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White Americans to be minority by 2042

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posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 11:37 PM

Originally posted by Raverous
I am white and I'm already made to feel like a minority here in mexicommiefornia. Everywhere I turn I see pregnant Mexicans with a baby in each arm and 4-5 kids walking behind.. Hardly any Asians or Blacks.. Lots of Muslims though I never see them with kids...

-this is in no way a racist post, so get that ignorant crap out of your head-

[edit on 16-8-2008 by Raverous]

I don't believe you are being racist at all. But understand that Mexicans have the right to come across the border and have a chance at freedom because their government is oppressing them. They should be allowed to have the chance even if it is illegal because that is what America is about.

We have to share what we have been blessed with and quit thinking of it as "ours" just because we have worked for it. We need to spread these things to those who are oppressed and hurting. Some people say that will backfire, but when has trusting and loving others backfired. I embrace the Mexicans and hope that they find the happiness and joy I have found in my great country.

Babies are sweet and should never be considered a burden. I think that more of us should be having more kids so that our race doesn't die out like theirs most assuredly won't. They are really smart to be thinking about populating abundantly in a country that is a democracy and free for all. We should be so grateful to what we have by having more babies to share it with instead of being evil and selfish and keeping our white genes in check.

It makes sense.

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 12:32 AM
reply to post by HorrorRoach

Y'know, I probably have been called a racist more often than I care to remember largely due in part to the fact that nothing offends me and I'm more than happy to make offcolor, non-PC and inappropriate comments, not to mention jokes. Like I said, nothing offends me, but you just came damn close to it. I think what bugs me about what you just posted is the fact that you seem serious about what you posted, AND you used the word "doodz" while trying to disparrage another group's members for being idiots!?!?!? "DOODZ"!?!?

Un-freaking-believable and I hope to God you aren't a white guy because that would be absolutely an embarrassment to this white redneck.

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 12:51 AM
I'm coming in late and I admit that I haven't read much past the first page. I just wanted to state my opinion which is this: Whenever people of different races get together, racial mixing is bound to occur. It is only natural. There is no pure race and anyone who thinks there is is full of it.

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 02:06 AM
Along the topic of inventions, let's talk about the atom bomb. What about biologically engineered weapons? Every world war. That's not even touching on technology that is being developed today that could be considered morally controversal. I believe it was I Germans doctor that made advances in the medical field by doing experiments on people. The white race have made some advancements in this world, not all of them considered good.

If you would like to look at this as minorities corrupting America then we can look at all of the evils that our nation has done. When you sit down and think about it black people have may have higher statistics when it comes to killing people but white people have moved beyond that, like taking things to the next level. If we are going to measure the good then we have to factor in the bad.

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 03:30 AM

Originally posted by Sonya610

Originally posted by enoughalready
I know the blacks today aren't oppressed and that your and my ancestors may have had nothing to do with their ancestors being slaves, but we are white and so shouldn't we be entitled to cater to them to make up for it?

Yeah, because if their ancestors had not been sold off as slaves they would have a MUCH better life in Sub-Saharan Africa. The African Motherland has always been such a wonderful place.

Are you serious? If anything modern blacks should be grateful to their ancestors for having endured slavery (for those that had it bad, believe me slavery was rampant in Africa and the Middle East as well, if one was captured and sold as a slave they would be lucky if they were not eaten in the Motherland) and be grateful to Europeans for creating the society they live in today. Ample food, medicine, and free education.

[edit on 16-8-2008 by Sonya610]

Where do you get the idea that african on african slavery was canibalistic?

If whites (euro and arab) had not finally got a foothold in africa after 100's of years of african resistance, africa would be the top country on the planet with their wealth of natural resources!

White racist slavery and colonialism is why africa is in the shambles that it is today!

And you want blacks to thank whites? You're out of your fyucking mind!


posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 04:19 AM
reply to post by spitefulgod

I have not read the article but decidedly agree, only I think it will will be much sooner than that. I think all races, excluding hispanic, will be the minority in a very short time, due to the numbers of illegal immigrants now living and continuing to come to America. Go into any store, any hospital, doctors office, laundry, ect, and the bulk of who you see now are hispanic.

