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Islamist bombers target Olympics

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posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 02:40 AM

Originally posted by Karlhungis
reply to post by WhatTheory

I guess it all depends on what the bombing happens to accomplish. If it somehow is used as a catalyst to start a war with Iran for example..... well, it would be awefully convenient.
You maybe onto something here,man this satement from this supposed terrorist group is convenient.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 03:17 AM
john titor was right :/

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 04:29 AM

Originally posted by WhatTheory
reply to post by The Godfather of Conspira

Please try and stay on topic. I realize you like to bash the U.S. every chance you get. We get it. You think America is the cause of everything. You constantly spew the same dribble in every thread.

However, this thread is NOT about how you perceive the U.S. to be the cause of all things terror related.
Please try and stay on topic regarding the article posted, radical islam and the olympics. Thanks!

You really must have your head in the sand, what's it like? Seems like it might be a good thing to try, I would have a much better view on the world if I only believed what I wanted to.

The post wasn't about anyone's perceptions of the US, rather a post on the subject of this entire thread, guess the truth doesn't filter through the sand...

Is anyone actually surprised that some 'terrorists' have threatened the Olympics?

It's already been said in this thread anyway, someone just has to put the words "olympics + terrorists" in any half coherent sentence and everyone will # their pants and it's job done.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 08:26 AM
OK.. seeing so many ill-informed members here, I'll make this short.

BTW, Journalist are not historian, and "interest groups" are not good sources. When it comes to uncompliant countries - such as "China". One do need to research further.

To start off, Xinkiang is not the homeland of the Uighurs people, as what the "fair and balance" media is claiming. You just have to do a simple googling to know this. The "Uighur" are remnants of the "Turks" who invaded Xinkiang in 800 AD, during the warring years of China. Their original homeland is in fact, between present day Mongolia and Khazastan. They ruled the place for only 70 yrs. During this time, they conducted cleansing against the "XiongNu" (AKA "the Huns"), Mongols, Hans and Hui.. who have been living there since the Qin Dynasty.

When the Tang Dynasty was established. The Tangs pushed them all the way to the Middle East. When you check Western History, There's when the "Turks" appeared. The Tangs should have conducted a similar Ethnic cleansing operation then, and present day China won't have such problems (I mean fair is Fair).

I repeat, The Turks only ruled for all of 70 years, 1200 years ago, so how can it be their homeland, when others have lived for thousands of years before and hundreds of years present ?

The story does not end here, during the 1930's (Era of "The great Game"). Soviet was supporting the "Uighur" for independence. The same tactic they used to install themselves in "Mongolia" in 1912. It was a move to counter the British influence, who was seen trying to use this similar tactics to get Tibet. (Later, the Nazi also went to Tibet). It was a buffer. Anyway, The "Uighur" under the "East Turkestan Islamic Movement" Banner, was again conducting enthic cleansing, doing off the Hui, Hans and Mongol with a slogan "Kill Hui, wipe out Hans". BTW, Hui are Muslim. The Nationalist KMT (Present Taiwanese Governent) was combating them right thru to 1940s, while fighting the Communist in the southwest and the Invading Japanese in the northeast.

The Sinkiang province was only brought under control, when the Communist Party took control of China in 1950s. But Because communist took over China, In came USA, who took over The British to promote and support the Tibetan Armed Independent movement (Covertly).

Another snippet, When China opened up in the 1990s, the "East Turkestan Islamic Movement" operations gained momentum, with bombings and Armed insurgency happening very offen. The Western media started bring out news of these repressed minority fighting for their "homeland". (I mean which government wouldn't repressed minority ethics groups calling for seperation with foreign assistance for 1/3 of their country ?). But what about the rights of the majority ethnic groups are never mentioned, such as the Hui and about 15 other minority ?

Anyway, in the late 1990s, China kicked out the NGOs(Freedom House) and Missionaries(NED) from SinKiang. There were big WooHaa from the Western Media about "Humans rights" and the "usual stuff". But the bombing in Sinkiang stopped. Amazing isn't it. Can't see why that's isn't a familiar connection.

About a year later, Russia followed suit and the "Color Revolution" stopped.

