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Stop, Breathe, Do you SEE what they are Doing to all of us?

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posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 08:20 PM
I've just visited several threads that have one thing in common. Each thread develops two "sides", and those sides go after each other with a vengeance.
England against Iceland, Obama against McCain, Wall Street against Main Street, each blaming the other, WHILE THE REAL CULPRITS sit back, laugh and wait for the wars to start.
Who are those that are sitting back and waiting?

You know who they are, those that always instigated the wars, the fights, the phony political disputes. They are the people that control the wealth.
Some say they are the Illuminati, the NWO, the Masons, the Bilderbergers, the Templars, and a whole list of boogymen. They're too smart to have a name. They don't need one. They are pulling all of the strings. The Golden Rule, those that have the gold make the rules.

Please stop blaming each other. These are just diversions that are keeping you from concentrating on what should be done. You're so busy fighting each other, you are being blinded by those that have put you in jeorpardy.
This is a CONSPIRACY forum.
You want the ULTIMATE CONSPIRACY. It is being perpetrated on all of us right now, and the war has just begun.

What will YOU do, continue to fight with each other, or decide to concentrate your efforts on finding the true enemy and ferreting them out?
You're smart people, aren't you. Figure it out. It is the ultimate treasure hunt, and you have all the evidence you need right at your fingertips.
Now who is willing to PLAY?

posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 08:22 PM
Why do we need to stop and breathe?

posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 08:26 PM

Why do we need to stop and breathe?

Well, I guess if you drool alot, you don't have to worry about it.
However, on the Iceland thread, it seems like people are shouting at each other so much, that I don't think they ARE taking time to stop and take a breath. It's hard to perform mouth to mouth over the Internet.

posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 08:29 PM
reply to post by ProfEmeritus

I'll second that and a star and flag to boot.

it does get tedious huh? Everyone has an opinion and feels a need to share it and rightly so, that's why we come here...trouble is it often becomes an issue of one-ups, put downs, and subtle (and not so subtle) condescension.

but we're human right?

Some of can't even agree what the true issues are because many are very subjective. There are also a lot of what if's and speculation.

Would it be realistic to demand we all get on the same page??? I doubt it.

I do understand entirely what you're saying though...and it's frustrating to watch ourselves seemingly undermining our own worth as a community.

How to alter this? yah got any suggestions? I sure don't

edit to add - re the Iceland thread(s)...I gave up. To see the whole picture you have to see both sides, deal with the facts and then THINK of the people who are having to go through the effects of it...a hard thing for many...not because they lack intelligence but because they get caught up in being right or winning something over another. Personally I feel very badly for the Icelanders it's going to be a tough ride for them.

[edit on 10/24/2008 by justgeneric]

posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 08:33 PM
reply to post by justgeneric

How to alter this? yah got any suggestions? I sure don't

Actually I do. I have to be careful, though, because the last thread I created really had generated some great ideas (193 replies) but it was closed by the moderator for suggesting taking social action as a group, which is a violation of the T & C. So what I would like is to hear what people would do IF they could.
Note that no one is advocating doing anything. This is purely a theoretical thread, RIGHT?

posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 08:41 PM
hehehe well here's my idea (fantasy).

The Day the World Stood Still.

En mass people say NO. No protests in the street, nothing like that. Just say no.

No work period.

If enough people did this for even a would make an impact. trouble is that "enough" people would have to consist of MILLIONS.

Nice fantasy I think, next to the one I have about Brad Pitt...but that another issue...

getting an immense and vastly different group(s) of people together with different fears, worries and needs (like basics - eating, shelter etc) and have them all act completely passively????

fantasy. Will never happen.

posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 08:46 PM
reply to post by ProfEmeritus

PE, a star and flag for you sir! Have you noticed it's only effective when its split right down the middle? Less effective when done in thirds, gotta be right down the middle.

"Refuse the Wedge" Just say "No Thank you", courtesy for the common man.

posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 08:52 PM
Well said. I definitely believe this whole Us vs. Them mentality is by design and used as a means to distract from what's really going on. It's been my quiet mission to plant seeds in my conversations with various people. My only goal is to get them looking/thinking for themselves. So often people accept the information that they're spoon fed. When someone is able to bring some non-mainstream information to the surface, many people are easily lured back to sleep with the 'Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain' songs.

posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 08:55 PM

Originally posted by ProfEmeritus
reply to post by justgeneric

Actually I do. I have to be careful, though, because the last thread I created really had generated some great ideas (193 replies) but it was closed by the moderator for suggesting taking social action as a group, which is a violation of the T & C. So what I would like is to hear what people would do IF they could.
Note that no one is advocating doing anything. This is purely a theoretical thread, RIGHT?

