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*8-25-08* - Alex Jones visits the FEMA camp (for unruly citizens) at the DNC. Classic!!

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posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 06:35 PM
to thoose who do not want to pick personal fights (me). let me modestly attempt to answer a few questions from an earlier post in reverse order.truth first.

Could it be that footage dosent exist because these claims are true?

Would you really expect someone to get documented proof. IE; footage of an actual camp in action? without bieng intrurned in that camp apon discovery?

Could any one of us expect to walk up to a facility like this in operation let alone with two camera men if were actually in use?

Well maybe Iam crazy. so as long as Iam not a threat to socitey. I would be just the same as you with different views. and maybe different levels of conviction. my bad???

How do ypu blow a camp out of proportion? suppose that it will only hold 5000 instead of 10000?

is not a camp a camp or do you prefer Summer Home?

ok I must digress now. no harm intended to the affended. my line.

peace and good will to all

i dont know the whole story with the chick from fox. but as a gentileman i would have allowed her a more graceful exit even if she was on my list.

but then again one of my own quotes " evil must be destroyed... simply because it will not, be killed."

if she were that evil.... i guess she wasnt.

posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 06:47 PM
reply to post by GirlNextDoor

Here's an account of a processed protester...

Those pooh-pooing the idea of a government mass roundup and imprisonment of American citizens seem to need a history lesson on what went on in this country in the early 1940s if you lived on the West coast and were of Japanese ancestry.

posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 07:01 PM

[I stand and start along slow clap]


posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 07:21 PM
Didn't he say they were the Sheriff officers? They (sheriffs) are the police force that is already being groomed and already is allowed to torture inmates in county jails, even to the death. They will round up "dissenters" like christians and those who disagree with the power that will come and put them in these camps where they will be forced to take the number or national Id card or they will be tortured and then killed.

Ever wonder why you never hear of any wrongdoing by the sheriffs dept., it is because they are already covered by the one who will rise to power, the antichrist. Don't believe me, just get yourself arrested and interred in any county jail in a large city and then let it be known you are a christian.

First they will make life very hard on you by denying any kind of hearing, or postponing it for many years, while you are at their mercy. Next, you will probably be raped by the other inmates multiple times with the full cooperation of the sheriffs dentention officers, and also tortured by the most vile means, by the actual officers themselves using the inmates through reward or punishment bribes.

Many will end up dieing in the county jail, or transferred to a mental health facility after they go crazy from all the torture, where they will be killed by drug overdose or other means. No one cares about a mental patient dieing, or even an inmate. Think about it, it will start happening more often very soon.

posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 08:03 PM
reply to post by IAttackPeople


Alex's videos make me uneasy. This account terrifies me.

"Then I was taken to another area, loaded onto a bus that took us to a warehouse in a Denver industrial park. There were Special Operations Response Team police there, who took our pictures again, printed both hands - not just the fingers, but our whole hand rolled onto the ink - and did a medical check. Then they assigned us to different chain-link cages, maybe 15 feet by 15 feet, all chain link, with a padlock. Between 10 and 20 of us were in one of those cages. Females and males were separated.

This made me think of the detention scenes in the movie Children of Men. Horrific.

"They pumped in cold air, in these big white tubes, all night and all day the next day. It was freezing in there. I was lucky; I had a jacket, but other people were in shorts and T-shirts. We asked them to turn off the cold air, but they didn't.

Sounds like the portable air conditioning units work.

posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 09:28 PM
People take for granted their freedom. Well take it no more, I assure you, doing what Alex did isn't as easy as it looks... if he hadn't had 3 interns with video cameras, and a cell phone connected with a live feed... things may not have gone so smoothly, It takes a brave and well equipped man to walk into a place like that, with his message, and then walk out again.

Bravo Alex for a fantastic piece of journalism, and to everyone who doesn't recognize, you had better, because one day you'll think to yourself, wow I wish I supported Alex Jones and all the great work he did for America, Peace

posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 09:47 PM
reply to post by Dr Love
ahahaha,so this is the bad-ass neo-con mouthpeice? well,I guess it's hard to come across as that when you don't have a teleprompter and a script handy.She is evil.

posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 09:48 PM
the messages he spreads are important - regardless of whether or not his conclusions are accurate, or even rational. Alex Jones shines a light in the darkness. when the cockroaches scurry into the corners, he grabs a bullhorn and shouts "Hey! there are cockroaches under here!" and streams it live on the web.

Seriously, even if cockroaches outlive us all (as many predict), he's sure to be a pain in their side till that day!

posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 10:12 PM
Get'em Alex..

Shine light on all those dirty shadowy figures that hide under the guise of lies and evil. The MSM is their tool to discombobulate society and have society turn itself on one another. Time to unite and take back what is truly ours.

posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 11:46 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe

Alex did what i've wanted to do for years!!!!! I've wanted to kick her ars, her evil ars for years.
You work for the devil, you got to take the consequences.


Im so with you! And I live in Australia!

Saying to kill innocent Americans? She deserved more than she got!

Alex Jones may be VERY passionate at times, but the truths of his passion, are very real!

