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Hurry and instate the NWO NOW !

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posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 03:17 AM
reply to post by 1nt3rp0l

i sense sincerity in your post,but you you like anybody else that has a way of life connected to a social heirarchy still thinks there is a need for governace but that is where all most all go wrong, the need to control. nwo does not bring utopia except for the few at the top! start an amway
business if you feel the need to to be on top, it is a good opportunity for some. if people in america knew where their inalienable rights come from they would see no need for nwo,same for anybody else in the world! nwo means the queen and prince charles and the pope are at top. now answer me this question! can you,the queen,prince charles or the pope make the lial-flail roar like a lion?
no they can't! they are fake king's and queens and popes and princes! point being you are brainwashed too or indoctrinated into something you might want to get out of because the real king is comming!

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 04:01 AM
reply to post by 1nt3rp0l

NO how, now way, not in my lifetime if I have breath to breathe. In your posts you have mentioned taking away at least 2 of my God given hard fought for Constitutional rights. What is in place now worked for a really long time.

I understand the elite are treated differently. I grew up in that class, and yes when the favors are coming your way you do have a sense of power and all is right with the world. However, if you are on the other end I would imagine it blows.

And when this new world order is ushered in exactly what job do you see yourself holding? What is it you will be doing in order to help this Utopian way of life run better? I bet if they told you your job was top clean the port a potties you would have a cerebral hemorrhage and other thoughts. You are for this because of your status in the world right now and for no other reason.

I could continue but I now have to go take a blood pressure pill before I have a cerebral hemorrhage.

[edit on 26-10-2008 by seejanerun]

[edit on 26-10-2008 by seejanerun]

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 04:20 AM
reply to post by 1nt3rp0l

i really love it when someone mentions tin foil! i have found it to be very useful for more than just a faraday cage! it also make a good oil cap when you forget to put it back on! cell phone still didn't work on my last plane ride in july 08. i am moving up though! i am gonna get one of the new carbon kevlar motorcycle helmets and using braided copper make a wig so to speak down my pants to ground! i recommend one for you also if you you hear to much nwo people. i have a hard enough time living to my set of ideals and morals, but i won't change them nor will i let you nor anybodyelse. i don't need governance! i just have needs like most all, that being said is it in a nutshell! america must go back to its's roots right now!lest america fall futher. america is a spirit, i am a spirit, i live in america! i will always be american. i am that i am is what gives america it's inheritance and it's citizenry! so guess what? i am just waiting for the horn to blow! then i will blow my horn and more people will blow their horn and before you know it the walls to the nwo will fall! please never forget this!humpty dumpty sat on a wall,humpty dumpty had a great fall. all the kings horses and all the kings men.could not put humpty dumpty together again!
remember this. i wonder why we had to learn this rhyme!??!

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 04:43 AM
reply to post by 1nt3rp0l

and to every agenda there is the hidden agenda!good the presented, evil the hidden agenda. do you know why atlantis failed? if you do then tell me! and don't ever leave the creator or the created son out of it! if the creator has to be left out then guess what that means. get my jist!!!!

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 04:52 AM
1nt3rp0l I have a bridge I might be able to sell you my friend..

So, the dollar is not strong as it used to be, and there is no good alternative around to preserve the OLD WAY of doing things, like creating debt from the needs of the average brainwashed global consumer, which most of times were needs fabricated out of thin air, why should I own 5 different cars, or own 20 different sets of clothing?
Yes, that overspending created an oversized bubble of an economy while it lasted, clearly the defaulted loans that started in the US showed IMO it is a GENERAL TREND that might happen everywhere for the same or different reasons. People cannot spend like they used to! OK, so there might be some institutions and jobs and people that will start having trouble over this. Nothing that cannot be fixed though, but dear friend.. DO YOU EXPECT ME TO BELIEVE, AND I MEAN ALL THE 250+ COUNTRIES ON EARTH and its citizens that because this is happening EVERYONE OF THE REST OF US NEEDS A ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT COMING OUT OF THE US OR SOMETHING SIMILAR?

Cheap trick!
Try harder next time! ROFL!!