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 04:48 AM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

Agree with every point my Hindu friend (I presume).

Just want to point out that you forgot something:

The ruling Casts of India are of Aryan Indo-European origin, just like the Persians and the many different tribes that invaded what is now Europe. They refuse any identification with the conquered people, which they label as "untouchables", and any contact if forbidden. The Brahman, the highest of the four Hindu varnas (Casts), will even throw his food away if the shadow of an "untouchable" touches it...

All the many wise people you refer to are Aryans, not only that but they are, probably, the most racist society on the Planet, since even the presence of another, lower cast, demands a purification ritual...

So, yes Hindus have given a major contribution to Western society but, go figure, they are all Aryans that invaded the sub-continent after migrating from the Caucasus area, that in that period extended to the steps of central Asia, just like the Persians. So they are called, the two upper varnas, Eastern Caucasians or Aryans. And guess what? They don't mix and they don't allow their children to mix...

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 04:57 AM
Racial bickering aside for one moment - the real zinger in the demographics is the increase/decrease in intelligent people whatever the colour. Anyone seen the movie Idiocracy? Although this is a comedy (at times) it pretty much nails the brainless culture that is sitting on the faux leather couch of the future scratching it's nuts and looking for the remote.

The majority of humans have the ability to be intelligent passionate decent folks if raised in the correct environment - poverty generally = poor eduction, poor diet, poor attitude with no real drive to travel, create, learn and the only base human needs of eating and making more humans remains.

In largely white populated areas it's the poor that have the larger families, always been the case always will. The only way to change that (short of mass sterlisation in the water etc) is to invest in education and reward...let's face it this ain't gonna happen either.

So hears to a future swarming with multi ethnic morons enjoying processed food washed down with electrolytes - Go Jerry Go Jerry!

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 06:45 AM

Originally posted by enoughalready
I embrace the Mexicans and hope that they find the happiness and joy I have found in my great country.

Babies are sweet and should never be considered a burden. I think that more of us should be having more kids so that our race doesn't die out like theirs most assuredly won't. They are really smart to be thinking about populating abundantly in a country that is a democracy and free for all. We should be so grateful to what we have by having more babies to share it with instead of being evil and selfish and keeping our white genes in check.

One of the main reasons the white birthrate is low is because most white people wait until they can afford to have kids, and they only have 1 or 2 so they can afford to put them in good schools, pay for college etc…

Others don’t hesitate to have 4 or 6 and don’t give a hoot about who pays for them (free healthcare, free school lunches, saving for college? who cares about college anyway).

If you think that this country is better off with some classes having tons of kids, using taxpayer funds to do so, and not worrying about the education those kids receive you care kidding yourself.

If you think this country will be better off with another 100 million people, many of whom will fit the above description, you are either brainwashed or you have not thought much about this at all.

[edit on 17-8-2008 by Sonya610]

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 06:51 AM

Originally posted by Grand Puba

Where do you get the idea that african on african slavery was canibalistic?

Cannablism is extremely well documented, it even goes on today. The slave trade was always going on in Africa, long before the spread of Islam (Islam forbids the taking of Muslims slaves and that is why the Arabs began importing and trading African slaves, and sometimes European slaves too). Being caught as a slave meant one might be sold for labor, or they might be eaten. But I understand, you may not see that mentioned much on afrocentric sites.

The pygmies petitioned the U.N. 5 or 6 years ago asking for protection because they were being hunted as bushmeat (apparently pigmy meat can endow magical powers).

[edit on 17-8-2008 by Sonya610]

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 09:14 AM

Originally posted by enoughalready
But understand that Mexicans have the right to come across the border

Well it's illegal, so apparently they don't.

Originally posted by enoughalready
and have a chance at freedom because their government is oppressing them.

Mexico is oppressing them? Have you actually ever been there? Mexico isn't even that bad of a place, it's a democracy like ours. It's a 2nd-world country, not a 3rd-world one.

Apparently you have no clue what you are even talking about. Mexico isn't Cuba.

Originally posted by enoughalready
They should be allowed to have the chance even if it is illegal because that is what America is about.

America is about immigrating here legally, and living the American dream, which is working hard to make something of yourself, a place where the sky is the limit as long as you put the effort in.

