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The Origins of the Bush Regime in Hitler's Third Reich

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posted on May, 1 2008 @ 11:47 PM
And one more thing, just so that it is clear, I don't think Bush is Hitler. No two men are identical first of all, and second of all, Bush may or may not be as dumb as he appears, but he certainly would not do exactly as Hitler had done, even if their ultimate goals were and are the same.

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 11:54 PM
reply to post by ShatteredSkies

Now where is this genocide taking place that we can compare Hitler to Bush?

I think that the 600,000 to one million Iraqis that have died in an illegal war of agression would qualify as the victims of imperialistic genocide. As others have stated in this thread already. You can also expect that this is only the first stage of the campaign. Iran is next, probably by the end of the year. Now this may or may not be carried on and carried out by Bush himself, but the cabal of which he is a part of.

Then there is the more subtle killing of Americans, which those in poverty will suffer from to the greatest degree.

"Let Them Eat Cake!"

Codex Alimentarius (Mandate That Will Starve 3 Billion People to be In Place by 12/31/09)

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 11:54 PM
I wouldn't doubt it.... i have a feeling something big's going to happen soon. something on a large scale that has been planned and skillfully kept secret .

posted on May, 2 2008 @ 12:00 AM
reply to post by ShatteredSkies

And no, I don't consider that 1 million innocent iraqi's killed part of the genocide, 1)They aren't living in the US 2)I highly doubt that's an accurate statistic.

I'll start with point number two. Even if it was only a hundred thousand Iraqis, the point is we have no business killing any iraqis in the first place. We have killed more Iraqis in a few years than Saddam did in the course of his entire brutal regime.

Now to point one. Are you kidding? The Poles, and the Austrians, and the Czechs, and the French, etc, none of them were living in Germany either.

posted on May, 2 2008 @ 12:13 AM
reply to post by burdman30ott6

Americans aren't pulled from their homes in drove in the dead of night to be interrogated and imprisoned.

They most certainly are. Of course it is done under the auspices of a falsely legitimized war on drugs and crime, when in fact it is a war of race, a war of class, and most importantly a war of economics.

Then you must also consider the provisions now in place under the Patriot Act. Just because Bush hasn't really begun to use the powers granted therein, does not mean that the fascist/Nazi-esque measures you might imagine aren't already "legalized" and waiting in the wings for the next manufactured crisis.

I'd even go so far as to say government encouraged patriotism was far greater in the 80's when I remember every student was expected to stand and say the pledge of allegience every morning before class.

I cannon rmember a time when patriotism was so fervent among the general population. Most of the time the American flags came out on the Patriotic holidays, and that was pretty much all you would see of them, except of course in the normoal places you would expect to see them such as court and such. Now they're everywhere, bumper stickers, car magnets, front room windows, etc. Not only that, those who display them are downright belligerent about their patriotism.

Would a fascist dictator show any mercy whatsoever to a piece of crap that took up arms against his motherland?

Hitler too had to make certain concessions until he had thoroughly consolidated his powers.

posted on May, 2 2008 @ 12:49 AM
reply to post by burdman30ott6

No one is being prosecuted for using their freedom of speech.

Prosecuted? Not yet perhaps, though some may find that point debateable. Especially some members of the press who have some out against the Bush administration.

But how about persecuted? This tape speaks for itself...

American citizens aren't being held without charges (I believe it's very important to remember that fact...

Perhaps not yet, but keep in mind that it is completely legal to do so under the Patriot Act.

But try as I have, I haven't found anything in the Bill of Rights that guarantees we can keep our shoes on when we pass through airport security.

I think that would certainly constitute an unreasonable search without probable cause, however airlines are a private venture, and therefore not bound to observe such rights. The same way that we have freeedom of speech, yet are forbidden to speak about certain subject matter here on ATS.

On the other hand, we have the NYC subway system, which is operated by the MTA which is a public benefit corporation with the board selected primarily by the Governor of the state and the Mayor of NYC. So in other words, the subway system is just as public as any street you walk on. Despite this, the police can search your bags without a warrant or probable cause.

Not to mention the fact that they're now carrying machine guns, and patrolling in full body armor...

