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Monsanto Genetically Modified Foods to End Life on Earth

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posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 02:47 AM
Roundup ready corn in my area is alot different than non GMO types.The stalks for instance will pierce a tractor tire!!!It's true,ya need punctureless.Cows do not readily glean field stubble unless really pressured(starved) into it,and that is a bad idea as it really shortens useful lifespan because of unnatural tooth wear. It is true about native bugs and deer and racoons will leave it alone if there is any other choice in foods.Farmers are keeping cows for shorter and shorter productive lifespans.The guy I help out has cows eighteen years old,practically un 'herd' of,mostly a cow is shipped in under eight years,especially if given another mon. product (injection).Unnamed by me,but you can guess,this hormone comes with FREE vet vouchers!Wonder why?They may be livestock but we are the guinnea pigs fer sure.

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 02:52 AM

Originally posted by icecap
Everyone should watch the documentary The World According to Monsanto.

LOLOL is all I can say.

I Use Roundup, Roundup Biactive everyday.

I would never spray this crap on plants that are meant for eating...


I even Suit up when spraying this stuff (eventhough it's sposed to be fairly harmless to Humans & Animals), because I know that Big Business will say anything to sell a product.

They don't care about the long term at all.

They only care about making billions for themselves "now" & having a life of Luxury untill the day they die.

Once they are gone. they could give a rats arse about what happens to the species. They won't be here to see

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 03:05 AM

Originally posted by skeptic_al
reply to post by robertnesta

What about the farmers that didn't buy their GM crap, but their seeds
were blown onto their land from farmers that did use GM Crap.
Then Santo comes along and sues them for stealing and using their
products without a License. And 'cause bugs won't eat this crap it tends
to take over the landscape, more proof to the Blood sucking Lawyers that
you must have stolen it.

And you have just touched on another potential problem whith this stuff.

It can take over the landscape!!

If a plant is capable of out-competing the native forests, grasses, shrubs etc, etc, then the posntial for an Environmental disaster is in the making.

I have seen firsthand, what a fast growing, competitive plant species can do to our native bushland down here in AU.

Cestrum (a member of he Tobacco family), got out of control in the Yarra Valley N/E of Melbourne. A Decorative plant brought over for local gardens, it took over 100's of square Kilometers of Bushland in less than 50 years.

If this stuff got out of control, the fact that it grows so fast, it would never be brought under control.

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 03:54 AM
reply to post by 2stepsfromtop

well I had heard other conspiracy theories that those in power are seeking to reduce world's population by 95% - especially by ridding the world of undesieables - like those who live in countires that have famines, those that are of a race the rich and famous dont approve of, those who are seen to have too many children while being very poor etc etc etc
I think Monsanto is not just greedy - they are working with the powers that be on a secret agenda to make undesireables infertile and so within a generation or two - no longer a problem to be concerned about.

I mean why strain ourselves to solve problems like poverty and famine and why stop ourselves from plundering any wealth from poor countries when we can feed their population food that will cause infertility and they all die out and problem solved!

alas - and I am NOT a Christian but the oft repeated phrse comes to mind - whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers . that you do unto me.

what that means to me is if i use a bug spray to poison roaches around my house that poison will also cause me health issues - so maybe I should find a way to deal with my problems in a better way

so too - decimating the poor nations fertility rates may seem like a solution to a problem that seems to have no solution, but it will bite us on the behind if we are not careful.

the so-called desireables will find they too are destined to die out as a result of this

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 04:07 AM

Originally posted by Dulcimer
Yes because obviously the "elite" are the only ones who eat the "real food".


There are natural foods that will hurt you or increase your chances of getting cancer.

There are also natural foods that will decrease your risk.

This is where GM really comes in. The future will lie in exploiting the positive priorities of produce.

