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posted on Feb, 28 2004 @ 12:51 PM
I think a big problem with far left liberals, and far right conservatives, is that their so close minded. Look at Colonel, he can't accept any idea that might be slightly different from what he thinks is right.

posted on Feb, 28 2004 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by Colonel

Originally posted by jsobecky
Don't ever change, colonel. You're the best chance that Dem's have for converting Republicans to Pro-Choice; all they gotta do is make you their poster boy.





Spirit of Cain? You use that a lot. Did you know that some interpret the Bible to say that a MARK was put upon Cain, and that he was the ancestor of a certain race?

So, will you consent to be the poster boy for Pro-Choice? All they'd have to do is to point to some of your rants as an endorsement. Come to think of it, you'd make a good spokesman for Dr. Kevorkian, too.

You may hate us, but we love you. Tool!!


posted on Feb, 28 2004 @ 12:59 PM
Call them whatever you want but they're all douche bags in my book, although there seems to be more on the right, as in KKK, people who are against reproductive rights and education, and just plain fundies. I agree though , there's douche bags all over the place, this place is a MESS.

Hey people, don't be making fun of AOL up there!

posted on Feb, 28 2004 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by jsobecky
Spirit of Cain? You use that a lot. Did you know that some interpret the Bible to say that a MARK was put upon Cain, and that he was the ancestor of a certain race?


See, that the problem. That's the problem! Interpretation! I read the Bible literally. WHat was that mark? Black skin! You got the nerve to open your stupid hole up in here and don't even KNOW the Bible! Now, I got to handle your business b/c you don't know how to keep your mouth SHUT! Let me put the lie to that "interpretation!"

White people were clearly identified in the Bible as coming from Esau, simpleton! Had nothing to Noah, Ham, and all that, genius. Those are just LIES to justify your racism, repugnant. All the angels are identified as having bronze or brass colored skin! Like me! To continue to propogate that lie makes you a LIAR, repugnant! Shut your damn mouth. If you learned to shut up, you might learn somehting.

[Edited on 28-2-2004 by Colonel]

posted on Feb, 28 2004 @ 03:06 PM
And if you'd learn to settle down and listen to another opinion for just a moment, you might learn something.

You're not the only person in this world that knows anything, Colonel, despite what you may think. Try as you might, you can't enforce that belief on any person capable of independent thought. All your arguments consist of is quotes taken out of context and justified in a manner you advertise as incontrovertable; your rebuttals are nothing but the words "liar", "idiot", and "repugnant" iterated ad nauseam.

Your style of debate is deplorable, your reasoning is faulty, and your bearing is unbelievably arrogant.

You are not right in every situation, and the opposition is not wrong. Nobody else on this board even attempts to pretend this is true. The most die-hard republican will concede that the democratic opinion on some issue is valid, if not superior, and vice versa. Your close-mindedness appalls me, and your tendency to get far too carried away in discussions like this is disgusting.

You, Colonel, are a poor debater.

posted on Feb, 28 2004 @ 03:13 PM

Originally posted by Xenographer
And if you'd learn to settle down and listen to another opinion for just a moment, you might learn something.

You're not the only person in this world that knows anything, Colonel, despite what you may think. Try as you might, you can't enforce that belief on any person capable of independent thought. All your arguments consist of is quotes taken out of context and justified in a manner you advertise as incontrovertable; your rebuttals are nothing but the words "liar", "idiot", and "repugnant" iterated ad nauseam.

Your style of debate is deplorable, your reasoning is faulty, and your bearing is unbelievably arrogant.

You are not right in every situation, and the opposition is not wrong. Nobody else on this board even attempts to pretend this is true. The most die-hard republican will concede that the democratic opinion on some issue is valid, if not superior, and vice versa. Your close-mindedness appalls me, and your tendency to get far too carried away in discussions like this is disgusting.

You, Colonel, are a poor debater.

Really? THEN GET THE HELL OUTTA THE MUDPIT! I have posted time and time again the true fact based evils of the repugnant party---not just ideology! You can argue ideology all day and not come to ANY differing conclusion! But, you can post all the evils of the repugnant party like pedophillia, murder, rape, racism et. al which I have posted AMOST DAILY on ATS and only come to ONE conculsion: THAT THE REPUGNANT PARTY IS FULL OF EVIL AND SELFISHNESS!

You wanna complain about something, complain about that BUT STAY OUTTA MY FACE!

posted on Feb, 28 2004 @ 03:15 PM
Oh, yes, thank you, I forgot a point.

You're far too defensive.

posted on Feb, 28 2004 @ 03:20 PM
Ya know, instead of coming up in my face, telling me MY business, knowing nothing, maybe you should read my blogs and read of all the documented crimes of the repugnant party---they are listed. Maybe you should do a search of the threads I have started where I have posted of all the crimes of the repugnants and then you may know why you are what you are.

Like I said before, don't get mad at the mirror because
you're ugly.

posted on Feb, 28 2004 @ 03:27 PM
Enough already!! This thread is getting way out of hand. Fights like this are not what ATS is about. Please calm down.

posted on Feb, 28 2004 @ 03:29 PM
I'm curious.

Can you make a single post without personally attacking a person that disagrees with you?

There have been just as many crimes committed by Democrats as there have been by Republicans. Calling all Republicans pedophiles, child molesters, racists, and idiots is just as offensive and just as wrong as saying that all minorities are drug addicts and criminals; neither is true, and we both know it.

