confuse a few computer systems. The significance of 2012 has nothing to do with the number '2012' - it is an extremely ancient prediction made by people who understand the cosmos better than we do.

I do believe something's going to happen, but I'd never be as bold as to say what. Human civilisation is cyclical. We rise and we fall, attain knowledge and forget it, die and are reborn. At some point, something will happen to our great civilisation. 2012 seems like as likely a time as any. All I know is that I've got a lot of ambitions to achieve in the next four years. If something happens, or if nothing happens, at least I'll have lived a worthwhile life. Either way it's fine. My soul is eternal and lives beyond 21/12/2012.

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 07:44 AM
reply to post by N. Tesla

apparently theres a bee problem at the moment, and if bees died out humans would die out in four years, ie 2012

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 07:47 AM
There is no prediction first of all...second of all,there is no significance with 2012 astologoically,only with december every year,and third the mayan calendar worked in cycles so it didnt end abruptly...So yes this is basically another y2k which will pass and everyone will be looking towards a new date to scare monger weak minded folks about...

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 10:18 AM
off course something will happen. millions have heard that 2012 will be special.. some many have heard of it that many, many, many will go bananas with the hoaxes.

If something REAL happens, something or supernatural etc, well that remains to see.. but something will definitly happen.. in the form of countless hoaxes.

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 10:30 AM
Well, i believe that the mayan calendar ended in 2012 becuese they realized the pointlessness of having a calendar so very far ahead in time...

haha honestly, I'm not quite sure what to make of it... I'd personally not want anything doomsday-ish to happen, but i'll also be abit disappointed should nothing happen....

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 11:24 AM
Who really knows what 2012 will bring. But going by TODAY'S events, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize the world as a whole is heading in a dangerous direction which COULD reach climax by 2012.

Personally I see war coming. Financial crisis first, then recession ending in depression. This as in times past brings about the desperation and despair, frustration leading to anger.

I dont know about anyone else, but the next few years are going to be very interesting indeed. The current financial crisis is yet to fully filter down to average Joe Smith and family. The trillions lost WILL be accounted for and WILL have an enormous effect on you and I.

Its interesting, this date of 2012. Considering the current climate, of which I believe is only the beginning. An awakening and all that garbage is NOT what I'm expecting at all. Far from it. If history is anything to go by, then gear up people, we are heading down that most terrible road where the culling of human kind repeats itself, as we have done twice already.

I truly hope I'm wrong. But I dont see things getting any better thus far. Actually its quite the opposite. And if things continue to go the current coarse, then 2012 sure looks ominous.

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 11:28 AM
well, i'll say this... the Vatican and other world governments not only know it will happen but have made the appropriate preparations to survive what's coming. They've always known about it because they (the ancestors of the world elite) survived when it happened last time. life is truly circular. and once again while most of us are good people, we are too stupid and ignorant to face the truths that the NWO already know about this universe. the most important thing is to prepare your spirit, because your chance of survival is 1 out of 10 (literally).

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 11:39 AM
No, nothing will happen.
And I think that's crap, I want change.
I want aliens.
I want WW3, I want the GFL!
I can even settle for a NWO, or weird ass government mind control.

Something interesting needs to happen.

My dad tells me about vietnam.
My grandpa tells me about WW2.
My great Grandma tells me about the great depression.

So WTH am I going to tell my children?

We had the great.. recession?
I don't think so.

I was born back ye ole' 89, so nothing interesting has really happened in my life yet.

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 12:31 PM
After looking into this over the past year and all the different idea's I came to my own idea.

Many people say the Mayan calendar ends in 2012. Turns out that is false. It actually is switching over to a 5th segment on the calendar we are in the 4th segment now obviously.

This outer segment I was told follows the rotation of us around the center of our galaxy and is based off of stars visible in the night sky.

The prediction made for when we move from the 4th to the 5th segment, by the Mayan's, was a world wide change. They believed that the alignment with the sun, earth and the black hole in the center of the galaxy would open a doorway up for evil spirits to come through on the day of the winter solstice which is Dec 21, 2012.

Then someone started the nasty rumor that the Mayan calendar ends on that day when it does not. Most everyone went along with it and now it is one of those false facts that everyone thinks they know is true.

