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How intelligent can the ET be?

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posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 02:45 PM
We are far more advanced than most think. And every species has some specifically strong capabilities.

Supposedly humans are quite a powerful species once we develop. I think the ET's could be worried about that. Supposedly, our remote viewing abilities is one of our strong points. I guess we can remote view vastly far across the galaxy/universe like nothing. Where some aliens psychic powers are very strong but only at close distances.

There are humans who are way beyond you and I. And some of them are working with our govts. So dont think aliens are that far beyond our elite wise people on this planet. Its possible we have some technology to increase intelligence reserved for the best scientists in our secret laboratories. Thats the kind of technology i think is wisest to work on. First make us smarter, then figure out the problems. Seems more efficient in the long run.

Ive met dozens of psychic. Some could tell me what i did yesterday. We dont need everyone to be brilliant to be an intelligent race of interest. If one genious builds the computer and makes it available to the world....that one guy impacts alot. Not everyone needs to know how to design a microchip....the rest take advantage of it.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 02:57 PM
This might be interesting ideas for those out there, okay let us say they/ we have now cloned Stewart, now Stewart is a perfect cell from a nucleotide, now Stewart is now in a space program that we send him off into naked space, now Stewart finds a planet, its way out there, though he thinks it could be hazardeous to his health he goes down into the atmosphere to investigate, well Stewart ends up dieing on another planet, but he is a cloned version of the real Stewart, so now that stewart is dead, the cells within THE REAL STEWART PICK'S UP THE INFORMATION FROM CELLUALAR DATA FROM THE DEAD STEWART.

Even though the cloned Stewart died, he still has a connection to his real body out in space. So the Real Stewart is gathering the information.

This is no different then the nerve endings in the body sending information to the arm thats been cut off and still transmitting signals.

Just food for thought.

[edit on 2-8-2008 by menguard]


posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 03:39 PM
reply to post by menguard

well, this assumes that Stuart`s clone is actually just an extension of the real Stuart. However, clones at the moment are independent "machines" just like any other person. But i guess we could indeed create remote machines that are connected to our brain. Very interesting idea though

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 03:45 PM
reply to post by sty

If you have ever watched somebodies live blood work move around on a microscope and see the impact of a blow to somebodies body, you will see the bloodwork gives off the -same information- as the person that is still whinning over it. Even though it happened a minute ago.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 03:45 PM
reply to post by menguard

Real Stewart feels the dying Clone Stewart's pain...

IMO a clone of somebody would be a completely different body. He'd only look and think the same way the real person does..

Originally posted by menguard
Even though the cloned Stewart died, he still has a connection to his real body out in space. So the Real Stewart is gathering the information.

This is no different then the nerve endings in the body sending information to the arm thats been cut off and still transmitting signals.

How would you explain the connection between the real person and the clone?

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by Blue10110

Easy one is a sender and one is a reciever, through vibrational strings there is attachment, that coding has his frequency in it. There is no space in between molecules.

A few lines up I gave another example this one works to.

[edit on 2-8-2008 by menguard]


posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 03:52 PM
There is this Star Trek episode when Enterprise is hunted by some cubic spacecraft. Those "aliens" were actually one single creature into more bodies. This would be interesting, to have actually more than one body but one mid ..

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 04:37 PM
Aliens dont exist.

Where are the evidence? Can you show me one, JUST ONE, photo that is not made in Photoshop? No you can't.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 04:39 PM

Originally posted by sty
There is this Star Trek episode when Enterprise is hunted by some cubic spacecraft. Those "aliens" were actually one single creature into more bodies. This would be interesting, to have actually more than one body but one mid ..

Yes,the borg,one conscious network all needed to maintain the system,no independance no free thought,an entire civilizations thought into yours...

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by sty

we are powerful beings of light/love bro..we were dumbed down by the annunaki is all and put into this world with draconian laws where we must obey the system.,but we will be free soon enough..

first off..there are many more races of beings out there..not just greys..

you need to do some research in my opinion

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 05:19 PM

Originally posted by Skipper1975
reply to post by sty

we are powerful beings of light/love bro..we were dumbed down by the annunaki is all and put into this world with draconian laws where we must obey the system.,but we will be free soon enough..

first off..there are many more races of beings out there..not just greys..

you need to do some research in my opinion

BS machine...thats what i shall call you from now on...yes...
why you not show us the evidence of your opinion?


posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 05:33 PM
reply to post by Skipper1975

well, if life occurred (before humans) more than once somewhere in this galaxy , we can assume they developed their own technology enough to travel into space, so yes there is a possibility they fly around.
We can speculate on their achievements based on what we humans achieved in the last 50 years , however this is speculative enough so I guess going to talk about grays is out of my logical reach as we do not have the evidence we need to make such classifications. So the purpose of the thread is to speculate on the ET`s IQ (intelligence) and what would that mean to us . Also the speculation is where would we be in 1000 years if we start to re-design ourselves .Would us be able to have a decent communication with advanced ETs?