RIGHT. I think that many of us have come up with actions that we can take IF we could in order to enable the people to take control (too strong?) of our country/countries.

I was thinking about the posts in the other thread and one that stood out suggested starting in our own communities. IF we could, what actions would we take in our own communities to affect a positive change?

[edit on 10/24/2008 by Aislin]

posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 08:59 PM
Here is why I think the situation is the way it is now. When people feel that an injustice has been done to them, they want to lash out. That is perfectly normal and perfectly understandable. But what happens if they don't know who perpetrated the injustice? What do they do? Do they just walk away? No, that isn't what most do. Yes, they do try to find out, but if the perpetrator is hidden, and has left no discernible clues, what do you do? You use the Captain Renault, CASABLANCA approach. "Round up the Usual Suspects." Unfortunately the usual suspects are just those that are probably just as affected by the true perpetrators' crime as you are. Iceland and England, the United States, the rest of Europe, even Russian are all victims in this Global Meltdown. The governments didn't do this, at least not overtly. However, the governments did give power to the real perpetrators, in the laws, regulations and institutions that they established. As you can see from my signature, Thomas Jefferson warned the American people what would happen if we allowed private banks to control the money supply. Read each word of his quote. Look at the Housing crisis that has resulted, not just in the US, but in England and elsewhere. Jefferson FORESAW this. He warned what would happen over 200 years ago. We didn't listen. So how are we trying to fix it, by giving MORE power to the institutions, in the form of taxpayer grants to the perpetrators of the crimes against the people of the world.
In the United States, we had people like Ron Paul that warned us about this, but he was marginalized by the MSM and mocked by the crowds, much as someone 2000 years ago was mocked by the crowds.
However, this is just the tip of the iceberg. Since resources, finished goods and services all DEPEND upon the monetary system set up by these hidden ones, with public figures doing their bidding, EVERYTHING is basically controlled by them.
Now, the solution?
Let me hear what some of you think?
I'll let you know what I think would "solve" the puzzle I've given you later. I'd like to hear what some of you think should be done.

posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 09:04 PM
reply to post by ProfEmeritus

* ~

I could not agree more.
Divide and conquer!
that has been used ever since the beginning of mankind.

We are one species. Human!
The hierarchy knows this. They do not make distinctions. They want the revenue all the same. They leave the pettiness up to us, the individuals. they encourage us to make distinctions and separations.
We have marvelous gifts and yet all the rules are set to oppose our very nature.
society has become all about, ME!! ME!! ME!! ME!! ME!! ME!! ME!!
We have all forgotten what it is to be human. When we call, text, email, post, etc.. we most of the time forget there is a tangible human being behind all of that technology.
We are humans and we have weaknesses and flaws, as well as strength.
We are of one energy and it's about time we began to realize that.

[edit on 24/10/2008 by reticledc]

posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by TheRooster

Thanks Rooster. It's good to see my friends back here on this thread. We just have to be careful, and a little smarter this time, not to break the T & C. This is just a theoretical discussion, of COURSE.

posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 09:21 PM
reply to post by dreamwithoutfear

Well said. I definitely believe this whole Us vs. Them mentality is by design and used as a means to distract from what's really going on. It's been my quiet mission to plant seeds in my conversations with various people. My only goal is to get them looking/thinking for themselves. So often people accept the information that they're spoon fed.