[edit on 26-10-2008 by populardisbelief]

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 05:24 AM
Was the average Hollywood American way of life created for the sole purpose of creating a luxurious but short lived life style?
Was it a different way of waging a war against the unsuspected masses from an invisible monetary elite? Whatever the initial purpose, everything turned out that a few became very wealthy and the rest are now struggling with debt created from senseless needs that should not have existed in the first place.
Any ascetic religious person, usually a Christian, since mostly they seem to feel right at home pointing a finger to the rest of the average and usually clueless consuming human being, would shout loud and clear I TOLD YOU SO!
Yes! Unarguably they can have their sweet revenge right know, probably they were right all along!

OK, so then why not any Christian One World Government spoke persons aren't surfacing from anywhere showing us the light of their ways? Demanding a one world government under God?

Hey! Come on! A socialistic, system bordering to Communism? Didn't this fail already? I mean how many times does it take to have a certain system over and over again until we realize that, hey, it is going nowhere? Well, duh err..No! We just should try this globally now and see what happens..

Come on! Where are the Christians raise your hands! How about a Global Christian NWO?
What? Not a sound? But ...but why?!

OH I get!!! A true Christian (like Jesus did it) way of doing things would banish excessive own profit systems from being re implemented, like excessive loans a/k/a the banking system and etc.
Gee!!! If not any new system bordering on socialism and whatever, there is not much choice but just continue to have the same ole system we already use. Now is it?

Well I guess we needed G.W Bush and his father and his GrandFather after all!! Didn't we? Financing Hitler back then, financing war in Iraq, Financing turmoil in Middle East and Iran, waking up Russia to smell the coffee just before the son leaves office, and so on, letting a shake down of the global monetary system to happen.. Yes! here is the big deal, I bet pappa Bush is happy! "La familia" Bush sure passed the message about One World Government didn't they?

Yes I get it now! THEY don't have a real use for anything Christian after all! It cannot help their pockets! It has to be socialism and bordering on Communism and on the insane, I mean why you would even want to have Christianity laying around? What if people would start FINALLY getting ideas that it might actually work someday, after 2000 years of a portion of the human "supposedly" following it? Well "supposedly, because I have to choose between one of my 5 different cars, with which I want to ride to the Church this morning, or with which one of my 20 different sets of clothing outfits should I wear?

Nice! Create an artificial need! Accustom people to it until there is no return. Convince them whatever old beliefs that helped them go through all these thousands of years, are no longer effective, INCLUDING RELIGION! Make the current system fail and present the only solution. A godless peaceful society.
Hey look! No wars!
Hey! No recession!
Hey! No God! Who needs Him right?
Hey! No freedom too! (but who cares)

How about that bridge I want to sell you?

Or..ahem.. is this situation by the way in the entire opposite direction?
ARE YOU trying to sell ME a bridge?

Sorry for the rant and the monologue.

[edit on 26-10-2008 by populardisbelief]

[edit on 26-10-2008 by populardisbelief]

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 06:45 AM
Heck, there's even a created international language already existing, known as Esperanto! Everybody who has already heard about Esperanto before now, raise your hands!
Not too many, I see...
Well, if anyone is interested, here's a link where you can start to learn Esperanto. There you can get help in a large range of other languages.

Gee, why do you think that the idea of people learning an international language isn't more widely known than it is right now? Because it goes in with the agenda of enforced ignorance between people around the world...The NWO thrives on ignorance because it's the only thing that props up their illusion of control!

But still, the idea of creating an entire written language from scratch as if it had been "developing" all along is not really a new idea: From what I understand of Mesopotamia & Egypt, they've been actively conducting trade since at least 3250 BC (Yeah, before the First Dynasty). Even then, Mesopotamia may have developed their cuneiform maybe 100-200 years before Egypt had their hieroglyphs. Yet, I also think it's possible that, even though Egypt may have taken the concept of the written word from Mesopotamia, they had very quickly developed their own style very quickly & completely without any actual cuneiform "influence" over their style.

Originally posted by populardisbelief
Yes I get it now! THEY don't have a real use for anything Christian after all!

That much is also true...Have you actually read the Patriot Act (even before it had any more "amendments" attached to it)? In the section where it describes a "profiling" of "potential terrorists," Christians are prominently listed.

Originally posted by populardisbelief
I mean how many times does it take to have a certain system over and over again until we realize that, hey, it is going nowhere? Well, duh err..No! We just should try this globally now and see what happens..

Actually, the USA was going fine & dandy with the Constitution & Bill of Rights for about the first 100 years or so...Then the globalists moved into the neighborhood & it went straight to hell.

