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Old World Secrets the Omega Project Codes

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posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 07:58 PM
reply to post by seek4 truth

At the end of that movie, where it does the date thing. They just change the numbers around to fit the dates in the code. I'm not sure what is so special there.


Then in the 2nd one, it's again a different code. This time they even subtract?


And then the 3rd on.


There is no pattern there.

And at the end with the connect the dots thing, that's a stretch to say the least.

And then it says "You do the math". What math? There is no pattern to do the math with.

Also, take a look at the Fibonacci sequence and tell me if it looks familiar with the planets.


posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 08:02 PM
reply to post by badmedia

I was more just trying to post information about Venus, I do get your point.

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 08:14 PM
If you want to understand that kind of stuff, I'd look into sacred geometry, and things like the flower of life. All geometrical shapes, including 4d shapes we can't perceive come from that.

The star of david actually contains a huge secret in it when you understand the sacred geometry. And the great pyramids also line up with sacred geometry and the star of david as well. As well as the hexagon on saturn.

Very interesting stuff. You tube has pretty much been gutted of alot of things lately, so don't have any easy movie links anymore.

[edit on 14-10-2008 by badmedia]

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 08:24 PM

Originally posted by badmedia
If you want to understand that kind of stuff, I'd look into sacred geometry, and things like the flower of life. All geometrical shapes, including 4d shapes we can't perceive come from that.

The star of david actually contains a huge secret in it when you understand the sacred geometry. And the great pyramids also line up with sacred geometry and the star of david as well. As well as the hexagon on saturn.

Very interesting stuff. You tube has pretty much been gutted of alot of things lately, so don't have any easy movie links anymore.

[edit on 14-10-2008 by badmedia]
Thanks for the info and funny you brought that up because I was actually looking for something I had seen a while back but I could not find it. Why do you think you tube has been gutted.

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 08:34 PM

Originally posted by seek4 truth
Thanks for the info and funny you brought that up because I was actually looking for something I had seen a while back but I could not find it. Why do you think you tube has been gutted.

They canceled a bunch of accounts and stuff recently. The biggest UFO guy on YouTube had his entire account canceled, and over 800 UFO videos in the process.

There were other people and movies that I had in my favorites that no longer exist either. There is a thread about it somewhere around here. Since that day, I often have trouble finding good movies that I seen before. Like the planets and the fib sequence. I know I've seen a movie with that in it before, but couldn't find anything even close when I searched recently.

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 08:42 PM
Speaking of things not on you tube, that reminds me I saw a video a couple of years back that a pilot took from a single engine plane as he was flying over part of what I want to say was a remote part of the Amazon but I am not %100 sure. Anyways you could see outlines of different colored grass that plainly made shapes like squares and circles, things like that, lots of them, just out of curiosity did anybody see this.

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 08:45 PM
This is a good movie explaining sacred geometry. Or what I call the fabric of reality.

Probably nothing new for some, but just in case for those who don't understand/know what sacred geometry is. More stuff in the related area.

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 08:50 PM
reply to post by badmedia
Now that I think about several I was going to view well ago on you tube said this video is no longer available. That is kind of odd, you think they were not getting enough hits or what, what is your theory?

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 08:54 PM
It's been discussed.

Lieberman Demands Youtube Censorship

Emergency YouTube Censorship Announcement!

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 09:35 PM
reply to post by badmedia
Thanks for the video and links and I was reading because of terrorists and such, O.K. why the UFO videos? They are probably getting ready to screw us; I remember seeing a guy talking about a year ago. He said he had some inside connection to something or another and made a video about telling us to take some kind of action because they were getting ready to start dividing the internet up into sections that had to be paid for like cable. He said that it was going to be set up so that the main stream would buy the excuse and that what was planned was to just be able to broadcast the main sites that they had control of. He said by doing this all of the small sites wouldn’t be able to afford air time on the main sites and basically would not be able to afford to stay in business, leading to what you see only being what they want you to see.

[edit on 14-10-2008 by seek4 truth]

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 04:43 AM
The planet venus is linked to the number 14 due to it's orbital period which takes 8/13ths of a solar year.

