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Sarah Palin announces daughter is pregnant

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posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 06:43 AM

Originally posted by Major Discrepancy
The Major is firmly grounded in reality, and as such...

All the boys in the yard, say my better than sockpuppet is better than yours!

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 07:19 AM
Luke ! i'm not your father !
McChain is the father ! incest crap all over it

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 07:26 AM
reply to post by RUFFREADY

Now why would they take down that website??

Once again I marvel how the Republicans can turn the complicated life of Sarah Palin into some sort of plus for the country! A grown woman (with 4 kids!) has an oops moment followed not shortly after by her teenage daughters oops moment resulting in a disabled child plus a teen pregnancy and marriage. Somehow the repubs think this is the person I want for President?? Sounds like a Dr Phil episode no thanks.

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 07:50 AM
Its tragic really for Gov Palin but its not like she is the only parent that as had a teenage daughter get pregnant the only thing is bad timing with her nomination as VP and all. I am not a McCain fan and personally I think he hurt his chances with her nomination as VP but that's left to be seen. I do not think she should be judged on her parental merit in terms of her being able to run the country because of this incident. I mean Hillary Clinton was close to the Democratic nomination herself.

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 09:08 AM

The American media (which is right-wing and conservative) is of course glossing over this.

The American media is right-wing and conservative? Can you give me any examples of this?

The majority of the time I watch news channels or read a newspaper, they are liberal in nature.

Fox news is the closest thing to 'conservative' we have on TV and look how much they get beat up!

Perhaps in small towns across the country there may be some conservative leaning newspapers and local news shows but, as a whole, the media is very LEFT leaning.


posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 09:13 AM

i think we need to stop chopping at each other in such a negative fashion and just look at the issues that threaten everyone. there's a happy middle ground here, i swear there is.

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 09:24 AM
reply to post by sundeviant

sundeviant, just for clarification, did you want to add a comment to the post you quoted or were you simply reposting it because you agree with it and want to bring it to everyone's attention?

I don't think Palin will drop out (or be asked to drop out) because of this but if it becomes too much of a distraction, she may have to. That's mainly where my interest on this subject is at the moment.


posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 09:25 AM

Originally posted by Leo Strauss

A grown woman (with 4 kids!) has an oops moment followed not shortly after by her teenage daughters oops moment resulting in a disabled child plus a teen pregnancy and marriage. Somehow the repubs think this is the person I want for President??

No, the republicans KNOW this is not somebody you would want for POTUS Leo because you fit into the demographic that would not vote republican if Jesus Christ and Muhammad were running on the same ticket.

McCain picked Sarah Palin as VP because the "silent majority" will vote for her as part of the McCain/Palin ticket. This silent majority would much rather have an relatively inexperienced conservative "real" woman running the country than the relatively inexperienced Barry O. running the country.

And I wonder how many other families out there had "oops" moments like you call them? I wonder how many will be able to relate to Sarah Palin compared to how many families have kids they sent to Princeton and Harvard who attend churches led by preachers who say things like "God Damn America!"

Obama = out of touch elitist who hangs with radicals who hate America.

Palin = real women with real success story, with real family who loves her soon-to-be grandchild instead of thinking of child as some form of punishment to her daughter.

Now who do you think is more likely to appeal to middle America?

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 09:43 AM

Originally posted by Jemison

The American media (which is right-wing and conservative) is of course glossing over this.

The American media is right-wing and conservative? Can you give me any examples of this?

The majority of the time I watch news channels or read a newspaper, they are liberal in nature.

Fox news is the closest thing to 'conservative' we have on TV and look how much they get beat up!

Perhaps in small towns across the country there may be some conservative leaning newspapers and local news shows but, as a whole, the media is very LEFT leaning.


I would literally be here all day giving you examples.

My experience comes from 5 years living outside of the US. When you see/hear news from other countries, you get a great perspective on things. It's also not so much as what the US media covers, but what they do not cover. This thread is about the Republican choice for Vice President, and not the biased media.

Their choice for VP is so inexperienced, and I wish people could set aside their obvious bias and see that. Do we really want this person one McCain 72-year old breathe away from being president?

A Harvard law school graduate versus a University of Idaho bachelor of journalism (who never actually practiced any journalism). Take away the parties. Who would you rather be leading our country? A beauty pageant queen or a constitutional scholar?

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 09:49 AM

The American media is right-wing and conservative?

Well you have to admit that our media will make mountians out of a mole hill. I would have to disagree with conservative, huge liberals if any thing and mostly left wing biased stuff.............

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 09:53 AM

Originally posted by Choppy
A Harvard law school graduate versus a University of Idaho bachelor of journalism (who never actually practiced any journalism). Take away the parties. Who would you rather be leading our country? A beauty pageant queen or a constitutional scholar?

That's easy!

Take away the parties, and I would rather have somebody who is NOT a lawyer running the country any day!

And by the way, your characterizations are so childishly immature they could only appeal to somebody equally small minded.

Sarah Palin is an accomplished person in her own right. The fact that she was a "beauty queen" is irrelevant to the discussion. Mentioning it they way you did would be like me saying:

"Who would you rather have running the country, the Governor of Alaska or a skinny basketball player who lives in the South Side of Chicago?"

And back on topic, this thread is about Sarah Palin announcing her daughter is pregnant. What's it say about how pathetically superficial people are if we can have 14 pages talking about a grown woman announcing her daughter is pregnant?

Big f-ing deal. A woman has a pregnant daughter. Everybody here came from a pregnant woman. When did being pregnant become such a big deal?

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 09:59 AM

Their choice for VP is so inexperienced, and I wish people could set aside their obvious bias and see that.

Palin has experience in the executive branch of government. She has to make important decisions on a daily basis. Obama has never been in that role. He has been in the legislative branch where they take months and years working through things. He has zero experience as being an executive on any level.