Sure something could happen that would affect the entire planet but chances are it's slim. The super volcano in Yellowstone could erupt that day but at the same time it's way overdue to erupt according to scientists so an eruption anytime know would be expected.

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 01:07 PM
The world will end in 2012 but not as we know it there is a great shift in conscious going on & people normal people are slowly awakeing to there intuition they are realising right from wrong this recession we are in is because people are sick & tired of being ripped off and are saying enough is enough all you people who dont believe & refuse point blank to believe we are the only living galaxy boy you are in for a serious wake up call you are all clearly scared you have already met your maker & you dont even realise this or you do but your scared to admit what you know deep down but what we have got to also realise yes there are egotistic people out there who try to change the way we think & feel but they will not win peace will prevail over evil there will be wars but you have to go back before you can move forward remember this "Man will no greed no more" I send you all love & light especially to all the sceptics.

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 01:30 PM

Originally posted by Darthorious
After looking into this over the past year and all the different idea's I came to my own idea.

Many people say the Mayan calendar ends in 2012. Turns out that is false. It actually is switching over to a 5th segment on the calendar we are in the 4th segment now obviously.

This outer segment I was told follows the rotation of us around the center of our galaxy and is based off of stars visible in the night sky.

The prediction made for when we move from the 4th to the 5th segment, by the Mayan's, was a world wide change. They believed that the alignment with the sun, earth and the black hole in the center of the galaxy would open a doorway up for evil spirits to come through on the day of the winter solstice which is Dec 21, 2012.

Then someone started the nasty rumor that the Mayan calendar ends on that day when it does not. Most everyone went along with it and now it is one of those false facts that everyone thinks they know is true.

Sure something could happen that would affect the entire planet but chances are it's slim. The super volcano in Yellowstone could erupt that day but at the same time it's way overdue to erupt according to scientists so an eruption anytime know would be expected.

We dont align with the center of our galaxy EVER...2012 is no exception...that also false information.

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by N. Tesla

No one knows. One thing is pretty clear to me, however. The earth--as far as our history goes--has never seen a time like this one. We are in a period of extreem novelty. It feels like something extraordinary could happen because of how unusual things seem to have become. The US has just elected its first black president, we have something called an Internet that links up the world for the first time in history, we have an environmental crisis (global warming or no global warming), people are seeing UFOs all over the place, a new spirituality and independance of spirit and mind is being seen across the world....

The stage is set for something big...but what it will be and if it will be is anybody's guess. My guess is that we will not recognize the world 10 years from now.

[edit on 18-11-2008 by Silenceisall]

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 01:42 PM

Originally posted by Solomons
We dont align with the center of our galaxy EVER...2012 is no exception...that also false information.


The center of the galaxy is huge and is billions of light years away. In one sense we are ALWAYS in alignment with it.

What the Mayan astronomers (not astrologers) meant was that the great dust cloud that divides the Milky Way will orient itself with the rising sun on that date. The dust cloud has been there. This winter it's only a degree or so away from alignment.

This is caused by the earth's wobble.

I predict that in 2011 and 2012, the people who supply survivalists are going to start selling those MREs again (the ones left over from Y2K) and a lot of books will be written that will gain some temporary wealth for the authors. After that, they will have to find a new gig.

This wobble has been going on for the past 4 billion years or so, and during that time nothing in particular happens each time the earth's axis aligns with the center of the galactic dust cloud at sunrise on the first day of winter. If you'll recall, we have civilizations who were writing things down since at least 4,000 BC (that would mean that we've gone through 2-3 of these cycles ever since humans became literate) and nobody's noticed anything unusual on these dates.

The Mayans had no specific prophecies about it other than "calendar ends. New one begins. We call it a new age." Their stelae had dates further into the future than 2012, so we know that they didn't think the world would end then.

Interestingly enough, these "new 2012 prophecies" have reached the real Mayan people and they are starting to believe these are the prophecies of their ancestors... even though they know that this is not true. However, Authorities With Money (tourists and new age shamans) have been telling them this is their lost heritage, and money is a very convincing teacher.

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 02:49 PM
Predictions are complete and pure B.S.. NO predictions come true unless you are just lucky. I might say I predict the economy will get worse. Big deal, anyone can do that.

Other than that, nothing ever ever ever that hes been predicted has come true. If anything that was predicted happened, it was pure luck and nothing more.

Nothing will happen in 2012.

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