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posted on Mar, 1 2004 @ 07:07 PM

Originally posted by Xenographer
we have the decency to call you "Democrats";

thats not true. The majority of the republicians on ats call us "demoncracks". I'm a big liberal democrat, but I still refrain from calling republicians "repugnants". In fact, theres not many that do.

[Edited on 3-1-2004 by theshadowknows]

posted on Mar, 1 2004 @ 08:44 PM

Originally posted by KrazyJethro
I am a firm believer in most people being idiots/

That being said, idiots live in a personal bubble of reality. When that bubble is comprimised through "radical" thoughts, they go on the attack to protect the sanctity of their world.

It reminds me of the people who are 30+ who think they are still in college. They ignore the fact that they are getting soft around the mid-section and balding a little, but those 18 year old chicks still look hot, and they make 10.50 working as a Security System Installation Tech and have their very own 13 year old Japanese car.


Who! Is that lady around the corner from you? About the idiot bubble, just seems like a person trying to defend what is dear to them, and also sounds like a conservative.

posted on Mar, 1 2004 @ 09:17 PM
In his farewell speech, George Washington said that America must never have two political parties if if were to be a great country. If we had just listened to him, we wouldn't of had any problems like this.

posted on Mar, 2 2004 @ 03:16 PM
Originally posted by Colonel

I always find it ANNOYING when some people are too stupid to read the freakin' rules of this particular forum. Additionally, I always wonder why they never attack the other party as well.

No, seriously. The rules are posted right before you come in the damn forum. NOT FOR THE WEAK OF HEART! Then, there are a host of rules right on the first perma thread---ALL YE WHO ENTER---that you should expect to be abused and abused well---particularly by the Colonel. Don't come in here and don't bitch like a pansy if you don't like it.

What do they do? They come in. I abuse them, and then they start crying and whining like a pansy.

Its amazing.

If you are talking to me, which I assume you are, then know this. I did not complain because you "abused" me; in fact, I thought it was rather amusing. I complained because you are obviously a VERY poor choice for a moderator. You're irrational, radical, unreasonable, and largely ignorant.

No, why don't you grow your monkey (c) up

Yet, you purposely ignore them and fall back on the lame-(c) default claim of me being racist

And, two posts later...

And you need to watch your mouth!

You're a hypocrite.

I almost forgot.....You are going to burn in Hell like you need to for doing the work of Satan, demonspawn.

You're an ignorant, racist fool.

What amazes me is the fact that people claim that I am a racist for pointing out the obvious truth.

You make up facts substantiated only by Bible verses taken out of context, and call them immutable truth.

If any of you that should happen to read this thread agree with me, please let me know here or via u2u. The worst this racist jerk will do is rant, rave, call you a "repugnant", and post his afro smiley. You don't have to worry about being made fun of in a coherent manner.

posted on Mar, 2 2004 @ 03:36 PM
Oh, look the monkey repugnant with the Treeboy avatar is taking up a holy crusade against the Colonel... by GOD!

"We must stop this evil Colonel before he exposes more of the truth about our sexually degenerate and criminal ways, praise Jayzus! He is stopping us from bullying the weak libs! He may just give them some BACKBONE. HE MUST BE STOPPED! "

See, these right wingers are so vile, so filthy, and so disgusting. What is it about you repugnants that you all appear to be cut out of the same mold? In your swineish ignorance, you all just refuse to handle the truth to the point that its obscene. See, not only are repugnants cowards like Bush and sneaks like Treeboy here, they can't handle the truth---not on TV, not on radio, not on this forum, and not in Hell where they spawned from. This is why I have no respect for repugnants. I'm not sorry for it. I just don't.

See, this is what the right does. When someone speaks the truth in righteous anger, they start bitchin and moaning and crying, playing the victim. Then, launch a crusade a la Howard Stern's removal.

And if you expect me to lie down while you trample me and my party with LIES, you can take your monkey ass and go straight back home to Hell. Do not pass GO. DO NO COLLECT $200.

[Edited on 2-3-2004 by Colonel]

posted on Mar, 2 2004 @ 03:51 PM
I forgot to post my afro smiley....

posted on Mar, 2 2004 @ 04:24 PM
Oh, wow. You made fun of me and called me a monkey.

You made fun of my avatar. That's just really sad, man.