BTW, I'm not Chinese, nor a Commie lover. But just see things as they are. I will not be lead by the nose by the media, about who should I like and who to kill. I do not know when I will see day when Unbias "Mass News Media", will do their job and gives both side of the story. Well, maybe never.

[edit on 28-7-2008 by mobydog]

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 09:33 AM
Wow... I'm astounded by all the wonderful sources WhatTheory and his goon squad come up with to justify their suspicions that the Olympics will be a target for terrorists.

reply to post by Dan Tanna

Please tell me you understand the small fact that hezbollah is an iranian sponsored group? they did the suicide bombing at irans request and sponsorship.

Oh thanks for pointing that out my gosh your so quick do you know that?
This guy's a sharp one!

Please tell me you understand the scope of America's state-sponsored terrorism campaign because I don't think you do.

It makes Iran's support of Hezbollah and the Shiites look like peanuts compared to what the US has given to some of the most reprehensible terrorist groups in the world.
And they have killed far more people than the 250 or so Marines lost in the Barracks bombing:

Everyone tastes their own medicine sooner or later, even the US. What goes around, comes around.

reply to post by mrmonsoon

Has it OCCURED to “YOU”, that “YOUR” information is/ could be incorrect.

Has it occurred to you that your blindfold is on a little too tight and cutting off the flow blood to your head?

There have been dozens of studies and analyses of these purported Osama/Jihad/Warning videos done and they all reach the same conclusion, anyone could have made these things and there's now way of authenticating the fact that they originated from Al-Qaeda or a terrorist group.
Their so many loose ends and inconsistencies surrounding these videos it beggars belief:

if the US does 1/2 of what it accused of, people will have to change their tune.

Ignorance is bliss chum.
Some people prefer to encapsulate themselves from the real world and believe the US can never do any wrong nor harm and that fault with all the world's problems lies with foreign religions, nations or issues.

[edit on 28/7/08 by The Godfather of Conspira]

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 12:11 PM

Originally posted by The Godfather of Conspira
Wow... I'm astounded by all the wonderful sources WhatTheory and his goon squad come up with to justify their suspicions that the Olympics will be a target for terrorists.

Dang dude!
You are one bitter, hateful little whiney girl aren't you?

So let's get this believe the article I posted is totally wrong or purposefully making this stuff up? Is this what you are saying?
You think the current bombings in China which the terror groups have admitted to doing are false and they did not happen? Is this what you are saying?

If not, then the article or souce is good and your biased accusation that this article is somehow wrong or suspicious is moot.
Good grief!

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 12:27 PM
reply to post by WhatTheory

You ever wonder why none of your bs articles or replies get any stars?

I would certainly notice that if I were you but hey some people have bigger concerns in life right now don't you?

Islaaaamm.. oooohhh the big bogeyman out to get you and American interests!

You think the current bombings in China which the terror groups have admitted to doing are false and they did not happen? Is this what you are saying?

The Chinese themselves have asserted that Muslim extremists are not to blame:

CHINESE authorities have downplayed claims by a militant Islamic group that it is responsible for a string of fatal bus bombings and other incidents and is planning a jihad against the Olympic Games.

"So far no evidence has been found to indicate the explosions were connected with terrorists or with the Beijing Olympics," a Yunnan police spokesman said.

I know for a Republican lying is as easy as taking a piss but seriously you have to cut back on it sometimes otherwise your going to have even less friends than your Fuhrer does...

So let's get this believe the article I posted is totally wrong or purposefully making this stuff up? Is this what you are saying?

Where's your high horse moron?

Prove me to it's more credible than hog faeces... I've discredited your article to death.

All you can do is remind that it COULD be true.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 12:39 PM

Originally posted by The Godfather of Conspira
You ever wonder why none of your bs articles or replies get any stars?

I would certainly notice that if I were you but hey some people have bigger concerns in life right now don't you?

ATS is only a internet forum so yes, there are bigger concers in life.

I'm sure I get more stars than you on this forum, so again you are wrong and you keep proving my point about how childish you are by even bringing this up. Since you did, let's take a look.

Let's have been registered since 2005 and have roughly only 9000 points. I have been here since 2008 and have about 22,000 points. What were you saying?

