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Rush Limbaugh Compares Katrina Victims to Iowa Victims!

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posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 09:08 AM
reply to post by gnosis111

30 years??????? You're kidding right?

Helps was delayed ONLY because most of NOLA was black? Completely laughable.

Its called incompetency. It's the only thing government does well.

It has absolutely nothing to do with their skin color.

If government was as racist as you claim, why wouldn't they simply cut off the hundreds of billions of dollars in social programs of which blacks benefit greatly from?

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 09:09 AM
reply to post by Sleuth

You cant think of a reason to rape someone during a time like that maybe because you are not a scumbag like those looters needing to eat Nike's and plasma tv's. I mean they must have been really starved to eat a tv or some expensive shoes.

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 09:11 AM
Its amazing that this fat junkie gets so much press.What a load of crap,but he makes me laugh

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 09:13 AM
reply to post by grover

Inherently racist? Perhaps to someone like you who still feels the need to call someone "mush loosebowels".

Then again, intelligence is hardly ever found in those who throw the race card around.

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 09:16 AM
reply to post by slackerwire

I call him mush loosebowels as a way to express my contempt for him.

So saying that white mid-westeners are reacting better to this flood better than black New Orleans residents to Katrina is not racist?


posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 09:30 AM
Maybe someone can explain to me why crime rates are 100 times higher in a metropolitan area (ALL OF THE TIME - NOT JUST DURING A DISASTER) than in a rural area? That is the case in Minneapolis, or Milwaukee or Chicago, etc. etc.

Us big city people must be horrible, awful people since so much murder and pilfering and fraud and rape happens around where we live.

What are you saying about the people in NO - many of whom are still trying to pick up the pieces?

How about some logical thinking here folks?

Rural Iowa and Illinois vs. NO, as well as the two disasters we are speaking of are simply not comparable on several different levels.

The fact that political polarization and race cards are being brought up are just plain sickening. Sickening. This country needs a healthy dose of maturity ON BOTH SIDES OF THE COIN.

What is really wrong with the situation here? How one part of the country deals with turmoil better than the other? Who the blame can be put on when something goes wrong?

I really wish this was a discussion of learning from N.O. and how its being applied in the Midwest.

Rush Limbaugh, as well as most of the political "verbal pukers" Democrat or Republican are as meaningful to me as the National Enquirer. Rather than actually doing something to make our country better we'd rather argue about how the other is screwing it up. Its frustrating to a measure of which I do not have a scale to apply.

[edit on 20-6-2008 by slicely]

[edit on 20-6-2008 by slicely]

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 09:30 AM
reply to post by grover

No - its not racist at all.

There arewhite people in N.O.
there are black people in Iowa, IL, and Indiana

The people in N.O. blame the government, blame bush, blame blame blame

The people in Iowa, IL, and Indiana arent blaming anyone. They're not out saying "GEORGE BUSH HATES WHITE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!"

Now are they?

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 09:33 AM
You can't blame a river especially the mississippi for doing what it does.

You can blame the government for building faulty levies and for its slow response.

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 09:36 AM
reply to post by grover

Maybe you should try re-reading the first post in this thread.

Perhaps you could point out exactly where he said WHITE midwesterners .

Race has nothing to do with the topic at hand, except maybe to those like you who are obsessed with race and try to find racism where it doesn't exist.

It's hard working, self reliant people in the midwest showing NOLA welfare losers how things should be done.

Race doesn't matter.

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 09:37 AM

Originally posted by grover
You can't blame a river especially the mississippi for doing what it does.

You can blame the government for building faulty levies and for its slow response.

When do we assign blame to people who live in a coastal city that sits BELOW SEA LEVEL?

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 09:39 AM
reply to post by grover

what do you think CAUSED the midwest flooding? Faulty levies, read a news paper every now and then.

What do you think caused the severe nature of which New Orleans suffered?

The residents were told "disaster is coming, get out"
the ones who stayed are the ones who got hurt

everyone lost everything
even the people who left

so give me one good reason to STAY in new orleans.
Give me one good reason to steal a big screen
give me one good reason to steal a pair of 120 dollar shoes
or shoot at helicopters
or rape innocent women in the football stadium
give me one good reason to say "george bush hates black people" that is in reference to the hurricane (personally, i think george bush hates anyone who's not filthy rich)

Give me one good reason to blame one single person for a hurricane.