I have yet to see anyone who, aside from committing criminal acts, can claim that their lives have been worse from a Constitutional standpoint under George Bush.

Perhaps you missed the Patriot Act then?

posted on May, 2 2008 @ 01:06 AM
reply to post by burdman30ott6

By that definition every war ever fought in which lives were lost was genocide.

Sure, on the part of the agressor. That is why it is illegal to attack a country that has not attacked you first.

That means Abraham Lincoln was a fascist.

There are southerners who might argue that this is true. But this is still a domestic matter as opposed to going and attacking a sovereign nation on the other side of the planet.

Or is this more logical as you see it?

Don't you think at the very least the first step a fascist government would take is burrying sites like this under an avalanche of traffic until denials of service reigned supreme?

I don't know about anyone else, but I would think that the MSM would be the first step, not some board with a few thousand "conspiracy nuts" on it. Besides, I get the feeling that the check is in the mail so to speak.

posted on May, 2 2008 @ 01:11 AM
reply to post by ShatteredSkies

It's war and collateral will happen. That is the sad and unfortunate fact.

An illegal war that the US started. And a few hundred thousand people dead is hardly a reasonable number of collateral victims, especially given our superior weapons, equipment and training. Let's not forget that the Pentagon "lost" nearly a third of our entire national debt, as reported to Congress by Donald Rumsfeld one day prior to 9/11.

posted on May, 2 2008 @ 01:16 AM
reply to post by ShatteredSkies

Our soldiers are dieing out there too it's not just "civilians".

Sure, at a rate of one of our soldiers for every three or four hundred Iraqis. Soldiers who never should have been sent there in the first place. And don't get me wong here either. I don't blame the soldiers, not even the officers. I blame the top leadership. They even smoked this by Colin Powell at first until he got so disgusted that he walked away.

posted on May, 2 2008 @ 01:25 AM
reply to post by burdman30ott6

I'd argue that the fascists are those in the left who have tried everything under the sun to strip the second ammendment from the Constitution and, failing that, have attacked the individual firearms, stripping them one by one.

Let's not forget that fascism is actually a right-wing ideology. Just because the Republicans are playing the game, you have to realize that the two-party system in this country is dead, if it ever really was anything more than a sham. But I for one, am certainly against restrictions on our right to bear arms.

Let's not forget what NAZI actually meant either. National Socialist German Workers Party. Sounds left to me, but was certainly far right in the end. In fact, despite the word "socialist" in their own party identity, socialists became enemies of the state right along with Jews, Slavs, homosexuals, Jehovah's Witnesses, the disabled, etc.

posted on May, 2 2008 @ 01:37 AM
I can't remember who it was, but someone asked about Bush's connections to the occult. He is not a Christian, I can tell you that. Aside from being a Bonesman, he also visits Bohemian Grove. You don't have to do much digging to find his connections to the occult. His supposed fondness for Christianity is merely a means to an end.

I didn't read these too much, but here are a few links talking about Bohemian grove...



posted on May, 2 2008 @ 02:14 AM
Reply to Jack:

I'll tell you what I see when I read your posts (and, to be fair, a lot of other people's posts) I see a whole lot of "mays," "mights," and "coulds" and that's basically the entire platform you've built this argument around. Let's actually delve a little deeper here... any law passed, any government, any individual might go haywire and run afoul of liberty. We basically took out Saddam Hussein based on mights and coulds, and lookie lookie, the very same people who want Bush impeached and have even dreamed of forceable removal of him from office were the very same people who shouted and hollered loudly about how wrong it was to take out the leader of a sovergn nation based on what he might do or could do.