I honestly can't believe this kind of behavior is tolerated from a moderator.

And what the hell does sexual degeneracy have to do with politics? Last I knew, it was the Liberals who were in favor of allowing gay marriage and teaching birth control methods other than abstinence in middle and high schools... neither of those ring quite right with the Bible you're constantly throwing around.

You don't intimidate me, Colonel, and I'm not going to lie down and shut up just because you're black. Don't bother playing the racist card, either, because you know damned well that the vast majority of your arguments consist of "whitey is wrong and the black man is right". I'm sick of it, and I'm sick of you acting like you run this place.

Now, if you'd like to argue this further, supply an actual point rather than just insulting me again.

And my avatar?

That's just pathetic.

posted on Mar, 2 2004 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by Colonel
Oh, look the monkey repugnant with the Treeboy avatar is taking up a holy crusade against the Colonel... by GOD!

"We must stop this evil Colonel before he exposes more of the truth about our sexually degenerate and criminal ways, praise Jayzus! He is stopping us from bullying the weak libs! He may just give them some BACKBONE. HE MUST BE STOPPED! "

See, these right wingers are so vile, so filthy, and so disgusting. What is it about you repugnants that you all appear to be cut out of the same mold? In your swineish ignorance, you all just refuse to handle the truth to the point that its obscene. See, not only are repugnants cowards like Bush and sneaks like Treeboy here, they can't handle the truth---not on TV, not on radio, not on this forum, and not in Hell where they spawned from. This is why I have no respect for repugnants. I'm not sorry for it. I just don't.

See, this is what the right does. When someone speaks the truth in righteous anger, they start bitchin and moaning and crying, playing the victim. Then, launch a crusade a la Howard Stern's removal.

And if you expect me to lie down while you trample me and my party with LIES, you can take your monkey ass and go straight back home to Hell. Do not pass GO. DO NO COLLECT $200.

And look at the monkey Colonel. He's being a bad, bad monkey too. Apparently he is not realizing that calling people monkey is actually a racist slang. Well, then again...maybe he is aware of it.

I scoff at you calling right wingers vile.
First with the thinly veiled insults like "about our sexually degenerate and criminal ways, praise Jayzus!" Is that your way then? Is that a disguised insult on the white south? And our "swineish ignorance, you all just refuse to handle the truth to the point that its obscene." So anyone who doesn't follow your truth as you like to spew it forth, is a pig who cannot see it?

I really love how you talk about handling the truth, but never really say what that truth is. Just like a broken monkey-boy..."see the truth, see the truth". "When someone speaks the truth in righteous anger" is a joke. More like a tirade of the silly. Well, no crying here. And no need for me to go "straight to hell" as you put it.

The funny thing is, after listening to your monkey-boy garbage, lies, racism, and whoa-is-me-its-all-the-man act...I would just rather be on the other side. You should hop your monkey self to the real world one day.

No need to make lies. You are arguement is tired monkey-boy. The "eeeep, eeeep, eeeep" is like a sad dance next to the organ grinder. Perhaps if you be a good monkey-boy, I will get you a bananna.

So label me if you wish. You seem to hate being labeled, but certainly dish out what you can't take. Repugnant? Gladly. I'll be anything as long as its not racism and silly tirades in a monkey suit.

posted on Mar, 2 2004 @ 04:30 PM
Now I imagine it's your turn, Zed... if he doesn't recognize Monty Python, he sure as hell won't know who Terry Brooks is, and thus you're sure to become "Z Boy" or something to that effect.

By the way, very well executed monkey analogy... I like that

posted on Mar, 2 2004 @ 04:38 PM
Now, here's where I blast the repugnant monkey with an example of their SEXUALLY DEGENERATE repugnant leadership:

(R)-Janklow rode to his 4th term as Governor on the heels of the AIM Occupation of Wounded Knee in 1973 when he said, as a candidate for attorney general then, "The only way to deal with these AIM leaders (Native Americans) is to put a bullet in their heads."

He has also been convicted twice of rape, in 1956 as a juvenile, and 1967 on the Rosebud Reservation of a 15 year old Indian girl Jancita Eagle Deer, who later died under suspicious circumstances.

The man, this republican "leader," is a CONVICTED CHILD RAPIST.

Is this any differrent from the rest of the republican leadership? Hell, no.

Praise Jayzuz.

