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Military help for Georgia is a 'declaration of war', says Moscow

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posted on Aug, 30 2008 @ 03:53 AM
Russia needs more resources? Well I guess they do not need more children afterall. A couple years ago Vladimir Putin was encouraging people to have children.

posted on Aug, 30 2008 @ 05:35 AM
have no idea why drag children here for?

posted on Aug, 30 2008 @ 06:25 AM

Each genuine Chinese mustn't forget this, except Chinese traitor.

go to major chinese forums and you can easily find the tendency of public opinions,are you saying that most chinese people are traiters?that's really absurd,as for outer mongolia,that's part of the history.but should not always be the obstacle for sino russia cooperation.if you have any basic knowledge about american history you can find the a huge chunk of southern land were seized by america through the war against mexico,i never heard mexico wants to join the united states.

i m pretty sure my opinion represent the majority of chinese public opinion on this issue,so dont insult the majority of chinese people by calling them traitors.

posted on Aug, 30 2008 @ 06:27 AM
China and the SCO have in this case both failed to endorse Russia's actions.
Notably they have not condemned them with any vigor either.

Not surprising, since for most of them, discouraging their own "breakaway regions" outweighs backing up their Russian friends ATM.

posted on Aug, 30 2008 @ 08:48 AM

Originally posted by haidian

Each genuine Chinese mustn't forget this, except Chinese traitor.

go to major chinese forums and you can easily find the tendency of public opinions,are you saying that most chinese people are traiters?that's really absurd,as for outer mongolia,that's part of the history.but should not always be the obstacle for sino russia cooperation.if you have any basic knowledge about american history you can find the a huge chunk of southern land were seized by america through the war against mexico,i never heard mexico wants to join the united states.

i m pretty sure my opinion represent the majority of chinese public opinion on this issue,so dont insult the majority of chinese people by calling them traitors.

There will be no sincerely cooperation between Russ-Sino as well as we can't cooperation with Japan if they don't admit history. No admit true history in name which we can not let them pass, occupied our land in reality which how can we allow? . Some persons who are too young to remember the history, some of Chinese were poisoned by extremly wrong propagation by CPC, some of them are affected as same as those students who were in front of US embassy in 1999. All of them, who hold their opinion without more reliable and sturdy knowledge but linear thinking enemy's enemy just is friend and with insaneness. In Chinese, you should know what does FenQing(粪青) mean. In most professional military forum, there is no place for them. Does anyone know what does FenQing mean in our China? It describe one who judge something not using Brain but arsehole.

Of cource I lost some of them, who are really and hopefully want provok conflict between US and China, what real purpose they want factually is that US bomber burn the city where only heartless richman live in. This is also what I dreamed.

See talk with me, you can get lots of knowledge which you cannot obtain from book or others.
Totally free.

[edit on 30-8-2008 by emile]

posted on Aug, 30 2008 @ 09:02 AM
More native knowledge for you guys here.
粪 in English means s-h-i-t, 青in Eng means young. Now you can see who we using these innovative words describe to.

Surely, they are not majority of our young generation. also surely, most of them, when they grown up, they will see through the fake done by dictatorial government and thinking independently.

[edit on 30-8-2008 by emile]

posted on Aug, 30 2008 @ 10:31 AM
i guess 愤青 is the proper word,not 粪青,and we got one above.uh

posted on Aug, 30 2008 @ 01:45 PM
粪青=愤青 not only because the pronouncation are same but also 粪青 is a more appropriate word to describe those who can do bark only, without usable brain.

[edit on 30-8-2008 by emile]

posted on Aug, 30 2008 @ 05:52 PM
reply to post by haidian

We seized the SW US from Mexico? That is the same tripe taught to Mexican children in their public schools. Give me a break! Are you quoting Mexican history books, or everyone elses'? I'm not saying the majority are true, but Mexico clearly has an interest in telling their people that they are poor, because 'we' stole all their wealth. If we 'gave' them 'back' San Diego, it would look like Tijana in about a year.

posted on Aug, 30 2008 @ 06:11 PM
Topic: Military help for Georgia is a 'declaration of war', says Moscow

Let's please stick to it and leave unrelated discussions for other threads.


posted on Aug, 30 2008 @ 06:46 PM
reply to post by Gregarious

Err, that's exactly what we did

And it's what's taught in US public schools too.

It's not a fact that is really contested by anyone - it doesn't mean we'll be giving San Diego "back" anytime soon, but it's an unquestionable historical fact.

Believe me, I live in San Diego, and nobody here, least of all the Mexicans here, wants to be part of Mexico

They've either had family living here since like forever and grew up Americans, or they came here more recently to get the hell out of Mexico

Sorry to continue a side debate but I had to clear up a misconception.

On topic - it's pretty understandable that the Russians would consider us supplying the Georgians, who they just had a war with. I think if the Russians started arming & training Iraqi insurgents we'd be a bit ticked off

Meanwhile, we trained and armed a country on Russia's border, tried to bring them into our military alliance, and basically encouraged them to attack Russians.