And, if you insist in propagating these unfounded prejudices, would you at least have the common respect to refrain from using the word "Repugnant"? It's just childish... childish, uncreative, and terribly illuminating of your own inability to accept that people other than yourself possess perfectly valid opinions.

And if you're going to continue posting in a manner designed to incite some kind of anger in me, you're wasting your time. I'm not going to get angry at you, Colonel, because I accept your opinions insofar as they do not conflict with the right of every citizen of the free world to hold their own belief.

posted on Feb, 28 2004 @ 03:39 PM

Originally posted by Xenographer
I'm curious.

Can you make a single post without personally attacking a person that disagrees with you?

There have been just as many crimes committed by Democrats as there have been by Republicans. Calling all Republicans pedophiles, child molesters, racists, and idiots is just as offensive and just as wrong as saying that all minorities are drug addicts and criminals; neither is true, and we both know it.

And, if you insist in propagating these unfounded prejudices, would you at least have the common respect to refrain from using the word "Repugnant"? It's just childish... childish, uncreative, and terribly illuminating of your own inability to accept that people other than yourself possess perfectly valid opinions.

And if you're going to continue posting in a manner designed to incite some kind of anger in me, you're wasting your time. I'm not going to get angry at you, Colonel, because I accept your opinions insofar as they do not conflict with the right of every citizen of the free world to hold their own belief.

Listen, repugnant, don't come in here to the mudpit and TELL ME how to post AND STOP POSTING LIES!

"There have been just as many crimes committed by Democrats as there have been by Republicans."

Do yourself a favor, repugnant, and look up my blogs and you'll find that everything I said is true about you "people" because I have accompanying news articles to back up my statements as everyone knows, repugnant.

Furthermore, this is also a LIE:
"and idiots is just as offensive and just as wrong as saying that all minorities are drug addicts and criminals; neither is true, and we both know it."

Because repugnants support an ideology of theivery and criminality---no matter what color. Don't come in here and liken yourself to the minority. The repugnant can go out and lie, rape, and kill and scream Jesus while doing it but I am not allowed to say ANYTHING about it. Damn that!

posted on Feb, 28 2004 @ 03:40 PM
Don't get mad at me for telling you of your evils. Don't get mad at me because you are repugnant. STOP BEING REPUGNANT!

posted on Feb, 28 2004 @ 03:43 PM

Originally posted by Xenographer
I'm curious.

Can you make a single post without personally attacking a person that disagrees with you?

There have been just as many crimes committed by Democrats as there have been by Republicans. Calling all Republicans pedophiles, child molesters, racists, and idiots is just as offensive and just as wrong as saying that all minorities are drug addicts and criminals; neither is true, and we both know it.

And, if you insist in propagating these unfounded prejudices, would you at least have the common respect to refrain from using the word "Repugnant"? It's just childish... childish, uncreative, and terribly illuminating of your own inability to accept that people other than yourself possess perfectly valid opinions.

And if you're going to continue posting in a manner designed to incite some kind of anger in me, you're wasting your time. I'm not going to get angry at you, Colonel, because I accept your opinions insofar as they do not conflict with the right of every citizen of the free world to hold their own belief.

Nah that would hurt his elbows to much to type out words that arent close together on the keyboard, And I agree with you 100% like me and Rant, he conceded the right was better abroad and I agree that the DNC can do a good job at home.

posted on Feb, 28 2004 @ 03:48 PM

Don't get mad at me for telling you of your evils. Don't get mad at me because you are repugnant. STOP BEING REPUGNANT!

Oh, another one!

If you'd read my post, you would've seen the last paragraph, which comprised a statement that I was not angry with you, and would not become so, despite your best efforts.

And, Agent47, I certainly agree that the DNC has some very good ideas on how to run things around here... this country would only be half of what it is today if there existed only a single political party.

posted on Feb, 28 2004 @ 03:54 PM

Originally posted by Xenographer

Don't get mad at me for telling you of your evils. Don't get mad at me because you are repugnant. STOP BEING REPUGNANT!

Oh, another one!

If you'd read my post, you would've seen the last paragraph, which comprised a statement that I was not angry with you, and would not become so, despite your best efforts.

And, Agent47, I certainly agree that the DNC has some very good ideas on how to run things around here... this country would only be half of what it is today if there existed only a single political party.

You fail to understand. As everyone knows, I have a deep and abiding hatred of repugnants of all stripes. They slowly poison and corrupt this nation with their presence. They blaspheme against God by screaming Jesus, Jesus while just waiting to get their hands on a gun to kill someone who accidencly steps on their "property" or having a cookout when the next guy goes to the elelctric chair. They step over the most unfortunate in our society. They break laws with impunity without fear of justice.

They are simply repugnant.

posted on Feb, 28 2004 @ 03:56 PM

Originally posted by Colonel

I am simply repugnant.

posted on Feb, 28 2004 @ 04:07 PM

I think we're done here.

posted on Feb, 28 2004 @ 04:10 PM
And you still fail to look up the crimes committed almost daily by your party and the people you support. Truth hurts huh? You sicken me.

posted on Feb, 28 2004 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by Colonel
And I will always fail to look up the crimes committed almost daily by my party and the people I support. Truth hurts huh?

posted on Feb, 28 2004 @ 04:14 PM
Shut-up, kid. Your annoying editing implicates you and confirms my assertions.

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