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Any ex-SF / military folk?

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posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 11:55 AM
U.S. Army
1980 - 1983
Air Defense Artillery
(Main Mos) 16C10- Nike Hercules Fire Control Operator (Computer Operator for the Nike Hercules SAM System. Also Qualified for MTR (Missile tracking Radar), TTR( Target Tracking Radar), TRR (Target Ranging Radar), HIPAR (High Power Acquisition Radar), and LOPAR (Low Power Acquisition Radar) operations.

Secondary MOS Qualified Redeye gunner.

I like to think that I gave enemy Paratroopers a reason to jump.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 12:10 PM
reply to post by GradyPhilpott

Err. I'm current. I was trained as an 0651 but then I got to my first unit and they were like oh well, you can be a radio operator for the recon teams. Thanks. Then I was with engineers and now I've gone infantry.

posted on Aug, 1 2008 @ 01:39 PM
US Navy 1971-1973
USAF 1973-1996
Intel all the way. Still serving as a civilian.

posted on Aug, 1 2008 @ 02:22 PM
U.S. Air Force enlisted, 1983-2003

Trained in Precision Imagery and Audiovisual Media Maintenance (AFSC: 404X0). Combined with 2 other career fields to Visual Imagery And Intrusion Detection Systems (AFSC: 2E1X4). What this mostly means is we did electronics and plumbing on audiovisual and photographic equipment, video, CCTV, and alarm systems.

Worked in strategic and tactical reconnaissance, base photo, combat camera, postal ops, weapon and flightline security, videography, command post ops, treaty compliance, and workgroup computer administrator.

Stationed in Nebraska, Germany, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Ohio, England, and Washington state.

Deployed to Saudi Arabia during Desert Storm.

I really enjoyed my time in, and would definitely do it again.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 01:10 AM
Served in US Army from Sep 1999 to Dec 2008
15R10Y1 AH-64D mechanic/crewchief
Was assigned to 2/101 AVN (Ft. Campbell),
3/6 CAV (Korea),
1/4 AVN (Ft. Hood), and lastly
6/6 CAV turned 2/159 ARB (Germany)
Luckily deployed only once, to Iraq, where I am right now.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 01:14 AM
I am in the Air Force 1999-?? I am a Weapons troop, I load the bombs, missles and guns on the air planes. and if the weapons system on the Aircraft malfuctions, I also fix that as well.

I am Going to Iraq (Bagdhad International Airport) in september!

[edit on 2-8-2008 by Smokinbbl]

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 02:44 AM
Fellow Military members.. I need a litle help in this thread. Could you give me a hand with this Ass?

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 02:46 PM
U.S. Army Air Defense Patriot fire control operator/ maintainer.
Ft. Bliss

Currently DA selected recruiter. good times.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 07:47 PM

Originally posted by havingfun
U.S. Army Air Defense Patriot fire control operator/ maintainer.
Ft. Bliss

Currently DA selected recruiter. good times.

Ah cool. Your my replacement! Your missile system (Patriot) is what replaced what I used (Nike-Hercules). I also was at one point at Ft. Bliss. (chuckles) Not very Blissful was it? (chuckle) Or at least it wasn't when I was there.

Edited to add:
Oh yeah, I also spent 1 1/2 years stationed over in West Germany. Yes, that was before the wall fell. Loved it over there.

[edit on 2-8-2008 by Deson]

posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 04:38 PM
US Army

Spent a few years in the Infantry on the fabulous 240B. The thing weighed half again what I do.

Commissioned as an Armor officer and spent another couple years as a tank platoon leader- the best job ever.

Now I'm a green suit in an all source intel facility that doesn't exist working with collection assets that also don't exist.

My RFO has my next position within SOC.

I like the Army because just when you get bored of doing something, they task you out to do something completely different that you are in no way qualified for. Keeps life interesting.

posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 06:42 PM
Hmm a lot of genuine guys in here, but from what I read, there do seem to be a few lying through their fingers nails (would have said teeth, but they did not speak lol).

Nice to know some people think having served in a regular combat role or support role, gives them the right to fantacise about being special force elites etc.

Given the fact most combat role personnel do not bother to join special forces, since they have experianced all the boring, mundane and repetative crap in their existing role, why would they wish to amplify that crap aspect 10x? Majority of those applying for such roles, tend to be non combat people, who still have the action packed fantasy in their mind.

Then again most real vets would not be posting about there exploits since they are still bound by the military secrecy laws etc. Also why would they wish for any information that could lead an extreamist back to them? "Oh I served in Somalia in support to the blackhawk down incident" etc, would just paint a target on you for any Somalian extreamist.

Anyway for all those genuine people, you have my respect for your hardwork. Those who are lying on here, I hope you get taken out by a child fighter in ww3 as payback for all that boasting lol.

I myself have not served in the military, altough I did come close to joining military intelligence (UK, would have been MI6 most likely). But decided to not proceed past the test stage, after Iraq kicked off :S. Plus I was only desperate for a job which is why I applied, did not realise it would have taken over 6 months to get to training stage! I needed a job there and then lol (had a picture; turn up for interview, they test me on the same day instead of next month, then a week later turn up at bootcamp for basic training...).

posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 09:10 PM
If I understood the Op correctly I believe he was asking for posts from either SF OR Military Personnel. If this thread was to be ONLY for Special forces then I apologies. However, I feel that I am correct in this instance.

