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white rabbit

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posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 07:02 AM
We live in a semi-soft police state built for the average man and in it those considered the strong and hard working are given mind control abilities. They disguise it as your own emotions; all of society is in on it, especially the mental health system. They do it to maintain hierarchy, form an aristocratic society and as a part of a secret eugenics program.

There is a hidden conspiracy of sorts to keep people with learning disabilities from becoming like they are normal. They control their physical growth and make them grow in funny ways to mark them as deficients as well as suppressing their intellect and stunting its development and growth so they are never normal mentally. They even control their emotions and minds with mind control. They'll give them social anxiety for instance to form a aristocratic society that has them in no part of it. Most of its goal is to keep them out of public life and to make them feel small. All of society is a part of it. Also to reduce the odds of them breeding with those considered normal in what is a secret eugenics program that the majority of people are in on and a part of, which is why this has never been proven; they wont let it be. Psychiatry is in many ways a pseudo science, and yes, psychiatrists are in on it. Essentially everyone is.

A good example of this is being extremely intimidated by an attractive girl. They do that to make you stay away from them, so you don't stand a chance. They make you feel that way with mind control. The way they are doing it is to make it all seem imaginary and the discovery of it the product of mental illness so we can never expose it. It is psychological warfare. It was Hitler who said the war of the future was from within, with the demoralization of the enemy. Some how they have the technology to do this now.

Here is an extreme example of them altering someone's physical growth to mark them as a deficient.

I swear to God there is a conspiracy to keep people who are considered weak or disordered out of public life and social anxiety is used as a psychological weapon in part to do this; it is to form an aristocratic society. It is also to reduce their odds of breeding, especially with the strong. In the case of the learning disabled, they do @#%$ to make it so they don't ever seem completely normal and overcome it so the normal people can spot them easily and selectively breed without those born with neurological and cognitive deficits. They believe they can exert dominance on those weaker than themselves without moral restraint.

[edit on 31-7-2008 by anomic]

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 07:14 AM
reply to post by anomic

Nobody can keep you down, if Jesus is with you!
Trust in God and His Son!

I used to have agoraphobia and bi-polar with psychotic features, but, when I met Jesus,
asked Him to forgive me,
He cleared up my mind and soul.
I was a TOTALLY new human, whom He loved!
There are some people who try to manipulate others, (I know that there are sound weapons that affect brainwaves and thus behavior), but, it's only a matter of time before The Lord comes back to right the wrongs, we humans have let happen AND He gives us power here and now against spiritual strongholds and devices!

Also, There are natural occurrences of high growth rate in people and NATURAL anxieties.
Not everything that happens is manipulated.

Mind control is (telepathic power) is kind of unproven.

[edit on 31-7-2008 by Clearskies]

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 07:22 AM
The technology is far more advanced than anything you can imagine. I think it comes from aliens. I have heard that aliens have telepathic ability, even being telepathically linked to their machines which are part biological brains, and them giving us telepathic devices that give us such ability. I heard that Hitler made contact with aliens with his team of psychics and aliens gave the USA an alternate form of government.

Think about this. One time they showed me how much control they had of my mind and made my limbs move without my voluntary control. That same night they had a conversation with me through my body and they spoke in a different voice than me while I was consciously aware of what was going on.

Another time they told me it was retard time. They do @#%$ like this to all the people considered imbeciles where I live who have bad learning disabilities, and I felt my intelligence reduce, [SNIP].

Another time they on my command shut down little parts of my brain and it felt like a small fire ball was moving around in my brain and in each area I felt different; it was hard to think and @#%$ but in a different way depending on the area. I told the girl who was communicating with me while this happened to shut down a large section because I have a domination fetish and so I wanted to see what it'd be like experimenting, and I could barely think or talk. I tried to speak and I sounded like a retard.

Another time they reduced my intelligence and then shot it up high and then low on their on verbal command a couple times. It was not just a delusion; I really did get smarter and dumber.

Back when I knew very little about their power they convinced me they were burning holes in my brain, and I could feel a burning some how in my consciousness (you're not supposed to be able to feel your brain but Ive always felt like I could feel it at times). They told me they were keeping my mind alive with their own consciousness and to get out of town because a guy where I live found out I had learning disabilities and he didn't like how I developed out of it some and he said I was really a retard. For like a week after that I couldn't even drive a car and was completely dyslexic again; that was how messed up my mind was. I think it was a trick now to mess with me but that goes to show what they can convince you of and do to your mind.

[edit on 31-7-2008 by anomic]

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[edit on 31-7-2008 by Gemwolf]

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 07:27 AM
There is also possession in the Bible, where someone would have their body taken over by a demon.
There again, Jesus is what you need for that.
Ask Him to forgive you and heal you. Forget about what people are doing.
It's YOUR life.

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 07:30 AM
It sounds like they brain washed you and tricked you into thinking Jesus is what cured you. They tried to get religious with me a little too. They showed me the feelings I thought were the product of God were really of them by triggering it on command. Believe me, this is the truth. This is the biggest secret in US history.

