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Islamist bombers target Olympics

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posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 07:41 AM
I'm not sure if this has been posted somewhere else if so my bad.

If they were smart terrorists they wouldn't announce their intentions but now another fine reason as to why they live in caves. At the same time it could be propaganda setup by various countries for various reasons. Who knows anymore.

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 09:25 AM

Originally posted by Jesu$atan
I'm not sure if this has been posted somewhere else if so my bad.

If they were smart terrorists they wouldn't announce their intentions but now another fine reason as to why they live in caves. At the same time it could be propaganda setup by various countries for various reasons. Who knows anymore.

If they were smart terrorists they wouldn't announce their intentions but now another fine reason as to why they live in caves. At the same time it could be propaganda setup by various countries for various reasons. Who knows anymore.

You fail to understand what terrorists want.

They want to terrorize the general population in hopes if getting what they want.

By announcing what kind of soulless murdering they hope to do, they hope to create fear.

Btw, how long before the US and or Isreal is blamed for this.

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by TXMACHINEGUNDLR
Good I hope they do. Then China's million man army can invade pakistan and kill every last one of those nuts.

Seeing that would bring a smile to my face I can tell you. Watching as Pakistan gets wiped off the map by million strong Chinese killing machine? If its pay per view, where do I sign up?

Oh and will they do a 'excursion to Saudi' series too? I'd also pay for that on PPV.

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 10:03 AM
Dan, you crack me up.

My only problem with your idea is both Pakistan and China have nuclear and thermonuclear bombs.

Dan does present a VERY good question.

What if the Olympics are terror bombed and people killed.

What if say Hamas, Hezbollah or Palestinians claimed responsibility??

Further, what if it was found that Iran provided weapons/training for this?????

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 10:04 AM
Actually, now that the threat has been made, they don't need to bomb/blow up anything. The seed of fear is planted. The Olympic games will have a shadow over them. Security will be increased. Everyone will be looking over their shoulder.

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 10:08 AM
Hate to rain on the fear-mongering/Islamophobia parade here folks....

But I have some BAD news.

In a video released by IntelCenter, a terrorism monitoring group,

Right. A "terrorism-monitoring" group, because of course those agencies have always proven to be reliable sources of unbiased information:

Intel center is run by Ben Venzke, who is an interesting character. A google search results in the revelation that he used to be the director of intelligence at a company called IDEFENSE, which is a verisign company. IDEFENSE is a web security company that monitors intelligence from the middle east conflicts and focuses on cyber threats among other things.

It is also heavily populated with long serving ex military intelligence officials.

Apparently, it seems IntelCenter's senior managers have some shady connections to Donald Rumsfeld and Psychological Warfare Operations...
Exactly the kind of people you would need if you wanted to start a convincing propaganda campaign:

Prior to joining iDefense,Mr. Melnick served with distinction for more than 16 years in the U.S. Army and the Defense Intelligence Agency. During this period, Mr. Melnick served in a variety of roles, including psychological operations...

assigned to the Office of the Secretary of Defense. Mr. Melnick has been published in numerous military and foreign affairs journals,

Oh this source is getting more believable and reputable by the minute!

Not to mention it was only recently Washington was caught in the act, falsely distributing so called Al-Qaeda tapes that it claims were from sources directly linked to Al-Qaeda but in actuality were MADE by them:

Segments of the video that were interspersed with footage of the "laughing hijackers," Jarrah and Atta, showing Bin Laden giving a speech to an audience in Afghanistan on January 8 2000, were culled from what terror experts describe as surveillance footage taken by a "security agency."

This explains the lack of a soundtrack in the video and the fact that the tape does not focus solely on Bin Laden but pans around and shows the attendees in the audience.

They can stage anything they want to these days.
A video with a terrorist on it? Oh my, how hard is that to pull off.

And of course the source of this video? ANONYMOUS.

Along with experts on Islamic terrorist groups who are baffled by the video and have declared that it has come from a security agency, the very journalist who received the tape also says the source was not Al Qaeda.

Ooops! BUSTED.

How can people not see the big picture here?

It's bullsh*t pure and simple being shovelled into your faces and your gulping it down like Oil.

This has been going since 2001. The Osama tapes. The terrorist attacks that were supposed to happen every single year with great certainty, that NEVER happened...

How hard is it to see through the fog they've placed in front of your eyes?

Wakey wakey time here... switch off FOX and CNN and think for yourselves; it's a friggin' joke, it's like a game of charades going on.

They shove pictures and videos of random men with turbans and AK-47's into the public's face and suddenly their advocating Nuclear Strikes on Iran and what not.

Wake up all of you.

