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Brief History of Christianity, Must Read.

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posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 09:55 PM
Lately I've been trying something new, a new method of thinking I call it perspective thinking.

I look at everything and everyone as if I never knew anything about it, him, or her.

I applied this to Christianity, and after some research this is how I've come to see Christianity from an open minded new religion type of view.

I'm having a hard time keeping my train of thought alive I just broke my ankle last night, so if things seem mis-placed thats due to my pain medication

So "In the Beginning" You've got Moses, he writes your first four books, soon later some guys pick up where he left off and you get the rest of the old testament as authored by Moses, John the fisherman, and Joe the carpenter.

Thus Judaism is born!
A couple thousand years cruise by, and then someone decides to continue where the Old left off. Thus surface Jesus Christ and the twelve disciples, the Jews, mind you the original God People, said Jesus was not their savior, he was a fraud!

Im gonna break off and elaborate on my thoughts, if today someone came to you, you being a christian, and he told you "I am Jesus back from the dead I am here to return you to the lord" just some cook in the street maybe a bum, maybe a business man, you'd look at him and call him a fraud, but what if he went and got people who DID believe him?

Jesus Christ of the Latter day Saints, Mormonism, took the Old and New Testaments and added another book, the book of mormon, which is not commonly accepted by chritians of other denominations.


So back to Christ, so we get this New Testament formed and Jesus gets the cross

Catholicism is born! In the early (first few hundred years) of the Catholic Faith , regular catholics could not see the Bible, it was for the priests to preach and the followers to follow.

The time known as the black ages got that name from the Catholic Priests charging to pardon sins, the church was a fearful institution, and with very much Theocratical power had a dominant choke on the European world.

Eventually my man Martin Luther shows up, in whats known as the Protestant movement, he takes the Bible and gives it to the people, to be re-interprutted by even more people, who have no idea the religions true history. Thus you get most modern denominations of Christianity, Baptist, Nazarene, Lutherans, ect...

Elaborating just a little more, we could have several things here.

The catholic church may be the work of the Devil, and the Jews know that.
The church was formed for power and fear and wasn't created and abused but created to be abused.
Or its real.

Your Call.

Others please Elaborate, or correct flaws, thank you.

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 11:17 PM
Sorry to hear about your ankle. Hope your feeling better today.

What is the point of this thread? Is it a cursor on the history of Judeo-Christianity?


posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 11:32 PM
I would suggest you read a book called , Misquoting Jesus by Bart D. Ehrman , the story behind who changed the Bible and why .
Well worth the read if this topic is of interest to you .

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by inspiringyouth
Lately I've been trying something new, a new method of thinking I call it perspective thinking.
So "In the Beginning" You've got Moses
Jesus Christ of the Latter day Saints, Mormonism, took the Old and New Testaments and added another book, the book of mormon, which is not commonly accepted by chritians of other denominations. Hypocrites.

Have you ever read the book of mormon? It is kinda silly, but an entertaining read, if you enjoy books like the DaVinci Code or the Left Behind books.

So back to Christ, so we get this New Testament formed and Jesus gets the cross
. Catholicism is born! In the early (first few hundred years) of the Catholic Faith , regular catholics could not see the Bible, it was for the priests to preach and the followers to follow.

Yeah, this is about where your perspective gets clouded. There is A LOT of Christian history in the East that just gets omitted from this point on.

In the early Church, there are heresies and Christians assert and clarify those things which were handed down by the Apostles from those that were not. The monastic movement grows, then the Roman Church attempts to assert that clergy must be celibate (which is rejected by the other Churches). The Papacy increasingly attempts to assert its dominion over the rest of Christendom. Then Islam rises out of a Christian heresy (Nestorianism).

There are years of intrigue and killing over icons and dealing with the threat of the Muslims who spread their religion by the sword and subjugation of other peoples in their path; they conquer across Africa into what is now Spain, South into the Sudan, and West into Afghanistan. They are chomping at the bit to devour Byzantium.

Then there is a split in the Church when the Pope tries to assert himself over the whole of Christianity. Then you have the Crusades in which many arab Orthodox are slaughtered at the hands of the Papist armies. Then the papist armies sack Byzantium (albeit, not with the blessing of the Pope). Then Byzantium falls to the Ottoman Turks and many flee to the Slavic lands.

There are many centuries of continuing tension between the Eastern Orthodox and the Roman Catholics that continues (even to this day). Then Communists attempt to eliminate Orthodoxy from the face of the earth, but that effort fails after a few generations. The West sends "missionaries" to fix the Orthodox because they don't have "Christianity" and don't worship "the Bible."

During this whole time, some things happen in Europe.

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 03:00 PM
A little humor for everyone!

Bible in a minute.

Bible In A Minute - barats and bereta

Whoops, guess the video didn't work.

Check out and watch the video Bible in a minute.

[edit on (8/15/08) by gnosis111]

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 03:46 PM

Have you ever read the book of mormon? It is kinda silly, but an entertaining read, if you enjoy books like the DaVinci Code or the Left Behind books.

I have, and yeah its silly, but so is the Bible.

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 04:16 PM

Originally posted by inspiringyouth

I have, and yeah its silly, but so is the Bible.

I am sorry, I was comparing books. You said "the Bible" (I assume you either mean the Protestant bible or the Hebrew bible) which is a collectiontion of several books.

Of these, to which were you referring to as silly? Or did you just mean all of them in generalization? Just curious...

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