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[HOAX]GFL spaceship DID NOT APPEAR on Oct.14th, 2008[HOAX]

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posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 02:47 PM
reply to post by xbranscombex

I'm pretty sure he/she is being facetious.

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by Nohup
I'm so very excited about the aliens finally getting here! I vacuumed my place, and went out and got one of those nice big party trays with all the sliced vegetables and dips. And one of those big bags of ice. I hope they're really nice and let me ride on one of the spaceships to someplace fun.


They called to say they're going to be late. Good thing you don't have a turkey in the oven.

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 02:49 PM
Lol, I hate to laugh because it`s really not funny at all. I knew this would happen. It`s the ticket to keep it going so they can save face. If this is the case, it will never end. Well, I said I would keep an open mind till the 15th and I will, I have always had an open mind about everything, but I am drawing the line as far as this. These so called channelers need to be taken to task about making dated predictions like this, I don`t care how good they claim they are. Some people out here do have a clue as to what is going on in this world. This does nothing but insult peoples intelligence.

Yes, I know many want this to happen, but will it? If it does, it will not be in the way they want you to believe it will. If it does happen the way they say, then Santa Claus will be next. People think we need the help and should take it from them. Why? Are people so afraid to look within for that help? Does it take so much effort to just set down and meditate on it? I think people are really afraid that they may just find something inside they have forgotten about all of these years. What ever happened to trusting in a higher power, and I don`t mean space aliens. Hey people, that power is inside of everyone, even you. Your never going to know till you look for it. We are all the same on the inside, and what is on the inside came from the same mold.

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 02:50 PM
So when tomorrow are they suppose to show up? Did Blossom mention a time for them? I hope they are real for our sake and her sake. I wonder what will happen if they don't come.

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 02:50 PM

Originally posted by Majorion
OK people, let's start our own set of predictions.
What do you predict Blossom Goodchild's excuse is gonna be?

We haven't proven that we "spiritually advanced" enough yet to play with the aliens. That's my guess.

Or maybe something unexpected came up and they're sorry but they're going have to reschedule and will call us later. So it would be like we're getting dumped. Maybe they found a prettier civilization.

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 02:50 PM

Good thing you don't have a turkey in the oven

... that reminds me .................

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 02:50 PM
OK this thread is getting confusing. Let me clarify everything.

October the 14th is not over! It hasn't started yet in many countries.

All these other "channelers" and predictions by random people, has nothing to do with Blossom, so it's really just confusing everyone.

Ok clarity.....

[edit on 13-10-2008 by _Phoenix_]

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 02:51 PM
I'm keeping an eye on things down here in Geelong, haha.

I generally do so at my desk, but I made an effort to sit outside for a cigarette. I kinda wish I hadn't since it's freezing out there! Mostly clear skies, birds chirping, etc..

The only thing "unusual" I witnessed was a stolen car being driven along the bike path opposite my house.. So, in a sense, today has already panned out to be interesting for me!

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 02:51 PM

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 02:52 PM
Your race are truly new Masters. Time means little to us, and we will let you flounder until you have reached a place in your involvement that will allow you to understand your larger-realm. We are not here to convince you.

Tonight at 11:11 Pacific time, you are to invoke our help through your message of light, acceptance, and hope. We need your trust.

Do not believe, if you must not. Yet, we are here, waiting just outside of your view, to arrive. We have already sent down scouts to ensure our arrival is met without resistance by the invaders living beneath your soil.

The war that will erupt from our necessity to remove these evils should be honored by you, as it is our sacrifice to prove our love.

We send blessings to your hearts, beloved brothers and sisters.

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by Zhuhoreth

Dude, are you for real?

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 02:54 PM

Guys this just in!!!!

Message From the Intergalactic World Wrestling Federation of Eternal Light!