I've elsewhere on thie thread shown the link between Venus and the Pentagram

The pentagram (and therefore Venus) is associated with the 26,000 yr cycle which ends 22 Dec 2012 . Through its geometry, you see the pentagram represents "the platonic year" or in other world, one full circuit of the precission of the equinoxes, which is what is taking place 21 12 2012

In esoterica The pentagram is associated with the concept of man (earth) and the heavens (planets) being intertwined

In Astrology planet Venus is linked to the star sign LIBRA and the seventh house.

The precission of the equinoxes reaching full circle on 21 12 2012 is the start of the new Age of Aquarius, and in the bible this new age ushers in the "kingom of god" or more specifically, a one world religion which is supposed to help bring peace and order to the world

Brandon's premise is that the creators had ties to planet Venus. We see the controllers have fond use of Venu's symbol , the pentagram. We have seen all that Venus and the pentagram are tied to....the controllers have made all bible prophecy come true bar the fall of babylon but cannot hope for a true new world order without a one world religion as well...which is the kingdom of god spoken of in the last chapters of revelation

Read up on the Maitreya and share international and you will see the plan is already in motion and the maitreya awaits one last event before the day of global revealing....the collpase of global economy (fall of babylon affects the world, read revelation) clues tell us the return of this christ must occur BEFORE the new age begins....right on the cusp of entry into the new age

the mayans point to the beginning of the end cycle occuring 12-12-2012 and wrapping up 21-12-2012, the latter being the day we enter the new age.

As brandon has shown, 12 is the most significant number throughout the bible.....

The clues are all pointing in one direction

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 05:10 AM
OH MY , I am now feeling really spooked, every corner I turn is backing up my theory'll need to have been following all my posts to understand...

I was reading the Maitreya's messages today - remember now the maitreya's global magazine is associated with the United nations

On of the many things that stood out was this talk of the Maitreya creating "healing wells"...he's done a couple and "media" reports have covered them. Media reports easy to fake, we know. Anyway, he stated there would be a total of "777" such wells across the world as his ministry unfolds, gathering pace around the world

777 is an occult number with many esoteric connections but the one that caught my eye the most is this one:

"It is the number of the sacred work of the sons of God for the establishment of the Kingdom of God on the Earth, mainly for the period of the seventh millennium after Adam where it is written that Satan will be chained for thousand years"


777 and Sons of God and other meanings

777=Christ's resurrection and more

I urge you all to read up on the Maitreya and research all the connections for yourself in light of everything we have talked of on this thread...

Maitreya and Share International

When I've finished making all the connections I'm going to start a new thread as what's been revealed needs to be widely read. If you find any useful info on this please let me know.
777, fall of Bablyon, Stock Market Crash....from someone on another forum:

"read Joshua chapter 6. three "7 references" they blow the trumpets and the "wall" comes tumbling down. "wall"street anyone?

The stockmarket crash on Monday, September 29 was 777.68 - ie 7777. Joing these numbers around a central axis and you get the symbol of the swastika (especially in terms of how digital numbers look). Monday was the day the last Jewish year came to an end (ie the next day was Rosh Hashanah - the start of the new Jewish year). Hmmm - something profound here to be sure. Also, Monday was also the feast day of St Michael (Michalemas) the warrior archangel of heaven who is usually depicted slaying a reptilian, demonic looking man or a dragon. Also Monday was the day of the new moon. And just for good measure, 29th September was also the birthday of Lord Horatio Nelson, the most important and celebrated military figure in British history - and this Monday, would you believe, was nothing less than the 250th anniversary of his birth. And finally,in terms of Hinduism (in which the swastika is one of the most important symbols) the day following Monday was the start of Navarati, a major Hindu festival in which the triple goddess Durga, Laksmi and Sarasvati are celebrated over a nine day period (nava meaning nine in Sanskrit"
woops, some things are better left unsaid

[edit on 15/10/08 by cosmicpixie]

[edit on 15/10/08 by cosmicpixie]

[edit on 15/10/08 by cosmicpixie]

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 07:31 AM
Hey Folks,

Sorry about my post yesterday. I got pretty hot. I'm tired of reading the same drivel from the same people. Okay, you disagree with the author of the book. We get it.

