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2012 and the crystal skulls

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posted on May, 25 2008 @ 02:35 PM
I know the crystal skulls have been discussed here before,but after seeing a program on the 'Sci Fi'channel last week I am tempted to delve into it here on ATS.I will go into the skulls mythology and their possible 2012 implications.

First the crystal skulls:

One of archaeology's most compelling mysteries is that of the 13 Crystal Skulls. Skulls have been one of the most powerful objects of symbolism in human history, all over the world. Several "perfect" crystal Skulls have been found in parts of Mexico, Central and South America. Together, they form a mystery as enigmatic as the Nazca Lines, the Great Pyramids and Stonehenge.

These skulls are believed to be between 5000 and 35000 years old. During early expeditions, archaeologists were told by locals that the skulls possessed magical powers and healing properties. However, people were unsure as to where they came from, or even why they existed. Some like to believe that these were remains from the lost civilization of Atlantis. Others like to believe these are fakes. And yet another group of psychics believe that these skulls have the capability to enable us to look into the past, present and future.

Historians and social anthropologists decided to find out more about the strange skulls. Very soon, they came across an ancient Indian legend saying that there had been thirteen crystal skulls of the Goddess of Death; they had been kept separately from each other under the strict control of pagan priests and special warriors.

Searches for more skulls started; some of them were found in museums and some in private collections not only in the USA, but in Mexico, Brazil, France, Mongolia, and in Tibet. There were more than 13 skulls found. However, not all of them were as perfect as Mitchell-Hedges- was. Very likely, those were just later attempts to create something similar to the original skulls that were believed to have been gifts by God to the people.

The very construction and make of the skulls defies common logic. There are several crystal skulls in existence today around the world. We start off with the most famous one: The Mitchell-Hedges Skull.

As the story goes, the skull was first discovered by the expedition headed by famous English archeologist F. Albert Mitchell-Hedges in Central America in 1927. Before that, the archeologist started clearing an ancient Maya settlement in a damp tropical jungle in Yucatan (British Honduras at that time and currently Belize) in 1924. It was decided to burn down 33 hectares of forest covering the ancient constructions of the settlement to make the archeological dig easier. When the smoke lifted, the expedition saw amazing ruins of a stone pyramid, city walls, and a huge amphitheatre capable to seating thousands of spectators. The ancient settlement was called Lubaantun: The Place of the Fallen Stones.

After three years, Mitchell-Hedges organized another expedition; he took his daughter Anna with him, but, at that moment, the archeologist hardly supposed that the girl would be a lucky talisman for the expedition. On the day of her 17th birthday, in April 1927, Anna discovered a strange item under the debris of an ancient altar. That was a natural sized human skull made of a rock crystal and wonderfully polished. The skull lacked its lower jaw, which was found dozens meters from the site three months later. The crystal details could be moved with the help of perfect, smooth joints on the skull and easily moved with every touch. Those who touched the skull experienced rather strange feelings.

It now appears that this tale of the skull's discovery was entirely fabricated. Mitchell-Hedges apparently purchased the skull at an auction at Sothebys in London, in 1943. This has been verified by documents at the British Museum, which had bid against Mitchell-Hedges for the crystal artifact, but the origin of which is attributed to Central America. The skull remains in the possession of the octogenarian Anna Mitchell-Hedges. She resides in Canada and displays the skull on frequent tours. Anna has maintained for all these years that she discovered the skull, even though there is reason to doubt that she was present at the Lubaatun expedition at all.

Continuing, Anna was the first to experience strange things. The girl put the skull near her bed before going to sleep. Anna said that she dreamed of the life of Indians who had lived thousands years ago, and the girl could describe the dream in detail.

At first, Anna didn'tt attribute the strange dream to the crystal skull. However, strange dreams haunted the girl each time she had the skull near her bed. New dreams brought more new details about the life of Indians, details unknown even to scientists. When the skull was removed from the bedroom, there were no strange dreams. And they recommenced as soon as the strange find was taken back to Anna's room. The girl heard Indians talking and watched their everyday life and sacrifice rituals.

After the death of her father, at the beginning of the 1960s, Anna decided to give the strange skull to scientists for investigations. She believed that the skull was too perfect to have been made by the Indian civilizations living before the Columbus discoveries.

