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Bottled water banned at schools!

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posted on Apr, 26 2008 @ 02:01 PM
I live in the area. First of all, most of the bottled water around here comes from Nestle, which has a plant in Guelph that sucks up the spring water and bottles it. Guess what. Most, if not all, of the water in our region comes from ground water, and it's the same water I've been drinking for 40 years with no ill effects. Flouride or not, I believe the water here is safe. The ban is because of that chemical in the plastic bottles, bisphenol A.
Don't fly off the handle here. The article clearly states that if they bring bottles from home that's ok. The ban is not for the water, it's for the plastic bottle.
And for what it's worth, the city water in Waterloo Region is the same water that you can buy from Nestle Waters in Guelph. So, buy it if you want.
I actually worked at Nestle for one night. It sucked so I quit.

posted on Apr, 26 2008 @ 03:02 PM

Originally posted by theBLESSINGofVISION

There is overwhelming evidence to support the ultra toxicity of flourine, fluoride, sodium fluoride, etc.

I've never seen a long term, peer reviewed, double blind study showing that the levels of fluoride in some communities tap water is toxic. I'm open to the idea if someone could direct me to the results of legitimate study? Please make sure it was not funded by the bottled water industry who often, and admittedly, use tap water.

How do you feel about paying those prices for bottled water that may be less safe than tap water and filling the landfills with plastic bottles?

There is no easy answer to this dilemma.

[edit on 4/26/2008 by Blaine91555]

posted on Apr, 26 2008 @ 03:33 PM
Unless something is vastly different there from here, this makes no sense. Firstly, the schools do not buy the bottled water; they lease space for vending machines to vending operators who then stock and maintain the machines. Here it's usually the bottling companies. The school gets a percentage of profits from the machines in return for the space, and local laws regulate what can and cannot be sold.

As for the quality of the waters involved, I am glad I have a private well. The tap water here is actually considered dangerous if exposed to the same testing standards used for private wells. My father proved this years ago by switching a well sample. The sample from the local city water water came back "unfit for human consumption". I saw the form myself.

I can actually taste the chlorine in municipal water. I'm not sure if the fluoride is part of that taste, but it could be. I just know it tastes nasty. I try to carry a gallon jug of water from home in my truck, just so I don't have to drink that nasty stuff. Maybe I'm just hitting the bad spots across the country, but after over 6 years operating in 43 of the lower 48 states, I have never tasted what I would consider 'good' water from a city tap anywhere.

The last report I read said that approximately 2/3 of municipal water supplies were now fluoridated in the USA. Fluoride is used to reduce cavities in teeth by bonding with the tooth enamel and making it stable in higher pH ranges than enamel without treatment. An interesting fact is that fluoride was introduced in toothpaste and water about the same time tons of the stuff were produced as a byproduct of nuclear chemistry, and there is really no other avenue to dispose of fluoride. It is considered a toxic chemical, and rightly so since fluorine is the most reactive of the halogens. It is the only chemical (that I am aware of) that can oxidize (reduce) oxides.

I believe all of the water supplies are chlorinated. Chlorine does nothing healthful; it kills the bacteria that are inherently extant in recycled waste (which is what most tap water is). Chlorine is a halogen as well, and is the major component of mustard gas. Just one step up in the periodic table from fluorine, it is toxic and an irritant. As far as I know, no adequate scientific testing has ever been conducted on long-term effects of low concentrations of chlorine or fluoride.

Bottled water is tap water. Some companies do use straight chlorinated, fluoridated water from municipal systems, but others use more natural sources like springs. Even spring water is filtered and may be chlorinated at the bottling plant, although I don't think any is fluoridated. So it's not exactly the greatest thing on the planet, and the plastic bottles can be a problem. I remember wondering about this back when bottled water was introduced, but no one seemed to care then.

What concerns me, and what I went through all this boring science stuff to say, is that there is no reasonable excuse to remove bottled water from the schools, other than to increase the amount of tap water that is being drank by students. That alone gives me cause for concern. What's in that tap water? Or what may be in that tap water later? I'm not paranoid if everyone really is out to get me, right?



posted on Apr, 26 2008 @ 03:38 PM
Incrementalism. First they get it out of the vending machines, then they ban it altogether.

Originally posted by thetruth777
And how do I find out if my water filter is reverse osmosis or not?