[edit on 31-7-2008 by anomic]

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 07:34 AM
reply to post by anomic

God is greater than ANYBODY.
What happened to me was not cheap mind games or paranoia.
That's what proved to me God is real.
There are NO aliens, just lying devils.

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 07:36 AM
I have considered the possibility that the aliens, who likely gave us this technology and the plans to use it were demons pretending to be something else. Afterall, look how screwed up it makes things for guys like me. It seems like pure evil.

[edit on 31-7-2008 by anomic]

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 07:39 AM
reply to post by anomic

They are evil.
People used to worship them in Babylon and Egypt.
Jesus is real and His enemies(our enemies) are, too.

May The Lord bless you and open your eyes to the truth.
Jesus is The Way, The Truth and The Life!

[edit on 31-7-2008 by Clearskies]

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 07:45 AM
You should know though that your goraphobia, bi-polar with psychotic features were the product of mind control done to you by your own community.

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 08:44 AM
reply to post by Clearskies

Hello clearskies,

I respect the fact that you believe what you say, and have tremendous faith in your beliefs. The point here is that I am quite sure that when anomic wrote the OP, he was not expecting to be drawn into a theological recruitment drive.
(Anomic - please correct me if am wrong)

As I said before, I respect your views, but please don´t push them on people who are quite obviously attempting to open a discussion on a completely different topic.

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 07:24 PM
Do any of you have experience with this? The ones whose appearance is altered are called rhinos.

[edit on 31-7-2008 by anomic]

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 10:02 PM
That "extreme example" looks kind of like it could be Geddy Lee's Father. what a RUSH....

Now, I would think of an extreme example as
the long necked women of Sherra Hill
Mae Hong Son
Chiang Rai

or Chinese Foot Binding

now that is extreme..

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 10:08 PM
First off...I stopped at the title white rabbit.

But are you saying that somebody is altering the physical appearance of people who have handicaps? Where is this occurring and when, infancy/in utero?

I know with all the prenatal testing available in a few decades I don't think there will be birth defects or handicaps from birth because parents can choose to keep the child or not. In impoverished countries sure but only because the tests wouldn't be available. We all ready have designer children. What is the point of deforming people now with the advances in prenatal testing?

Now I believe you are saying all these mental afflictions we have now like social anxiety and so forth are made up by psychiatry. I agree with that. Everyone I know is on something or thinks they need to be. We are hypochondriacs but not with our physical, our mental.

I guess I'm asking if they are doing this beyond social control what is the point? We are in a designer world. Why muck it up now?

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 10:25 PM
They generally alter the appearance of those they consider mentally deficient--imbeciles--to make them easily spotted by those in the know. They do it also to make them less attractive to reduce the odds of them breeding in general. This is why mentally deficient people often look off. For instance, their face will be asymmetric, etc. The point of the mind control is to enforce hierarchy, enable the strong to exert dominance on the weak without moral restraint, and to form an aristocratic society. Social anxiety is the product of mind control. That is all I can make out based on what I've experienced.

[edit on 31-7-2008 by anomic]

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 03:04 AM
For more credibility for my story go

Keep in mind society will never let this be proven.

"Furthermore, he claimed that all world politics are dictated by a secret, 'higher' government which has complete control over all the militaries, economies, governments, and politics of every country in the world."

"Schneider told that the underground bases were used to 'subvert the United States constitution and the bill of rights.'"

I swear to God, just like it says, a higher government has been constructed that controls other countries, and it subverts the us constitution and enables and forces people to practice eugenics and aristocratic mind control policies. Their power is so strong they were able to do this; I think it likely comes from alien assistance/technology. Just average hard working citizens who are considered strong are given sophisticated mind control abilities to exert dominance on the weak without moral restraint, enforce hierarchy, and to form an aristocratic society.

Not only this but like I said they alter people's appearances if they are considered imbeciles in funny looking ways to mark them as deficient.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 09:06 PM
I'm saying they use synthetic telepathy through some sort of advanced technology to literally link up to other people's brains to control their emotions, etc. In the girl example I'm saying that some women use it by making a guy feel anxious and intimidated around them to keep them away from them. In other words they use literal mind control as if the other person's mind was a computer program. I think that a secret government has enabled US citizens to subvert the constitution and bill of rights by giving a select group of people highly sophisticated mind control abilities as well as the ability to alter the appearance of those they deem imbeciles early on, so in case they outgrow it and become smarter people will know they weren't always that way in what is a eugenics program. In fact, they (sometimes coerce) have every country in on this agenda and each is doing this.

[edit on 8-8-2008 by anomic]

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 03:56 AM
It is cleverly sung about in songs by Dream Theater. Read part of the lyrics for this song, Voices. I'll write the key parts of interest.

Voices repeating me
'Feeling threatened?
We reflect your hopes and fears.'
Voices discussing me
'Others steal your thoughts
they're not confined
within your mind.'

Thought disorder
Dream control
Now they read my mind on the radio
But where was the Garden of Eden?

Seen my diary on the newsstand
Seems we've lost the truth to quicksand

It's a shame no one is praying
'Cause these voices in my head
keep saying...

Here's the lyrics for War Inside My Head

[edit on 10-10-2008 by anomic]


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