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Buying an AR-15 is now a racist act

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posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 10:50 PM
reply to post by LiquidMirage

You ,Sir are 100% correct. Academia today is rife with the anti-American Socialist BS. Students dare not disagree or risk looseing gradepoint or any way to gain a decent degree. You have to tow the line and answer like mind numbed robots and regurgitate all the crap they lay on our kids. There is actualy a suit at one of the universities (can't remember which one) over a student who had a change of heart over a political leaning and wrote about it in a paper he had prepared. The Professor went ballistic in class in front of the rest of the class. Caused this man to loose his masters proctor and was asked to leave the University after spending like 80,000 and haveing a 4.2 grade average up to this point in his career. One paper he wrote that disagreed with the 'MASTERS' propaganda and his whole school experiance is gone!


PS sorry for off topic but you set me off,LOL!!!

[edit on 11/13/2008 by ZindoDoone]

posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 10:52 PM
The racist thing is going too far now. My kids ( 9 and 12 ) came home from school the other day kids had accused them, their Mom, and myself of being racists because we didn't vote for Obama. Some of these kids I have known their parents for a good while from coaching their kids in sports, and have never been accused of such nonsense.
Are people so shallow minded to really believe this garbage, that just because I didn't vote for the African American that I am racist? And now because someone buys a gun he is racist? I thought that Obama being voted in would verify that we as a country had changed, but it seems it is going in a complete opposite direction.

posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 11:02 PM
The previous AWB had this effect on me and people I knew...instead of being able to purchase a Mak90 or Maadi rifles (Ak variants) for less than $300 bucks, then they shot up well over $500. Ar15s were around $500 or so-those shot up for over $800. So then I was effectively priced out of being able to afford the guns. Mags over 10 rnds were LE only. Thankfully the hi caps didnt go up too much until 8 years into the ban. Ammo remained cheap. In the last 6 months or so, gun prices have slowly creeped up. You are a fool not to believe there will not be another Ban. They may even try what they considered the last time around and that was to ban the ammo first. In 1986, they passed a bill that forever effected the pricing and sales of Machine Guns, those same machine guns still remain wholey out of my price range. Why would I need a Machine Gun- Why not? Machine Gun parts are currently banned from importation. It is very difficult to own one with all the checks in place-how many crimes do you hear someone doing with a legal SMG?

I see gun ownership quite simply is my personal guarntee that the rest of my Rights will not be taken away. I am shocked that AntiGunners, Libs and others fail to understand that. I have owned Ar's since I was 18, I have had guns since I was 14. I am not rascist and I could careless if you were orange and from Mars. The Goons will set another AWB- by the way it was the Dems that played the Race Card First!

People are running out and buying guns...if you believe they will be banned you would do the same thing- you cannot defend you or family with a butterknife if someone breaks into your home.

Have you noticed how many reports of kids getting killed there has been in the news since the tricker treater was killed or the gun range accident? There has been quite a few and we all know Media fans the flames.

I am not a racist if I want a Gun. I am an American and I have that Right.

posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 11:12 PM
reply to post by ShadowMaster

Now, 200 -250$ per gun of the prices these days are for the rise in insurance costs fostered on Gun makers. Its only going to get worse pricewise. Thats right per gun. Thats the price of manufacturing Semi-auto ugly black rifles in this day and age! Citizen gun owners are again being raped for no good reason and everybody in the food chain except the dealer is getting their cut! They get the ATFE harrassing them over useing abreviations on the paper work and other real dangerous issues!!


posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 11:16 PM
In 2009, one with an AR-15, or perhaps M21, M25 will all the sudden be your best pal.

posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 11:33 PM
All this propaganda and push to buy guns is just a marketing push from the gun companies.. They are loving this

BTW, the corporations that make these weapons are either part or wholly owned subsidiaries of all the same Mega-Corps that many of you hate

They just found ANOTHER way for you to give them your money

Save your money, let it compound, financial freedom is the only freedom in this country


posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 11:47 PM
reply to post by retzius

You have absolutly no idea what drivil you have just spouted. I have worked for and with the firearms business for 35 years in sales and engineering. I have started two gun companies with my pardners from scratch. ****** and*******. Untill just recently most of the gun companies in this country are family owned and operated. In the last year Remington has bought many of these companies because of the way our government treats firearms companies. Ruger. Colt. Mossberg, the list goes on are owned by individuals but are traded on the stock market. They are NOT owned by government agencies or multi nationals. The few that are are state owned European or Chinese or Russian and they can no longer import most of what they produce!