The Chinese themselves have asserted that Muslim extremists are not to blame:

Come on, try and think before embarrassing yourself.
Of course the Chinese will downplay the terror attacks because they want the olympics to be a huge success. They don't want the appearance before or during the olympics that they are not in control.

Where's your high horse moron?

Why do you have to be so childish and start calling people names.
You have been doing this for awhile now.
I guess it's because you know I'm right and have no defense, so you must resort to name calling in order to deflect.

Sad and pathetic!
Double down thumbs for being childish, name calling and ignoring the obvious.

[edit on 28-7-2008 by WhatTheory]

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by WhatTheory

Let's have been registered since 2005 and have roughly only 9000 points. I have been here since 2008 and have about 22,000 points. What were you saying?

Oh surprise he gets into a pissing contest... what was that about maturity?

Besides it's quality, not quantity.

You add at the most 2 paragraphs of utter garbage to every threads and it's usually along the lines of: "Oh don't be ridiculous, your some liberal traitor, that can't be true, your an idiot, stop talking." and so forth.
Then you continue that trend non-stop until you give up or nobody cares anymore.

I actually contribute a meaningful amount of information relating to the topic at hand.
Besides there are more important concerns than ATS in life, hence why I'm not hanging around these forums 24/7 posting ad-hominem insults to people

And yeah btw thanks for proving my point, I have been here longer than you, and I've seen so many posters like you it's not funny and they usually reach some point of critical mass eventually where they just get pissed off with too many people discrediting them to the point nobody believes them anymore and they leave.

I can only hope

Double down thumbs for being childish, name calling and ignoring the obvious.

I'm embarrassed...

Haha you crack me up.

[edit on 28/7/08 by The Godfather of Conspira]

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 01:06 PM
So, instead of talking about the two very real terror attacks in the past twenty-four hours, there's four pages discussing whether or not an attack could happen in the future, and if it could be fake or not? Of course, a potential attack on the Olympics is serious, but placing responsibility on who perpetrates any attack is jumping the gun just a tad, no? Whatever happened to the open mind and abandonment of pre-conceived notions on any event, past, present or future?

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 01:24 PM

Originally posted by Karlhungis
reply to post by WhatTheory

About a month ago, I made a "prediction thread" about this happening...(it got moved to BTS though).

I wonder though, who do we think is funding these MILITANT terrorists?

To be honest? Anyone who believes that an opposition must be eliminated using military tactics.

Everytime one of us posts something like "Those damned liberals are trying to ruin the country THEY MUST BE STOPPED" It funds terrorism.

Look at the conservative nutjob who shot up the Church in Knoxville... the reason? He hates gays and liberals. Where did he get that perspective?

Over here you have Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and other people who are, by their own admission, trying to tick people off. Now their motive is not to "fund terrorism" but to inspire people to action for the conservative movement. However, what they breed is hate, fear, and anger which inevitably leads to violence. There are liberal commentators who do this as well, just to be fair.

In Islam you have the same kind of voices, which inspire people to take up arms against the infidels. Some of these more overtly than others. But this also funds terrorism.

Ultimately, the thought that "WE ARE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT!" and "THEY ARE ABSOLUTELY WRONG!" is all the justification some need to kill in the name of "What's RIGHT!".

As for the money... man I can't tell you how much money I have been able to earn all by myself when fueled by hatred or love.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 01:26 PM

Originally posted by Muppetus Galacticus
So, instead of talking about the two very real terror attacks in the past twenty-four hours, there's four pages discussing whether or not an attack could happen in the future, and if it could be fake or not? Of course, a potential attack on the Olympics is serious, but placing responsibility on who perpetrates any attack is jumping the gun just a tad, no? Whatever happened to the open mind and abandonment of pre-conceived notions on any event, past, present or future?

let's not forget the terror attack which happened in the US on Sunday.

Conservative opens fire in a Unitarian Church because he "Hates Liberals"

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by The Godfather of Conspira
Oh surprise he gets into a pissing contest... what was that about maturity?

Besides it's quality, not quantity.

You are the one who started with the 'stars' thing.

So now you get upset becuase I finished what you started.

You add at the most 2 paragraphs of utter garbage to every threads

You are entitled to your wrong opinion.
I think the same about the garbage you spew so what's your point?

I actually contribute a meaningful amount of information relating to the topic at hand.