First, art critic Frank Dordland started investigating the strange skull. After a closer investigation, he discovered that the skull had a complicated system of lenses, prisms, and channels, creating unusual optical effects. The investigator was surprised to discover no signs of processing on the skull's perfectly polished surface. They couldn't be seen even with a microscope. Frank Dordland even addressed Hewlett-Packard, the famous company that specialized in crystal oscillators at that time, for a competent examination of the crystal.

The results were shocking not only for the scientist himself. The research by Hewlett-Packard in 1964 in a special laboratory revealed that the skull had been made long before the first civilizations appeared in that part of America where the skull was found. In addition, rock crystal of such perfect quality couldn'tt be found in that area. The most amazing thing was that the ancient skull weighing 5.13 kg, 203.4 mm long and 125.4 wide had been made of a whole crystal. This fact contradicted the laws of physics.

Hewlett-Packard experts analyzed the skull and discovered that it consisted of three or four joints grown together. After close analysis, they found out that the skull had been cut of one piece of crystal, together with the lower jaw. The rock crystal has a hardness that is slightly lower than that of topaz, corundum, and diamond; it can be cut with diamonds only. It is astonishing, but the ancient Indians managed to cut it somehow, and even made a lower jaw with the joints. Someone had made the skull of a whole crystal so carefully that it seemed that nobody had ever touched it. A kind of a prism was found at the back bottom of the skull; any ray of light that strikes the eye-sockets is reflected there. If you look into the eye-sockets, you may see the whole room reflected.

Hewlett-Packard experts say that the skull had been made regardless of all laws and rules. They surprisingly said: "The damned thing can't exist at all. Those who had done it had no idea of crystallography or of fiber optics. The people completely ignored the axis of symmetry, which was to prevent the crystal from splitting during processing. It is strange why it didn't split at that!" No matter how unbelievable it may seem, the strange crystal skull can be seen in the Museum of American Indians.

Researchers found that the skull had been carved against the natural axis of the crystal. Modern crystal sculptors always take into account the axis, or orientation of the crystal's molecular symmetry, because if they carve "against the grain," the piece is bound to shatter -- even with the use of lasers and other high-tech cutting methods......

posted on May, 25 2008 @ 02:56 PM

To compound the strangeness, HP could find no microscopic scratches on the crystal which would indicate it had been carved with metal instruments. Dorland's best hypothesis for the skull's construction is that it was roughly hewn out with diamonds, and then the detail work was meticulously done with a gentle solution of silicon sand and water. The exhausting job -- assuming it could possibly be done in this way -- would have required man-hours adding up to 300 years to complete.

There are 7 more skulls you can learn about in the link I will provide.Five are STILL missing.

Heres some theories:

Aside from the theory of these being hoaxes or exaggerations, the very first questions that comes up are, "Where did these skulls come from?" and "Why do they exist?" There are countless hypotheses that they are the legacy of some higher intelligence. Many believe they were created by extraterrestrials or beings in Atlantis. Yet another theory maintains that these skulls together contain a history of mankind. Also, as mentioned earlier, local legends say that these were given by the Goddess of Death.

The most obvious theory links these to Mayans, although the Aztecs are a more formidable candidate for this, since a lot of their artwork as well as religious symbols featured skulls. In addition, they were the finest known crystal sculpters. Perhaps the skulls found in Mayan ruins were Out Of Place ARTifacts (OOPARTS).

What's more, some believe that “The ancient Crystal Skulls are the computers of the ancients, they contain important information that help humanity to pass through it current series of challenges to take us into a Golden Age.”, and “They were a powerful tool for healing the body, mind, and spirit, by ancient civilizations such as the Mayans or the Atlanteans”

Or perhaps these skulls are somehow linked to the "Year Zero" or December 21, 2012, the date at which the Mayan Calendar ends.

According to some psychics who performed experiments on some skulls,
Psychometry and scrying provided glimpses of the past and wonderful scenarios of ancient ceremonies. A connection with the fabled Atlantis was also brought out during one of the sessions. What were these magnificent objects used for? Who carved them? Is it possible that contemporary society can make use of their wisdom for physical and mental healing? Further research may provide the answers. Perhaps it will provide only more questions!