A Star for you my friend, coz you not scared to speak your truth!

[edit on 26-8-2008 by DarksDeception]

[edit on 26-8-2008 by DarksDeception]

posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 11:57 PM
reply to post by Dr Love

Just to add to it! To show how so many are so so blind to truth! A nice way of putting it, lol

But seriously, is it the chemspray over there? "Love!, Peace!, Justice!

[edit on 26-8-2008 by DarksDeception]

[edit on 27-8-2008 by DarksDeception]

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 01:06 AM
I think the scenario could be----1. The world economy collapses bigger than '29 which leads to more socialism,unrest,martial laws. Or 2.There is a serious terrorist attack.3.War is declared against(insert name here) any of these would lead to chipping everbody and if they don't want to be chipped they get shipped off to the camps.Also,the United Nations would help in the policing and selection.If it happens before Bush leaves office he can make himself virtual dictator under the new "emergency" laws he pushed through last year. A perfect storm for the elite to thrive in.

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 01:10 AM
reply to post by seabisquit

Well said Seabisquit. Starred!

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 01:18 AM

Originally posted by seabisquit
I think the scenario could be----1. The world economy collapses bigger than '29 which leads to more socialism,unrest,martial laws. Or 2.There is a serious terrorist attack.3.War is declared against(insert name here) any of these would lead to chipping everbody and if they don't want to be chipped they get shipped off to the camps.Also,the United Nations would help in the policing and selection.If it happens before Bush leaves office he can make himself virtual dictator under the new "emergency" laws he pushed through last year. A perfect storm for the elite to thrive in.

Star! Thats what im talking about! People who really see whats happening!

I will vote for you my friend!

[edit on 27-8-2008 by DarksDeception]

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 02:23 AM
(edit: Posted in the Wrong thread. I'm Old)

[edit on 27-8-2008 by TruthTellist]

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 05:26 AM
i live in denver.

these 'camps' are processing stations. denver pd gets your whole hand when fingerprinting you, regardless of your offense. that is their procedure. i've been arrested here before. i know. traffic warrants suck.

the refrigeration is related to the fact that we have had sweltering heat in the past few weeks. a ten minute car ride has been a sweatbox. they are making sure that people aren't dying of heat stroke.

the sherrifs here are jerks, but they probably are in your town too.

most people are held, shuttled to the city and county building where the court precedings are held in the morning because our city and county jails are already filled with people that are much more dangerous than the protesters. filled to an overwhelming capacity.

i'm not saying that the people arrested are there for the right reason, but i'm saying that there is no real mystery behind it.

and this is coming from someone that hates law enforcement with a passion.

don't hate

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 05:38 AM
Tho I do not agree with some of the things Alex Jones talks about, he does light up the issues very well.

Say...if this camp is for the "unruly", then why doesnt the government go to the beaches during spring break and round up those unruly citizens???

Alex has been saying for a long time that we will see mass roundups of American citizens, checkpoints at every city, county and state boarders, homes being raided in the middle of the night for no reason, and everyone should suspect everyone around them because they might be a terrorist.

Cmon....isnt that taking it just a tad bit over the edge to the brink of blatant paranoia?


posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 10:25 AM

Originally posted by DarksDeception
But seriously, is it the chemspray over there? "Love!, Peace!, Justice!

No kidding. I found their chants less than inspired, too. I mean...the world is watching. And they yell squishy, abstract words with no context? So disappointing.

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 10:34 AM
I don't agree with them arresting people for protesting in the first place.
I think that is nazi like.Someone at the top is ordering this to be done.
To silence peoples freedom of speech.
But the fact is if they did have to arrest 100's of people.
They wouldn't all fit in the normal jails.
And would take up much needed room for rapists murderers thieves and drug dealers.
So I think perhaps to much dwelling on the logistics operations of the sheriffs department and the warehouse.
And not enough dwelling on why these people are ordered by high level officials to be arrested in the first place.

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 10:49 AM
Heres my deal with Alex Jones.

I WANT to like him and I listen to him for maybe an hour when I can here or there. I dont listen to him, or any other person like a true fan, I admit. But I do like the gist of where he's coming from.

However, I usually turn him off when he gets incredibly loud and starts screaming. I watched the first video of the Michelle Malkin piece, and it just stood out in my mind like "BURN THE WITCH!! BURN THE WITCH!!! I didnt hear any points that she couldnt back out of and I thought she handled herself fairly well given a large fat man in her face yelling at her like hes got tourrettes. He had an arsenal of words to assault her with, and I kept thinking, if I was new to Alex Jones and was a sheep who needed awakened, I wouldnt get it watching these videos. I would think Alex Jones is a big fat crazy bully.
Im sure shes supposed to be the bad guy here, but I really could hardly make out what shes done thats got him so upset. At one point I even rewound a part to listen to it again, but eventually gave up. Anyone can scream at someone, thats not journalism. From what I could hear it sounded like she had something to do with the soldier killing that dog many months back?
I'm not looking for an understanding, after this I'm on my way to look up Malkin, so dont bother trying to share with me his opinions and views.

If that makes me a government spy or whatever, cool, tell them they owe me backpay.

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