Every single thing you listed that doesn't fall under the "it could happen... who knows for sure?" flag falls under a very subjective interpretation of the events we've seen unfold. For example, the shoe removals. We know (stealing a concept from Alex Jones again... if you preface a comment with "we know" it must be true, right? Although in this case we actually do know something.) that there have been attempted shoe bombers and possibly even a successfull one. (the flight that crashed in a NYC suburb a couple months after 9/11) We also know that metal detectors can't scan all the way to the floor level because of limitations of the technology combined with structural composition of the floors they are anchored to. There are two perfectly good reasons to have passengers remove their shoes before boarding a public conveyance. Also, common sense has to come into play here somewhere. You have a Constitutional right to travel across the United States freely. That does NOT mean you have a right to travel in any manner you wish with the same regulations or lack thereof carrying over from one form of transportation to another. For isntance, in your own personal vehicle you can smoke, have a beverage, eat a burger, fart, play the music as loud as you wish, etc... these are freedoms, but they are situational freedoms. Try and do any of them on a public bus and watch how fast you realize these freedoms don't exist outside your own personal vehicle. Same for air travel. If you don't want you shoes searched, travel by car. If you don't want you laptop computer checked by customs agents, leave it at home. etc, etc, etc.

I can honestly say I haven't lost a single freedom to the Patriot Act. Not one. Of course I'm not a hidden terrorist insurgent trying to relay messages to contacts outside this country, either. I suppose, if you're so gung-ho about terrorist rights you could make a case that the Patriot Act has stripped freedoms from such a person as that. I, however, tend to see that as more of a case of the government actually doing their job... did you know one of the things we pay taxes for is to keep the country as safe as possible from outside threats as well as from internal threats? It's true! If the Patriot Act helps the government do that and does so without compromising my rights as a law abiding citizen, then I'm all for it. Of course someday it "could" be used against me, but then again someday I could slip and fall on a wet floor as I get out of the shower, hitting my head and losing my life between the shower stall and the toilet bowl. Doesn't mean that I'm going to stop showering nor does it mean the shower itself is to blame or the man who invented the shower. If someday the Patriot Act is actually used to strip freedoms, then it will be the fault of whoever is running the show at the time it is used that way. And let's be realistic, ALL laws "could" be manipulated to strip rights from the people if those in charge deemed it so.

Finally your defense of liberals and the left apparently answers a question I "could" have asked before I even asked it and I'm not surprised by the answer. You've fallen into the same trap the majority of radically partisan Americans (myself included) have found themselves in at one time or another. The political spectrum isn't a demarcated line that stretches out 180 degrees opposite between the two sides. It's actually a circle. Imagine a clock for a moment. At 12 O'clock you have the moderates and true independents. There's a ballanced mixture of both liberal politics & conservative politics residing there and the two sides work together frequently if they generally find themselves at this location on the clock. 3 & 9 are due opposites of each other. One side is the basic liberal one side the basic conservative. The two sides can eventually work together, but to do so they both have to travel quite a long ways along the circle to attempt to meet at 12 O'clock. At 6 O'clock we have the radicals from both sides. Once you get so radical in your thinking that you start actually (and truly, not just subjectively) start destroying huge chunks of our civil rights, you're here. It doesn't matter if you're an ultra leftist or an ultra conservative because both become equally abhorent and dangerous to the entire process of our union. The issues I listed liberals chipping away at ARE examples of fascism in this nation.

Finally, you did an excellent job of identifying one of the root difference between a red state and a blue state without even realizing it. It did not take planes being smashed into buildings in New York to get people to fly American flags and express great patriotism for America where I'm from. Rural America, the lifeblood of this country, is a place where you actually saw more American flags displayed before 9/11 than you have since. A lot of people there don't fly them anymore because they have become associated with a sense of dishonesty. Not a dishonesty performed by the president or our government, but by citizens who claim to be great patriots, yet needed a massive terror attack before they showed any sign of that patriotism. Dishonesty also in the sense that folks like my dad remember Vietnam and see today the same people who spat on our troops back then spouting the same propaganda and anti-government rhetoric, but following it up with "but we support our troops" in a way that reeks of disingenuity. Frankly, a lot of us don't believe that these protestors support our troops because we see with our own eyes that they don't support our country. So when I say patriotism was stronger in the 80's, I mean real patriotism.

posted on May, 2 2008 @ 02:36 AM

Originally posted by darkmaninperth

And the pharasee's upon seeing Jesus chase out the money changers approached him when Jesus said you have taken my fathers house and turned it into a den of thieves. He told them they would tear down the church and he would rebuild it in three days. The silly pharasees laughed and told Jesus how many years it took to build the magnificent temple.