During my personal research with the skulls, I stumbled upon a phenomenon that I am continuing to pursue. While working with the skulls, performing scrying, I was using various colors and sounds. I placed the skull on a small light box and alternated several colors over the light source opening. After recording my sessions over a period of several weeks, I began a review of the results. I was shocked to learn that when I used a certain color over the light source it seemed to activate a time period. Researching my results further, I determined that each time I used the same color blue, for example, that I would revert to the same time frame. I could almost pick up where I left off at the end of the previous session that I used the particular color. The energy that these skulls produce is staggering. Are they indeed holding the knowledge of mankind? Were they left by an extraterrestrial intelligence? The ages of some of these skulls are estimated to be 100,000 years old. Without ancient documentation, psychometry may be the only tool that can be utilized to obtain the information. Our research continues daily.

It is unfortunate that very few of these skulls exist and are therefore not easily accessible for researchers to work upon. We can only hope that the truth behind these skulls comes to light soon.


I hope you all find this fascinating or intreging as I have-these skulls may prove to be the "truth"we are all searching for,and they may just save us from certain doom in 2012,enjoy.

posted on May, 25 2008 @ 03:04 PM
Very interesting post. I remember seeing pictures of thses skulls as a child. I didn't know there were more than one, let alone 13.

Sceptics will obviously look to technology to explain how these skulls were fabricated, but what about the technology needed to create such well proportioned features.

I look forward to reading what other ATSers will have to offer to this subject. I will also see what information my Mexican contacts may have regarding crystal skulls


posted on May, 25 2008 @ 03:07 PM
Now 2012-As you all probably know December 21st,2012 is when the Mayan calender ends,and when many believe the end of the world "as we know it"will happen.Supposibly when and only when ALL thirteen skulls are found and placed correctly in a circle in some temple,then they will be able to prevent the coming catastrophe of 2012,according to some.

Others think they will facilitate a "new age"of existence ad bring us all the answers of the universe.It is said in some of the skulls you can see UFOs,Mayan priest,and alien beings.

Some say the skulls were made in Atlantis and given to cultures all over the world.Others claim they are made by extraterrestrials to enlighten mankind,or to save us.

I don't know what I believe,but the way the were made,as you read were beyond capabilities of the day-unless they took 300 years to make them!Maye the "Alantian-ET"connection comes into play here,as many believe that Atlantis was infact a super advanced ET race that lived on Earth many thousands of years ago.I can't answer these questions by myself,so maybe you all on ATS can help,Im anxious to hear some theories.,thanks.

posted on May, 25 2008 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by jkrog08

I have not yet seen the new Indiana Jones movie talking about the crystal skulls, but I did watching the TV show special on it. I have to ask why it is that they are not using first a small lasrer pointer to project onto the skulls in order to see how it might react. It is after all a crystal and a button-battery operate laser pointer is mild. Also, I am wondering I am curious about the possible use of harmoincs on the skulls, that would be sounds, not so high a pitch that it would smash them, but for the vibratorial aspect of harmonics, or music in essence, which has always been something that seems to work in conjunction with crystal.

Also, crystal skulls are seeded throughout sci-fi books like a few I read.

James Axler : Deathlands, Outlanders, Earthblood

Specifically though, her is one book that has crystal skulls in it, and it's linked to aliens. i am not now stating I believe in aliens, and this is a science-fiction book.

Outlanders : Skull Throne : James Axler

Product Description from Amazon

The calculated new bid for planet Earth by the Supreme Council has changed the face of war for the Cerberus rebels. As the enemy's avarice invokes total damnation of the human race, the battle plan now extends far beyond disarming a group of power-hungry god kings. Now it's a fight for survival against powerful interlopers—fully prepared to finish what they started eons ago…

Buried deep in the Mayan jungle amid a civilization of lost survivors and emissaries of the dead is an artifact that hides secrets to the prize—planet Earth. In sinister hands, it guarantees complete and absolute power. Kane and the rebels have just one chance to stop a rogue Overlord from his furtive grab for glory, but it means joining an unholy quest with an old enemy in a race to stop the skull throne from revealing answers to malevolent factions.

