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Why are people getting so fat?

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posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 09:33 PM
I suspect food additives and flavor enhancers may have something to do with it. They may trigger more impulse eating. I am in my 40's and have always been thin, in fact during times of stress I have a hard time keeping weight on (smoking helps).

I usually eat when I am honestly hungry, and it is rarely processed food (grilling chicken or steak is just as quick and doesn't have weird flavor enhancers). I avoid artificial sweeteners and corn syrup, regular sugar works just fine for lemonaid or iced tea or whatever.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 09:34 PM

Originally posted by Frankidealist35
What is causing so many people to become as fat as they are?

Sitting in front of computers posting on ATS.

Sitting in front of the TV playing games or watching movies.

Sitting in the Malls watching the world go by.

Sitting all day long in a chair in front of a computer at work.

Using machines to do all the work we used to do ourselves.

Living like sardines in apartment buildings with no yards or yard-work to do.

Inability to buy high priced healthy foods.

Should I go on? I'm not sure this is a conspiracy related topic.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 09:48 PM

Originally posted by Blaine91555Inability to buy high priced healthy foods.

I don't agree with that one. For the price of a big mac, fries and drink ($5-$6) one can make a decent meal of meat, veggies, etc... Or a decent sandwich with high quality meat, bread, etc..

Sure if one wants to buy the most expensive organic meat and vegetables it can get expensive but that is NOT necessary. People can eat cheap without eating junk, frozen veggies, pasta, rice, peanut butter, cheaper cuts of meat, there are lots of choices that are not all that costly.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 10:01 PM

Originally posted by Sonya610

Originally posted by Blaine91555Inability to buy high priced healthy foods.

I don't agree with that one. For the price of a big mac, fries and drink ($5-$6) one can make a decent meal of meat, veggies, etc... Or a decent sandwich with high quality meat, bread, etc..

Sure if one wants to buy the most expensive organic meat and vegetables it can get expensive but that is NOT necessary. People can eat cheap without eating junk, frozen veggies, pasta, rice, peanut butter, cheaper cuts of meat, there are lots of choices that are not all that costly.

So, you are saying that for 5 dollars I can get meat, veggies and bread? Please let me know where you are shopping.!... and if I just get the cheap food it's just as unhealthy for me as mcdonalds.

One of my favorite threads in ATS is jackinthebox's Let them in Cake.. I don't know how to link.

There is a basic cause and effect relationship here...

cause: organic food is too expensive, "most" of us are penny pinching.

effect: overweight people (whom everyone thinks are "fat" and "lazy") who are essentially starving to death and lacking proper nutrition.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 10:02 PM


I was going to post that! i can't stand that. not your post but the fat people in the I'm too lazy to walk mobiles/carts. It's like duh you're already a huge fat mess from your own slovenlyness and now your going to buy 350 bucks worth of food? damn!! cut your intake back about 4000 calories a day and loose some weight!!!! jeeez. I have no pity for those people except the rare few that have a horrible thyroid problem and can't afford their medication.

THe worst part is that they have never heard of sharing, and I'm not talking about eating enough food to starve the entire continent of Africa. I'm talking about how they barrel right down the isles at the market don't say excuse me, or even waite for you to notice them or get out of the way. they just bump you and then act like it's your fault. it's like they have a chip on their shoulders against everybody who took enough self pride to actually keep their weight within the envelope of actually being able to walk. there is very little excuse for these people.

It's almost as bad as the people who abuse the handycapped's parking and aren't even handycapped. I say guys in wheelchairs should be allowed to legally key those peoples cars.

BUt back to the obese that can't even walk and need a cart to get around. why should we feel sorry for somebody who has victemized themselves their whole life and expect us to accomadate that behavior. it's immoral.

As fpr why we are so obiese. I would recommend getting your fiber and sugars and a good deal of your carbs from fruit. it's how we as a species evolved maybe we should stick to how nature developed us instead of gorging on tons of carbs without countering those carbs with other nutritional foods. bread should be the base of the food pyramid? my ass, or the fat ass of the person actually following that advice

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 10:09 PM
It is not any one factor.

There are many reasons.

It is easy for people to say, people need to eat less. That is like telling an alcoholic to quit drinking.

Studies come out all the time finding that the food cravings people have are very hard to resist. And nature designed it that way. We are meant to stock up in times of plenty. Problem is, there are not times of lean.