Most home RO filters either hook up to the faucet or directly to the cold line, have one to three filters, and a collection tank with a diaphragm inside. They take up a lot of space and are usually placed below the sink with a separate faucet you mount on top. If you just have a filter that's entirely contained at the faucet or a pitcher with a filter inside, it's an ion-exchange carbon resin filter that does nothing for fluoride.

reply to post by Blaine91555

I'm not motivated to find studies, but are you really comfortable with some unnecessary chemical being put in your water without your consent? It does nothing for cavities. There's still a debate if applying it directly to teeth actually prevents decay, but drinking the stuff doesn't do a thing. So why is it there?

posted on Apr, 26 2008 @ 03:48 PM
more to this than meets the eye. Once they establish a rule or law in one location they can now set a precidence. Like the cervical cancer vacc. It has within it an ingredient to sterilize the 9-12 year old girls to prevent and stop pregancies. Their goal is to sterilize the next generation. The water is another agenda. Its not for our health but quite the opposite.

reply to post by CA_Orot

posted on Apr, 26 2008 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by apc

I actually have 2 filters: a fairly large filter into which I have to pour filter salt once in a while. That one is supposed to "soften" water; take the chemicals out. Does it will fluoride?

Another is a small under-the-sink filter, connected to a small faucet. I drink water ONLY from the faucet connected to the under-the-sink filter.

I'm not sure. Does the big one kill fluoride by "softening" water?


posted on Apr, 26 2008 @ 04:30 PM
Softening just replaces most of the magnesium and calcium with sodium (the salt you have to refill). It doesn't do anything for fluoride. The other undersink is probably RO, but I don't know you'd have to find your model info. [edit: I was just at Casa De Pot and cruised by the water filters. They have several undersink filters that are basic sediment filters. These are not RO.] They usually have the filters and then a tank to collect the filtered water. RO filters have a low throughput so the tank is needed to make the flow usable. I've seen them without the tank but that means the filtering isn't as good. Still better than the industrial-grade tap.

[edit on 26-4-2008 by apc]

posted on Apr, 26 2008 @ 04:37 PM
I think this ban has unfortunate timing because of the recent revelations regarding trace amounts of various drugs in tap water. However, there are many valid reasons to oppose bottled water. The reality is that plastic bottles release harmful toxins over time, and that the water itself typically contains sulfite, which is not without health risks. A Natural Resources Defense Council study has shown that 1/3 of bottled water exceeds contamination limits set by state and/or industry standards.

Additionally, the environmental effects of bottled water are not hogwash stirred up the globalists, they're a reality. About 90% of bottled water is not recycled, and thus ends up in landfills. Something like 17 million gallons of oil are used a year in the production process alone.

Bottled water is becoming one of the most profitable products on earth, and I think is representative of a trend towards the privatization of water. I don't think that's a very wholesome prospect.

I understand that fluoridation is a concern to many people here, but you can buy tap water filters which remove fluoride (in addition to particulate matter and other impurities). If you live in an area with sanitary tap water (i.e. not Latin America), then I would say that this is your best option for now.

[edit on 26-4-2008 by bled_eidol]

posted on Apr, 26 2008 @ 06:59 PM
What a stupid, patronising, idiotic and overwhelmingly dumb thing to do.

What next?

Schools enforce anti-depressants before lessons?

Stupid, stupid, stupid....

posted on Apr, 26 2008 @ 07:55 PM
Just another step in the war on water. These megalomaniacs want to control every aspect of our lives. Personally, I collect rain water and then put that through a Berkey filter. I don’t even like having to shower in tap water, but I have to choose what to spend on carefully.

posted on Apr, 26 2008 @ 09:22 PM

Originally posted by TheWalkingFox
Because it costs the school money to have all that bottled water and, as they said, the bottled water IS THE SAME AS TAP. Literally. There's a guy at the pepsi plant who mans a tap and fills up the damn bottles.

If the students want bottled water, they can bring it from home.

Right I dont see what the huge deal over this. The further north you get the better the water supply is.
Now lets say this hits southern schools, like lets say florida. Then its a BIG deal.
As the tap water here in florida is rank! It smells of iron, and sometimes tastes like bad eggs.
I always get bottled water here.. And even give the bottled water to my animals. The tap water here in florida and some southern states is NOT fit for drinking!

Now when I lived in Iowa, the tap water is the same stuff you BUY in bottled water!
Infact the water straight out the tap is the same stuff they are charging you for in your spring bottled water! Now thats the conspiracy.

I use to drink out of very rare springs that came out of the Earth when I was much younger in steamboat village in Iowa. And it came right out of the ground cold, and pure as ever! But this was almost 20 years ago.
Today I would a little leary of any spring comming to ground level.
The deeper the water wells the better.