Thanks for the invite over to this thread, I'll post more when I have more time as well as other threads of your we've worked on together, and keep up the good work, see you in My threads as well I hope.

[edit on 25-5-2008 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on May, 25 2008 @ 04:34 PM
Hey,thanks for stopping by,always good to have your input here at ATS.I remember something on the 'Sci Fi'program about how they tested on of the skulls(The British one)and when they touched it raised narly 30 degrees in temperature!Good question about other test on them,I will go look now for some information on it.

posted on May, 25 2008 @ 04:40 PM

In 2005, Jane Walsh, an anthropologist at the Smithsonian, took the Smithsonian's crystal skull to be tested at the British Museum with an electron-scanning microscope. Rather than showing the uneven scratches that one would expect from an object carved with pre-Columbian tools, all of the crystal skulls showed clean rows in arcs that would have been made by modern wheeled tools. Walsh states, "all of the crystal skulls had been carved with modern coated lapidary wheels using industrial diamonds and polished with modern machinery" [source: Inside Smithsonian Research].

Attempts to test the Mitchell-Hedges skull further have been refused. Some crystal skull believers say that more skulls, including "Max" and "Sha-na-ra" were part of the British Museum test. They state that the museum didn't release their findings on these skulls, however. Some even say that the museum denies testing them at all.

Why would someone "fake" crystal skulls? In the 19th century, the "age of the museum," these types of artifacts were in high demand and could bring a lot of money. Because the origins of each skull can't be perfectly established, some still prefer to believe that they are ancient. Skulls figure prominently in Mexican and Central American culture, so it's possible that some crystal skulls truly are ancient artifacts. But the most well-known, perfectly smooth and detailed skulls must have been carved using modern techniques. Regardless of their origins, these skulls remain fascinating, even beautiful, works of art.


posted on May, 25 2008 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by jkrog08

Well since it appears that the skulls were made with MODERN technology,all the scientist ASSUME that they were made in the 19th century....................come on,Carbon dating is impossible on quartz,so currently there is NO way to tell how old the skulls are.

posted on May, 26 2008 @ 01:05 AM

Originally posted by jkrog08
reply to post by jkrog08

Well since it appears that the skulls were made with MODERN technology,all the scientist ASSUME that they were made in the 19th century....................come on,Carbon dating is impossible on quartz,so currently there is NO way to tell how old the skulls are.

The scientists didn't "assume" they were made with modern technology, and they didn't use carbon dating to date these skulls either. They used primarily X-ray diffraction analysis, electron microscopes, historical records and research, and archeology to find out that these skulls are modern fakes.

"The researchers used an electron microscope to show that the skulls were probably shaped using a spinning disc-shaped tool made from copper or another suitable metal.

The craftsman added an abrasive to the wheel, allowing the crystal to be worked more easily.

This "rotary wheel" technology was almost certainly not used by pre-Columbian peoples. Instead, analysis of genuine Aztec and Mixtec artefacts show they were crafted using tools made from stone and wood."

"The British Museum skull was worked with a harsh abrasive such as corundum or diamond. But X-ray diffraction analysis showed a different material, called carborundum, was used on the artefact in the Smithsonian.

Carborundum is a synthetic abrasive which only came into use in the 20th Century: "The suggestion is that it was made in the 1950s or later," said Professor Freestone."

"The skull held by the Smithsonian was donated to the museum anonymously in 1992, along with a note saying it had been bought in Mexico in 1960.

Nothing is known of its history before that date, but like the British object, it was probably manufactured shortly before being purchased.

The researchers were not able to determine where the quartz used in the skulls was quarried. But locations with suitably large deposits include Brazil, Madagascar and, possibly, the Alps.

Professor Freestone said the work did not prove all crystal skulls were fakes, but it did cast doubt on the authenticity of other examples: "None of them have a good archaeological provenance and most appeared suspiciously in the last decades of the 20th Century. So we have to be sceptical," he explained.";

Its YOU who are assuming things, not the experts. Its sounds like to me that you pro-ancient crystal scullers simply cannot accept that when faced with real science and facts, you'd rather on believing in the myths because they appeal more to you.
The Aztecs and Mayans were amazing civilisations of people, however they did not use rotary wheel technology nor synthetic materials which have only been invented in moderns times to create their artifacts. The skulls are pretty, but they are actually quite poorly crafted- real Aztecs and Mayans would have made much better and sophisticated use of such materials, by believing that these skulls are real you are actually undermining/underestimating the skill and talents of these ancient peoples.