Again, my apologies for my short temper. I was incited by page after page and post after post of "you're missing the philosophy".

No, we're not. We moved on. Days ago.

That is all.


posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 07:46 AM
reply to post by Sleuth

It's great that you can see the lies and bad stuff that has been pushed. Many people don't. But knowing the lie isn't the truth itself. Sure doesn't stop it from being presented as truth though. Sorry for pointing out people are holding wooden nickels.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 08:53 AM
reply to post by badmedia

the lie is PART of the truth though so important to a better understanding of bigger truths, no? Consciousness cannot be raised for most without step by step of revealing and pieces of knowledge.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 09:46 AM

Originally posted by cosmicpixie

Over the years, the Luciferian concept has been misunderstood and distorted , turned into some kind of dark mythology bread out of a misunderstnading of the true origins of mankind and who "god" really was.... this now acts as a great distraction from the truth. The Lucifer in the garden of eden was merely a representative for the Lemurians who wanted to bring freedom to the new hybrid slaves created by the Nephilim. It's all there in the ancient texts and sources....

Blavatsky was absolutely right with what she said you know.
As for Tsarion having "dark energy" ? I rather think the subject matter he talks of is dark and incredibly serious, it's little wonder he is so intense .

It's definitely a fascinating subject. And derfinitely a spooky path to go down. I'll have to re-watch his presentation, now that I'm clear it's a Luciferian one. I'll just have to sprinkle myself with holy water as I watch it this time.


posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 10:03 AM

Originally posted by Brandon Levon
reply to post by Matrix1111
Maybe the answer to your question is in the part you have not read yet.

By the way post the links to what you already know, maybe the rest of the world is not as informed as you.

I'm still interested in the subject matter. Shadow governments, NWO's, 9/11 conspiracies... But, being a somewhat spiritual person, the psychic drain of the subject matter gets overwhelming at times and I need a break. I'm trying to keep an open mind, but there are so many "red flags" that make me suspicious of the whole conspiracy angle. When i come to any concrete conclusion, I'll be sure to share them with you. Until then, I trust no one.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 11:42 AM

Originally posted by cosmicpixie
reply to post by Matrix1111

I haven't read the book yet but I think you are being needlessly condescending. Brandon was onbiously a man on a mission when he put it together and well aware time was against him. From my own research I agree . There are people out there who don't trawl the net reading conpiracy forums, or people who only go on them occasionally. In either case there is alot they likely don't realize so I'm sure Brandon's book will benefit those people less aware, as well as contributing new bits of info to those of us who consider ourselves as knowing a fair bit already.

I for one had never considered the bible as being something "satanic" in essence in so far as what it was intended to do for the masses...this concept blew my mind, and I am someone who has for 18 years looked "below the surface" of things. The bible as a DARK OCCULT MASTERPLAN ? Not a concept I've come across before and I've read ALOT. Sure, alot of people realize how twisted and manipulated the bible is and how currupted the church is but I'm sure only a minority see much beyond that and appreciate how it is the most important weapon in their grand , dark occult agenda agenda......

Condescending? Maybe, maybe not. You'll have to get the book and see for yourself. It's definitely a self-made production. It lacks professionalism to the extent that only is willing to carry it. It's more of an "underground" book that was meant to be passed around word of mouth. And the placing of a code within the text that you need to decode is sort of a teenage sort of thing to do. Reminded me of the Christmas Story where the kid sends away for a decoder ring only to be let down when he decodes the message. And starting the book out with the "orgami" bit about the 20 dollar bill "proof" that there's a Mason/Illuminati connection to 9/11? I don't see the reasoning behind the Illuminati wanting to embed clues of their 9/11 dirty work in a 20 dollar bill.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by Matrix1111
Matrix1111 are you serious, most of our countries were founded by using secret codes and hidden messages, Hell that is what we call intelligence when dealing with the enemy and you cant make a connection, I see why. You definitely can't be more than what 13 or 14. I am sorry, I know it is hard for you now but when you get older, you are going to find a lot of bad things have happened in the past. Things you are not always going to be proud of.

[edit on 15-10-2008 by seek4 truth]

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 02:52 PM
I would like to add this to the discussion about the 33rd parallel.

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