Indeed, but in the end it will become complicated for the average consumer to decide what to buy and eat. I will keep my money on the natural, what we call organical farmer (no spraying (only insect use), no genetic modification besides cross breeding, no fertilizer other than natural products). It tastes good and has more nutrients according to the latest research.
"Organically grown foods generally hold more nutrition value than conventionally grown foods, according to a study co-authored by three WSU researchers."

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 04:08 AM

Originally posted by Ironclad

Originally posted by icecap
Everyone should watch the documentary The World According to Monsanto.

LOLOL is all I can say.

I Use Roundup, Roundup Biactive everyday.

I would never spray this crap on plants that are meant for eating...


I even Suit up when spraying this stuff (eventhough it's sposed to be fairly harmless to Humans & Animals), because I know that Big Business will say anything to sell a product.

They don't care about the long term at all.

They only care about making billions for themselves "now" & having a life of Luxury untill the day they die.

Once they are gone. they could give a rats arse about what happens to the species. They won't be here to see

organo- chlorides - which is what pesticides are - are implicated in hormone disruption and hormone mimicking in animals and in humans - that means infertility and a few other hormone related issues

and one dose might be fine but it is systemic - builds up in us over a lifetime so if you spray often you will eventually have a lot of pesticide in your body making you very ill too

on this web site

it says

Dangerous autoantibodies higher in pesticide exposed people
The pesticide Chlorpyrifos (Dursban) was found to cause increases in autoimmune antibodies in people exposed to the pesticide. Autoantibodies are "renegade" immune system components which mistakenly attack the persons own self. (Please see other references in this report which link some cases of male and female infertility to autoimmune disorders in which the immune cells attack either the sperm or egg.


Chemicals found to mimic human estrogens.
A proper balance of natural estrogens in the body is essential for reproductive success. However, reports have been suggesting that environmental estrogens (chemicals which "mimic" our natural estrogens) are creating infertility problems by confusing the body's estrogen receptors. Some pesticides have already been shown to be environmental estrogens. New research shows that more chemicals are being found to be environmental estrogens including the food additives butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) Other chemicals found to be somewhat estrogenic include, PVC plastics.

end of quote

so you can see that monsanto making plants be able to absorb more of their herbicides - and pesticides is good for their pocket but not for fertility

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 04:30 AM
reply to post by seenitall

yup. that's a huge problem. people fail to see the importance of biodiversity. it seems to be all but eradicated in today's society.

Huge misnomer here. GM crops DO NOT always provide a higher crop output In some cases, they actually have a lower output than non GM crops. Biodiversity allows for plants to adapt for their environment and reproduce accordingly. GM crops fight that very process. Not to mention that putting such stuff in our body is never good. Our body doesn't know how to process such artificial foods and we do not know the long term effects of this. As someone said in an earlier post, we, humans, are the guinea pigs here.

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 04:50 AM
I would not be surprised if Monsanto hires public relations groups to go out on the internet to soften their image. Like going into forums to discuss the good things.

Monsanto holds a patent on a genetically modified Agrobacterium. Genetic tests in patients with Morgellons are showing up positive with regard to the genetics found in the modified bacterium. Turns out a lot of these people have something in common. They like gardening.

Check this video out at the 2:40 mark.


posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 04:59 AM

Originally posted by arizonascott
What do you mean?

You mean they process food that has absolutely no nutrients or health benefits?

So basically I am paying them and they are making a profit off of selling me fully manufactured food that has no natural nutrients left and no health properties that will kill me?

What you are saying is that there are properties in the food I buy no matter where which my body doesn't recognize and doesn't break down. So these unrecognized chemicals in my food can give me cancer? Like balogna and hotdogs can increase my chances of getting say, pancreatic cancer? Thats messed up!

Or the sugar substitute can hurt me, like aspartame, a chemical sweetener that was approved without proper health regulation and approval thanks to the war criminal Donald Rumsfeld! That explains a lot

What about the manufactured process they use for high fructose corn syrup, I heard that it can make my body fat and disturb my natural metabolism simply because my digestive system is confused that the corn syrup looks like it is in a digested state, so it never breaks it down allowing it to increase body fat!

