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U.S. Factory Drops Labor Day For Muslim Holiday

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posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 06:55 PM
I read this story and my first thought was, why are 700 of 1200 employees at a Tyson factory, from Somalia?

So I did some research, or at least, a little googling.

And found this:

Do a search on Shelbyville and Somalis and you'll find a great deal written about the situation.

Basicly it's this: Tyson got in trouble for hiring hispanic illegals so ended up taking advantage of the population of Somalis, legally being allowed immigration into the country under the 1980 Refugee Act.

Tyson was prodded by Federal criminal cases brought against it by the US Department of Justice for hiring illegal aliens. The hiring of legal Somali immigrants was facilitated by Federal cash stipends and social assistance administered by state social services agencies with the contractual assistance of voluntary agencies like Catholic Charities, Lutheran Relief, Church World Services and others. Hence the presence of Somalis in Shelbyville, Tennessee.

It's true I think, what a previous poster said, we've lost the melting pot ideal in favor of diversity. But too much diversity is, divisive, as many instances like this prove.

Read the article to hear more about the troubles that this Muslim population seems to be having in Tennessee.

posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 07:08 PM
There seems to be a couple things not clarified.
How many unions are in that plant. Mape? Afscme? Teamsters?
The managers are probably under a different union and contract and locals. The crappiest jobs probably are reserved for the Somalian's because no local wants to spend the day chopping off chickens heads and wading through blood and entrails for 12 hours a day. So how many Somalian's make up the membership of the Union they belong to?

Do you really think that some disgruntled Somalian muslim decided to raise hell to get a muslim holiday? Start looking at the ACLU and satan worshipping attorneys. (meant to be facecious but maybe that is true)

....But as far as the muslim issue here goes....well it just reminds me of why I liked George Carlin. I hate people. I was born 1000 years too early. You race hating, religion hating, ethnophobes. People do evil things because they are ignorant, stupid, intolerant, scared, and insecure. The fundamentalist Christian, Muslim, Redneck, etc....all the same people waving a different flag, thats all.

Now, if you want to admit you are proud to be this way and that your Christian beliefs are right and my Christian beliefs are wrong then at least it is a honest stance. But don't hide under your white hood and say you are defending America and its ideals. (My family goes back to before the revolutionary war and my wife's are native American) just in case you thought I was typing this from Somalia or some place less white or American.

...using Labor day in this one specific contract to scare people into hating muslims is just a rouse, I am addressing your real issue and message.

posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 07:13 PM
The correct answer would have been to give every worker a choice of which day to have off. Everybody wins.

Nah, that would make sense

posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 07:17 PM
reply to post by Res Ipsa

You should be more open and up front about your thoughts

Holding it all in will give you ulcers.

posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 08:08 PM
i guess all that bad karma you americans trashing world wide is finally comming home 5000 fold

ps serbia says good luck

posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 08:34 PM
I am usually a lurker here. An observer. I find most of the replies in here to be greatly ignorant. I am ashamed that there are so many *edit* closed minded that call themselves ‘fellow Americans’!

Its just one Tyson branch people get a grip and yes obviously the majority ruled.

Now, I am an American woman. A Muslim. For the *poster* that had the statistics of 50% of Muslims wishing to annihilate America, I want a credible source. We as Muslims in America live just like any other American. We wake up, we go to school or work. We work for the weekend or we work to support our families. We have weekend barbe-ques and get togethers and we watch tv before resting to bed. We are no different than you!

It is sad that we have to put up with so much ridicule and speculation. I often wondered why all the Animosity from the British, Australians, hell the entire world in regards to Americans. I’m blind as it is evident.  Americans are arrogant and despite living in the best country in the world and being far more advanced than most we are still idiots in regards to other races, cultures and beliefs!

Malaysia is a Muslim country, they live in peace and harmony with Christians, Taoists, Buddhists, Hindus and Sikhs and they all share their holidays with one another in loving humanity!

Why cant we? We are America! We have all races, cultures, religions. It is 2008 almost 2009 and there are still ignorant people in the U.S.?