In truth, the Constitutional Republic of America was the true New World Order...Never before in history was there ever any government established that put the people in charge & delegated only those powers for the government that were conductive to enforcing the existing laws (ie: keep people from screwing over each other) & the Bill of Rights, as well as to present a unified authority when dealing with other nations in diplomacy & trade.
"A Bill of Rights is what the people are entitled to against every government, and what no just government should refuse, or rest on inference." -- Thomas Jefferson

This was unique! It was working, until the power-mad "old money families" (ie: Old World Order) with a bit of royal/noble blood decided that this "spirit of freedom" was a real threat to their old power structure. At least they were right about that...The spirit of freedom under the Constitutional Republic is infectious. Even after all of the lies, deceptions & outright mass-murder & oppression over the past 100 years or so, it still lives! With the advent of the internet, it's also spreading globally too! That's right...Freedom will prevail!

There was no federal deficit until the Fed Res Bank. That's right, NO GOVERNMENT DEBT! That's a fact that you (literally & figuratively) could have taken to the bank before 1913!

BTW, to make one last point in this post, I'll have to drag out yet another Thomas Jefferson quote:
"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty."

Do you realize that governments have (historically speaking) always used military force on its own citizens out of a paranoid fear that the people will retaliate against oppression? So, through their own fear of the people, they instigate the very thing that scares them the most! See what I mean when I point out that they never learn from their own mistakes? This is because they've disconnected from their human nature to make mistakes to the extreme point where they don't think they will ever make any mistakes of their own to begin with.

[edit on 26-10-2008 by MidnightDStroyer]

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 08:38 AM

In truth, the Constitutional Republic of America was the true New World Order...Never before in history was there ever any government established that put the people in charge & delegated only those powers for the government that were conductive to enforcing the existing laws (ie: keep people from screwing over each other) & the Bill of Rights, as well as to present a unified authority when dealing with other nations in diplomacy & trade.
"A Bill of Rights is what the people are entitled to against every government, and what no just government should refuse, or rest on inference." -- Thomas Jefferson

Though not entirely familiar with this topic, in a sense I can understand this as a step of progress, collective progress if you wish on the human matters concerning concepts of a more efficient government. When you say the old world order you mean the powers that be (were) after the American Independence war? To be more precise the international powers that be, any international companies existing, nobles and banking cartels and the like?

On another part of your post you speak about the enforced ignorance.
I could not help than to think about the ever favorite themes about utopias. Sangri-La from James Hilton

wiki Shangri-La

Shangri-La is a fictional place described in the 1933 novel Lost Horizon by British author James Hilton. In the book, "Shangri-La" is a mystical, harmonious valley, gently guided from a lamasery, enclosed in the western end of the Kunlun Mountains. Shangri-La has become synonymous with any earthly paradise but particularly a mythical Himalayan utopia—a permanently happy land, isolated from the outside world. In the novel Lost Horizon, the people who live at Shangri-La are almost immortal, living years beyond the normal lifespan.

or the Francis Bacon "Atlantis"

wiki Fr. Bacon Atlantis

In 1623 Sir Francis Bacon expressed his aspirations and ideals in The New Atlantis. Released in 1627, this utopian novel was his creation of an ideal land where "generosity and enlightenment, dignity and splendor, piety and public spirit" were the commonly held qualities of the inhabitants of Bensalem. In this work, he portrayed a vision of the future of human discovery and knowledge. The plan and organization of his ideal college, "Solomon's House", envisioned the modern research university in both applied and pure science.

or Lycurgus (of Sparta) utopia, where wealth and gold or silver commanded no respect and this one really existed for some time:

It goes without saying that once gold and silver were banished from Sparta, litigation died out. Greed and poverty were replaced by equality and independence: equality because they all lived in simple houses and ate at common tables, and independence because their wants were small. Spartans spent their time practicing music and dancing, hunting, and going to the exercise grounds and places of public conversation.

The helots 11 did the labor, so the Spartans had plenty of leisure time. Due to their law against frivolous occupations, there was no preoccupation with business. In a nation where wealth commanded no respect, that would have been a waste of time anyway. Those who were under thirty were not even allowed in the marketplace, and it was dishonorable for the older men to be seen there often.

Now this lasted according to some for a 500 years period, way longer than our current modern systems did, if that information is to be considered legit.

So, long live the New World Order (with the voice of G. Bush senior) long live enforced ignorance for an New World Order to succeed.
I am not an anti-republican or anti-democrat or anti-anything, just this piece of material is very telling, especially that look, as the man expresses his thoughts.
The million dollar gaze.