But Jesus was not talking about the building, he was talking about his body.

The Christian Church is the people not the building and you obviously didn't watch the pbs video did you.

What about the Non-Christians, why did they not say anything either

Hell if I know man, I didn't find any pbs special on them.

Why are you getting angry?

Dang is it that obvious? Must be my eye brows huh

That link, Google? What is that?

It's a search engine, pretty good one too you might want to try it sometime

(lmao gets em every time lol)

I agree that it was, but more than likely it was a denunciation or a grudge that got them taken away. Priests can have enemies also and I can think of one dude that doesn't like them.

Would you do the same? Hindsight is always 20/20.

Jeez, I sure would like to think I would, that's why I said it was damn courageous of them. (see I knew you'd get it)

I'm just messin with ya on some of them guy thanks for being a good sport about it lol

- Con

[edit on 2-5-2008 by Conspiriology]

posted on May, 2 2008 @ 02:48 AM
Good post. *'ed!

Indeed, wasn't it George's father that was found guilty and sentenced for meddling with Nazi's? I do not wonder if some of the Bush family members are actually descendant of some nazi officers, as Nazi's are said to had this breeding program.. I do not recall the name of that program.

1st of all, I cannot see how anyone can become a president of US with that kind of family history. They must've done pretty good job in hiding their past.

posted on May, 2 2008 @ 11:37 AM
How about this. What makes Bush tick.
Why go after Afghanistan and IRAQ if he didn't have to.
Hitler went after less powerful countries for gold.
Now we go to war for the Afgan pipeline and a few more in IRAQ.
It makes sense.

Why go after oil reserves if we might develop atomic energy.
Perhaps we can't develop small atomic direct to electric generators.
That is bad for Con Edison electric (now full polyphase Tesla electric)
and natural gas company suppliers of heat and light.

Now that can't possible be done.
And small enough for car is out too, because if you can build a
car generator you can build one for the home.

War is the only alternative to living the way are required to do right
now. No matter if the Nazi developed these devices during WWII
and are in the Bush's possession.

A generator big enough to power the Nazi Electro-U-boat submarine
and only found and classified perhaps in the 1970s.
Yeah, we keep in touch with technology and hide it well.

posted on May, 2 2008 @ 11:52 AM

At least Hitler managed to improve the economy of his country before starting his war.

Bush can't get anything right.

posted on May, 2 2008 @ 12:02 PM
reply to post by ShatteredSkies

Bush is a skull and bones member. All members are to get into a casket and do things sexually to themselves while they tell their sexual desires to those standing around watching. They drink out of skulls and only God knows what else! They take an oath. Do you understand? This is a club of the have mores and you nor I are a part of the club! Just look up Prescott Bush to see he helped fund Hitler. It's is history. Look it up.

posted on May, 2 2008 @ 12:08 PM
reply to post by burdman30ott6

I'll tell you what I see when I read your posts (and, to be fair, a lot of other people's posts) I see a whole lot of "mays," "mights," and "coulds" and that's basically the entire platform you've built this argument around.

Talk about going full circle. Time check!

The "mights, mays and coulds" are all the same excuses given for the Patriot Act and all of the other security measures implemented since 9/11.

I can honestly say I haven't lost a single freedom to the Patriot Act.

You have lost your right to due process for one. Just because you have not had need of it, does not mean that you have not lost that right.

I have lost my right to ride the public subway system, unless I am willing to submit to a violation of my right to not be searched without cause. And where does it end? Where does it go from here? If you are so interested in public safety, then by that logic the police should be able to search anyone, anywhere, anytime, which is the way things really are now anyway if you look at police practices.

So you can't argue that you, nor the rest of us, have not lost our rights. The only thing you can do is argue that this rapid deterioration of our rights is justified by our need for security. Justification through fear. I think this has been done before somewhere.

If the Patriot Act helps the government do that and does so without compromising my rights as a law abiding citizen, then I'm all for it.

There were plenty of law-abiding Germans that didn't get sent to concentration camps too.

If someday the Patriot Act is actually used to strip freedoms, then it will be the fault of whoever is running the show at the time it is used that way.

You don't put on a condom unless you're gonna #.