Also to those who are assuming that the Muslim Tyson workers are immigrants. I had not clicked on any links, but does it say factually that they are immigrants? Being from Michigan I know allot of Somalian Muslims who are AMERICAN. ‘Gasps’. Some with green cards others born and raised in good ole U.S.A. and they prefer to work in the slaughtering business as well. (I buy my fresh cut meats and chickens from a Somalian halal shop in Lansing  fancy that!)

I laughed at one comment about buying chicken from dirty Arab hands. (Even though the article states that they are of African origin ha, *edit* that obviously knows not your geography.) Arabs are very much into clean hygiene, you can not be dirty and be a Muslim as well. Why do Muslims not wear shoes in their homes, Use your common sense!

Your quote” Read the facts...greater then 50% of American Muslims believe its their duty to end the devil America and kill all infidels.”

Give me and every one else for that matter the hardcore evidence to this assumed fact? Can you give us a credible source? If not, than stop pulling facts out your rear.

A good American would smile at this. This is real unity here. Its not being applied to the entire U.S. but from what we can tell one (singular) Tyson Branch, that the majority are Muslim. If the Muslim populace rather have their holiday off rather celebrate another, than let them! You want to hoot and holler and sound unintelligent and harp “Boycott” then go ahead! More chicken for me!

Mod Edit: Please Review the Following Link: Courtesy Is Mandatory

[edit on 4-8-2008 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 01:03 AM
Yikes. Issues aplenty.

Let's just look at it from a business perspective. If you want to blame anyone, blame the structure of a union within a company. If the majority of your union members are going to swing one way on an issue, you should probably cater to at least some of the wishes of those individuals, lest you get ousted. Maybe you do it for political reasons, maybe you do it for personal reasons, maybe you generally feel for your members. Who knows maybe the immigrants asked for a week and they compromised with a day. In any case, the union officials have to stay alive and make concessions to keep their membership.

Now take a step back and step in to Tyson's shoes. Your union team says that 58% of your staff needs to swap these holidays. Now you can A) lose 58% of your staff (or hope they don't go on strike and bring up a multitude of other issues in subsequent negotiations) or B) tell the union it can have its way.

Really as simple as that. Can't blame Muslims. Can't blame Tyson. Blame the structure of unions within a business. See ... no need to go to race or creed!

And btw this is not a bashing of unions. My dad works union and I have held a union job myself. They are worthwhile and often essential in some lines of work. I was just pointing out that nothing comes for free, there will always be some sort of concessions on issues between a company, its employees, and their union. If this was between a union with a Catholic majority voting to have Easter Sunday off in lieu of Labor Day (assuming that they don't already get it that is) ... then you wouldn't even be seeing this thread or that article.

Guess that tells ya where the real issues lie, huh?

[edit on 8/5/2008 by Fiverz]

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 01:17 AM
reply to post by centurion1211

I get what your saying.

Things are changing... Either the planet is going to learn to be tolerant or not.
If we are not then we will fight until one side kills off all the others. In this case you can
be free of this religion.

However if the path is further integration and understanding then you are a dying breed.

So I'm not sure what your outraged will do for you???

The only sure fire thing to do is kill every last one or deport them all.

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 01:19 AM
reply to post by WyrdeOne

It doesnt take long to beat the cultures out of people. Whether they still eat chinese food is irrelevant. Its attitude. THe kids and grandkids think much very american. Just cuz they go thru some of the traditional motions doesnt mean so much.

The real issue is developmental psychology. Translated into political terms, its traditional, modern, post modern thinking. The developed countries are modern , moving into post modern. Thats going to demolish the elites game. So they started allowing in the lesser developed traditional thinking and earlier modern thinking from these lesser developed countries.

Thats a huge problem for america. Thats whats destroying us. Their religious beliefs are connected to traditional tihnking. It doesnt matter the religion, it matters your interpretation of it. And it happens that these people are much more traditional muslims than modern/postmodern muslims.

The elite know this and are de-volving america in this way. They are buying time. Many other reasons also, like creating stress and chaos, and mixing the world to create an excuse for NWO.

I have no problem with muslims, I have a problem with traditional meme mentality.

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 01:28 AM
This is similar to the UK situation on it.