[edit on 11/14/2008 by ZindoDoone]

posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 11:54 PM
reply to post by ZindoDoone

If I were you, I'd delete the name of your business. It's no ones 'business' if you know what I mean. On the other hand, I'll have to assume business is booming eh?

posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 11:58 PM

Originally posted by bigbstatz
Here is what gets me if I may. This present election is consistent with the fraud that took place in 2000 and 2004 with a twist. This present election I fear from what I am finding is designed to bring forth martial law. One of the best ways? Play on white America's fear of African Americans. Imagine if Barack is found out for certain in the supreme court not to be a legal citizen of the USA and they use that as a means to disqualify him? African Americans would be pissed that this seemingly great achievement has been undone by a a mere technicality that somehow went...un-noticed....?

Flip it around another way for a moment, they find he isn't a natural born us citizen and fix a new amendment to allow him to remain as prez, and the white Americans that already have a hatred for him being president, well they flip because they say hey we finally found something on his ass lets get him out now.

Now imagine the same scenario but it going like this due to some hidden executive orders..Bush refuses to step everybody goes off! Everybody wants him out.... It seems the purpose of the Bush administration was to make us feel so bad by running this government into the ground that we would welcome .. any change that seemed to be new and progressive. This is called manufacturing consent. Instead of them hitting us over the head, we hit ourselves over the head!

My point is this situation is designed if we're not careful to pit all of us against each other. White America, and African Americans have a common enemy it isn't each other they have used race issues to divide and conquer us and make slaves out of us all. Please lets not buy into this move as America has so many times in the past they are counting on that "hatred" because you have proven to them that that hatred is so predictable and dependable. We have to stop that, all of us on both sides.

Lock and load sure, just make sure you know who your enemy is this time around. While we have been shooting at each other the real enemy has been free to roam and figure out another way to knock us all in the head from another angle.

Barack has had an extremely hard and huge friendly push to get where he is. We, African Americans do not have own enough power here in America to make that happen. Someone else did that from way up top.
This was the same thing i was thinking. would it not be crazy if we all just flipped the hipithetical script and all unite as one country and show up as one nation. i believe they would just crap themself and not know what to do, and ruin there plan of pitting everyone against each other. great post.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 12:01 AM
reply to post by Perseus Apex

Thanks, thats what happens when your passionate about truth,LOL
Actualy, Business is slow. We are high end firearms makers and we ain't cheap!!!LOL


[edit on 11/14/2008 by ZindoDoone]

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 12:15 AM
the reason that most people are buy the AR15 is because it is great gun for all sort of hunting and comes in two of the calipers of shell that most deer hunting rifles use which is .223 or .270 they are the common cartrigaes used in sport hunting.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 12:32 AM
Save your money.

Save for your retirement and for your children's education.

A gun does not buy your power, authority, or respect.

A gun is a metal tube with a handle and a firing pin.

They can be high end or low end, but in the end, they're all the same thing.

It wont improve your life, improve your situation in life, or help you through hard times.

After you buy it and wake up the next day, its still just you, your life hasn't changed, you're no better off.. you just have less money and now more work to earn it back.

Grow your wealth, educate your family, and save for your future.

Don't spend it on worthless junk that will do nothing to improve your life.

You cant take your gun to work with you. It wont help pay your bills and it wont help improve your family's life.


posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 12:52 AM
you guys are lucky, here in NZ you need to go through all sorts of checks and tests just to own a .22 rabbit killer. hand gun forget t, unless your a member of a club and then you need to be nominated, as for assault type rifles, i not sure but i believe you need a special lisence and even then they cant be full auto

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 12:58 AM
reply to post by trekker

Sounds like the state I live in here in the US which is New Jersey, I actually only own one rifle and two handguns and one of the handguns I use for off duty purposes but it surely takes longer here in NJ than the other 49 states.....

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 01:08 AM
reply to post by swdecord

Nice post..I agree with you. Lets just say that some sort of bill was implemented and guns could no longer be purchased that would just make the person want them even more and true, they are so readily available on the black market anyhow. I dont want to say Im some gun monger but I served ten years in the Army,I was exposed to all types of guns and rifles. I use a weapon for my job now and I own two handguns and a rifle, I like to shoot and I like to teach others that want to learn how and most of all I want to know that myself, my loved one, and my property are protected.

Case and point, The Los Angeles bank job, The LAPD were out gunned, They had to borrow high powered weapons from a GUN STORE to eliminate the threat. Even today the police are out gunned..We are such a free country and I dont want to see things taken away from us and sometimes it feels that way...

