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High-Level Officials Warn of Fake Terror!

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posted on May, 1 2008 @ 02:01 PM
thats my point it is a tall order to fill. if i want to buy a particular brand of overpriced designer jeans, i could find websites about it, where to buy, which celebrity is wearing them, whether they are 'in' at the moment, i could join a forum to discuss how much my spoiled 13 year old teen girl brain loves them so
, but i cant find solid information in one place without the crap about what my government is really doing, or what i can do about it. my girlfriend is a journalist and would love to do a story on some of this stuff but the lecturer at university took a look at the sites she used as a reference and warned her away because they were full of 'wack jobs' and useless information and on the most part he was right.

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 02:20 PM
I think we should be concerned but not paranoid. Anything can happen but its not worth losing sleep over it. In fact I am not even convinced 9-11 was an inside job. I think the odds and logic point towards al-queda eventhough the 9-11 commision report was not as thorough as it should have been and people may have jumped to the wrong conclusions.

Do the neo-conservatives want to attack Iran? Probably yes. Do they want to completly dominate the middle east and monopolize the oil? Probably yes. Can a fake terror plot blamed on fundamentalists give them the opportunity? Yes but they must accept the responsibilities of their actions after the world community puts USA on the black list! Currently its on the gray list.

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 02:26 PM
Isn't it possible that all the terror alerts are having the opposite effect? We've been told so often that there is a thus-and-such-color-alert in effect that we hardly pay any attention to them. The U.S. has pretty much been in a state of high alert since 9/11. There would have to be some enormous new threat invented, like the possibility of an invasion by another country. That would take more ingenuity than the government has shown thus far, but I guess they could try.

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 02:32 PM

Originally posted by EarthCitizen07
I think we should be concerned but not paranoid. Anything can happen but its not worth losing sleep over it. In fact I am not even convinced 9-11 was an inside job. I think the odds and logic point towards al-queda eventhough the 9-11 commision report was not as thorough as it should have been and people may have jumped to the wrong conclusions.

Do the neo-conservatives want to attack Iran? Probably yes. Do they want to completly dominate the middle east and monopolize the oil? Probably yes. Can a fake terror plot blamed on fundamentalists give them the opportunity? Yes but they must accept the responsibilities of their actions after the world community puts USA on the black list! Currently its on the gray list.

im very concerned. 9-11 was an inside job, the evidence points only to this conclusion. i would be naiive to suggest who was behind it with any sort of solidity though. your polititians have agreed that al-queda is a farce, it dosent exist as a self autonomous cell, even the name of it was coined by the CIA i believe when they were helping the warlords overthrow the russians. maybe you can say with all sincerity you believe you are on the 'gray' list. i dont live in your country and dont have to listen to your government controlled media. trust me, your on the black list.

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 02:34 PM
Well unfortuneatly the chicken little syndrome does little to offset the reality of what we face as a nation without any real support or protection from our gov.

I am so tired of hearing the terror rhetoric month after gloomy month.

All you can do is be as prepared as you can be on your individual best, and then let it go.

Some where in my gut instinct I still feel that there are factions out there doing their damndest to protect us from the annihilation from our enemies.

What changed personally for you on 911? What would you have done differently on that fateful day?

What have you done to protect the rights of the constitution since that day?

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by futureblind
im very concerned. 9-11 was an inside job, the evidence points only to this conclusion. i would be naiive to suggest who was behind it with any sort of solidity though. your polititians have agreed that al-queda is a farce, it dosent exist as a self autonomous cell, even the name of it was coined by the CIA i believe when they were helping the warlords overthrow the russians. maybe you can say with all sincerity you believe you are on the 'gray' list. i dont live in your country and dont have to listen to your government controlled media. trust me, your on the black list.

If al-queda is a farce and all the politicians have agreed to this then why the heck are they not making it known to the mainstream media and more importantly why are they not asking for impeachment hearings to start?!

Sorry dude but I am getting fed up with all these hypothetical scenarios being passed as facts. The fact of the matter is that most people are either confused or believe the official story. If some people have evidence they should hand it over. Eight years have passed....why wait any longer?!

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 04:51 PM
As someone who lives in Scotland the fear and concern of all Americans who express it is felt as much in places outwith your continent. From an outsiders point of view I am concerned about a few things. The terrorist excersises are a threat, it dosnt need much commonsense to realise that. The way your countries administration is doing as they please with your constitution while Americans sit and watch it being torn to pieces bit by bit is a bigger concern. Where is your bottle, your inginuity and your fighting spirit that was always there as far as the Scottish race was concerned. You have only two choices. Iether accept and go peacefully, or stand up and be counted, whether individually or as a group or groups. Sitting at a computer theorising about past attrocities that are too difficult to prove is most certainly part of the two choice scenario that will save you from yourselves. Deal with hard facts, stop hiding behind things that cant be proved. Your constitution should be core to everything you do , stop bemoaning its distruction as you sit pondering what the admin will do next, that dosnt matter surely. Its what they have done to your once proud and respected country that should matter. Do you think the Scottish nation would let this happen to them...damn right we wouldnt. In the words of John Smeaton, we would "Set aboot them!".

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 05:14 PM
I appreciate the thread but this story doesn't surprise me.I'm guessing that it doesn't surprise many on here.
Bush didn't "quietly" strip away American's rights,Americans let it happen,albeit they were feared in to it.
There really is only one solution but I haven't seen anything done about it and I doubt I will.
Bush should be swinging in the wind for war crimes and treason against his country.
America is on it's way to becoming a third world nation with an insane leader.