[edit on 5/2/0808 by jackinthebox]

posted on May, 2 2008 @ 12:44 PM
reply to post by johnsky

Germany was heavily invested in while a depression or depressed
investments hit America.

Many of Tesla's ideas were being developed without regard for
patents. Radio and electronics for flight and warfare were being built
and television fully developed for transfer to America.

In America, pictures in through the air statements by Tesla were ridiculed,
by the people developing the hardware in Germany.

So as you say:

At least Hitler managed to improve the economy of his country before starting his war.

The improvement might have been investments from who is hard to say.

posted on May, 2 2008 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by burdman30ott6
Reply to Jack:

Finally, you did an excellent job of identifying one of the root difference between a red state and a blue state without even realizing it. It did not take planes being smashed into buildings in New York to get people to fly American flags and express great patriotism for America where I'm from. Rural America, the lifeblood of this country, is a place where you actually saw more American flags displayed before 9/11 than you have since. A lot of people there don't fly them anymore because they have become associated with a sense of dishonesty. Not a dishonesty performed by the president or our government, but by citizens who claim to be great patriots, yet needed a massive terror attack before they showed any sign of that patriotism. Dishonesty also in the sense that folks like my dad remember Vietnam and see today the same people who spat on our troops back then spouting the same propaganda and anti-government rhetoric, but following it up with "but we support our troops" in a way that reeks of disingenuity. Frankly, a lot of us don't believe that these protestors support our troops because we see with our own eyes that they don't support our country. So when I say patriotism was stronger in the 80's, I mean real patriotism.

Ok so "YOU" have not lost a freedom cause of the patriot act. Ok then its painfully obvious "YOU" dont know a whole lot about the patriot act and the devious things that were snuck in there...I know most people dont hell even most of congress does not but let me throw some stuff at you because it is important to understand that a law may not affect "YOU" in the immediate but it will...

First off under the FISA law you had to go to a judge to get a warrant to wire tap. Well Bushy said cant do this anymore takes to much time so they revised the FISA law to allow Bushy to get a warrant after the tapping was done. They had to do the deed and go to a judge to be sure the tapping was legal. Under the patriot act you dont have to go to a judge AT ALL. There are no checks and balances so how do you REALLY know it is only being used on terrorists....why dont you ask Elliot Spitzer if he is a terrorist because it was this very law that nailed him.

Second off the government does not need a a warrant to invade your house they just need to FBI signatures. Now I dont know if you know much about the revolutionary war but this was one of the prime reasons we went to war because the British soldiers would invade houses for no reason and take stuff they deemed used for criminal activities. Once again no checks and balances.

Third they can raid all bank, medical, and other records which as far as medical info used to be private information...not anymore.

They have the right to check all your library selection and what you read and when your there. Why would they need this? I mean how many of the terrorists do you know go to library books and check out books on Jihad.

The fact is this nation was built on checks and balances and guy I know the constitution nearly by heart and am an expert in history so we can debate history and trust me when I tell you Thomas Jefferson would be rolling in his grave if he knew a bill like this ever passed. So this may not directly affect you "YET" but trust me is some way it will affect you or family whether its this generation or the next.

Now as far as patriotism what does it mean to be a patriot I need you to answer that for me. Because flying the flag does not make you a patriot I can tell you that...a patriot is for the people. The government is supposed to be for the people it is our PATRIOTIC duty to question the government to make sure they are doing our business and not business that will only help a select few and it is their duty to protect our freedoms and liberty and to give us the opportunity to pursue life liberty and the pursuit of happiness sound familiar Thomas Jefferson once again. He who sacrifices liberty for freedom deserve neither Ben Franklin but he wasnt a patriot either I suppose....

In final this is nothing personal Im actually a Thomas Jefferson republican that was before they lost their way and if being a patriot is following the governments lead no questions asked that is not a patriot that is a sheeple. Oh and btw the troops have my full support this is not their fault they do what they are told and they are brave and any troops that buy from my company gets products at near cost its only a little thing I can do but you can be for the troops but against the cause.

[edit on 2-5-2008 by mybigunit]

[edit on 2-5-2008 by mybigunit]

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