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Demon Hunting

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posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 01:37 AM
Okay, I saw this thread, and despite my better judgement have decided to post.
Ninety-nine percent of all people who speak about demonology, demon-hunting, etc. in actuality have very little knowledge on the matter. While it is true that you can learn plenty of interesting tidbits from texts, the simple truth of the matter is that most recorded information in the field has either been exaggerated, tampered with, or completely fabricated; to become truly involved in the metaphysical, you must toss aside what you think you know. It may not be true, and will probably cause you harm in the rare event that you come across an actual "demon". I use quotes around the term demon simply because the interpretation of the word has become so broad nowadays; there are many dark things which masquerade in forms like that of the classic demon, but aren't the thing itself.
What you call a demon may be a malevolent human spirit, a natural entity, or a simple freak accident of negative energy. Each requires its own form of handling, and any mishandling on the part of the would-be demon hunter could result in tragedy.
Warnings being said, I'll move on to answer the original question.
To hunt a demon, you must first learn of the forementioned archetypes. It won't be easy to track down people who know fact from fiction; to acquire truth, you must find people with experience in the field, not bookworms who have learned only be theory.
Once said knowledge has been obtained, you must do a few things which won't make you comfortable. The first is the hardest, and the most dangerous to your soul, if you believe in such a thing. You must let darkness into your heart. Evil and darkness are two entirely separate things; evil moves through darkness as electricity through water, using the shadow as a sort of masque to hide its identity. The demon will not encounter you without darkness, which is what makes it so dangerous; you're not likely to recognize a demon at all, and it may take some sway over you before you've prepared to combat it. If the demon is clever enough, you may not even notice its presence for years.
Once you hold darkness within your heart (and I am speaking metaphorically, of course; technically speaking, all of our hearts are dark), the trap will have been set.
The second thing you may not be comfortable with is acknowledging and wielding something which is taboo to the judeo-christian world; you must learn to focus and wield the energies of your spirit and the world around you, which may, truthfully, take years. Call it chi, call it whatever you like; there is energy in you and everything else, and like the energy which powers our homes and vehicles, it can be harnessed and used with the proper training and tools. Without this energy as your tool, you will not be able to combat the demon. You've been using it your whole life, probably unconsciously; most people use it reflexively, and never see it for what it truly is. The catholic rites of exorcism are based upon faith, which is the ability to believe unchangingly in something intangible; by their faith, priests have unconsciously tapped into this power source for centuries and done the impossible. Christ himself once said that faith as small as a mustard seed could lift a mountain; it was no metaphor.
Those are the only two things which I can soundly advise for the would-be demon hunter. There is more to know, certainly, but these are the only things which I truly know. Both parts of my advice are dangerous; to hunt a demon is more dangerous still. I can promise you that if you don't perish, you'll find yourself the prey before the end. After all, immortal beings can't die, they can only be banished. There is little to stop them from, by one way or another, returning; if you succeed only once, you'll have made a lifelong enemy which will, in all likelyhood, return with underlings to finish the job. Death isn't all which is at stake for you.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 01:40 AM
As an after-thought, I felt I should clarify that I am not speaking of possession, or of people who are demons. I have never met a person who was a demon, or possessed; the only man I know who thinks he is a demon is, frighteningly enough, a marine stationed in Iraq. And yes, he is insane; its safe to assume that if it has skin, its not a demon and merely a nutcase.

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 02:48 PM

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 04:44 PM
If you think you can destroy a being that has been around longer than the Earth has had life, you are sadly mistaken. It is people like you that trivialize demons.

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 05:00 PM

Originally posted by JBurns
If you think you can destroy a being that has been around longer than the Earth has had life, you are sadly mistaken. It is people like you that trivialize demons.

I agree. It is dangerous business even DEALING with the spirit world... never even mind battling or fighting it. I have not come across a way to match any being that is immortal. And, if you find one, please tell me.

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by Lummy

Originally posted by bigbert81
This thread is so funny.

Please HolyPurpose, tell me you're joking here.

I agree with you. I think these guys think "demon hunting" is going to be like a episode of Buffy. You're not going to go out with a shotgun and a cross shooting these things in the head guys. Its a spiritual battle between faiths, nothing more. Demons are a way to relate one's emotions, the constant battle between good and evil.

So if you're looking to put on a trench coat and kill demons, go rent a video game. If you're looking to do something only a ordained minister can do, you've got some long years of schooling ahead of you.

I think it's pointless to tell somebody soething he has seen does not exist. Read his posts and you'll find that he saw a demon, where everyone else saw his grandfather. To me, it would seem insane to look at a demon and decide in your head it is unhappiness or soemthing...

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 05:20 PM
Praying for ya out for pride. I saw a "monster" (accompanied bya strange drum beat) when I was three, and 3 yrs ago, I was visited by an entity which spoke only one word "faith". peace.

[edit on 27-12-2008 by heyo]

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 04:43 AM
reply to post by Malfeitor

im just a by passer to this topic, and maybe lack in knowledge about religion and other stuff like this, but it caught my attention and its really scary to talk about, don't know if its interest or curiosity, but somehow it rings the bell in me which leave a question, what if by chance these demons attack a normal people like me who has no idea of this kind of things? I've also read that if you don't go after them it wont go after you, but what if the wind suddenly change direction? what are we suppose to do?
call me a coward or a paranoid but this is still alarming ya know, all my life quite then suddenly becoming a toy of a demon, i know i got to keep my faith but in terms of being a target, it brings chill to my bones, could you guys at least ease my mind or something that would be nice, thnx

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by HolyPurpose

Only in North America are the called Lutheran pastors - rest of the world they are still called Lutheran priests.