They have contacted me. Here is their message to all of you:

"Dear citizens of Peace Loving Earth. I Xanadu have come under a dire situation to beseech you. You see, the global economic melt down and stock market crashes has affected the entire galaxy. And as such fuel prices on our home planet of Hyperion has left us in short supply!
Dear Peace Loving Humans, it is with most disappointment and regret that I must inform you that we have broken down somewhere between your moon and Venus and we no longer have the fuel to continue our journey to appear in your skies over Alabama on 10/14/2008 A.D.
Please know that our thoughts ARE however with you, and after our mothership Nbiru comes to refuel us in 2012 we will return to your planet and spread Peace.

p.s. if we do not return at the prescribed time, then you have our word, Noble Humans, that we shall return riding atop comet Hale-Bopp in the year 4337.

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by xbranscombex

I was just thinking what if that was a real message from GFL and the average or should I say most humans will tell that person or thing to f off. Welcome to Earth.

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by Nohup

Originally posted by Majorion
OK people, let's start our own set of predictions.
What do you predict Blossom Goodchild's excuse is gonna be?

Or maybe something unexpected came up and they're sorry but they're going have to reschedule and will call us later. So it would be like we're getting dumped. Maybe they found a prettier civilization.

I can see it now: "He's Just Not That Into You: Space Edition". If breaking up with the hottie down the street can cause us to become positively suicidal, I shudder to think what being dumped as an entire planet will do to us.

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by Majorion
reply to post by Zhuhoreth

Dude, are you for real?

He's a troll, obviously just joined for this.(in my opinion)

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 02:56 PM
The excuse will be: "I am sorry but the GFL got abducted by aliens on the way here. The abducters want two trillion dollars as they know earth is good for it."

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by Zhuhoreth
You must all want this to happen, or we will simply leave without helping you.

We understand that our message has been piled into a heap of illusions, but we are looking for intelligence. You must find your truth through the illusion.

It is now time for you all to ask, nicely, for our assistance. We love you, but you must understand that we cannot help without your permission. You are free to determine your own destinies.

Well here we go... the old... "it's your fault they/we didnt come"... bit.

My prediction for what Blossom will say...

"Dear people, the GFL did indeed show up, but their ship was made from the same material as Wonder Womans Plane. Thus it was not possible to actually see it, but for those attuned, they should have felt the love & peace, like I & all other GFL members did"......"Now please excuse me, I must attend a GFL gathering at Jimmy's Moms House (her 2nd in command, who is a 45yo Virgin), where we are all going to Celebrate with glasses of Pink Lemonade, then we shall all go to sleep & ascent to our Higher Plane".

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by _Phoenix_

Originally posted by Majorion
reply to post by Zhuhoreth

Dude, are you for real?

He's a troll, obviously just joined for this.(in my opinion)

No crap.

If he is posting that means they are already here, there is no internet access is space.

Not even wireless.

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe
Just trying to keep you informed.

Dont shoot the messenger please. Nobody knows, if this is a hoax it is the MOTHER of all the recent hoaxes.

I wonder what good ol' Blossom is doing today. Any word from her?

Ya know, personally I think it's 100% guaranteed nothing will happen. BUT the one thing I do like about all of this is that despite all the negative crap going on in the world, there are people here from all parts of the world focusing on this (non)event, at least if for a little while.

There are people posting about strange radio noises, people looking around the web for different info, people piping up just to say "Nope, nothing here yet!
" and so on.

If nothing else, it *DID* bring a band of people together, most of whom don't expect anything to happen, but are here just to have a chuckle, or with an interest that doesn't need any real justification beyond the fact other people are here also.

It reminds me of when the last lunar eclipse went by - we had people from all over the place posting about it, all in the one place. It felt like the world got smaller for that brief instant, and not due to a catastrophe as usually is the case.

In a strange way, I'd like the 15'th to happen next week, the atmosphere in general, of people all thinking about the same thing - most of us thinking the same things about the same thing even - has been nice.

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 02:59 PM
You know, there's still one thing I don't get.. why October 14th?

Out of all the days to pick.. why the 14th of this month??

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