That sounds pretty hostile to me.

[edit on 8/30/08 by xmotex]

posted on Aug, 30 2008 @ 06:58 PM
The whole issue is just a game of weakening rivals
neither of both sides is righteous

[edit on 31-8-2008 by gs001]

posted on Aug, 30 2008 @ 09:14 PM
reply to post by Agit8dChop

Ignore Russian big mouths. Help Georgia.
We are ready.

posted on Aug, 30 2008 @ 09:44 PM

Originally posted by Majic
Topic: Military help for Georgia is a 'declaration of war', says Moscow

Let's please stick to it and leave unrelated discussions for other threads.


You didn't see? Moscow had declared war after it invaded neighbor, the only result of concession will be more aggression just like Hitler did during 1937-1939. I will never. The world will go mess if FQs present anywhere they want to go, my mission is that teaching them how to be sane.

[edit on 30-8-2008 by emile]

word edited

[edit on 30-8-2008 by emile]

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 02:18 AM

go to major chinese forums and you can easily find the tendency of public opinions,are you saying that most chinese people are traiters?that's really absurd,as for outer mongolia,that's part of the history.but should not always be the obstacle for sino russia cooperation.if you have any basic knowledge about american history you can find the a huge chunk of southern land were seized by america through the war against mexico,i never heard mexico wants to join the united states.

Wanted to correct and give quick history lesson 1 Texas fought to be independent nation do to brutality and unfair taxation was not part of United States 2nd after negotiations Mexico sold the land to the United States.
Now how exactly does this prove the US wants to take over the world exactly??

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 10:40 AM
reply to post by maloy

Really??Russia isnt affraid of anything? I have last week an collegue from Russia. She was desperated. Only my company has frozen 3 projects whit about 36 000000 EUR value.
Will see how Russia will be happy when all foreign investors will get their money out of russia. If that will not help, EU can always froze all of russian accounts in their banks.
And wit these oil prices that will mean a major crashdown for Russia(I hope so be it).

posted on Aug, 31 2008 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by maloy

Originally posted by emergencyresponseteam
1) Chechnya/Kosovo happened.

As well as to some Ukrainian, Belarus, Georgians, Latvians, and Lithuanians in the 90's. So what? It is not illegal to have dual citizenship - this practice is common in many ethnically - redistributed areas around the globe.

[Russia did not take part in that conflict - and it played both sides off, much like all geopolitical giants do. I don't think anyone is defending what Abkhaz did at that time, and Georgia also committed its share of attrocities.

Originally posted by emergencyresponseteam

Great source there.

Originally posted by emergencyresponseteam
That is why Georgians are a little bit reluctant to give Abkhazia away.

None of those post soviet fabric workers is Latvians,Georgians,Ukrainian, Belarus, but only a russian trash that USSR left behind after collapse.
Russia has made genoice in such nummbers against every post soviet country, that Western world could not image. For example 200 000 latvians deported, 7 milions Ukrainians killled. But if Russian goverment is gloryfing Stalin, acording to Aleksandr Filipov school book Russian history 1945-2007, the Western world will not have oportunities as only to make some radical actions against Russia.

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 08:26 AM

Originally posted by ProfEmeritus
You know very well that your analogy does NOT apply. Japan and Germany did NOT enslave any countries after the war!

But they did leave plenty of countries in ruin which countries like the USSR then proceeded to rebuild so as to enable their industrialization and education drives... If one looks at how much of the world that fell under western control looks you get a very good idea of why things got better for the survivors ( after Stalin killed those who resisted change or offered resistance of any kind) in much of Eastern Europe while they remained the same or got worse in the 'developing world. If you look at countries like Indian and Pakistan, Indonesia ( include a few dozen with US installed dictators if you like) their death tolls from disease and malnutrition alone are ten times higher than any amount Stalin has ever been accused of killing. Living in the USSR were not the best thing that could happen to you but it's far, far from the worse.

As for revenge, I am not talking about revenge. I am talking about a country that enslaved hundreds of millions of people for 45 years, and is trying to do it AGAIN.

If taking away, or wanting to take away, people's economic or human rights is slavery then we live on a slave planet since so very few are lucky enough not to experiencing slavery of one form or another.

Russia has no right to invade Georgia. Putin is trying to re-establish the old Soviet Union, and you know it. Your avatar seems to agree with that attempt.

Russia has more right to invade ( presuming that this is about international law and not just the ability to do so ) Georgia than Georgia did for shelling civilians in SO. When the US withdraws from it's illegal occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan ( and a few other nations from illegal occupations of their own) the 'west' might gain credibility enough to keep the Russians to international agreements. As for Putin trying to establish the old Soviet Union i'm confident that they will use the same puppet ruler systems and economic terrorism to get their way without creating 'unions' such as the one NATO ( and Germany; a western country) inspired.

