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Terra papers : Hidden History of Planet Earth - Now Online!

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posted on May, 1 2008 @ 10:22 PM
If we as humans are so special, why does Morningsky begin the Terra Papers with:

"That we are their servants, we are their slaves, we are their property, we are theirs!"

I think I need to reread this again and make a flow chart or hereditary chart to figure out just who we are supposed to belong to.

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 10:23 PM

Originally posted by SaviorComplex
offend the sensibilities of the closed-minded zealot believers, and I guess no one is immune.
unoriginal sci-fi that drops names and terms cribbed from Sitchin?
you take it on face-value, simply because "it confirms what Sitchin was saying."

Your calling me a closed minded zealot, after the books that I listed that coincide with this story, and THE TERRA PAPERS are the cohesive fusion that puts things in perspective.....
....and this makes me a closed minded zealot how?
Your jumping in to protect Mike after not even a 6 month membership on this site? I have watched and admired his MANY posts for years before you got times Mike is dead on target and other times is far from the mark and it makes one wonder.......
You only ASSUME I know Stitchens work, this is just you 'assuming' and you know what they say about making assumptions don't you? I wish you would tell me what Stitchen was saying, for then I might see a tie in from that perspective as well and decide to read his work.
I never made mention of any of his works as I have not read them.
I brought up the keen similarities to THE KEYS OF ENOCH and to THE URANTIA BOOK, THE HOLY BIBLE, THE DEAD SEA SCROLLS..... & THE STARSEED well as Barbra Marciniak's channeled Pliedian series.
(see here I am clearly NAMING books and making no mention whatsoever of Stitchen) yet that is what your choosing to slap me with making yourself look.....well......less than informed.

Please feel free to read all the books mentioned above and then come back here and blather about them ALL being un-original sci-fi.....well, truth be known and seen by those who have eyes to see with, that OF COURSE it is in fact un-original, as it is a history of planet earth and NOT some original work......If & when you have read all I have listed cover to cover, then you will be able to argue with me from an informed perspective on the information presented.

There is also a 'knowing' inside of me that comes from playing in the higher consciousness realms outside of the physical body, that I can't prove to you in anyway....but it IS there.....
..I can only hope and pray that someday you to will be privey to such knowledge for yourself.

Did you read THE TERRA PAPERS SaviorComplex?
What do you have to say about the work?
So far all I see you doing is making personal attacks on people who are commenting on the work........I see you saying "this person is right" or "that person is right" but not making any real comments on what YOU thought of the work.......So lets take the conversation BACK to the topic of what YOU personally may have thought of THE TERRA PAPERS and if you even read the entire thing?
I really think you need to read all of it to make an informed comment. Reading one page and calling BS is like reading only 'The He Begat Whom' part if the Holy Bible, and then claiming it has no valuable spiritual information in it at all........

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 11:08 PM
reply to post by yankeerose

Hi yankeerose,
The aliens BELIEVE we belong to them....Ea helped design us to be more independent and eventually able to control our own destiny. But, even EA did not intend us to be simultaneously incarnating, since the aliens don't understand that, because of the disconnection to the higher self during the incarnational phases. (Rules of the game)

We don't belong to anyone but ourselves, out HIGHER SELVES.
We humans, are 3rd DENSITY versions of our higher TRUE (COMPLETE) SELVES, residing on a level close to the sixth density.

[edit on 1-5-2008 by conxposer]

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 11:17 PM
reply to post by conxposer

and this is how we will break free from their present dominance of our society we will discover our higher selves and live out our lives our way not theirs.

posted on May, 2 2008 @ 12:02 AM

Originally posted by conxposer
Anytime an alien physically incarnating SOUL wants to JUMP SHIP, they can try out the "HUMAN EXPERIENCE", but only the bravest souls attempt this, because once you do this, you lose all memory of all past lifetimes, as part of the "game rules".

I apologize. I finally took a moment to read what you have written here and am so thankful that I did. I am glad to see you call it a game. I had come to the conclusion this is a video game. [grin] Seriously.

Interesting fact. I have snippets of memory of being an alien. Humaniod, with tail, no scales, skin more like a dolphin's in texture. It was black, my skin, but iridescent. I was unaware in this memory of what my face looked like, but the one I am speaking to is female (I am male) and she has a sort of lizardlike face, with blue tinges around her temples.

We are knee deep in a shallow sea, which I know is dotted with islands and pretty much covers the planet. The sun emits in no light you or I could see, but I can see in the range it does emit in.