No you don't!
Again, this is your vain opinion.

You just cannot take the fact that I am usually correct and that I back up everything I say with facts. It drives you nuts.

I can only hope

Yep, that's all you got.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 11:05 PM

Originally posted by WhatTheory

Originally posted by Ownification
They are Fire Breathing Terrorists in the eyes of WhatTheory lolxx

So let me get this believe that the current terrorist bombings in China are fake. Is this what you are saying? So you are saying that all the deaths are fake and all the video is fake?
Oh boy, if this is what you think, then there is unfortunately no help for you. You must have some sort of mental blockage if you believe this is all fake. So all the governments in the world are in on this fake terrorists activity.
Sorry, but I just have to laugh.

I guess you haven't watched the fake video of Osama posted on FOX news lolxx, what I'm saying is that the so called "Fire Breathing Terrorists" from your fantasies don't have any motive in attacking China, if we know that previousely America has posted fake videos and false alarms than why shouldn't we question the authenticity of this video?? I guess your thick head can't get through that Mr. patriot lolxx

Fire Breathing Terrorists

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 11:09 PM

And yeah btw thanks for proving my point, I have been here longer than you, and I've seen so many posters like you it's not funny and they usually reach some point of critical mass eventually where they just get pissed off with too many people discrediting them to the point nobody believes them anymore and they leave.

Exactly my point, Mr. WhatTheory is close to that stage. Many people here already discredit him

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 11:19 PM

Originally posted by Ownification

Originally posted by WhatTheory

Originally posted by Ownification
They are Fire Breathing Terrorists in the eyes of WhatTheory lolxx

So let me get this believe that the current terrorist bombings in China are fake. Is this what you are saying? So you are saying that all the deaths are fake and all the video is fake?
Oh boy, if this is what you think, then there is unfortunately no help for you. You must have some sort of mental blockage if you believe this is all fake. So all the governments in the world are in on this fake terrorists activity.
Sorry, but I just have to laugh.

I guess you haven't watched the fake video of Osama posted on FOX news lolxx, what I'm saying is that the so called "Fire Breathing Terrorists" from your fantasies don't have any motive in attacking China, if we know that previousely America has posted fake videos and false alarms than why shouldn't we question the authenticity of this video?? I guess your thick head can't get through that Mr. patriot lolxx

Fire Breathing Terrorists

So the answer to my question was YES!
Somehow I was not surprised by your answer.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 11:22 PM

Originally posted by Ownification
Exactly my point, Mr. WhatTheory is close to that stage. Many people here already discredit him

Really, that was your point.

Where on Earth did you ever say anything remotely like that?

Sorry but I'm not going anywhere and I have no idea why you would think I get pissed at people like yourself with extreme views. I think it's funny and quite enjoy the discussions.

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 12:16 AM

Originally posted by titorite
reply to post by yellowcard

This is SO different than Atalanta. China has had the earthquakes, Tibet , Terrorists, Civil unrest, and more....

This is not an Olympics like any other. I knew the moment they announced that this years Olympics was gonna be held in China that they would never happen.

Bet me money.

This will be the last Olympics for years to come.

I'll bet you that they do indeed occur...why wouldn't they? Do you know how much money China has poured into this? There is no way the games won't be held.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 12:28 AM
reply to post by WhatTheory

So the answer to my question was YES!
Somehow I was not surprised by your answer.

lolxx did you read what I posted?? The video has a potential of being fake, we all know that. The reason why I say this is because America wants China to join this war again the Fire Breathing Terrorists from your fantasies

Any potential attacks, possibly would come from within China.

As I said previousely, the so called Fire Breathing Terrorists have no motive in attacking China.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 12:30 AM

Originally posted by WhatTheory

Originally posted by Ownification
Exactly my point, Mr. WhatTheory is close to that stage. Many people here already discredit him

Really, that was your point.

Where on Earth did you ever say anything remotely like that?

Sorry but I'm not going anywhere and I have no idea why you would think I get pissed at people like yourself with extreme views. I think it's funny and quite enjoy the discussions.

I made that point in a previouse thread we had a discussion, many people joined and stated you had baseless arguments with no evidence to back them.

Fire Breathing Terrorists lolxx

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