Originally posted by ProfEmeritus
Here you go :

From the same source:

Soon after the Cuban Revolution, America became concerned about the political positions of Fidel Castro's government, and therefore Cuba was a major focus of the new Kennedy administration when it assumed power in January 1961.[2] In Havana, there was fear of military intervention by the United States in Cuba.[3] In April 1961, the threat of invasion became real when a force of CIA-trained Cuban exiles opposed to Castro landed at the Bay of Pigs. The invasion was quickly terminated by Cuba's military forces. Castro was convinced the United States would invade Cuba.[4] Shortly after routing the Bay of Pigs Invasion, he declared Cuba a socialist republic, established formal ties with the Soviet Union, and began to modernize Cuba's military.

The United States also considered direct military attack. Air Force Gen. Curtis Lemay presented to Kennedy a pre-invasion bombing plan in September, while spy flights and minor military harassment from the United States Guantanamo Naval Base were the subject of continual Cuban diplomatic complaints to the U.S. government.

By September 1962, Cuban observers fearing an imminent invasion would have seen increasing signs of American preparations for a possible confrontation, including a joint Congressional resolution authorizing the use of military force in Cuba if American interests were threatened[7], and the announcement of an American military exercise in the Caribbean planned for the following month (Operation Ortsac).Unanimously, the Joint Chiefs of Staff agreed that a full-scale attack and invasion was the only solution. They agreed that the Soviets would not act to stop the U.S. from conquering Cuba; Kennedy was skeptical, saying:

Since the description you provided only suggests that it 'appears' as if Castro asked for that i would still like to see a primary source which were not given by wikipedia. Firing on aircraft in Cuban skies is a defensive action so i am not sure how that can serve as proof of anything beside legitimate self defense.

Originally posted by ProfEmeritus
Now they know how West Berlin felt for 45 years.

Well the USSR occupied all of Berlin and could have probably kept if if they liked to do so. It was the terrorist actions of the CIA/others that primarily led to the USSR's blockade of West Berlin so once again something that could have been prevented by not taking such aggressive terrorist actions.

Maybe a dose of their own medicine is what they need to wake up. For 45 years, they "encircled Eastern Europe, so they are the last that should open their mouths.

It was always the USSR that were encircled by the west ( Pakistan, Iran, China - up to the mid 70's- Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Turkey and NATO itself) and to suggest that the USSR taking Eastern European countries from the Nazi's by force to be somehow less 'legitimate' has always struck me as biased and ignorant. Capitalism ruled the world and the USSR did not gain the power to do much anything about that until the late 1970's.

Originally posted by ProfEmeritus
I'm curious, seriously. Can you name ONE COUNTRY that "properly" executed the concept of your communism? If not, then maybe it isn't executable.

Not that i would want to see the mostly fascist implementation of 'communism' spread or succeed but how did any attempt stand much of a chance when the world were dominated by the armed power of corporate capitalism? Would the communist in China ever have achieved power if not for the invasion of the Japanese had not been sponsored by the western interests just like Lenin and his gang when they co-opted and destroyed the social democratic 'soviets' and stole power in Russia? What would the 'communist' in China have managed if Japan did not destroy such massive tracts of the nominally more industrialized Eastern China and where would Russia have been today if not for the devastation caused by the German Invasion? Look what each managed despite the massive devastation caused by the last world war?


posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 09:04 AM
reply to post by StellarX

I see you didnt live in USSR. But I did. Belive me not one single person in post-soviet country want to live like that again!!
I agree that capitalism isnt the best way of living and rulling the world, but you dont have to be affraif every day for your life only because you dont share goverment politics.
Russians only know how to break things instead to build something good.

posted on Sep, 1 2008 @ 01:00 PM

Originally posted by emile
There two are totally different things with uncompareble aspects.
Over thousands, even several ten thousand Albanian race people was murdered by Serbian army, which reasonably cause Kosovo to be indepedent.

Those accusations were never followed up in the war crimes trail against Milosevic because it might be too kind to say that they were no physical evidence.

In Kosovo, NATO peacekeeper found pit of ten thousand corpses-mass grave in which contains uncountable Muslim people.

According to popular western propaganda, yes.

This why NATO bombed S. slav to force them pull out of kosovo. The event also presented NATO is a considerablely fare force to solve the conflict between nations.

NATO bombed Serbia because it was the final act of the destruction of the Yugoslavian confederation/nation which were setting a really good example of practicable socialism to eastern European nations. It's something the US had to live with in the cold war but not something they were going to allow either the Iraqi's or Souther Slav's to get away with for long.

Someone in China always thought that Muslim and Occident are terrible enemy, but what happened in Kosovo refutted that opnion completely.

Concerning to Chinese Forum
link to the biggest website of Chinese sina

I am not sure what you are trying to say here so feel free to clarify your claims or points.


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