We are talking about an emergency, or and attack, or something that I must urgently take care of "at the temple."

That is all I remember.

I suspect there's still leakage.

I also now grasp why I can experience, if I reach out in the Consciousness dimension, the joy, the sorrow, the pleasure, the pain, the lives, of people I have no idea who they are.

Humans can access their higher selves, time and space travel in the mind, and soul, and access higher dimensions naturally. We accept death instead of "putting it off", so we get to re-incarnate more often instead of every thousand years or so.....

Yep. How it explains what I experience.

The basic idea here is that physical matter is conquorable to all alien races and they keep trying to conquor it. That IS NOT THE IDEA, IF YOU ARE SPIRITUAL, YOU LEAVE MATTER AS IT IS, AND KNOW YOUR TRUE ESSENCE.

Here is where I don't grasp. Where is the line to be drawn in accessing comfort? I mean, I am hungry and I seek matter to eat, giving me the comfort of being fed in exchange for messing with matter.

On the other hand, if I want a palace encrusted with goldto satisfy and aesthetic comfort, is it wrong to transmute other matter to gold to accomplish this?

See what I'm driving at?

Also, being a huge fan of science and technology, it's difficult for me to reconcile what you say above with my sense that it can bring a Golden Age to humankind.

Have you any thoughts on this?

posted on May, 2 2008 @ 12:19 AM

Originally posted by SaviorComplex

Originally posted by Amaterasu
So, your position is no more defendable than mine. [shrug]

On the contrary, my position is far more defensible. The author offers not a single shred of evidence, not one bit, other than a story, and a terrible one at that.

You on the other hand, say it is true because you "reached out into consciousness." That is not evidence, that is not proof. It's babble. And you know you are in a very bad spot when you have skeptics and believers alike agreeing that this is garbage.

Sorry. Missed this post. I think I presented my evidence in my next post after this one of yours.

And in you box, it is babble. Clearly. But equally as clear in the fact that there are reasonable, sane people here who can look on that and be astounded by what it explains about the world.

Truth be told, it was the reading of these papers that finally pulled me from that box you're sitting in.

I'm a substantially sane and rational person, as a rule, so I expect it comes as a bit of a surprise to some folks that I have shifted. But I have. Wholeheartedly.

So please. Let me hear your thoughts on this and my last post. If you would.

posted on May, 2 2008 @ 02:07 AM
reply to post by Unit541

Sorry by replying a post that isn't directed to me... but the answer is pretty simple... The unverse is infinite in every known dimension, mass, time a space, that's the only reason to explain the universe expansion (from our point of view, of course). Hope you can agree with me!

posted on May, 2 2008 @ 02:42 AM
reply to post by Amaterasu

Good points you bring up and question and view.

The people like "Boriska", the indigo child, are FIRST TIME incarnates of alien souls experiencing human physical incarnation.

FIRST TIME incarnates are SPECIAL in SOME ways.

They are previously PHYSICALLY ALIEN incarnates now incarnating for the first time in the HUMAN EXPERIENCE GAME.

First timers have special characteristics.....they retain SOME of their previousl alien incarnations and they are monitored and tracked CLOSELY by their previous alien physical FRIENDS from the GROUP, who are OBSERVING the EXPERIENCE of the the first timer...."the brave one".....

sometimes several JUMP SHIP this makes things feel safer and they get together on the physical and now to help each other relate...sometimes it's shortly after, sometimes it's at the same time.....

Another special characteristic is that these FIRST TIMERS have ONE CHANCE AND ONE CHANCE ONLY (Rules of the game again) incarnate as a human and TRY IT OUT......if you want to proceed anytime after, you can.....but you get one trial run, to test the waters.....

and go back to "alien group", afterwards....
and anytime later may go HUMAN SIMULTANEOUS...
but they can do this only ONCE.....

after the return to alien experience...they can remain alien for many more lifetimes until they are ready as "BRAVE SOULS" go onward...
But they cannot return to alien and go back to human and go back and forth again and again...


posted on May, 2 2008 @ 03:53 AM
reply to post by conxposer

Thanks for responding conxposer, your answers are very interesting, still I have some more questions.
So, we humans have great spiritual potential, what is it exactly that these aliens are interested in, I mean, how can they put our potential to their advantage?
Is it just our DNA they want to use and investigate, or are they just trying to keep us from reaching our potential, wich would make us "superior" to them. What is their goal?
What do they gain right now by controlling us? Or is it just about fear of staying behind?

posted on May, 2 2008 @ 04:51 AM
reply to post by enigmania

reply to post by theRiverGoddess

Well, it’s a question of what muddies the water. A story can be very credible, but just one point can turn it into a work of fiction. For example, when the author makes a sweeping statement or a grand opening by saying that we are their servants, we are their slaves, we are their property, we are theirs, it turns it into a load of crap, and credibility takes a beating.