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 01:11 AM
reply to post by retzius

Yes you are partially correct. I invest in Gold, Silver, ammo, guns and my education. However, I look at my Gun as investment in my personal Freedom.

I hope that the day never comes where I will have to use it.

"Every citizen should be a soldier. This was the case with the Greeks and Romans, and must be that of every free state. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." Thomas Jefferson (1743 - 1826)

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 01:12 AM
The issue is not about whites being scared of armed blacks or mexicans or whatever minorety. Its about citizens being scared of the government and enforcing there 2d amendment rights to make damn sure they keep the rest of em. For those who dont think that an all-out gun ban is imenent, all i can say is you are fools. I say stock up while you can, get out to the range or just practice shooting when you have time. Teach your family, friends and any other allies to shoot. Just make damn sure your prepared. It is better to be armed and not need guns, than to need guns and not have em'.

[edit on 14-11-2008 by Psyclon9]

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 02:06 AM
The rationalization presented by the author may not be as unsubstantiated as many here would like to believe. Although we live in a civil society, one protected by law, it would be best to remember that people are, in some circumstances, capable of provocation beyond their ability to satisfy their civil agreement to society, which demands their obeisance of the law. Once that occurs, society as we know it, ceases to function; it ends in total failure and then degradation. Law is only as powerful as our willingness to collectively obey it.

Racial conflicts are ones that are very delicate, ones that are more often than not directly transmitted as a form of culture to each successive generation. They are regularly misunderstood, leading to the excessive underestimation of those issues' importance. It is not one easily lost to time. The issues and conflicts of race can be perpetuated indefinitely; they can be attributed to aspects of certain human physiology, which can not possibly be eliminated from the historical memory of any conflicted society. They can be used to appropriate a sense of moral authority in one group over the other, thus resulting in a permanent retaliation, which can not truly ever be expunged. None of this can be doubted. It is a tragic flaw of human nature that has not ceased to repeat itself in all of history.

Most recently, the Rwandan Genocide exemplifies this most tragic of human flaws. Although both groups in that conflict essentially belonged to the same ethnicity, what happened was the formation of something more than political in origin; what it engendered was ostensibly a racial contest. Generations of economic oppression of the Hutu by the Tutsi produced a massive harboring of grudges, aroused by suspicion of the latter's inherit right to enjoy such privileges (in all the common appearances, these two groups were almost exactly the same). This ultimately culminated in the formation of a rebel Hutu militia, and then a massive, and well organized retaliatory military reaction to the apparent Tutsi oppression.

The fear that African Americans desire to strike up against their long time oppressors is suspect at best, though significant as it may seem. It provides more of a psychological profile of White America than anything this fear might rationally be attributed to. Their inclusion as part of a lawful society is so great now that no one of them would risk all the hard work that they through the Civil Rights Movement worked so hard to guarantee for both themselves and future generations. In the end, this fear that Obama is the ultimate manifestation of Black retaliation is irrefutably unimportant, though rational of a fear it may seem (many people will say all emotions are rational... Personally I'd rather believe that people use emotions to rationalize their insufficiencies, but that's another topic). The author is not incorrect in his findings, nor in his conclusion. But we are incorrect in believing any of this really matters, and what we should be doing is buying less guns, and getting on with our sad, pathetic lives.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 04:07 AM
The Obama has made statements that I fail to comprehend. Mit Romney said pretty much the same thing, and I couldn't fathom it then either. The statements were along these lines: "no one can deny that I strongly support the second amendment. But those evil assault rifles have to go."

Now the part I fail to comprehend: isn't a statement of this nature much the same as saying "no one can deny that I strongly support the first amendment, but free speech should be limited to writing in crayons on cardboard, and then locked in a vault so that it can't be read." or "first amendment rights ae limited to newspapers only, as the founding fathers intended"

For all of you out there who are not familiar with the sea changes politicians undergo at election time, keep in mind what my dear old dad used to tell me - "believe nothing that you hear, and only half of what you see."

I've heard what The Obama claimed regarding the second amendment at election time, and I've seen what he actually did at legislation time. Which do you think I'm more prone to believe?

Furthermore, If you can't stand with me when the second amendment comes under fire, then don't expect me to stand with you when the first amendment comes under fire, because in the final analysis, the second is the only guarantee of all the rest. Besides, at that point I'll be hiding in the woods.

nenothtu out

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 04:10 AM
Afterthought: I bought all my evil black guns years ago, before anyone had ever even heard of The Obama. If that makes me racist, then logically it also makes me psychic! Anybody up for a reading? It'll be real inexpensive, Honest!

nenothtu out

[edit on 14-11-2008 by nenothtu]

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