Now they want to regulate healthy crops of life giving nutrients by replacing them with genetically altered corn for fuel?

And they want to get rid of the God given vitamins and health extracts that human beings have been using for thousands of years to stay alive and healthy?

Is any of the food I purchase at the grocery store real and natural food anymore? Any of it?

What are they trying to do, kill us and make us sick and fat?

Good Lord!!!!!!!

[edit on 15-11-2008 by arizonascott]

GM crops that are used for food are implicated in many health problems including infertility

1.1 GM Potatoes Damages Rats (see full content)

1.2 Rats Fed GMO Tomatoes got bleeding stomachs, several died

1.3 Rats Fed Bt Corn had multiple health problems

1.4 Mice Fed GM Bt Potatoes had intestinal damage

1.5 Workers exposed to Bt cotton developed allergies

1.6 Sheep died after grazing in Bt cotton fields

1.7 Inhaled Bt corn pollen may have triggered disease in humans

1.8 Farmers report pigs and cows became sterile from GM corn

1.9 Twelve cows in Germany died mysteriously when fed Bt corn

1.10 Mice fed Roundup Ready soy had liver cell problems

1.11 Mice fed Roundup Ready soy had problems with the pancreas

1.12 Mice fed Roundup Ready soy had unexplained changes in testicular cells

1.13 Roundup Ready Soy Changed Cell Metabolism in Rabbit Organs

1.14 Most offspring of rats fed Roundup Ready soy died within three weeks (see full content)

1.15 Soy allergies skyrocketed in the UK, soon after GM soy was introduced

1.16 Rats fed Roundup Ready canola had heavier livers

1.17 Twice the number of chickens died when fed Liberty Link corn

1.18 GM peas generated an allergic-type inflammatory response in mice

1.19 Eyewitness reports: Animals avoid GMOs

1.20 A GM food supplement killed about 100 people


posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 05:01 AM

Originally posted by cloakndagger
I wonder if Autism could be related to GM foods? Some keep talking about vaccines causing it but have they even looked into that scenario? Does baby food happen to have GM foods in them? Does the GM crops that go to feed cattle transfer these toxins(pesticides) to milk and/or meat? There are a lot of questions I have not heard yet.

There are no long term studies. We are the guinea pigs here.

but autism existed a long time before they started genetically modifying food

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 07:02 AM
I spent the first 5 years of my life in a town that many have called the most toxic town in America (Anniston, Ala.). This was due to Monsanto releasing PCBs into the envorment for years, spending millions to cover it up, then speding further millions to fight responsibility for it in court. They eventually lost this fight. You can read about it in "My City Was Gone" by Dennis Love.

Monsanto would patent and then charge a license fee for everything grown and consumed by humans if it could. This is their ultimate goal, but this is the last company on the planet that should be permitted to have control of our world's food production. Whoever it is that runs the show at Monsanto and other companies like DuPont and ADM have shown time and time again that they just don't care about people. They only care about market share and profit.

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 07:25 AM
This post is all fine and dandy... the question is what are we going to do about it? this is very serious.. monsanto needs to be shut down .

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 08:20 AM
Its not a population problem, actually we could fit the entire world in a territory like France.
The real problem is resource managment and food is one of them. We should allow the world to produce and compete fairly without all the subsidies and import tariffs and everybody will go back to farming, not only the wealthy american ranches. If the governments helped people set up their own farms and changed trade rules, pricesfor food will drop and hunger will disappear.

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 08:27 AM

Originally posted by skeptic_al
reply to post by robertnesta

What about the farmers that didn't buy their GM crap, but their seeds
were blown onto their land from farmers that did use GM Crap.
Then Santo comes along and sues them for stealing and using their
products without a License. And 'cause bugs won't eat this crap it tends
to take over the landscape, more proof to the Blood sucking Lawyers that
you must have stolen it.

I heard that story too, on mainstream media.. never heard the outcome of it though..