[edit on 26-10-2008 by populardisbelief]

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 09:18 AM
I wasn't going to respond but actually I can't help myself now.

Warning: Clichés Approaching.

I realize that "just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you" but there is so much talk about "they" being thrown around -

I'd like to offer up that THEY are you and me and every other human being on the planet. This is not a "practice" society. For the past 100,000-200,000 years humans have been muddling through life forming social groups. If you get rid of one structure a new structure will replace it, and invariably the people in charge are whoever is the biggest jerk with the most weapons and most money - it's soooo simple.

It is just amazing to me that so many people seem to believe that somehow humans were "free" until governments stepped in - and actually people throw around the word "freedom" and it's always linked with their ability to own a firearm... Are you kidding me? Free? What freedom exactly? Do you think that even when most people were living as semi-nomadic hunter gatherers they didn't have "rules" and strict social constraints?

Does anyone really think that after a collapse of central government the new "mad max" order of things would afford you, your family - in particular your mothers and daughters - any special freedom? Do you think that when Ben Franklin said ""He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither." he was talking about freedom from infrastructure, common currency, or freedom from rape gangs ransacking towns? Some how I don't think that's what he meant.

You may have a freehold farm - 40 acres and a mule - whatever - enough to get your family by - but do you know how to smelt metal to repair your tools, shoe your horse - when your gun breaks or needs replacement parts can you smelt and create new ones? Or do you fantasize about taking a posse into the smoking, abandoned cities to loot supplies twice a year. If your little son starts having trouble seeing do you know how to make glass, polish lenses, measure his vision, make him glasses? Do you know how to raise sheep, spin thread, weave cloth, sew clothes? Do you know how to treat cholera? WE NEED cohesion for society to function. We need a system - and as I've already mentioned, humans have tried quite a few already.

Survivalists in the US today are able to survive because of the luxury and stability afforded by a centralized government. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater, people. Modern, centralized government as A LOT of perks.

Let's see - centralized government that protects my human rights & creates a stable society vs. feudal theocracy run by whichever evangelical has the most guns. .... I know which I'd pick.

Anyway, didn't someone once say "the only thing that will save us from the bureaucracy is its inefficiency"?

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 09:21 AM

Originally posted by badmedia
The only reason to get rid of fire arms is so that the people can not defend themselves against tyranny. Outlaws are not going to turn their guns in, only citizens who have them legally and for legitimate purposes. You are asking everyone to be punished and to suffer for the actions of a few. When the government is able to take away all the guns without using guns themselves, give me a call on this topic.

[edit on 25-10-2008 by badmedia]

Outlaws are citizens too. Citizens often become outlaws.
Most killings with guns are done by citizens who make a mistake one way or another.
The US have the highest killing rate with guns becuase there a re too many firearms around. Only look at the idiot school kids shooting others at schools.

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 09:30 AM

Originally posted by badmedia
The US over the past 100 years has experienced a constant centralization of power. And today our entire country is suffering as a result. Why? Because 1 man got into power over all that centralized power and RAPED the entire country.

And you expect me to believe that instead of decentralizing power, and returning the power to the people, that we should go FURTHER into centralizing the power into a 1 world centralized government? Oh yeah, I'm stupid and will go for that - NOT.

The solution of our problems is for people to realize that giving the power to the people is to decentralize power. So that they themselves have more control over their lives. Not to take the things that have screwed this country over, and do it on a larger scale. Because that is all this is about.

Did you actually think that pointing out the bad things centralized government has done is going to help you on your quest to centralize the entire worlds government? LOL

It sure is a shame when control over 1 life isn't enough for a person. Can't be happy with controlling the 1 life you got, you gotta try and control everyone else as well.

[edit on 25-10-2008 by badmedia]

The only way a central organization of the world in teh sense of Micho Kaku's third stage civilization is going to work is through decentralization.

You cannot split central and decentral ruling. It is a dynamic relationschip.
Look at these graphs, where on the graph do you want to be:

A is where I think we as a world are, B is where I want to be


|...... A
|_________________Regulated control

the B that is where you want to be. But you need both to get there.