[edit on 27/7/08 by The Godfather of Conspira]

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 10:36 AM
reply to post by mrmonsoon

The nation of jihad versus the stone faced sentinels of the steppe. Jesus God Almighty that would be a war with no holds barred. Think Korea with helicopter gunships and GPS guided weapons and waves of suicide bombers thrown in for good measure...

If a single bomb went off with an iranian signature.... I would sh## golden bricks of fear if I heard that and was in tehrans leadership cadre. That the Dragon is slumbering still is irrelevant - You wake it and provoke its anger, your in for a rough time.

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by Dan Tanna

Originally posted by TXMACHINEGUNDLR
Good I hope they do. Then China's million man army can invade pakistan and kill every last one of those nuts.

Seeing that would bring a smile to my face I can tell you. Watching as Pakistan gets wiped off the map by million strong Chinese killing machine? If its pay per view, where do I sign up?

Oh and will they do a 'excursion to Saudi' series too? I'd also pay for that on PPV.

Haha yeah... even funnier if turned out to be a bunch of CIA agents trying to terrorise people.

I'd quite happily watch America get wiped off the map by a million strong chinese killing machine.
If its pay per view, where do i sign up?

I jest, but you do realise that 'having pakistan wiped off the map' would amount to genocide and the deaths of hundreds of thousands of peaceful people.

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 10:57 AM
reply to post by Dan Tanna

Iran bombing the Olympics?

Have you lost it?

Did you even take notice of my previous post?
If you seriously believe this article then hey I've got a bridge I'd like to sell to you in New York.

Get a grip man seriously, do you contribute anything meaningful to threads other than rabid Islamophobia and stupid misconceptions?

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 11:16 AM

Originally posted by The Godfather of Conspira
reply to post by Dan Tanna

Iran bombing the Olympics?

Have you lost it?

Did you even take notice of my previous post?
If you seriously believe this article then hey I've got a bridge I'd like to sell to you in New York.

Get a grip man seriously, do you contribute anything meaningful to threads other than rabid Islamophobia and stupid misconceptions?

Iran is the birth place of the suicide bomber. Ever sat in on an intelligence brief? 'All roads lead to tehran' is the mantra where mayrtdom is concerned. They spawned it, its their baby.
(Marine barracks bombing? heard of that? hmmm? Iranian trained agents... hmmm?).

As for Iran backing islamic peoples movements around the globe, well, look at the middle east. Their fingers are in every pie so to speak. If they are training islamic fighters who make bombs, those bombs will have 'iranian signatures' on them. Just like the bombs found else where have 'signature' marks all over them. All i am saying if that Iran is stupid enough or vain enough, and has trained these people and it provokes China, well, best of luck. They gonna need it.

[edit on 27-7-2008 by Dan Tanna]

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by Dan Tanna

Well Dan,

As I said, it did not take long for the "it's all the US and Israels fault" crowd to speakup.

The post was and is about Muslium terrorists and the Olympic's.

There was a good post that now they made the threat, they have caused terror.
You are correct.

I still expect terror bombings before and durning the event.

(Please, prove me wrong by having no terrorism)

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 12:33 PM
reply to post by mrmonsoon

Well you can't force a mule to drink water you can only bring it to the well and show it how...

I'm not going to try to argue with those who gather all their information & perceptions of the outside world from FOX News because it literally is like beating the donkey..

But did you not read what I said up there:

It's fake. It's garbage. It's propaganda. It's state-sponsored trash from the CIA.

How many ways shall I put it to you?

The source who presented this video as proof of a possible terrorist attack is run by the US government.

Intel center is run by Ben Venzke, who is an interesting character. A google search results in the revelation that he used to be the director of intelligence at a company called IDEFENSE, which is a verisign company. IDEFENSE is a web security company that monitors intelligence from the middle east conflicts and focuses on cyber threats among other things.

It is also heavily populated with long serving ex military intelligence officials.

Prior to joining iDefense,Mr. Melnick served with distinction for more than 16 years in the U.S. Army and the Defense Intelligence Agency. During this period, Mr. Melnick served in a variety of roles, including psychological operations...

assigned to the Office of the Secretary of Defense. Mr. Melnick has been published in numerous military and foreign affairs journals,

I know you don't want to face the facts because that would mean admitting you had gotten yourself worked up into this paranoid state for nothing but please see through the ignorance you display and take that in.

This article is a joke. The source is a fraud.

How can how trust evidence that Islamic Fundamentalists will attack the Olympics from the US government?

That's exactly what they'd want you to think right now...

So they can justify starting even more quagmires like Iraq and continue to trample over your rights because these bogeyman are everywhere and anywhere and MAY or not may not strike at any time thus you must surrender all your rights to Herr Bush...