[edit on 26-5-2008 by Tokis Phoenix]

[edit on 26-5-2008 by Tokis Phoenix]

posted on May, 26 2008 @ 07:07 AM
Just because they have the precision that can only be attained from modern methods DOES NOT mean they were created in the 20th Century, it may well be a good argument, but to say that is the only answer is, ignorant. I agrre that it could've been made in the 20th Century, a forgery, but it also could've been made by the Mayans over 300 years, or by the Mayans in a day, big factory churning them out, mass production!!

but seriously, if every time something amazing comes to light and everyone automatically assumes that because there is no proof that ancient civilizations had this type of technology, it must be a modern forgery, howare we ever going to learn anything, your comments are no more damaging than our comments, accept we are putting ideas out into the world, for people to decide for themselves, you are trying to bash most of the answers until people have no choice but to agree with you.

Anyway, 13 skulls? why 13 (12 around 1)? why quartz (conduction)? Different coloured lights effect them differently? I'm still pondering the possibility of some sort of holographic intelligence, crazy idea, but worth thinking about.

thanks. EMM

posted on May, 26 2008 @ 07:30 AM
reply to post by Tokis Phoenix

You could be right,but then again you could be wrong.I am simply putting the information out there for all to see.If you don't believe they are genuine just because modern scientist can't explain how they were made with seemingly 'modern' technology,than you really should rethink some things in your life and realize that all of what it appears to be is not what it really is.

The very fact that these skulls were made with 20th century technology infact could point to a ancient 'lost' civilization(ie;Atlantis)making the skulls.Have you ever heard of the Antikytheria mechanism?

An Ancient Greek Computer? - Part 1
In 1901 divers working off the isle of Antikythera found the remains of a clocklike mechanism 2,000 years old. The mechanism now appears to have been a device for calculating the motions of stars and planets by Derek J. de Solla Price
From June 1959 Scientific American p.60-7
Among the treasures of the Greek National Archaeological Museum in Athens are the remains of the most complex scientific object that has been preserved from antiquity. Corroded and crumbling from 2,000 years under the sea, its dials, gear wheels and inscribed plates present the historian with a tantalizing problem. Because of them we may have to revise many of our estimates of Greek science. By studying them we may find vital clues to the true origins of that high scientific technology which hitherto has seemed peculiar to our modern civilization, setting it apart from all cultures of the past.

From the evidence of the fragments one can get a good idea of the appearance of the original object. Consisting of a box with dials on the outside and a very complex assembly of gear wheels mounted within, it must have resembled a well- made 18ih-century clock. Doors hinged to the box served to protect the dials, and on all available surfaces of box, doors and dials there were long Greek inscriptions describing the operation and construction of the instrument. At least 20 gear wheels of the mechanism have been preserved, including a very sophisticated assembly of gears that were mounted eccentrically on a turntable and probably functioned as a sort of epicyclic or differential, gear-system.

Nothing like this instrument is preserved elsewhere. Nothing comparable to it is known. from any ancient scientific text or literary allusion. On the contrary, from all that we know of science and technology in the Hellenistic Age we should have felt that such a device could not exist. Some historians have suggested that the Greeks were not interested in experiment because of a contempt-perhaps induced by the existence of the institution of slavery-for manual labor. On the other hand it has long been recognized that in abstract mathematics and in mathematical astronomy they were no beginners but rather "fellows of another college" who reached great heights of sophistication. Many of the Greek scientific devices known to us from written descriptions show much mathematical ingenuity, but in all cases the purely mechanical part of the design seems relatively crude. Gearing was clearly known to the Greeks, but it was used only in relatively simple applications. They employed pairs of gears to change angular speed or mechanical ad- vantage, or to apply power through a right angle, as in the water-driven mill.