[edit on 26-10-2008 by Pjotr]

[edit on 26-10-2008 by Pjotr]

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 09:43 AM
They are moving on it as fast as they can.There are two countrys with no central bank.Won't people be surprised when they do finally take over.Since they don't need billions of peons and the more peons there are the more difficult to control them,won't they be surprised when depopulation starts.
Of course if your not a Rothchild,Rockafeller,Warburg,etc.,etc.There will be no need for you or your family unless you can provide some value to them and everyone knows these people are kind hearted and would never do such a thing just like everyone knows our government pays attention to it's people.

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 10:07 AM
reply to post by 1nt3rp0l

oh it's all so clear to me now... you actually think Socialism and Communism is a good thing...

say all the sweet stuff you want about them, but i think you'll find that all the answers you ever needed to know were inside you. ...and i don't think a NWO has a single iota of relevance to mankind's spiritual progression. if anything, it's mankind's spiritual suppression that's been occurring for centuries, that they're going to advance upon...

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 10:19 AM

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 10:44 AM

Truth be told, as my husband and I are privileged members of certain social hierarchy, a system where people are treated as people, instead of cattle, should be ushered in with warmth and welcome.

Whatever *social hierarchy* that might be - they sure don't us grammar and the use of sentences which make sense a prerequisite I see.

Wanna run that by poor ol me once more?

Other than that thank you for the chuckle of the day.


posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 11:00 AM
I'll support one-world-government when there is near unanimous support for it all over the world without people being propagandized, coerced or drugged into it. I don't see that happening in the next 100 years.

The problem I have with it, is the idea that our "leaders" seek to bring it about without a real mandate from the people. They've been pushing for it for the last 100+ years with no popular political will behind it. Now people like the OP are starting to support it just because they've been propagandized up the wazoo.

You know what, I think that if government leaders would actually listen to the will of their constituents instead of constantly trying to manipulate their opinions, there would be no wars, and probably relatively little suffering and starvation in the world.

[edit on 26-10-2008 by Distractions4Nothing]

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 11:04 AM
reply to post by Pjotr

How do you expect to have freedoms when powers are centralized? Centralized power is the opposite of freedom. Freedom means you are able to make your own choices. If everything is centralized, then you by default lose freedoms.

Now, people can choose to work together and in communities to accomplish things. But in such case the power is still decentralized because the people are choosing to do such, and can choose not to at anytime. In such case your plan does not require everyone to follow it. IMO, if it's a good thing, then people will be drawn to it. If you have to force it on people, there is probably a reason for that.

Centralization and freedom just don't go together.

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 11:28 AM


posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 12:10 PM

Originally posted by badmedia
reply to post by Pjotr

How do you expect to have freedoms when powers are centralized? Centralized power is the opposite of freedom. Freedom means you are able to make your own choices. If everything is centralized, then you by default lose freedoms.

Now, people can choose to work together and in communities to accomplish things. But in such case the power is still decentralized because the people are choosing to do such, and can choose not to at anytime. In such case your plan does not require everyone to follow it. IMO, if it's a good thing, then people will be drawn to it. If you have to force it on people, there is probably a reason for that.

Centralization and freedom just don't go together.

badmedia, you have summed up what I was trying to say, but in better words.

We need to decentralize power, take the power back off those who wish to pull it all into one area, and hand it back to the average citizen such as me & you.

This NWO does not have to happen, if we don't allow it to. We are the only ones who are powerful enough to end this absurd idea, and we outnumber them considerably.
That is why they want to depopulation the worlds' population by 2/3, it is so they wont have much of a challenge in subduing what resistance is left over.

Even though a majority of you don't care about other people that you don't know, but what if it were your family or children that were wiped out?

Would you stand for it?

Are you going to allow the powers that be, slaughter your loved ones in cold blood, for their "greater good"?

I'm not...

It's all well sitting on this forums saying that we are against the idea of their NWO, but is any of us actually going to go out into the real world, and deal with the problem that is facing us?

Are we actually going to be passive, not forgetting being ignorant to the massive changes that are occuring around us, and allow the NWO to seed itself into the world stage?

Or are we going to make a stand today, and eliminate those who are hell-bent on destroying our beautiful world & ourselves?

I think it's clear the battle lines have already been drawn, by declaring our condemnation of the NWO, we have painted ourselves targets to be carted off to the concentration camps first, when the NWO comes into play.

Shall we start saying goodbye to our loved ones now? Or are we going to do something about it, before it is too late?

The choice, as you all well know, is ours to decide...

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 12:10 PM

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