Good site on kick but on demons:

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 02:26 PM
Here's an interesting tangent for this thread... are "aliens" really demons?

This is a free website that embraces that concept. Fairly compelling supporting points, mostly biblical.

Every Knee Shall Bow Phillipians 2:8-10

All that I know is that I know nothing -Socrates

[edit on 6-1-2009 by SuperSpark]

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 02:36 PM
Weapons: Squirt gun filled with Holy Water (I suggest one of those big pump guns that the kids have that can shoot 35`), Bible, Cross or Crucifix and maybe a Wood Stake in case a demon possessed person comes at you. First pray for divine protection and demand them to go back to Hell in the name of Jesus.

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 02:53 PM
Bring your social life down to bare minimum, get a simple job to pay for rent and food and spend as much time as possible on reading religion and philosophy (in particular buddhism, it has a very interesting and different approach to the spiritworld compared to western thought, much less taboo). There's a reason why living a religious life is spend best in monasteries and such places, especially when being drawn to the spiritworld. You can't deal with demons (or have other life altering profound spiritual experiences) one evening and expect to go to work the next day and not be bothered.

Originally posted by Malfeitor
The second thing you may not be comfortable with is acknowledging and wielding something which is taboo to the judeo-christian world; you must learn to focus and wield the energies of your spirit and the world around you, which may, truthfully, take years. Call it chi, call it whatever you like; there is energy in you and everything else, and like the energy which powers our homes and vehicles, it can be harnessed and used with the proper training and tools. Without this energy as your tool, you will not be able to combat the demon.

I agree to acknowledge it and even trying to understand but to control is a demon's game. The toughest demons will use your own weapons against you. I would advise finding something else which keeps your sanity. Now I shall refrain from the subject before I feel too much like a Yoda wannabee

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by Wintermute
Ever see the movie Frailty? That's sort of what you're coming off as. You know, half religious, half crazy.

There is no such thing as good and evil, and I can't tell exactly what it is that you're thinking of doing... if it's a spiritual, internal thing, killing your own demons and clearing your head, then good for you. If you're talking about going after people who you perceive as "demons," well sir, I hope they catch you and lock you up for a long, long time.

Isn't Frailty a bad example seeing as how it turned out that Matthew McConaghy (sp) turned out to be telling the truth in the end and the dudes were demons?

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 03:50 PM
woooo sounds like you need to chill out on the Buffy n angel series..

sorry that was childish, but in reality i really dont think dicing with demons is a very good idea or trying to learn to summon them to do ??battle with either.

take up fishing or something less dangerous


posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 03:24 AM
reply to post by HolyPurpose

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 06:15 PM
reply to post by HolyPurpose

wait wait, so the ghost of your grandfather appeared in front of you and you saw something else, instead of your grandfather but in disguised? The idea that you saw a ghost is already amazing, but to come across something you think might be a demon is something on another level. Was this a full body apparition?
Was it translucent? Was the ghost or demon aware of everyone else, could you communicate with it or get it to respond to you? What did it look like, can you describe it?

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 06:26 PM
My friend,

Demons are not physical entities, they cannot be hunted down the way
you think they can. Also, demons are souls just like you and me, and by
default are immortal, just like every soul is immortal. Just like your own
soul can't be destroyed, so can a demon not be destroyed.

Apart from that, all souls have a right to exist, whether they are dark,
mislead and angry, or loving and wise. Protecting yourself or others from
demonic attack is one thing, but actively going out to try and harm dark
spirits or demonic souls, is something you really don't want to do.

Not just because all souls have a right to exist and be left alone, but also
because if you ever manage to catch the attention of a demon, your life
will be over very fast. Even if you'd train 200 years, you would be no
match to even a minor demon.

It takes a soul many thousands of years of training to become a light
warrior. I only know two such people, and one is still training, even he is
not able to chase away even a minor demon.

My advice - give up your intentions, focus on learning the lessons you
were born to learn. Try and make life nice for you and those you love,
don't draw unnecessary attention to you by those intentions you display
now in your posts.

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by Wehali

Not just because all souls have a right to exist and be left alone, but also
because if you ever manage to catch the attention of a demon, your life
will be over very fast. Even if you'd train 200 years, you would be no
match to even a minor demon.

It takes a soul many thousands of years of training to become a light
warrior. I only know two such people, and one is still training, even he is
not able to chase away even a minor demon.

My advice - give up your intentions, focus on learning the lessons you
were born to learn.

Well, I could not disagree more. If you want to learn about Spiritual Warfare, there are countless resources. Regardless of whether one can kill a demon it moot.

Spiritual Warfare is an ongoing battle. Let's assume for a moment you are right and the a demon cannot be killed, nor can our souls. What is left to do? Do you assume all the malevolent spirits and demons take your advice and leave everyone alone and focus on self-improvement? Hmm?

The battle is not to death. It is all about subjugation, domination, control, influence, binding and banishing.

I doubt that anyone reading this thread is so naive as to take your post to heart, but just in case, I beg the reader to use their common sense and read this post. Research "binding" and "banishing". I'm a Christian, however, even the most devout occultists and satanists will agree with this post.


All that I know is that I know nothing -Socrates

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 05:02 PM
um why would u want to go out trying to hurt some "demon" entity?

all souls should be respected until they give u cause

"demons" might want friends too :/ its never too late to change your ways

u want to rid the world of some external evil but maybe u should look at the internal evils first? ;0

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 06:51 PM
reply to post by ReptileInRays

Nice name... Alice Bailey and Aleister Crawley would be proud.

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