Now when mexicans come here illegally, get free food, free health care, don't have to pay taxes, basically get everything for free, how is that what America is about? It's not.

Originally posted by enoughalready
We have to share what we have been blessed with and quit thinking of it as "ours" just because we have worked for it.

Come to my house and pick up my BMW 350z. Who cares that I worked hard for it, you can have it.

Originally posted by enoughalready
We need to spread these things to those who are oppressed and hurting.

Who is oppressed and hurting?

Originally posted by enoughalready
I embrace the Mexicans and hope that they find the happiness and joy I have found in my great country.

Do you pay taxes? Pay for insurance, health care? Do you work a job? Did you come here legally? If any of the above, obviously the happiness and joy they will be getting will be infinitely more than yours.

Originally posted by enoughalready
I think that more of us should be having more kids so that our race doesn't die out like theirs most assuredly won't.

This is true.

However, there is a worldwide campaign by the elite to exterminate white people. Why do you think abortion clinics only go up in white neighborhoods? Why do you think 78% of people who get abortions (according to a national medical study) are white people?

The white race will soon die out. After that, the elite are going to focus on the Africans.

Originally posted by enoughalready
They are really smart to be thinking about populating abundantly in a country that is a democracy and free for all.

Yes, it's smart. If you do it legally and how you're supposed to.

Originally posted by enoughalready
We should be so grateful to what we have by having more babies to share it with instead of being evil and selfish and keeping our white genes in check.

No, we shouldn't.

Originally posted by enoughalready
It makes sense.

If you're Ted Bundy.

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 09:30 AM

Originally posted by ADisbeliever
Why do you think abortion clinics only go up in white neighborhoods? Why do you think 78% of people who get abortions (according to a national medical study) are white people?

I agree with a lot of what you have said except that bit.

Not sure if that 78% is supposed to be worldwide or in the U.S.

But in fact white women have a lower rate of abortion in the U.S.

From the CDC

which race was adequately reported, approximately 55% of women who obtained legal induced abortions were known to be white, 35% were black, and 7% were of other races; for 3% of the women, race was unknown. (Table 9). The abortion ratio for black women (503 per 1,000 live births) was 3.0 times the ratio for white women (167 per 1,000 live births). Additionally, the abortion ratio for women of other races (329 per 1,000 live births) was 2.0 times the ratio for white women. The abortion rate for black women (30 per 1,000 women) was 3.1 times the rate for white women (10 per 1,000 women), whereas the abortion rate for women of other races (22 per 1,000 women) was 2.2 times the rate for white women.

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 09:38 AM
reply to post by Grand Puba

Air Conditioning- Louis Latimer, 1886

Dates back to 2nd century AD.Modern type was invented by Willis Haviland Carrier in Syracuse,1902.
Latimer received a patent for an improved process for manufacturing the carbon filaments in light bulbs.These improvements allowed for a reduction in time to produce and an increase in quality.

The Blimp- J.F. Pickering, 1900

August 8,1709,Bartholomeu Lourenço de Gusmão,a Portuguese Jesuit priest, made the first Aerostat:the Passarola.The Aerostat flew from Casa da Índia and landed on Terreiro do Paço.
In 1784,Jean-Pierre Blanchard fitted a hand-powered propeller to a balloon, the first recorded means of propulsion carried aloft.In 1785,he crossed the English Channel with a balloon equipped with flapping wings for propulsion, and a bird-like tail for steerage.
The first person to make an engine-powered flight was Henri Giffard who, in 1852.

Helicopter- Paul E. Williams, 1962

The first single main rotor helicopter (FL-185) was built by the German engineer Anton Flettner in 1936.
It wasn't until 1942 that a helicopter designed by Igor Sikorsky,the "father" of helicopters" reached full-scale production.

Batteries- Granville T. Woods, 1888

The modern batteries started with the Voltaic pile,invented by the Italian physicist Alessandro Volta in 1800.
Woods patented many things,including the Galvanic Battery.