It is not laziness that people don't exciercise. Just the opposite problem, we have too much to do.
And we are exhausted and sleep deprived. It is easier to grab something on teh way home then it is to cook a healthy meal.

And we don't get real cardiovascular exercise.

There isn't time to take the stairs because we have to run from teh meeting, pick up Jimmy from soccer practise, pay the bills with the spouse, and make a cake for the birthday party, all in one day.
The average American works 400 more hours a year then the next country.That is A LOT.
We are not allowed to have time to care about ourselves.

What people need to start doing is limiting extra carricular activities and stay at home.

Then there is the other food problem. All the food is loaded with so much garbage, and crap, and SUGAR. That people's blood sugar is getting spiked all the time and making them feel hungry.
Look at food and see how much corn syrup is put into everything.

It is called obese malnutrition. People are fat and starving at the same time.

I was horrified when I found it in my son's formula. Way to get babies started in teh world.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 10:11 PM

Originally posted by galateaSo, you are saying that for 5 dollars I can get meat, veggies and bread? Please let me know where you are shopping.!... and if I just get the cheap food it's just as unhealthy for me as mcdonalds.

Well here in Georgia (prices may vary by state) I can get two large chicken breasts for $3.69, a bag of frozen veggies runs maybe $1.50 and a bag of egg noodles maybe $1.10 -- totalling $6.29 for two decent meals. Okay maybe $6.59 when butter is included (I like lots of butter).

I am basing those prices on the local Super Target, of course if one went to Super Walmart and bought in larger quantity it would be less expensive.

Now prices may vary in different areas but regardless that is much cheaper than $10-$12 for two fast food meals.

[edit on 23-7-2008 by Sonya610]

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 10:19 PM
Life styles, stress, too many obligations, lack of exercise, poor food choices, shift work, genetics, disabilities, disease, aging, the list goes on and on. It's not just one thing, it's a combination of factors that differ from person to person. It' too easy to be judgemental and say that someone is lazy or overeats.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 10:24 PM

Originally posted by Sonya610

Originally posted by galateaSo, you are saying that for 5 dollars I can get meat, veggies and bread? Please let me know where you are shopping.!... and if I just get the cheap food it's just as unhealthy for me as mcdonalds.

Well here in Georgia (prices may vary by state) I can get two large chicken breasts for $3.69, a bag of frozen veggies runs maybe $1.50 and a bag of egg noodles maybe $1.10 -- totalling $6.29 for two decent meals. Okay maybe $6.59 when butter is included (I like lots of butter).

I am basing those prices on the local Super Target, of course if one went to Super Walmart and bought in larger quantity it would be less expensive.

Now prices may vary in different areas but regardless that is much cheaper than $10-$12 for two fast food meals.

[edit on 23-7-2008 by Sonya610]

That's great! However, here I haven't found a package of chicken breasts for less than 7 dollars and that's just for two and I have a family of three... I'm not saying that all we do is eat out, much the opposite but what I was trying to say that most of the healthy foods at the grocery store are much more pricey, than say, a box of mac n cheese.

Basically, it's just easier and cheaper to eat unhealthy. Just this week at my grocery store the box of noodles that I usually buy went up 50 cents.. may not seem like a ton.. but 50 cents here and 50 cents there plus gas prices... it's going to end up being cheaper to get a burger at mcd's for 5 bucks... otherwise, you have to buy a thing of ground beef, lettuce, tomatoes, pickles, onions, a package of buns, ketchup... and then add the coke and fries...

I am not in any way obese, luckily with my job (military) I have to workout all the time so I'm able to maintain my weight, but at the end of the day, after working 12-14 hours in-and-out burger just sounds so good.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 10:28 PM
I shop At Albertsons and Publix. Chicken Breast 1 pound $1.99per pound.Buy one get one free Idio spuds $1.59 for two boxes.Three ears of corn $1.00- .30 cents a for one. That $4.60 I get Two meals better than any fast food. I belive it's pure lazyness.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 10:29 PM
reply to post by Frankidealist35

I really don't think it is extreme laziness, I mean, possibly a factor but, I also would blame the chemicals in the foods.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 10:32 PM
Sure its the food,fast food for lazy people.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 10:33 PM
Wow. Seems like I live in the wrong state to buy food.