That's excellent, and yes, most people do just believe what the MSM tells them. There is no such thing as an unbiased media. It's just a matter of which of two "sides" they take. They don't realize that they are being played just as much as the people they think they are playing. I kind of equate the MSM to the colaborator Judendienstordnung (the Collaborator Jewish Police) in the Warsaw ghetto. They controlled their own people, and helped the Nazis herd them to the concentration camps, all the while being controlled, of course, by the Nazis who hid outside the gates. The MSM is doing the bidding of those in control, in many cases unaware that they are doing the dirty work for the PTB, feeding the people the lies to keep their attention away from the real hidden perpetrators.
The only place you can get a hint of any real truth is by being your own reporters, observing what is going on, and using your own reasoning to try to put the pieces of this puzzle together. Of course, the more trustworthy eyes you have to ferret out the puzzle pieces, the better the chance to put this all together.
Let's work together to figure this puzzle out.
In the game here, the rules are:
Don't be deceived
Look for the Obvious
Listen Carefully
Be Careful

posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 09:22 PM
reply to post by Aislin

IF we could, what actions would we take in our own communities to affect a positive change?

Those will be part of the rules of the game that you and others will make.

posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 09:23 PM
I've heard it said that it takes two things to control the masses.

1. Never let them who know the true controller is by making them think they are free.

2. Create a standard by which the controlled will control each other by lashing out against anyone who steps outside the 'norm'.

This is how we get a prison with no bars. Maybe some of the steps of change to take would be the opposite of the above list.

1. Become aware that we are not truly free and share that awareness with others.

2. Accept each other's differences and be open to others' perspectives even if we don't understand them right away by never ridiculing or calling names. Become comfortable in expressing our own differences and not being intimidated by those who would ridicule and call names. Don't buy into the Us vs. Them mindset - even when it comes to those who are doing the controlling.

If that last sentence doesn't make sense, what I mean is...sometimes I see people doing the very thing they don't like but they've dressed it in something different so they feel justified. We can't overcome the issue of division completely if we perpetuate it even in the slightest.

I'm not sure this is coming out how I mean it. Oh well, I did my best.

posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 09:25 PM
the Stop Breathe part is for aiming, you get a more accurate shot when you breathe properly.

posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 09:26 PM
reply to post by ProfEmeritus

I just got "ModSmacked" 1,000 points on an O'Bama thread so I'm treading lightly... Would it be a violation of the T&C's if we said what we definitely would NOT do?

For instance, if the PTB ever came looking for my guns, I would definitely NOT hide them. Is this a violation? And mods if it is, it would be much more humiliating if you awarded me 1,000 BTS points, (than taking 1,000 ATS points).

posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 09:30 PM

Originally posted by justgeneric
hehehe well here's my idea (fantasy).

The Day the World Stood Still.

En mass people say NO. No protests in the street, nothing like that. Just say no.

No work period.

If enough people did this for even a would make an impact. trouble is that "enough" people would have to consist of MILLIONS.

Nice fantasy I think, next to the one I have about Brad Pitt...but that another issue...

getting an immense and vastly different group(s) of people together with different fears, worries and needs (like basics - eating, shelter etc) and have them all act completely passively????

fantasy. Will never happen.

LOVE IT; as an ideal of course. Bit REM though. The most excitingly charged and mercurial points in history - those when an archetypal cause and its hero/heroine manifest - always do nothing but change the carpet for the politicians. Even Che was an unspeakable........

I'd hate to think I'm a Marxist but I can't help being reminded of those puzzles, the ones with the tiles & one void space to facilitate the picture.

We've simply got to renounce a significant degree of the comforts we're accustomed to before we can assume a position of power.

[edit on 24/10/08 by Catesby]

posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 09:31 PM
reply to post by dreamwithoutfear

If that last sentence doesn't make sense, what I mean is...sometimes I see people doing the very thing they don't like but they've dressed it in something different so they feel justified. We can't overcome the issue of division completely if we perpetuate it even in the slightest.

I'm not sure this is coming out how I mean it. Oh well, I did my best.

Actually, it came out quite well, and quite elegant. You said it much better than I did in the OP.
We need to be like family. We don't have to agree with each other on everything we do, but we need to support each other, and realize that we are all in this together, and like family, have our common interests and common good at heart. Humans are social animals. We only survived as a species by banding together. If our ancestors of 40,000 years ago had not, we wouldn't be here today. Those brave souls fought the elements of the Ice Age, roving predator animals, disease and famine, and managed to make it through because they worked together.
There are forces trying to push us apart, because they know that if we work together, our efforts will shine light upon them, and mold and vermin cannot survive in the warmth and light of day.

posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 09:34 PM
reply to post by reticledc

Glad to have you here friend. I know you have some good suggestions for our "game". Let's find the pieces of the puzzle.

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