They get Ramadan off, and yet Xmas too. They get interest-free loans. How unfair is all of this to the native public?

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 01:34 AM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

Don't even start suggesting that Malaysia has religious tolerance going for it:

You are a Westerner, and therefore have Western values. Eastern Muslims do not share your values.

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 01:40 AM

Originally posted by PhloydPhan

Sounds to me like the majority ruled in this case. Isn't that what we consider good old-fashioned American democracy?

There is no such thing as good old fashioned American democracy where the majority rules.

There is the good old fashioned American REPUBLIC, where 2/3rds rules and 700 out of 1200 is not two thirds.

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 01:42 AM
This is akin to an attack on america itself...

In the modern world, you can't except all that battlefields to be 1-dimesional...

The west is winning militarly

But, what about Islamic groups infecting the verys soul of a nation...

Read this...

"Muslims everywhere should dismember thier nations, tear them apart, ruin thier economies, provoke thier corperations, destroy thier embacies, attack their intrestes, sink thier ships, shoot down thier planes, and KILL THEM at land at see and in the air, kill them whereever you can find them..."

This is more then a 1-dimentional war, there are MANY diffrent fronts, and we arent winning on all of them...

Something like this is a modern day fire-fight of sorts... and the West is routed...

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 01:52 AM
reply to post by centurion1211

Thanks for putting this info up, it's something i would not have come across on my own. Tyson will be getting a message from me also letting them know that they have lost a long time customer. I only wish that every American would send them this message and follow through with it. Too bad that the union workers don't get to keep the holiday like the non union workers do. They could have let the workers choose which day they wanted off. They've basically just told all their long time employees that they don't count for squat.

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 02:32 AM

Originally posted by WyrdeOne
reply to post by centurion1211

Last I checked, membership in the union is voluntary. If the plant employs both union and non-union employees, then there must be some way for the good all-American white Christian union members to renounce their union membership and continue their employment with the company.

Not true in all cases. I got in as a temp in the factory where my mother worked years ago. Temps could not join the union, but it was mandatory for permanant employees to belong to the union in order to work there.

Don't let the temp fool you either, they can work someone as a temp for as long as they want to. They just work you for three months and then lay you off for about a month, then bring you back for another three months. They worked some of us like that for two years or longer. As temps we got the same holidays with pay and the same pay rate as the new hires, we just didn't get the medical or the protection of the union.

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 02:53 AM

Originally posted by Grafilthy

This kinda ends the argument. They did not lose anything. The decision was a union contract decision, affecting only members.

Exactly, so how do you figure that they didn't lose anything ? The article clearly states that non-union members get to keep the labor day holiday. Which means that 500 non-muslim union workers have lost their right to celebrate labor day, consisting of the day off with pay, and are now being told that they will instead honor a religious holiday of a religion hat they are not a part of.

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 03:08 AM

Originally posted by Fathom

I have a friend that worked the line at tyson and he said 90% of the labor there is black so most of them are from the nation of islam.

just because they are black muslims they follow the Nation of Islam?
Do you have ANY idea how many africans are muslims? These guys were from Somalia. No Nation of Islam there.
Please don't say things which are completely untrue whilst presenting them as fact, it makes you look entirely dishonest and it also makes you look like someone with an axe to grind.

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 03:19 AM
My problem is not with immigration at all, its with those that exploit it. When someone wishes to emmigrate somewhere they should comply with and integrate, the problem seems to be that certain groups come here and try to export another culture without any sort of intent on actually embracing the culture they have benefitted from.

In the UK now, Christmas Holidays are sometimes advertised as Winter Holidays etc...its ridiculous...

[edit on 5-8-2008 by theblunttruth]

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 03:52 AM

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 04:39 AM
Every Tyson product in my freezer just became dog food, and I won't be buying or eating ANY Tyson products ever again and urge all other true patriots to do so as well! They can choke on their chicken and the rest of their product line! I wonder where they've been washing their feet before praying at work, in the fecal soup the dead chickens soak in? So that's where that funky smell comes from! YUMMY, flavor enhancers! As if chicken wasn't nasty enough already! Now it's not even fit to feed to dogs!

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