Well, guess everyone thinks we are all just fat and lazy, puzzle solved.

It's that everyone is WORN out, most people work their tails off and at the end of the day the last thing they want to do is cook.. guess that's being lazy.. even though they have busted hump all day.

If I could link I would, but I recommend Let them eat cake.. it's somewhere in ATS-land.

edit to add linky

[edit on 23-7-2008 by HarlemHottie]

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 10:39 PM

Originally posted by galateaBasically, it's just easier and cheaper to eat unhealthy.

Well the trick to eating at home is KEEP IT SIMPLE. Simple meat (grilled, broiled, pan fried), simple veggies (nuked or steamed), simple carbs (noodles or rice). Only prep is putting it in a cooking container, usually its done in under 20-30 minutes, and it does not even require constant attention.

When you go for the fast food, or the mac and cheese, how do you feel afterwards? Cause yes sometimes its great, but I have to say that after I eat it I usually feel kindov icky, overstuffed, like I swallowed half a cup of low grade fat. Maybe I am just not used to it. There is a difference between feeling full and feeling sluggish.

Edit also galatea they say these days it is a good idea to get the circular and see what is on sale before you shop, then plan your meals around what is on sale that week.

[edit on 23-7-2008 by Sonya610]

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 10:45 PM

Originally posted by Sonya610

Originally posted by galateaBasically, it's just easier and cheaper to eat unhealthy.

Well the trick to eating at home is KEEP IT SIMPLE. Simple meat (grilled, broiled, pan fried), simple veggies (nuked or steamed), simple carbs (noodles or rice). Only prep is putting it in a cooking container, usually its done in under 20-30 minutes, and it does not even require constant attention.

When you go for the fast food, or the mac and cheese, how do you feel afterwards? Cause yes sometimes its great, but I have to say that after I eat it I usually feel kindov icky, overstuffed, like I swallowed half a cup of low grade fat. Maybe I am just not used to it. There is a difference between feeling full and feeling sluggish.

I never said that I eat mac n cheese and I said that I don't eat out, we are too budget crunched to eat out. I was saying in general, I was defending those that you (general) are calling "fat and lazy".. there are other reasons than just being fat and lazy.

And yes, we eat rice and grilled chicken and all that good stuff, however chicken isn't cheap (at least here, guess I live in the only place with expensive chicken).. veggies and fruit...

Personally, I feel great after everything I eat.. thanks for asking...

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 10:49 PM
reply to post by Sonya610

Youre right,eating better is not that hard. I bring lunch to work eat then walk keeps my energy up.

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 06:32 AM
People re getting more lazy. I always joke that fat people should donate blood since they have more to give. Anyways I'm more of a health freak and sure I do have friends on the larger side and I don't blame them. It's their lifestyle choice. I'm not willing to help them unless they ask me.

Anyways women now days are shaping up like wine glass figures, they are gaining the societies beer bellies now too with the amount of drinking they do.

Yeah time and time again I look around myself and I notice that at least 2 to every 5 person I walk past seems to be on the unhealthy side of the bargain.

posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 08:00 AM
I don't think that what is going on in this thread is very fair at all. Too much generalisation and lack of understanding.
Overweight people cannot just be labelled as lazy and weak willed, because it's not true. Many overweight people want to lose weight, and try, but it's very hard to do so. Eating Disorders may also play a part in what's happened.
These are still people we're talking about here.

posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 08:09 AM
I don't think a lot of people have mentioned the obvious too.

Yes all other points are true, but a lot of people also simply eat too much!!

There is a lot of seductively nice food out there, all easily accessable, a store is like food heaven. People get addicted, and simply start eating to their desires.

That and all other points raised is the problem.

It really is about self discipline these days in this world.

[edit on 25-7-2008 by _Phoenix_]

posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 08:16 AM
Something I would really like to mention.

I have realised that the area you live in really makes the difference too!

I go to small space areas in london with no parks, fields etc around. And I see quite a lot of overweight, out of shape people.

Then I got to a more richer and more spaceious area like Clapham, with parks fields, and most are more healthy looking, more toned looking women too
, And I see a LOT of joggers around, people playing outside games, simply people living healthy lifestyles.

So living areas have a lot to do with it too.

[edit on 25-7-2008 by _Phoenix_]

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