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 06:02 PM
"oblivious to us"? What if we were exploring the stars and their planets in this quadrant of the Milky Way (I wonder what the ET calls our galaxy and what their name for our planet is?), and we ran across a primitive civilization at the early stages of evolution? Would we interfere? In science, we make observations. We might make a few subtle interferences, but then step back and watch? Maybe there are some ET races that have interfered with us (as is a possibility presented by Zecharia Sitchin in the 12th Planet) in the past, but other ET races intervened out of principles associated with ethics codes and are working to enforce a non-interference clause in the Galactic Govn't that says no interference, just observation that won't alter their natural flow of evolution?

I think this is what is happening. Clearly we are being visited. Clearly there has been some interference in the past, and even some recently, perhaps. Yet it also appears to be the case that we are being observed; monitored; maybe even protected from benevolent interference by malevolent beings...sort of like the good cop/bad cop thing...

I don't think however, that they are so smart they ignore us. We are much more intelligent (as humans go) than much of our wildlife (however in cat IQ we are retarded...try living side by side with a lioness and her cubs and see how long you live to adapt!!!) yet we take a profound interest in learning from them and watching them interact with nature in their natural habitat. I suspect strongly that we are to many of the ET's a species in a natural habitat, however we are evolving in a faster and much different way than most animals as a direct result of our DNA and who we are etc... thus we must be awful interesting creatures, and even more so as we begin to venture out into the stars...and into the domain of the ET.

Of course it may also be that we are descendants of a race who fell from grace as it were (Atlantas, Lumeria), and are just now beginning to come back from our destruction. Either way, we must look awful interesting to the ET's...I know I would want to study us. We are a peculiar capable of love and peace, and full of creative energies, but then also so very destructive and prone to excessive religiosity, materialism, war, pollution, and runaway reproduction... Yes, I would want to study us, wouldn't you? And I might be tempted to intervene every once in a while also. Plus I might want to take bio samples from time to time as well, but in the interest of not interfearing, I might use my know how to help the subject "forget" as it were. This line of reasoning seems to help explane a portion of what we know perhaps?

I hope my thoughts are of a good contribution to this thread. I enjoy reading things like this, and exploring possible ideas. From a quantum prospective, much is possible.


posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by sty

As long as the human race still fights petty wars, specifically those based on religion, no alien race will want to contact us!!

Infact, as long as religion still has a hold on the majority of humankind aliens won't be interested. Religion makes mankind too volatile a species and unless we can cast off the shakles of religion, a concept designed to enslave mankind by the elite, E.T.'s of any base intelligence would know better than to make contact!

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 06:06 PM
As soon as AI is introduced, our technology will expand beyond human comprehension. In my opinion ofcourse.


posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 06:49 PM
you are right. Actually we already use some Evolutive Computing in order to develop commercial products (the new Airbus for example) .

The AI field is really at the beginning, and we mostly experience so called "narrow AI" - specific applications designed to solve one particular problem. General AI will be born by combining more narrow AI applications. An interesting (i mean very interesting ) video conferince here :

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 06:59 PM
I don't think there is an upper limit on how intelligent aliens could be.
I remember in Cosmos, Sagan talked about neurons and pondered what if an alien species has 10^3, or 10^6 as many connections in their brains ?

The universe is so big, our mental capacity compared to theirs maybe like how we think of the intelligence of canine and porcine species.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 09:51 PM
You see how we evolved to have legs arms and brains, they did the same on their own planet, they look different cuz they're environment would be different, we don't know their age, they are perhaps able to use 100% of their brain as opposed to us only using a small fraction due to taking thousands of years to evolve...

I think the ET's are merly just an image of US from a different environment, time and place...

If the ET's did live on a planet with barley any hostility they probably could have easily gotten technology to go on the up and up without worries of ever hitting a slump like we seem to...

Maybe they all figured a way to get along together, really planned ahead now look at them flying around in saucers laughing at us because we don't play well with others...

Just some speculation, time to drink another fresh one...

SPOCKSHOCK . over'n out

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 03:25 AM
reply to post by sty

Good post thanks. It's very interesting. As soon as an AI is created that can replicate itself, but even more intelligent than before, I think our intelligences would be obsolete. Until we start to improve our own intelligences artificially and then become unimaginably intelligent.

In my opinion, the creation of AI should be the highest priority in science, regardless of the propaganda fear mongering that fiction has produced (e.g. Terminator) I wonder, when we become this intelligent that we won't see even our current selves as totally worthless ants.


posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 05:27 PM
thank you for all your replies ! I guess this would also explain why the UFO-s are not taking contact with us - simply our IQs does not match in order to sustain any level of communication. Yet I still wonder - why are they comming here then?

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