Refrigerator- J. Standard, 1891

The first known artificial refrigeration was demonstrated by William Cullen at the University of Glasgow in 1748.In 1805 Oliver Evans designed the first refrigeration machine that used vapor instead of liquid.
Marcel Audiffren championed the idea of a refrigerating machine for cooling and preserving foods at home.His U.Spatents, issued in 1895 and 1908,were purchased by the American Audiffren Refrigerating Machine Company.

Heating Furnace- Alice Parker, 1919

She invented a new and improved gas heating furnace that provided central heating.Heating furnaces can be traced back to antiquity.

Bicycle- M.A. Cherry, 1888

The Laufmaschine,invented by the German Baron Karl von Drais,is regarded as the archetype of the bicycle.It was introduced by Drais to the public in Mannheim in summer 1817 and in Paris in 1818.
M. A. Cherry developed a device the velocipede which consisted of a metal frame upon which were attached two or three wheels.This model greatly improved upon other similar devices already in use.

Guitar- Robert Flemming jr, 1886

The guitar is about 5000yrs old,which type was he supposed to have invented?

Cell Phone- Henry T. Sampson, 1971

The first fully automatic mobile phone system,called MTA (Mobile Telephone system A),was developed by Ericsson and commercially released in Sweden in 1956.

Micro Computers- Brian Jackson

The Datapoint 2200,made by CTC (Computer Terminal Corporation) in 1970,
is regarded as being the first microcomputer.

Gas Engine- Fredrick M. Jones, 1945

I think you mean the two-cycle gas engine.

Rotary Engine- Joseph Gamell, 1982

Felix Millet displayed a 5 cylinder rotary engine built into a bicycle wheel at the Exposition Universelle in Paris in 1889.Millet had patented the engine in 1888, so must be considered the pioneer of the internal combustion rotary engine.A machine powered by his engine took part in the Paris-Bordeaux-Paris race of 1895 and the system was put into production by Darracq in 1900.
Gamell planned, designed, built and implemented the bladeless turbine electric generator application for Minnegasco.

Fire Extinguisher- T.J. Marshall, 1872

The first automatic fire extinguisher of which there is any record was patented in England in 1723 by Ambrose Godfrey.
The modern fire extinguisher was invented by British Captain George William Manby in 1818.

Fountain Pen- W.B. Purvis, 1890

This pen type can be traced back to the 10th century AD when Ma'ād al-Mu'izz,the caliph of Egypt demanded for a better type of writing implement.

‘We wish to construct a pen which can be used for writing without having recourse to an ink-holder and whose ink will be contained inside it. A person can fill it with ink and write whatever he likes. The writer can put it in his sleeve or anywhere he wishes and it will not stain nor will any drop of ink leak out of it. The ink will flow only when there is an intention to write. We are unaware of anyone previously ever constructing (a pen such as this) and an indication of ‘penetrating wisdom’ to whoever contemplates it and realises its exact significance and purpose’.
(Kitdb al-Majalis wa 'l-musayardt.)

Street Sweeper- Charles Brooks, 1890

He made improvements to these trucks,but did not invent the original trucks.

Toilet- J.B. Rhodes, 1899

A precursor to the modern flush toilet system was designed in 1596 by Sir John Harington.

Traffic Lights- Garrett A. Morgan, 1923

He invented a traffic signal,not the lights.The 1st use of traffic lights in America was in 1912,invented by Lester Wire.

Elevator- Alexander Mills, 1887

The precursor to the modern elevator was introduced in 1853 by Elisha Otis,but the idea goes back further.

Seed Planter- Henry Blair, 1834

Well done you,this ones actually right!

Type Writing Machine- Burridge Marshman, 1885

Can be traced back to the 18th century and Henry Mill.

Shoe Lasting Machine- Jan Ernst Matzeliger, 1891

Yeah! Another on thats right!

Am i the only one worried that there is so much misinformation in books and online to do with inventions??

You might find this site interesting.

[edit on 17-8-2008 by jakyll]

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 09:41 AM
reply to post by OhZone

Has there ever been a war in recent times that was fought because the "enemy" was a different color or culture?

The conflict in the Balkans.

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 09:51 AM

Originally posted by jakyll
Am i the only one worried that there is so much misinformation in books and online to do with inventions??