Even the most complex mechanical devices described by the ancient writers Hero of Alexandria and Vitruvius contained only simple gearing. For example, the taximeter used by the Greeks to measure the distance travelled by the wheels of a carriage employed only pairs of gears (or gears and worms) to achieve the necessary ratio of movement. It could be argued that if the Greeks knew the principle of gearing, they should have had no difficulty in constructing mechanisms as complex as epicyclic gears. We now know from the fragments in the National Museum that the Greeks did make such mechanisms, but the knowledge is so unexpected that some scholars at first thought that the fragments must belong to some more modern device.

Antikytheria mechanism

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 12:55 AM

Originally posted by ElectroMagnetic Multivers
Just because they have the precision that can only be attained from modern methods DOES NOT mean they were created in the 20th Century, it may well be a good argument, but to say that is the only answer is, ignorant. I agrre that it could've been made in the 20th Century, a forgery, but it also could've been made by the Mayans over 300 years, or by the Mayans in a day, big factory churning them out, mass production!!

They did have the precision to make great stuff- you've misread my post, because i said earlier that the Mayans/Aztecs were capable of making much better stuff with than these skulls. The skulls are actually very unskillfully made, people assume that if it looks primitively made (like the skulls) then it must be ancient, but this really isn't the case.
These are unskillfully made skulls made with modern technology and materials.

Originally posted by ElectroMagnetic Multiversbut seriously, if every time something amazing comes to light and everyone automatically assumes that because there is no proof that ancient civilizations had this type of technology, it must be a modern forgery, howare we ever going to learn anything, your comments are no more damaging than our comments, accept we are putting ideas out into the world, for people to decide for themselves, you are trying to bash most of the answers until people have no choice but to agree with you.

But if you research these skulls properly, you'll find that that people didn't automatically assume they were fakes (if as you say people automatically assumed they were fakes, then why did some end up in museums? People obviously gave these skulls some credit amongst the hype of their discovery at first).
People didn't always assume they were fakes, but there has always been a lot of doubt over their origin- they have never being pinned to any archaeological sites (which means that we can't say for sure whether they are even Mayan/Aztec if they are real, nor can we date them or find much about the society they were made in etc), they just mysteriously appeared out of the dodgey backstreet artifacts market in the mid to late 20th century, and the only information we have to go by on them is people's word.
Not only that, but most of them suspiciously appeared during a time when there was a revival in the interest of crystal stuff like this.

So basically we have some crystal skulls which;
a. Were made with modern methods
b. Have synthetic materials on them only created in the 20th century.
c. We don't know for certain (if at all) which archaeological sites they came from, so thus;
d. We don't even know for sure if they are Mayan/Aztec
e. We don't know how old they are
f. No skulls have ever been found since these mass of skulls, nor have any ever been found by a qualified trustworthy archaeologist etc
g. They all mysteriously appeared in the 20th century when there was a great revival/interest and demand for such artifacts.
h. Numerous methods were used to date these skulls, and these methods have always proved accurate- if you doubt the results these methods gave on the skulls, then you essentially doubt some of the primary dating methods for all such artifacts.

I'm not bashing anyone here, and i think you don't have any right to call my posts damaging when i am the only one here displaying hard core facts about these skulls and questioning their authenticity- if you want a well-balanced thread, then you have to accept that not everyone will agree with you etc. Now i think you are an intelligent person, but i can't honestly see how someone would so avidly believe in such skulls being real when there is a heck of a lot of serious evidence against them being real and nothing actually very reliable in favor of them being real? Do you actually have any solidly reliable evidence that favors these skulls being real at all?

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 01:18 AM

Originally posted by jkrog08
reply to post by Tokis Phoenix

You could be right,but then again you could be wrong.I am simply putting the information out there for all to see.If you don't believe they are genuine just because modern scientist can't explain how they were made with seemingly 'modern' technology,than you really should rethink some things in your life and realize that all of what it appears to be is not what it really is.

The very fact that these skulls were made with 20th century technology infact could point to a ancient 'lost' civilization(ie;Atlantis)making the skulls.Have you ever heard of the Antikytheria mechanism?

Your information you are “putting out for all to see” is not relevant at all to the discussion of the crystal skulls- I am well aware about the discovery of the Greek “computer”, the thing is though is that this has absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand. The computer has nothing whatsoever to do with the Mayan/Aztec skulls, it was made in 100 B.C. and was found on a sunken Roman ship .