[edit on 20-6-2008 by Andrew E. Wiggin]

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 09:40 AM
reply to post by eric52081

That's because New Orleans has lots of black people. You know them.... when you put them in a situation that is desperate and despair, they show their true colors. (haw)

Just look at Africa.

[edit on 20-6-2008 by Macrotus]

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by Macrotus

now that is a racist thing to say.
Its too bad T&C doesnt cover all forms of racial hatred, instead of slurs alone.

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 09:46 AM

Originally posted by Andrew E. Wiggin
reply to post by Macrotus

now that is a racist thing to say.
Its too bad T&C doesnt cover all forms of racial hatred, instead of slurs alone.

Yea, because someone shouldn't be allowed to say something simply because some people don't like it right?

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 09:48 AM
reply to post by slackerwire

that is exactly right.

What he just said is not different than saying "white people are better than black people"

its racist, and it has no place here.
Maybe ill send ol Simon a u2u with a proposed amendment for the T&C

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by Andrew E. Wiggin

instead of whining about it, why not do something useful and prove him wrong?

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by Zepherian

omg, could you make anymore excuses for their behavior?

so just because some things go wrong in life, if ok to murder, rape, steal? i don't think so NOTHING, and i repeat this in hopes it gets through to you NOTHING justifies how they were acting... it was digusting and shameful for every american watching. you wonder why aid didn't come. think about it for a second, would YOU come to the aid of a ravenous animal who is just as likely to kill you and take everything off your dead body as he is to accept your help with a smil and a thank you? i wouldn't im not about to rush in and help someone when they are acting the way they were.

it's sad that today we have people that think things like this is ok, because after all. it's racist to say that they did anything bad, and if you think that what they did is bad, it's most likely because you have never had to struggle to make it in life.

I have news for you, everyone lives through tough times at one point or another in their life, and very seldom do they act like what we saw in NO.

the problem is that EVEN TO THIS DAY, their are "vitcims" of Katrina with their hands out wanting to get a handout because they think that somebody owes them something... HELLLLLLOOOOOO you were living in a city with horrible levees, that was common knowledge that they were in severe disrepair, and it was BELOW SEA LEVEL. so when a hurricane came in, and they said "hey get the hell outta here it's about the hit the fan" the sat there and did nothing, and when it hit the fan they started acting like it was the end of the damn world and they had a free pass to do whatever they wanted.... oh but i forgot, it's all in the name of survival. because you need TVs to survive, and beer to survive. it disgusts me that there would be anyone out there that would atually JUSTUFY what was done there, much less try and say that it was SOMEONE else's fault. and on top of that they blamed the gov't as if they were in charge of keeping up the levees

this is a good thread, and it shows how humans are supposed to treat one another when staring adversity in the face. you band together and you work for a common good, you don't treat it like the end of the world and take whatever you can get your hands on just for the sake of having it.

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 09:51 AM

Originally posted by whiteraven
Katrina was a 7 or 8 out of 10 on a destructive scale.

Iowa is about a 2.
[edit on 19-6-2008 by whiteraven]

Umm, I'm sorry, but i'm from Iowa, pretty much ground zero. It defiantly was not a 2. Entire towns were underwater. There was one road open, just to get to the other side of town, and to get to Des Moines, You had to take a 200 mile detour around everything. They may have to demolish buildings downtown that house tons of jobs!

Now granted, I've never seen destruction from a hurricane, and I suppose I am kinda biased, but this is WAY worse than the flood of 93, and that was the worst thing we had ever seen!

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 09:59 AM
For those who whine about NOLA and the slowness of aid being a result of it being a majority black city, per capita, more whites died than blacks.

Guess it kind of blows your little ridiculous theories right out of the water doesn't it?

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 10:04 AM
reply to post by Cowgirlstraitup7

BS, it's all full of HUMANS, the only difference between people living in NO and the people living in kansas city is the area of the country they live in. just because you live "in the hood" doesn't mean you HAVE to loot and riot and kill. that's a sad excuse for the way they acted. try again.

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