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How many think alike?

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posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 01:15 PM
I'm just curious of how many on here are in my age range and are thinking like I have been thinking. I'm 31, male, and I have a really really bad feeling that something bad is going to happen soon where we are all going to be forced to make tough decisions to ensure our survival. I have this unnatural urge to buy weapons, and stockpile munitions and rations. I've stockpiled means for fire, water, food, energy, electricity, and self defense. Why?
I feel that I need to trade in my old hunting guns for something that will serve me better in self defense. Am I losing my mind?

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 01:20 PM
have ya looked around at the all the threads on this board?
i assure you, you are not alone. go w/ it, but don't let fear rule your overall outlook on our present and future situation. certainly things have come too far too fast for ppl to NOT be taking notice, so definately stay aware and do what ya think ya gotta do in the meantime to prepare (and if nothing comes of it in our lifetime, still better to have been prepared than not)! and good luck

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 01:37 PM
No you are not loosing your mind. Those that don't see that something is afoot are not using their minds.

It saddens me to see many people going about their business, happy go lucky, without a clue of the seriousness of the many perilous situations our world is in the midst of now.

As justamomma said, it's better to be prepared than not.

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 01:38 PM
im a male,26 years old,and yes ido think like you,my brother wanted to keep his shotgun here at my house but my wife said no,but i talked her into leting me keep a pistol here,she asked why i said because my baseball bat is hard to swing in the hallway
its true if someone does come in my house i want to protect my family,hat being my wife and 3 kids,1 is a newborn born on the 18th of june....i wont shoot to kill but i will take out a knee or.......a testicle....and i always have a bunch of lighters and such as just sems right for some reason

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 02:08 PM
I am with ya. I have felt the sense of dread for a long time. When I meant my wife and her parents I was then able to put a name to it. They are survivalist. My father in law has been teaching me how to live off the land and hunt and fish and all the things a die hard city kid doesn't get to learn on his own.

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 02:23 PM
It's the feeble minded that can't see the truth as it unfolds. The worlds future has already been chosen and we must prepare for the sh*t to splatter. There will be a lot less people when it does, and those of us that are ready will be all thats left. Plus the really lucky ones

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 04:01 PM
I may be a bit older than you, but I too see things coming that recommend preparation.

We are goind to have some very rough times ahead.

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 04:56 PM
I'm 17, Male and I just bought 5 mag pouches for my DPMS.
I'm stockpiling everything with the help of my parents. We (my family) are all from third world countries so we what it can be like. So yes. I do think alike.

[edit on 22-6-2008 by n0b0DY]

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 05:32 PM
Absolutely we think alike. I've been feeling like I should be stockpiling for about 3 or 4 years now, but have only recently started, although our instincts a couple of years ago pulled us out of our big cozy townhouse to a little cottage in the mountains. We thought it was just about peace and quite and no noisy neighbour's kids, but a few of my spiritual buddies are feeling the same in a big way. Collectively our instincts are saying to run to the hills, and get as far above sea level and inland as we can. Collect knowledge and supplies and all kinds of stuff we've forgotten how to do, like growing and preserving food, and herbalism.

We don't know *what* is coming, and there maybe 2 or 3 things that almost co-incide, man made and natural, that will make life very difficult. What one of my friends and her son were both seeing in dreams was a tidal wave hitting the east coast of Scotland, and I thought that barring a meteor strike in the North Sea, it would be impossible in such a geologically stable area, until I read about the Storegga landslip 8000 years ago in Scandinavia which inundated point is that we have no way to anticipate what's coming up and should be prepared as much as is might just be a series of very bad winters...who knows?

Our society is extremely fragile, and most people are blind to that. Even the physical infrastructure we have build would degrade very quickly if it's not maintained properly...and without the people to run it. We're deluding ourselves if we think we're invincible because we live in a modern world. If anything, it makes us more vulnerable for our stupidity.

[edit on 22-6-2008 by caitlinfae]

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 06:17 PM
reply to post by caitlinfae

Star for you! Yes, the "modern age" has a very rickety infrastructure. It really would not take much to disintegrate into chaos and death.

Here in the States, I fear Martial Law and millions corralled into the FEMA prison camps. But natural disasters, Monsanto, rising sea levels and the ice sheet in Greenland sliding into the sea (hitting NYC with a megatidal wave)...

Well, actually, I don't FEAR these things, but expect some or all soon.

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 06:28 PM

Thank you for that...*blushing a bit now...* I just would love to see more people prepared and careful for the future.

Buy seeds and learn to cook outdoors, for heaven's sake!


posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 06:49 PM
I gave you a star as well. So many people cant and wont see whats in front of there face. Whats worse then ignoring whats coming is belittling those of us who see it coming and take steps to survive it.