As far as the Military Secrets? My MOS was decommissioned a long time ago so no worrys there. As far as the other posters, I don't see any major security breaches. Insufficient information has been given out to give identification on exactly what has been done. Besides if the Government were really interested in tracking me down then I doubt if there would be a heck of a lot that I could do.

Oh as far as fantasizing about being SF? (chuckle) Not in my case. They can have it. I've got a lot of respect for them but never, ever would I fantasize being one of them.

edited to add:
Now if you want to learn how to use a vacuum tube analog computer that controlled a SAM designed in the 50's then I could help you. (chuckle)

Edited to also add:
As far as any extremists tracking me down. Well, I live on a Military base so that should make things interesting enough. (chuckle)

[edit on 11-10-2008 by Deson]

posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 09:21 PM
reply to post by Saf85

The thread title is strangely worded, but the OP is clear that he includes all military or former military personnel.

As to who's lying, I'll leave that as a matter of conscience.

Many of your assumptions are just plain wrong.

No veteran needs to be secretive about his service, although he might need to be secretive about specific missions, in which case, you're not likely to ever hear of them.

[edit on 2008/10/11 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 09:51 PM

Originally posted by Saf85
Then again most real vets would not be posting about there exploits since they are still bound by the military secrecy laws etc. Also why would they wish for any information that could lead an extreamist back to them? "Oh I served in Somalia in support to the blackhawk down incident" etc, would just paint a target on you for any Somalian extreamist.

I don't know how it works for other countries, but for the most part US forces are only bound by OPSEC before and during a mission, so as to not give away troop stregnth and positions to the enemy (they read ATS too).

After the operation is complete, assuming there isn't a related follow-on mission, you can tell all the war stories you want. How do you think all these books come out? If we were completely and indefinitely bound by military secrecy, we wouldn't know that Somalia even happened, or D-Day for that matter.

For those of us in the force, its easy to spot a poseur. People who have served are just different. Act different, speak different, write different. We know our own. If someone wants to fake the funk, he will just find himself ignored.

And if any "extremist" wants to invest the time and money to track me down and come to "get me," he can rest assured that I will make his trip an interesting one. Hopefully his organization can get a refund on the return ticket. Hell, maybe I could get a good book contract out of the deal.

[edit on 11-10-2008 by WhiteOneActual]

posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 09:54 PM

Originally posted by WhiteOneActual
[For those of us in the force, its easy to spot a poseur. People who have served are just different. Act different, speak different, write different. We know our own.

I'm in the Navy. Yep, I'm a SEAL. At least, I was, until I got shot by that RPG during the Battle of the Little Big Horn. Now I just do contract work.

I'm Agent Orange.

posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 10:06 PM
reply to post by Saf85

I don't know about any lying that you assume.

Army 1970-1973

SF - (S qualified) Engineer 12B
Indirect Fire - 11C (gunner, forward observer, FDC)
Light Infantryman - 12B
Radio/Telephone Operator 05-B

Served in two Ranger Companies, "O" (Arctic Rangers) and "H" attached to the First Cav in Viet Nam. I served with some really good guys, and buried a few as well. Know a few names on the Wall.

And yes, at football games, I still well up a bit when they raise the flag and play the Star Spangled Banner.

God Bless America, because we don't seem to have many friends.

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by jerico65
I'm in the Navy. Yep, I'm a SEAL. At least, I was, until I got shot by that RPG during the Battle of the Little Big Horn. Now I just do contract work.

I'm Agent Orange.

The Agent Orange? Man, its a pleasure. You're totally famous.

I was in the secret Coast Guard Antiterrorism Unit driving an invisible patrol boat up and down the Tigris. You know all those bodies they keep pulling out of the river? Well I'm not saying anything, but....

That was until I got picked up by CIA Black Ops. I'm writing this from a CIA space ship in geosync orbit over Osama's cave. I don't know why nobody found him sooner. I just got his address from Publisher's Clearinghouse.

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 05:46 PM
I was in the Marines, 79-83. as (of all things) a teletype Operator (2542) I held a Top Secret clearance, but basically I was a glorified newspaper boy. I worked about 30 minutes a day, and lived in Hawaii, it was really tough Duty

I had great training, and was in the Martial arts, it was fun, I was with 1st bat 12 Mar Arty (oh 5's I think) the coolest thing I ever saw as when they strapped one of them things in the back of a C130 and fired it at targets on the ground, it lifted me an inch off the Ground with each impact, Awesome.......

Semper FI

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 05:59 PM

Originally posted by WhiteOneActual
I was in the secret Coast Guard Antiterrorism Unit driving an invisible patrol boat up and down the Tigris. You know all those bodies they keep pulling out of the river? Well I'm not saying anything, but....

That's you? I LOVE your work!

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 03:21 PM
U.S Army

Without a doubt one of the hardest things I have ever accomplished in my life.

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