These cases are even more preposterous because Monsanto's seeds are supposed to be sterile. In that way, farmers cannot follow the ancient tradition of saving grain to plant at the next harvest, but are endentured to Monsanto for all their future crops.

So, in the case you mentioned, Monsanto actually sued people because it's own products failed to meet their expectations of their product..

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 08:34 AM
The world takes one more step to becoming a giant elton john... gay.

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 08:52 AM
There is only one way to combat Genetically modified seed agenda, and that is to purchase your seeds directly from local farmers and seed houses such as this one that actually takes a portion of their profits each year and donates seeds to poor countries and their local farmers.

When we take responsibility into our own hands and see the futility of how up until now the world food supply has been manipulated both in the Genetics as well as in supply, we can then and only then begin to create a world of healthy natural organic seeds.

This is one of the most significant and threatening subjects for humanity today. Not only do they force the local farmer and seed distribution warehouses to grow and sell these types of seed, they have arrangements with entire countries to also grow this GMseed, and to ensure that year after year the control of the seed distribution is a large profit making continuum.

There are steps we can take:

Start supplementing your produce with in home growing systems, they are easy and inexpensive and will save you so much over the year on cost.

Set up gardens or planter boxes and eat your own fresh products.

Refuse to buy your seeds from large corporations like Walmart.

Buy from local Growers and organic sections of your local grocery stores.

Write your Congress and Senators and let them know how you feel about GM foods and the industry. (Be sure to be prepared and polite, remember they too have a stake in this for their families and future, give facts!)

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 10:17 AM
reply to post by arizonascott

Perhaps they have figured out a way to quickly break-down malnutritioned, obese, human flesh into light-sweet crude, and we Americans have merely been undergoing conditioning to prepare us for the inaugural launching of the new U.N. mandated "Fattys for Fuel" program.

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 01:49 PM
Monsanto equals=agent to NWO agenda.

What they are doing, is in part, a result of an NWO, multinational corporate, Fascist agenda with population control. Perhaps one should 'examine' just who the controlling shareholders are? You'll have to 'dig' to uncover who the controlling shareholders really are in these invested entities. They like to remain 'hidden' in non-disclosure funds further hidden off-shore. Most of you here probably don't know how to get this info. though those in the area of finance/investments will be quite surprised?

It has been proven with medical scientific experiments that genetically altered food is bad for ones health and reproductive capacity. Once again, they are playing Gods with the lives of the masses.

When one controls the 'seeds', they control production/supply. Only Monsanto can produce/sell the seeds they genetically alter. When 'natural' seeds become more difficult to find, a small farmer will become dependent on their 'new' master for seed to plant. It's all about 'Control'. Once again, sovereignty and independence are being sacrificed. You're losing just 'another' freedom.

Quality: The quality of fruits/vegetables, especially 'taste' are sacrificed for longevity or longer shelf life. I know this personally as I attended a Monsanto presentation at Washington University in St. Louis where they confirmed what I claim. Shelf life was the 'excuse' to get all the 'subjects' on board with their plan.

[edit on 16-11-2008 by Perseus Apex]

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 02:28 PM
I say we start with prosecuting Mr. Rumsfeld and then call out all of the folks at the top that has/had anything to do with Monsanto.

This is the ultimate in "special interest groups". I have a feeling if we follow the money we will as usual - find the criminals.

[edit on 16-11-2008 by spinkyboo]

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 02:41 PM
There is so much B.S. in this thread its hard to take it all in. The members of ATS like to scream disinfo all the time, but funny how it doesn't come up when they do not realize they are doing it themselves.

People need to get the facts straight.

If you want to bash the health effects of GM foods you need to produce the documents confirming years of research.

In my opinion the entire effort has not been around long enough to produce concrete scientific fact to say that either A) GM is ok or B) GM is killing us all.

Im surprised nobody has brought up "terminator technology" into this discussion yet.

If Monsanto controlled the food supply they would have a better stock price instead of nearing a 52 week low and going into the toilet.

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