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 07:28 PM
Wow. Thank you for all of the replies. I'm glad I'm not alone. I have very little money right now, and I should have been preparing a long time ago. I want to move out of this town I live in and head for higher ground, but in my current situation, that's next to impossible. I have started piecing gear together though. I have battery-less flashlights, a Dynamo crank radio/weather radio. I need to get some dynamo crank FRS radios. I have a bunch of lighters, and am planning on buying some Swedish Firesteel. I just bought a Gerber LMF II Asek... Got a good deal on it here. I evidentally just bough the last one they had, because now they're out of stock, but they have other colors and configurations of the same knife on the site...

I want to buy a personal water filter next. I also need to get an equipment vest and some better clothing. What I'm finding hard is what to do with all of this stuff. Like where to put it. Right now, it's all in my basement, but what do I do if I need to head for the hills, without a car? Whatever I can get into a backpack?

I'm also nervous about the ruling that is to come this month in regards to the 2nd Amendment in Washington DC. The 2nd Amendment is non-negotiable, and I hate that I live in a state (Illinois) where there are so many laws restricting our right to life and it's defense. Here's an interesting article about that upcoming decision...

I'm weary about donating money to any group, so I doubt I will.
In my opinion, if we want to defend our Constitutional Rights, then we need to use them, and by using them, I mean we need people to wake up so we can use the 2nd Amendment for what it was originally intended to be used for. I don't think I need to clarify on that either.

The other thing that needs to be done is we all need to network. We need to establish a network so that when the SHTF, people have places to go, and people to group with. Numbers are effective tools in survival. When things go down, it won't be like in the movies. There will be no lone hero, or lone wolf heroics. There's always someone better than you skill-wise, and if you think that you can take on more than one person yourself, then you're treading on very dangerous ideaology. Power is in numbers. Survivability is in teamwork.

Ok, enough ranting. I hope I'm wrong about everything, but all signs point the other way, so I'm preparing, and I'm glad I'm not crazy. Thank you all.

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 10:00 PM
reply to post by pureevil81

If you pull your gun on someone you better be willing to kill that person. If you don't kill that person they can have you arrested for assault with a deadly weapon or sue you for everything you own for shooting them in the testicle or knee. All firearm training tells you to shoot to kill not injure. If someone broke into my house they would be DEAD

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 10:04 PM
My most valuable survival tools are Books. Everything you need can be supplied by your surroundings. Knowledge is the missing link. Investigate indian and pre-industrial living. All the storage space you could want is available in your head, and books are pretty compact as well!

Next is, Practice what you read. Make it Real for You. It feels strange at first, like you're lost or something. Perfectly natural though, this is the part where many GIVE UP! Get in there and fight the little battles one by one. Someone said that we are only defeated by the challenge that we refuse to face.

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 10:20 PM

Originally posted by caitlinfae

Thank you for that...*blushing a bit now...* I just would love to see more people prepared and careful for the future.

Buy seeds and learn to cook outdoors, for heaven's sake!


Lucky for me, I went camping with my family a lot as a kid. We roughed it, and my mom did cook over a fire, dutch oven and all. Living out in farmland makes seed easy to acquire. So my skills are better than many. I just need a place to live and money to stock it. LOL!

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 10:26 PM
I am in your age group but I totally disagree.

I believe people are becoming more positive and good things are going to happen.

Putting so much tension and emotion into thinking something bad or terrible will happen pretty much sets you up for that.

I think there is a wonderful shift in the world and wonderful things are going to happen. People are going to realise that we are all one all connected and we can all be living wondeful, happy, abundant lives.

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 11:07 PM
How much alike do we think, check out this thread I made a while back, it's nearly the same as your thread!!!!!

Crazy huh.

I have had a bad feeling/burning desire to purchase weapons and ammo, and foodstuffs, for about the last 15 years, and I'm only 27!

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 11:32 PM
reply to post by Oreyeon
As for places to go the mountains are the safest especially areas like where i live. I live in the silver valley, in Idaho and it has lots of caves and silver mines. And the way the valley formed it's easily defended. So if your close to here when sh*t goes down drop on in

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 11:42 PM

Originally posted by downtown436
How much alike do we think, check out this thread I made a while back, it's nearly the same as your thread!!!!!

Crazy huh.

I have had a bad feeling/burning desire to purchase weapons and ammo, and foodstuffs, for about the last 15 years, and I'm only 27!

That IS weird. I left a comment on your thread just now for the person that called you paranoid and defined it for you.

The real definition of paranoid is: A heightened sense of reality.

I think alot of people are starting to wake up. At least that's what I'm hoping. Something is not right with the world, and everyone feels it to some degree. It's like a penetrating sadness that is persistent, but not quite reckognized.


1. of, like, or suffering from paranoia.

2. a person suffering from paranoia.


1. a heightened sense of reality.

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