Honestly some people make up their own reality. Like the whole Egyptian thing. They simply make stuff up and state it as truth (and say anyone that doesn't believe, or anyone that provides proof it is not true, it is racist) and it apparently works.

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 09:56 AM
reply to post by Grand Puba

If whites (euro and arab) had not finally got a foothold in africa after 100's of years of african resistance, africa would be the top country on the planet with their wealth of natural resources!

1st.Africa is not a country,its a continent made up of 100's of different peoples who,as far as history shows,have never been unified as one.

2nd.The African people did not resist as much as you like to think.Many kingdoms traded with whites and arabs,this included people who were either enemies they had conquered,poor people they wanted to get rid of or criminals.Others were people captured by fellow Africans so they could be sold into slavery.

The Atlantic slave trade is the most well known in history,but Muslim countries benefited from this trade too and for about 10 centuries.

I do agree that many of the problems in some of the African countries stem from white people,but it is there own kind that keep some of them in that state.For example,
Huge amounts of aid don't reach there destinations because despots and tyrants steal it all for themselves and their armies.

[edit on 17-8-2008 by jakyll]

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 10:20 AM

Originally posted by jakyll
reply to post by Grand Puba

If whites (euro and arab) had not finally got a foothold in africa after 100's of years of african resistance, africa would be the top country on the planet with their wealth of natural resources!

Yeah Africa was such a lovely place before foreigners moved in. Still is today.

Here is a modern account of cannibalism in Africa. I am sure this is the fault of white people or Arabs in some way.

Marauding rebels are massacring and eating pygmies in the dense forests of north-east Congo, according to UN officials who are investigating allegations of cannibalism in Ituri province, where fighting between several rebel groups has displaced about 150,000 people in the past month.

The UN had sent six officials to investigate the accusation as well as other human rights abuses, he said. Other UN officials in the capital, Kinshasa, and the eastern city of Goma said that widespread cannibalism had already been established.

'Ituri is completely out of control and cannibalism is just the latest atrocity taking place,' said one, who asked not to be named until the investigators deliver their report. 'Perhaps this will finally alert the world to what's going on.' Ituri's forest-dwelling pygmy tribes have been caught between opposing groups supporting the government and Ugandan-backed rebel groups in the last battles of Congo's four-year civil war.

The two Ugandan-backed movements routinely enslave pygmies to forage for forest food and prospect for minerals, a UN official said.

BTW this is a GREAT site for anyone interested in historical accounts of cannibalism. Many stories from missionaries and other travelers. Middle column scroll down halfway.

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 12:12 PM
reply to post by jakyll

Already dealt with this on page 12, but thanks anyway!



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[edit on 17/8/08 by JAK]

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 12:14 PM
Cannibalism has been occured in every corner of the Earth, from the Far East, to the Middle East, to old Europe, south and Central America, back to the Pacific Islands.

You still get occasional tales of cannibalism in the Develoepd world.

The most unstable parts of Africa simply lacks the modern educational foundation/structure for the citizens to know any better, hence the barbarism. Perhaps if the Belgium Monrachy had gone this route in the
Congo during the colonial era we would not have this problem. Unfortunately, like much of European Imperialism, the easier route was to simply exploit the land for its resources and pay the indigenous to destroy each other in the process.

posted on Aug, 17 2008 @ 12:21 PM

Originally posted by Sonya610

Originally posted by Grand Puba

Where do you get the idea that african on african slavery was canibalistic?

Cannablism is extremely well documented, it even goes on today. The slave trade was always going on in Africa, long before the spread of Islam (Islam forbids the taking of Muslims slaves and that is why the Arabs began importing and trading African slaves, and sometimes European slaves too). Being caught as a slave meant one might be sold for labor, or they might be eaten. But I understand, you may not see that mentioned much on afrocentric sites.

The pygmies petitioned the U.N. 5 or 6 years ago asking for protection because they were being hunted as bushmeat (apparently pigmy meat can endow magical powers).

[edit on 17-8-2008 by Sonya610]

All colors of man had a form of slavery, but what white people did to the africans went over and beyond forced labor! It was in fact a genocidal racist holocaust!

And you said that africans during the slave trade had to fear cannibalism! Give me proof of that and not proof of cannibalism in the current day!


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