Also it is not a case “you don't believe they are genuine just because modern scientist can't explain how they were made with seemingly 'modern' technology”- Scientists have explained how they were made, they have proven they were made with rotary wheel technology, and there is no doubt that such technology is modern and was not available to the Aztecs/Mayans because there is absolutely no proper evidence that they had or ever used such technology. It is you who cannot explain how these things were made etc.
Now by you posting up the thing about the Greek computer, what is your logic with this? Are you trying to say that because one civilization created a piece of high tech equipment, that means that a completely different civilization of people must have somehow created a completely different non-related piece of high tech tool? That logic is ridiculous- does the value of real solid reliable evidence mean anything to you in the forming of your opinions, or is everything assumptions, theories and fantasies? Please help me here, because I’m failing to find a way to describe your logic in believing these things in an intelligent manner.

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 01:23 AM

Originally posted by Cuauhtemoc
Very interesting post. I remember seeing pictures of thses skulls as a child. I didn't know there were more than one, let alone 13.


I got to see one in person when I was a little kid (about 7 or 8 maybe?) It was on a tour of the country, and it had some legend about a curse attached to it. I begged and begged til my Mom agreed to take me.
They wouldnt let us touch it, but we got to see it pretty close up. It was really cool. Kinda eerie when you are 7 or 8.

Edit: A little googling of the time frame makes me think it was this one.

from Wikipedia;

Anna Mitchell-Hedges toured with the skull from 1967 and continued to give interviews about the artifact until her death in 2007.

The story with the skull is the same one the lady told at the display. (As close as I can recall)

[edit on 27-5-2008 by Illusionsaregrander]

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 01:24 AM
Thanks for this post! I can never get enough about these Crystal skulls!!
Something here lately has been drawing me in to find as much info as I can about these artifacts!

If I may let me share this video with you.. Its part 1 of a 12 part deal.

If part one catches your fancy.. then when you have time take a listen to all 12! I personally learned alot from this.

Scientific researcher of ancient artifacts, Richard Shafsky discussed his work with the Mayan crystal skull and how it has conveyed important information about Earth history and changes. He was first introduced to the Mayan skull in the 1970's via a Mayan shaman, whom he said entrusted him to protect and share the wisdom of the artifact. Aware of a total of nine ancient crystal skulls (which have no carving markings on them), there could be even more than 13, Shafsky said. The Mayan skull is made of quartz crystal-- some of the other ancient ones were created from such materials as amethyst, aquamarine, and rose quartz, he detailed.

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 01:31 AM
Hmm well i fail to see how some hand-made video posted on Youtube of all places constitutes as evidence etc (if that is your intention). Zysin5 how do you feel about the recent news of these skulls being proven by experts and scientists alike as fake?

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 01:35 AM

Originally posted by Tokis Phoenix
Hmm well i fail to see how some hand-made video posted on Youtube of all places constitutes as evidence etc (if that is your intention). Zysin5 how do you feel about the recent news of these skulls being proven by experts and scientists alike as fake?

Thats a Coast to Coast video. And from what I have learned..

In 1970 the Crystal Skull was examined by experts at the Hewlett Packard Crystal laboratories. Their conclusions surprised even themselves. They found that the Crystal Skull had been carved out of an exceptional piece of pure crystal against the grain or structure of the crystal. This should have caused the crystal to shatter. More puzzling still, there were no tool marks to be seen. Not even microscopic ones.

Now IM sure many skulls are fakes.. And the Vatican holds onto many of the smaller skulls.. But still there is one skull that at the time Hewlett Packard did tests on.. They where not able to come to up with a 100% answer.

Please send me a link on any new tests so that I can update my personal research..

Many thanks.

Here is my Source to my information at the time.

And I am talking about the Mitchell Hedge skull.. Not the others..

And I was just putting in some other information.. LIke Ive said in the past. I dont claim to know the truth.. I just seek the truth..
Hence if you have something up to date.. I would be more than happy to check it out! Not trying to prove anything here.. Just trying to share what I know at this time.. Which is not that much..heheh

Although it is an anthropologically accurate carving of a human skull produced by a scientifically advanced civilization, they admitted that we couldn't make it today and had no idea who had made it and for what purpose.