[Edited on 2-3-2004 by Colonel]

posted on Mar, 2 2004 @ 04:46 PM
Ya want somer more? Here's more, repugnant:

Congressman Bill Janlow, R-SD, got busted for drunk driving...AGAIN but this time he killed a bycyclist. He's been caught for drunk driving at least 12 times before this happend. He often went close to 95 miles an hour. Do you think anything happened to him? Of course not. He's a repugnant. Do you think anything will happen to him now? Of course not, he's a repugnant.


[Edited on 2-3-2004 by Colonel]

posted on Mar, 2 2004 @ 04:57 PM

You're going to judge an entire ideology based on the unrelated actions of one man who happened to hold those beliefs? There have been a whole hell of a lot of Democrat sex offenders; did you know that?

And if you're calling me a rapist or a child molester, then I assure you I will take personal issue with this fact.

Frankly, I don't even see why you bother. You're beaten. We're stronger than your blustering idiocy, and we're sick of your close-minded arrogance. Your racism has no place here.

Whether you choose to continue this or not, the moral victory is ours.

It's over, Colonel; all you're doing is proving us right time and again. We win. It's time to walk away.

posted on Mar, 2 2004 @ 05:33 PM

Originally posted by Xenographer
Originally posted by Colonel

I always find it ANNOYING when some people are too stupid to read the freakin' rules of this particular forum. Additionally, I always wonder why they never attack the other party as well.

No, seriously. The rules are posted right before you come in the damn forum. NOT FOR THE WEAK OF HEART! Then, there are a host of rules right on the first perma thread---ALL YE WHO ENTER---that you should expect to be abused and abused well---particularly by the Colonel. Don't come in here and don't bitch like a pansy if you don't like it.

What do they do? They come in. I abuse them, and then they start crying and whining like a pansy.

Its amazing.

If you are talking to me, which I assume you are, then know this. I did not complain because you "abused" me; in fact, I thought it was rather amusing. I complained because you are obviously a VERY poor choice for a moderator. You're irrational, radical, unreasonable, and largely ignorant.

Everybody thinks (mainly republicians) that just because you dont like his political views it makes him a bad mod. Whether or not you disagree with his views has nothing to do with the way he does his job and handles situations and to me hes done a good job with that. So stfu, cause its not like you can do any better.


posted on Mar, 2 2004 @ 05:34 PM

Originally posted by Colonel
Ya want somer more? Here's more, repugnant:

Congressman Bill Janlow, R-SD, got busted for drunk driving...AGAIN but this time he killed a bycyclist. He's been caught for drunk driving at least 12 times before this happend. He often went close to 95 miles an hour. Do you think anything happened to him? Of course not. He's a repugnant. Do you think anything will happen to him now? Of course not, he's a repugnant.


[Edited on 2-3-2004 by Colonel]

Dance monkey-boy dance.
Here is a nickel for your cup. Why? For your ignorance at generalizing. I suppose that is how racism got its start in the world, and oh comes the monkey-boy again!

You know, one all dinosaurs were slow, grey, and stupid. Now we know so much more. You see monkey-boy, they were all thought to be that way after studying just a couple specimins. Imagine, all t-rex knowledge from two skeletons? Fact monkey-boy, and here you did the same thing.

Oh well...monkey see, monkey do.

Now how about the word?
Disposed to fight against; hostile; at war with; being at
variance; contrary; inconsistent; refractory; disobedient;
also, distasteful in a high degree; offensive

Oh, I got it wrong then for clearly monkey-boy Colonel is the repugnant by definition. Hmmm, with his eyes and ears covered so he cannot see or hear the real world, it's too bad he doesn't cover the mouth and truely speak no evil.

ps) I am so glad that in the camp that you claim has no crimes. I mean, since you point the finger and all. How about that all? Any criminals in the "other" camp?