[edit on 26-4-2008 by zysin5]

posted on Apr, 27 2008 @ 03:01 AM
sometimes i have to controll my anger with people who cant comprehend that natural ways=healthier people.

plastic water bottle contain a chemical identified as BPA (bisphenol-A), an estrogen copying compound and has long been studied as a carcinogen.

Fluoride is another no no, for it shall lower a childs IQ, accumulate in a fetuses brain causing birth defects and a whole range of dire effect's.

posted on Apr, 27 2008 @ 03:20 AM
Retards obviously run the board of education..: ( simplenarrow minded individuals..
Of all things on earth, bottled water is banned from schools, but its ok to have 3 or 4 COKE and pepsi machines, serve them bi-product hot dogs, all the chemicals thier must be in all that milk, and potato chip vendo machines? Oh and Pizza too, when i was in high school, 1989-1993, thats what our cafeteria had. sad: (

posted on Apr, 27 2008 @ 12:26 PM
Good for them... the beverage industry already makes enough money off of our kids. Bottled water indeed. The only time I have willingly bought bottled water was when I was in the VA hospital up in Chicago recovering from an emergency appendectomy... I was up there visiting at the time and I swear that city has the nastiest tasting water I have ever downed. It was passable ice cold but once it started warming up it became undrinkable... at least to me so I bought bottled water whenever I could... and stopped as soon as I left.

posted on Apr, 27 2008 @ 02:39 PM
My son has this neat trick. He takes an empty water bottle, caps it, twists it to create pressure then slowly untwists to make the cap come off with a pop and fly about 20 feet.

If he does this in school they are welcome to ban him from bottled water in the building, but otherwise leave it to me to decide what is safe for my child.

posted on Apr, 27 2008 @ 06:27 PM
I would not be suprised if this ban is a push from the parents (as many nonsensical bans within schools are). I'm a senior in high school, and I know many parents push their paranoia onto our government baby-sitters (and if you don't believe that public schools are just baby sitters to keep kids off the streets for 6-8 hours a day, you're odd
), so they can feel more self-righteous about 'protecting' their babies from something they've heard might not be safe.
Parents are panicking about Bisphenol-A within SOME #7 plastic bottles. It supposedly mimics estrogen, causing strange effects in large doses within young children and infants, and if the exposure is for a long period of time, it may possibly cause undesired effects within adults (such as males becoming sterile).
I can also see this as parents worrying about schools 'going green' Since it is earth day/week/month or whatnot.
Who knows. All I know is that it isn't due to 'bottled water' being better or worse for you. If your water is bottled within state, it may as well be tap water (as it usually is. If the water is from out of state, however, it goes through much more inspections and testing. It will most likely be purer than that which is from your homestate.)

posted on Apr, 27 2008 @ 06:32 PM
Well there's this commotion that they are afraid that Bisphenol A (which is a toxin) is leaching off of the plastic bottles contaminating the water that we drink. (as like everyone else said)

Water I think now a days should be stored in glass bottles. But the problem is that many people will enjoy smashing them.

I would use like a Nes Tea glass bottle, or Sobe, Snapple, or w/e. Anything that's glass, that has a screw on top.

[edit on 27-4-2008 by Shrukin89]

posted on Apr, 28 2008 @ 04:38 AM
Can I suggest that there are a lot more chemicals to be concerned about than fluoride in many of our waters, worldwide. Im fortunate to be living in Scotland where our own welled spring water is nice to drink and I am lead to believe actually good for you. I also as a hobbiest breed tropical and marine fish and invertibrates. A friend suggested that I never use tap water for tank replacement and let me know that our local agricultural college will test a sample, be it tap or well based, if you let them know the fish you breed and what their optimum local habitat water quality should be. Never trust that your tap water, even when filtered, is the same quality from week to week. I have had reports of very high natrates, nitrites one week, to almost sterile water the next week. As far as my marine stock are concerned I now have to buy distilled water due to an ammonia spike that happened in early march that killed some of my invertibrates. We are lucky in that we do not have fluoride yet!, but its on its way.

We need water to survive, unfortunatly we have to trust those that supply thats a scary thought.

posted on Apr, 28 2008 @ 04:51 AM
thats dumb. what about plastic soda bottles??? if i was a student there i would bring water bottles to school. i dont care what they say. there not going to tell me how to drink water. maybe i should go take the teachers water away too.

they are probably banning water bottles because kids can swap the water for alcohol. they do it in the high school near me. meaning swapping alcohol for water.

posted on Aug, 28 2008 @ 08:25 PM
reply to post by thetruth777

Just a little FYI: Waterloo Region's water is only fluoridated in the city of Waterloo. The cities of Cambridge and Kitchener are not. So, within the region, only about 20% of residents have fluoride added to their water.

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