Im just going by what I have read.. So much info these days, Its an effort to stay on the up and up.

And for the record.. I really like it when skeptics come in and challenge these theories.. If they can not hold up to other sources. then its all good, and its why I am here.. To learn more.. So please by all means..
debunk my information, so that I can update my knowledge pool.

I did read your posts, however I would like to see more than just your own words.. I would like to see links and where you get your sources from.
You have a well thought out posts, but agin, they are in your own words.
I need more substance to come to any end to this thought pattern, as I added all my links and source material for you to check out.
BTW- the Roman link was helpful.. I will take a better look into that when I get some more time.. Thanks for 1 link.. Anything else would be a great help!

[edit on 27-5-2008 by zysin5]

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 02:03 AM

Originally posted by ElectroMagnetic Multivers
Just because they have the precision that can only be attained from modern methods DOES NOT mean they were created in the 20th Century...
but seriously, if every time something amazing comes to light and everyone automatically assumes that because there is no proof that ancient civilizations had this type of technology, it must be a modern forgery, howare we ever going to learn anything, your comments are no more damaging than our comments, accept we are putting ideas out into the world, for people to decide for themselves, you are trying to bash most of the answers until people have no choice but to agree with you.

The FACT here, is that NONE of these crystal skulls including the ever so popular Mitchell-Hedges skull have ever been shown to have evidence to have come anywhere from Mayan or Aztec origins, it is not the issue of whether or not the civilizations had the technology. The Mayan's don't even have any mention of crystal skulls in anything that has to do with them, nor do the Aztecs. In fact, any connection to either tribe is purely speculation, regardless of whether you want to believe they hold some special power or not. I hardly think he was "bashing" your ideas, rather than simply introducing a new viewpoint. If you're going to consider the possibility that the skulls could be real, you have to be ready to accept the possibility that it may be fake just the same. Not EVERYTHING is a conspiracy. I myself am under the opinion that the skulls are nothing more than pure legend based on my own research into the subject because:

A) they surfaced late nineteenth century during a peak in the worlds interest of mezoamerican artifacts.

B)These skulls have no properties different from any other piece of quartz crystal. Not a nan nutter single one.

C) These skulls have in fact been tested...(this is a fact, not my opinion) and they have been shown to have been created with modern tools during modern times.

D) Their validity is denied by any organization of great importance. This would be a point against my argument of their authenticity IF the organizations in question had something to gain by denying the authenticity. However, many of the organizations (including the Smithsonian) would have nothing to gain by denying that they are indeed pre-columbian artifacts. In fact, they could gain ALOT by lying about it and saying they are real. But they don't. And that says alot in itself.

Now, I'm not trying to rain on anyones parade. Just present facts. If you still would like to believe they hold some supernatural power, then so be it. I'm just not convinced.

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 02:11 AM

Originally posted by Mad_Hatter

The FACT here, is that NONE of these crystal skulls including the ever so popular Mitchell-Hedges skull have ever been shown to have evidence to have come anywhere from Mayan or Aztec origins, it is not the issue of whether or not the civilizations had the technology.

With all due respect Mad_Hatter. Could you provide some source links to your ideas. All I see is your own words.
IF you could.. Please back up your facts with links, and sources.

If they are facts, then you must have learned these facts from a book, or somewhere on the web. I would be happy to check out your FACTS. And sources.. As it stands you are presenting Facts in your own writting and your own words.. That does not = fact, because you said so.
Lets see those sources

And then we can go from there.

Many thanks.

And personally I dont think they hold any super powers. They are a metaphore to who we are as human beings.
The power has been within our skulls the whole time.
I belive these crystal skulls are a metaphore to the idea that our minds hold the supernatural powers. And not external articats.

And yes as much as I would love to belive in all that, I know in my heart they are metaphores to the wonder of what the human skull holds within its chambers!
The mind is a very BIG place, contained in a very small space!- Carl Sagan.

[edit on 27-5-2008 by zysin5]

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 02:21 AM

Lets see those sources

And then we can go from there.

Hmmmm....where to start. I have alot of them:

Hope that's a start for you.

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