I ain’t no slave, property or servant to any damn alien here. PERIOD! I am free and have been so for more than half a century. Are YOU a slave to a bunch of ETs? I think not. Such statements really get my goat! And make an otherwise perfectly credible story go to pot! So do I really need to read beyond that first page?

I would like to clarify that I have an open mind and do believe in life beyond Earth – even intelligent life probably millions of years ahead of us Earthlings. But when it comes to such bizarre statements as I’ve mentioned above, then I see it as poppy cock. Get my drift?

Sorry if I have hurt the feelings of some of you here, especially theRiverGoddess. And needless to say, that was not the intention! I have nothing against the OP too. Only the so called ‘Hidden History Of Planet Earth’!

OK guys! Care to join me for a glass of beer? Cheers!

posted on May, 2 2008 @ 05:15 AM
reply to post by mikesingh

You are just repeating your arguments for it to be bs, very simplistic arguments I might add.

I ain’t no slave, property or servant to any damn alien here. PERIOD! I am free and have been so for more than half a century.

If you wouild've read the whole story you would know that there might be various methods of control wich make you not realize you are a slave.
I feel you are dismissing this with a knee-jerk reaction, that doesn't suit you.
Like we are not supposed to know.
Also, you only came back to answer after I called you out in the other thread.
Now you are trying to glue things, not giving any other or better arguments,
just talking about drinking a beer, making it look less important.
Giving us bits and pieces of info we mostly already knew, and are allowed to know, in well written, intelligent looking posts, making you look like an unbiased, trustworthy person, then when something of real importance comes along, you dismiss it right away. Mikesingh, the voice of reason, nothing to see here people!
Who are you Mike?

posted on May, 2 2008 @ 05:28 AM

Originally posted by enigmania
Mikesingh, the voice of reason, nothing to see here people!
Who are you Mike?

Not a Pleiadian for sure!!


posted on May, 2 2008 @ 05:37 AM
reply to post by mikesingh

Wow, great tactic Mike, Now I'm absolutely sure. Nothing more to say for yourself? Wow.


[edit on 2/5/08 by enigmania]

posted on May, 2 2008 @ 07:25 AM

Originally posted by theRiverGoddess
Your calling me a closed minded zealot, after the books that I listed that coincide with this story, and THE TERRA PAPERS are the cohesive fusion that puts things in perspective...and this makes me a closed minded zealot how?

No, I called you a closed-minded zealot for accusing someone of being up to something nefarious for the simple fact of he doesn't agree with you.

Originally posted by theRiverGoddess
Your jumping in to protect Mike after not even a 6 month membership on this site? I have watched and admired his MANY posts for years before you got times Mike is dead on target and other times is far from the mark and it makes one wonder...

First, it doesn't matter if I've been here 6 minutes, 6 months, or 6 years, I can defend anyone I want to. There is no minimum length of membership before you can defend or debate anyone. An invalid and illogical argument meant to do nothing but distract.

Second, only the most closed-minded, zealous, or delusional would think that someone cannot have a reasonable disagreement or just simply be wrong. One does not assume that just because someone is wrong or disagrees that they are attempting to decieve you.

Originally posted by theRiverGoddess
I never made mention of any of his works as I have not read them.
I brought up the keen similarities to THE KEYS OF ENOCH and to THE URANTIA BOOK, THE HOLY BIBLE, THE DEAD SEA SCROLLS..... & THE STARSEED well as Barbra Marciniak's channeled Pliedian series.

While you may not have read Sitchin, my statement is still correct in sentiment. You are saying it is real because it corresponds with books and stories that have been around for decades and centuries. That isn't much proof; in fact, it is something anyone can do. Make up a story, drop a few names that have been floating around on the kook-fringe of UFOlogy, and you'll have the gullible lapping it up.

I have to say though, you have given me a great laugh this morning. I needed that. Thank you! I can't believe someone would actually trot out "channeled" information as proof of anything. Especially the Pleadians; tell me, how am I supposed to believe enlightened beings, far more evolved and advanced that humans, come from a star cluster than is 4500x younger than the Earth?