posted on Mar, 2 2004 @ 06:10 PM
Colonel, do you really think Bill Janklow represents the entirety of the Republican party!? If so my friend, open your narrow little eyes... As for not getting convicted for killing someone, kinda reminds me of good ol'Alcoholic Ted Kennedy. How about when good old Teddy drove off the Dike Bridge at Chappaquiddick killing Mary Jo Kopechne. Or better yet, the allegations that former president Bill Clinton raped a women while he was Attorney General of Arkansas, not to mention the all to familiar Paula Jones/Monica Lewinsky cases. Or how about racism, Sen. Byrd from West Virginia is a former Klansmen. Corruption, imorality, and general indecency happens on both sides of the fence, so give up the "holier then thou" routine. As for your attacks, most of them are classic ad hominem or straw man fallacies. Your attacks are neither logical or well thought-out. You scream about the evilness of "repugnants" (very clever I must say!) and their ilk, that is not an argument... You ignore the issues while your arguments and questions are logical fallacies (begging the question). As for your quotation of scripture, congratulations, I can do the same. You see my friend taking scriputer out of context is called an exegetical fallacy, something you seem to be very adept at. So stop the name calling and race-baiting (classic liberal discussion tactics) and start coming up with intelligent arguments...

posted on Mar, 2 2004 @ 06:16 PM
Oh, so you want some more? Ok, I gotta lotta mo. I can go all day on this, repugnant! Let me see. Let's spin the repugnant wheel of sexual degenerates...

*spinning wheel*

Oh, and it points tooooo............PEDOPHILLIA! YAAA!

HOUSTON, 6:02 p.m. CST November 12, 2003 - Radio talk show host Jon Matthews was indicted on one count of indecency with a child Wednesday, News2Houston reported.

"Under the occasion contained in the indictment in early October, Mr. Matthews exposed his genitals to a child (a person under 17)," said John Healy, the Fort Bend County district attorney. "We have not alleged any contact...."

Matthews has been a staple of Houston radio as a conservative talk show host, most recently on the KSEV AM morning show. He handed in his resignation, which was accepted, Wednesday.

Do you wanna go for the Repugnant Trifecta?

posted on Mar, 2 2004 @ 06:37 PM
colnel, you freak.

In 1993, Democrat Mark Kramer, homosexual member of the Oregon Legislative Assembly, introduced a bill that would have allowed the state to take children from competent parents to award them to non-familial adults. The Oregon legislation did not require that parents be unfit, and would give children to anyone

who has maintained an ongoing personal relationship with substantial continuity for at least one year, through interaction, companionship, interplay and mutuality. ... (Anyone) who has established emotional ties creating a child-parent relationship with a child may petition or file a motion for intervention with the court having jurisdiction over the custody, placement, guardianship or wardship of that child. ..."

posted on Mar, 2 2004 @ 06:42 PM
I agree fully with Zed and Xenographer.

Repugnant? Fo' shizzie my nizzie.

you remind me of the homeless guy that hangs out near the train station and screams at everyone.

you traded in the "racist" for "repugnant" but you remain a fool

posted on Mar, 2 2004 @ 06:51 PM
Well after immutable evidence like that Colonel I guess every Republican is a kid-humping pedophiliac... Lets focus on a great Democrat family, the Kennedys. More specifically, the family patriarch and father of JFK, Joe Kennedy. Joe Kennedy made the family fortune through bootlegging throughout the Prohibition era. Althought the claims of his illegally made fortune were long doubted, they were finally confirmed after confessions by mob boss Frank Costello 1973, who claimed that he and Kennedy had been bootlegging partners. Many other underworld figures have also claimed that Kennedy was in pretty deep. Touche Colonel, now adress my previous post: Why are your arguments not really arguments at all (for more, please re-read my above post). I await your reply in trepidation.

posted on Mar, 2 2004 @ 06:53 PM
Oh, ok. You "people" still got a lotta mouth. Still refuse to shut your damn piehole. Let's go for that Republican Trifecta!

Spin the repugnant wheel of sexual degenerates...

*spinning wheel*

Oh, SHNAP! Pat Sajak says: JACKPOT!


Oh, yeah, its straight from the Washington Times, DC's repugnant newspaper. Gay prostitutes and pedophillia. Ain't no denying this. The full article of the repugnant depravity is there from the original print source. Wait, isn't this about your man Reagan and his sidekick Bush 41? Oh, shnap! BUSTED!

Oh! Whatdaya gotta say now? Huh, what? You say something? That you repugnants aren't a bunch of sexual degenerates? These are the people you support. You all are a normal God-fearing people? Kiss my ass. You sick bunch of perverts. And there is more! You people are such a filthy and disgusting lot. Hell is waiting for you.

I warned you people not # with me.

[Edited on 2-3-2004 by Colonel]

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