But the election isn't about Obama vs. Palin, is it?

I would GREATLY prefer McCain to Obama and those are the two at the top of the ticket.

Biden vs. Palin is also an easy choice for me. I have far more faith in Palin than I do in Biden. Biden being on the Obama ticket makes zero sense to me and undoes any credibility that Obama had in regard to 'change'.

Biden no more represents or is capable of 'change' as I am the Queen of England.

As much as I hate to even think about this, the sad reality of the situation is that McCain and Obama, despite their age differences, have about the same chances of surviving four years of being POTUS. It is unfair to constantly assume that Palin would be put in a position of stepping in for McCain without also assuming that Biden may have to do the same.


posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by Bone Collector

Yup, mountains out of mole hills, issues out of no where, not even covering lots of topics.. I could go on.

One quick and easy example is the Super Bowl "fiasco" with Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake. In many other countries, not only would an exposed breast never get any 'news' footage, but it is common for nudity to be a part of ad campaigns. The American media made 1 nipple a huge controversy for many months. Would a truly liberal media really care? I expect that from a Middle Eastern country, but not a liberal one.

I don't like going so far off topic on a post, but I don't know how to tie this into Sarah Palin. I doubt she publicly spoke about that event though, since she went from beauty pageant contestant/sports reporter to serving on a small city council, mayor of a tiny city, took three years off and then ran for governor against the most unpopular governor in the Union. In a state with well under one million people.

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 10:09 AM

And back on topic, this thread is about Sarah Palin announcing her daughter is pregnant. What's it say about how pathetically superficial people are if we can have 14 pages talking about a grown woman announcing her daughter is pregnant?

I can see your point that someone's pregnancy shouldn't merit 14 pages of discussion.

But remember, we are on ATS, a conspiracy board, and there are a lot of different angles that are open for exploration and discussion.

I personally believe what the McCain camp said ... he was aware of this prior to announcing her as his VP choice and that he didn't feel that it was a reason to disqualify her from being his top pick ... and based on what you posted, I assume that you agree with McCain and see Bristol's pregnancy as a non-issue.

IMHO, I would prefer 14 pages of discussing different opinions and thoughts on something that is a proven truth than 14 pages of discussing a disgusting lie and smear campaign like the ones that claim that Trig is Bristols son rather than Sarah Palin's son!


posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by jamie83
What's it say about how pathetically superficial people are if we can have 14 pages talking about a grown woman announcing her daughter is pregnant?

In other news Michelle Obama had her menstrul period last month, and McCain had a rather sucessful bowel movement thanks to a breakfast consisting of Rasian Bran and a glassfull of Benefiber.

What's news about a grown woman getting pregnant? According to Alaska state law, 16 years is the legal age where women can have consensual sex thus implying that women of this age are mature enough to make their own decision.

Is it creepy for this thread to be full of individuals who are obsessed with the sex life of a 17 year old? Yes.

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 10:14 AM

Palin = real women with real success story, with real family who loves her soon-to-be grandchild instead of thinking of child as some form of punishment to her daughter.

Yes, they were so proud they waited several days to announce it. Instead of releasing Sarah's bio as "she has a husband, 5 children, one of whom is engaged to be married and is pregnant!", they reluctantly made an announcement after pressure from rumors.

I don't doubt they will love their grandchild, but they absolutely tried to conceal the girl's engagement and pregnancy.

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 10:20 AM

Originally posted by Choppy

I don't doubt they will love their grandchild, but they absolutely tried to conceal the girl's engagement and pregnancy.

So what? What sort of warped world do you live in where you think a family is somehow required to announce to the world their daughter is pregnant?

What's REALLY Un-f-ing believable about this attitude is that pro-abortion liberals think that a woman's right to PRIVACY is so sacred that it is valued more than the life of the unborn child. But when a women is pregnant and wants to have the baby you suddenly think she has no right to privacy.

Idiotic, immoral, hypocritical, and pathetic are the first words that come to mind.

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 10:24 AM
reply to post by Choppy

Not according to Time magazine. It was the most widely known secret in Alaska. So those faded jeans you're wearing. You bought them that way. Just because it's not the most talked about thing in your house doesn't mean it's a secret.

In Wasilla, Pregnancy Was No Secret

It was, more or less, an open secret. And everyone was saying the same thing: the governor's 17-year-old daughter is pregnant, the father is her boyfriend, and it's really nobody's business beyond that.

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 10:36 AM
reply to post by Captain Obvious

Exactly! Before thrusting her entire family (which includes her non-adult children), the pregnant girl was able to at least get some 'privacy'. No one outside of Alaska knew about it. Now? The entire world.

When you run to be the next-in-line to the most powerful job on the planet, you will, and do face public scrutiny. Sarah knew this; we all know this. She put her child up for public scrutiny. Poor judgment? Yes.

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 10:37 AM

I don't doubt they will love their grandchild, but they absolutely tried to conceal the girl's engagement and pregnancy.

It was common knowledge in the Alaskan town where they lived so I don't think they were planning on keeping it from the public for very long. The Alaskan press also knew of the engagement and pregnancy and according to the reports yesterday, they were getting close to running the story so Palin wanted to make people aware of it before it ran in the papers.

I believe they didn't announce it when they announced that she was McCain's choice because they wanted people to focus on her experience and her position on the issues.

Over the weekend there were so many vicious rumors of Bristol being Trigs real Mom, Palin/McCain felt that by bringing Bristol's pregnancy to the public, those ugly rumors would be put to rest ... how pathetic that those rumors are STILL circulating!

I have no reason to doubt that Palin was vetted and McCain knew of the pregnancy so then the question becomes, WHEN were McCain/Palin planning on announcing this pregnancy?


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