Originally posted by theRiverGoddess
Did you read THE TERRA PAPERS SaviorComplex?
What do you have to say about the work?
...I see you saying "this person is right" or "that person is right" but not making any real comments on what YOU thought of the work...

You must have missed all the comments I made about it being drek, unoriginal, and just a bad sci-fi story. But just in case I need to reiterate myself...I think it's crap, both laughable and pathetic that anyone would believe a single word of it.

Originally posted by theRiverGoddess
There is also a 'knowing' inside of me that comes from playing in the higher consciousness realms outside of the physical body, that I can't prove to you in anyway....but it IS there.....
..I can only hope and pray that someday you to will be privey to such knowledge for yourself.

You go right ahead with the navel-gazing and believing any schmuck that comes along with a story just because they say that got it from the Star Hippies of the Horse Head Nebula. The rest of us will concern ourselves with science and proof, and try to undo the damage the damage people like you do to the subject.

posted on May, 2 2008 @ 07:40 AM

Originally posted by enigmania
If you wouild've read the whole story you would know that there might be various methods of control wich make you not realize you are a slave.

I can assure you Mike does not need to read the Terra Papers. Being interested in this subject for years, Mike will have already heard whats in the Terra Papers. It doesn't say a single thing new that hasn't already been said elsewhere. He is not missing a single thing.

Originally posted by enigmania
Who are you Mike?

Better question is who are you?

posted on May, 2 2008 @ 07:47 AM
reply to post by SaviorComplex

I have to say though, you have given me a great laugh this morning. I needed that. Thank you! I can't believe someone would actually trot out "channeled" information as proof of anything. Especially the Pleadians; tell me, how am I supposed to believe enlightened beings, far more evolved and advanced that humans, come from a star cluster than is 4500x younger than the Earth?

TheRiverGoddess wasn't out to prove anything, she claimed no proof, there is no proof in this story. Just as there is no proof for someone to dismiss this story as bs, rightaway, without even reading the remaining 50+ pages. That was what your initial argument was about, and she was right.

The only people here trying to prove something, are the people trying to prove it wrong. If you don't like the subject at hand, please leave us be so we can discuss this, we, or at least I, aren't here to prove anything.
This thread has been derailed enough already, I'm quilty of that to.

posted on May, 2 2008 @ 07:58 AM
Well I can't get any of the pages to work.

Do you know of anywhere else it can be found?

posted on May, 2 2008 @ 08:00 AM

Originally posted by SaviorComplex

Originally posted by enigmania
If you wouild've read the whole story you would know that there might be various methods of control wich make you not realize you are a slave.

I can assure you Mike does not need to read the Terra Papers. Being interested in this subject for years, Mike will have already heard whats in the Terra Papers. It doesn't say a single thing new that hasn't already been said elsewhere. He is not missing a single thing.

Originally posted by enigmania
Who are you Mike?

Better question is who are you?

Ok, next time Mike starts a new thread about whatever topic, I'll read the first line, and declare it bs, because most things in his great threads are also already discussed elsewhere, I wouldn't be missing a thing.

Why are you so keen on encouraging people not to read this, cause that's what you guys are doing, we aren't dumb you know, I think you've made it pretty clear. Just look at you.

Mike was online to, but let's you do the dirty work for him. Mike, care to say anything of substance yourself, or are you afraid to blow your cover.

[edit on 2/5/08 by enigmania]

posted on May, 2 2008 @ 08:05 AM

Originally posted by enigmania

TheRiverGoddess wasn't out to prove anything, she claimed no proof, there is no proof in this story. Just as there is no proof for someone to dismiss this story as bs, rightaway, without even reading the remaining 50+ pages. That was what your initial argument was about, and she was right.

My initial argument was about what again? Why don't you tell me what my initial argument was. I never said I only read the first are making that assumption.

Originally posted by enigmania
If you don't like the subject at hand, please leave us be so we can discuss this, we, or at least I, aren't here to prove anything.
This thread has been derailed enough already, I'm quilty of that to.

Actually, I think I'll stay right where I am. I have every right to sit here and tell you why I think this is bunk. You don't like it, you're more than welcome to hit the ignore button.

posted on May, 2 2008 @ 08:17 AM
reply to post by SaviorComplex

I was referring to the initial argument you had with TheRiverGoddess about her reply to Mike not reading the whole story. I not saying anything about you reading or not reading it.

I'm saying there is no proof either way, to dismiss or acknowledge this story.
Surely for someone that is "fighting ignorance and searching for truth" this would be essential. So somewhere in your process, something must've gone wrong.

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