You see that banner up there? Deny Ignorance?

Do you ever take note of that?

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by Dan Tanna

I'll be brief because I know your attention span is highly limited and you tend to block out anything that paints a negative portrait of the US...

Iran is the birth place of the suicide bomber.

Where are you pulling this from? Besides your ass obviously....

The first modern suicide-bombing attacks originated in Sri Lanka when they fought for independence from the British in the 1700's.

Sinahalese militias would blow themselves up near British troops.
Read more:

Ever sat in on an intelligence brief?

Oh I forget, I'm talking to retired CIA Case Officer "Dan Tanna" here, right.

Ever sat in front of the TV for less than 17 hours a day?

Marine barracks bombing? heard of that? hmmm?

Yes, Yes I have. Hezbollah.

Taliban? Ever of heard them?
Saddam Hussein... you must have heard of him.
How about the Contras, in Nicaragua? You by any chance know about them?
Or the Ba'ath Party in pre-war Iraq?
Augusto Pinochet?

Do you know who funded them all and supplied them with weaponry?
The US.

You want to talk about state-sponsored terrorism look at your own backyard:

Iran's support of Hezbollah and the Shiites is peanuts compared to what the US has given terrorist groups in the past and still does so on a regular basis:

All i am saying if that Iran is stupid enough or vain enough, and has trained these people and it provokes China,

Hey America wants to play "Proxy Wars" with the world?

More than one can play at that game. I guess you don't like it when the US tastes it's own medicine for once...

What goes around does come around.

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 01:25 PM
reply to post by The Godfather of Conspira

Please try and stay on topic. I realize you like to bash the U.S. every chance you get. We get it. You think America is the cause of everything. You constantly spew the same dribble in every thread.

However, this thread is NOT about how you perceive the U.S. to be the cause of all things terror related.
Please try and stay on topic regarding the article posted, radical islam and the olympics. Thanks!

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 02:34 PM
reply to post by WhatTheory

I was replying to those nimrods above who originally derailed this thread by going off about invading Pakistan and some other nonsense.

It's okay man I don't plan to waste any more time on the bygones above
But look...

Just because you can never find a single, decent, reputable source to back up your intense Islamophobic paranoia don't take it out on me.

Not my fault your sources are as credible as crocodile piss.

Okay you can go back to blaming Islam for all your problems... aidos

[edit on 27/7/08 by The Godfather of Conspira]

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 02:42 PM

Originally posted by The Godfather of Conspira
Just because you can never find a single, decent, reputable source to back up your intense Islamophobic paranoia don't take it out on me.

What on Earth are you talking about?

So because I post an article about a group claiming jihad against the olympics somehow you equate that to me being islamophobic?? That is just just crazy nonesense and I think you know it.

Also, I am not taking anything out on you. I only pointed out the obvious about how you always spew the same propaganda regarding the U.S. being bad and the cause of all evil the world.

Not my fault your sources are as credible as crocodile piss.

I'm not surprised you would think like that. That's your problem. You don't believe anything unless it agrees with your brainwashed liberal sources. You are an obvious tool.

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by WhatTheory

Actually i notice the only people you moan at about derailing the thread are the one's you disagree with.

The rest, you just swallow without comment.

Shame really, cos i thought he had a VERY good point and was more on track with this thread than that other guy who was talking about bombing pakistan, although no doubt you won't disagree with him 'cos although his post is irrelevant to the topic, he's bashing the muslims, so that's fine in your book eh?

Stick to what you know best and ignore the evidence eh?

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 03:08 PM

Originally posted by mr-lizard
Shame really, cos i thought he had a VERY good point and was more on track with this thread than that other guy who was talking about bombing pakistan, although no doubt you won't disagree with him 'cos although his post is irrelevant to the topic, he's bashing the muslims, so that's fine in your book eh?

Wow, what a surprise that you agree with him.
Especially since you and he have been using the tag team method in other threads.

Stick to what you know best and ignore the evidence eh?

No, just obvious propaganda.

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 03:11 PM

Originally posted by mrmonsoon
Btw, how long before the US and or Isreal is blamed for this.

It did not take long and it occured by the usual posters.

How did you know this would happen?

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by WhatTheory

Tag team method?

No, I just though i was alone with the far right nutters... Finally nice to meet somebody with a little soul in here instead of the typical parade of muslim-hating, one brain celled, backward clones that we seem to get.

Anyway back on topic, how would you react if you found out the so called terrorists that are threatening the olympics were from America, would you be so quick to laugh at the bombing of your own country?

Like Dan Tanna said, we could put it on pay-per-view, sit back and relax and watch America get wiped off the map by a million chinese war machines.

Or does that only apply if the terrorists are from a muslim country?

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