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 05:55 PM
I''ll post this and i guess it'll put me on a black list somewhere.
The only way that this country will be returned to the constituion
is through an armed citizen revolt.
Now that being said how would you go about gaithering said revolt up?
The only way would be the internet.
And they would be on you so fast your head would swim.
For that is what all this wiretapping is for.
Not terrorists, but when the public finally gets fed up enough to
do something.
You ask why don't we fight?
Any true resistance would be swarmed with feds before you could fart.
So what do we do?
Our only hope is really that this government is weakened by some catastrophy.
Then and only then would it be possible to actually effect real change.
But then you have the mob to deal with too.
So all in all in my op i think we are screwed.
All you can do is try to hold out and protect your loved ones.
The preceding opinion does not reflect management or myself for that matter if any government official reads this.

[edit on 1-5-2008 by TimeTracker]

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 06:13 PM
reply to post by dgtempe

If only half of what we are seeing and hearing is this respect is true, It amazes me that no counter action is being taken to stop these lunatics, can it really be, that all of Congress has been bought off?
By the way dg, did you see my aura post reply?

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 07:16 PM
I just want to say,idont believe in war but if some country were to invade the us,iwould fight them till my dying breath,just like on RED DAWN!!!!!!!!!

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 07:26 PM
Just wanted to throw this out since the drills on 9/11 were brought up.
During the 7/7 bombings in London,there were also drills going on at the same time the attacks happened.
Oddly enough,the drills were about the exact same thing happening.
So 9/11 drills plus the actual event happening 1
The 7/7 drills plus the actual event happening 1
= The possibility of it happening again. 2

Besides has anyone ever tried to figure out the odds of 2 drills happening,and then having the exact thing happen,that the drills were "training" for,actually occur?
My guess is those odds are astronomical.

[edit on 1-5-2008 by Black_Fox]

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 09:05 PM
Let them do it and then we will see if the american people will be stupid enough to fall for it again...I think too many would speak up and challenge it this time-it depends if any mainstream journo would risk his or her career (life?) to finally call them out on it.

is that possible anymore?

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 11:07 PM
People have the power. When you are afraid remember you have friends.
They can't kill us all. Who will rub their feet?

Many americans are waiting as anxiously as the world for this administration to end.

If something awful happens between now and then I believe Americans will revolt.

I can only hope our militaries working men and women and law enforcement will protect and defend this country and our constitution from these vampires.

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 11:35 PM
Democracy has failed us,, We have the best government MONEY CAN BUY. i don't trust them as far as i could throw them, and yes,, emmigration sounds like an idea. I wanted to mention aswell the good work we are doing in Afganistan, opium production has increased a hundred fold! Another way to enslave us, heroin addiction. I thought the war on drugs would suggest burning the poppy fields, perhaps a humanitarian use of Napalm. It would sure smell better then burnt flesh.

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 11:45 PM
I live in North Bay, Ontario. I've spent time in the underground Norad complex HERE when the blue room wasn't classified. When Norad stood down it makes me think of to what extent is THE FIX IN. J.F.K. prior to his assassination was saying CLEAN YOURSELVES UP, in reference to the Gov, the Secret Services, and yes The Military, perhaps because of its involvment in the drug trade. I personally have knowledge of a time when we traded Hashish for arms with what was at one time, THE AFGAN FREEDOM FIGHTERS

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 11:46 PM

Originally posted by Leo Strauss

I can only hope our militaries working men and women and law enforcement will protect and defend this country and our constitution from these vampires.

I hate to say it Leo but don't count on it.
If things turned sour the only paying jobs left would be law enforcement and millitary.
I'm afraid to keep from becoming part of the "quote" mob.
They would do as told

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 11:59 PM
For those that ask what can we do, I have a grass root idea, called the medicine flower. We need a symbol of freedom and peace. like the yellow ribbon, or the canadian poppy we wear for rememberance day(veterans day). The concept is a blend of the poppy and the medicine wheel, a native north american concept for unity and harmony among nations. Check it out at I'd like to see more medicine flowers out there then the support our troops ribbons. ( this medicine flower contains no opium, just good intensions.)

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 11:59 PM
Well, here in Tiny Town, KY, May 1st has passed. I haven't heard of anything happening with this drill. Anybody have any news of goings on that have occured? I'd be happy to hear about them. As far as the citizens of the U.S. of A. taking back their government. I don't see it happening anytime soon. I think everybody is waiting to see what the next administration does about reversing the actions the current administration has taken in removing our civil liberties. As for me, I wouldn't bet my last dollar, soon to be worthless, that things will be reversed. What do you think?

posted on May, 2 2008 @ 12:13 AM

Originally posted by Black_Fox
Just wanted to throw this out since the drills on 9/11 were brought up.
During the 7/7 bombings in London,there were also drills going on at the same time the attacks happened.
Oddly enough,the drills were about the exact same thing happening.
So 9/11 drills plus the actual event happening 1
The 7/7 drills plus the actual event happening 1
= The possibility of it happening again. 2

[edit on 1-5-2008 by Black_Fox]

I'm sure I am either naive or ill informed but can someone point me to a place where I can confirm that these drills wee taking place on 9/11 and 7/7? I do realize there were exercises ongoing on 9/11 but don't recall reading from any credible source that they were drills simulating the events that were to happen that day.

Anything you can supply from a credible source would be much appreciated,

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