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does drinks like Coke/Pepsi poison the body?

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posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 05:48 AM

does drinks like Coke/Pepsi poison the body?

Just what my parent believe and I would like to know if someone can shed some light on the subject
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 05:48 AM
Look im new to the site and I have been reading a thread which went on to talk about "Aspartame" and its dangers.

Well this reminded me on something my Father swears by he grew up with a guy who was physically in good shape and lead an active sports life as did my father, well when they left school they started working on a building site and so forth the story goes that this guy would drink nothing but coke or pepsi and when everyone else drunk Tea or Water he would stick to hes favourite.

Anyway while in he's 30's he was taken ill and before long cancer set in and he passed away at 36.

My father and those who know him swear it was down to these drinks or the high dosage he would take daily and my father has never touched a drop on principle.

I have seen what happens when you put an old coin or penny into a cup of coke over night and when you see how clean it brings the coin up it does indicate some chemical properties.

What I would like to know is if anyone else has looked into this theory or can shed some light on the subject I have grown up in the coke and pepsi generation and would like to gather a bit more info.

(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 05:54 AM
It was probably Pepsi that offed him . Coke was created by the same gods that created beer so it's good for the body. Try to get the Mexican bottled coke in the glass bottles it's made with cane sugar. Of course these facts I have presented are only facts to me and may not be the same opnion as other lower life forms that may drink stuff not created by the gods themselves.

Happy Tuesday


posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 06:00 AM
They certainly aren't good for you. It would be terribly unhealthy to use them as your only source of liquid.

posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 06:52 AM
reply to post by Britishmanwithaplan

Indeed, the effects of Aspartame is potentially very bad according to some credible sources, although I don't believe that is present in regular coke/pepsi - only the diet brands.

Personally, I would be far more worried about the consumption of fluoride in drinking water. Now, that is a known poison; or more specifically, the industrial waste they dump in the water supply is a known poison.

EDIT: spelling

[edit on 15-4-2008 by nobodyv2]

posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 07:08 AM
I have heard about chemicals in the water they are in the process of allowing this in the uk now as well and I have heard some nasty stories.

I just wonder if there is truth to these "old wives tails" because lets be honest everyone is aware of the population problems and in the UK its currently the pension problems where people are living too long and claiming too much money then next thing you know they are putting chemicals in the water.

It very worrying

posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 07:45 AM
reply to post by Britishmanwithaplan

They are using the same water to make Coke and Pepsi. So, you should get a good filtration system and keep drinking water. Remember, millions of people would kill to have access to the water that you flush down the toilet. It may be bad and questionable, but it could be a hell of a lot worse.

posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 02:23 PM
Stay away from fake sugars and corn syrup. They don't metabolize properly and giving a lab rat cancer isn't something to be take lightly.

As a side note I think it's pretty frightening that the FDA has banned the use of Sassafras root in some things because in high quantities it gives rats cancer but Aspartame and Saccharin are in everything imaginable despite there giving rats cancer. Go figure. Good ol' federal government always looking out for our "best interests."

If you absolutely must have soda in your life get one that's made with real sugar, flavor, and nothing else.

Soda is just liquid candy. It's supposed to be a treat not a constant dietary component.

posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 11:38 PM
I have been drinking at least 64 ounces of Pepsi or Dr. Pepper a day since I was about 12 years old (I am now 29). At one point I was drinking 200+ ounces of it.

However, as an amusing twist: I try and eat primarily organic foods with a wide range in my diet.

I go to the gym regularly focusing on cardio and isometric weight lifting exercises. I am 6 foot tall and weighed 165 lbs (2 weeks ago). Colds last about three days for me as does the flu.

My Teeth also are fine. No sign of diabetes though there is a family history.

Simple fact is anything and everything can kill you. Anything and everything is shown to cause cancer in lab experiments. As for the penny dissolving etc... so what? Your stomach acid is more potent than a soda, as such it wont do you harm by itself-the phosphorus however could leech calcium-take a supplement.

I am certainly not claiming soda's are healthy. But they are not poison. And no, they do not cause things like ADD in kids (They simply make them hyper).

Basically: KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid). If you are worried then learn the chemistry behind it (Chemistry does not mean the talking points). The vast majority of food products now days are loaded with High fructose corn syrup and other substances. We consume far too much garbage to pin it down on one item in the diet. Most of it though is inert and just gets flushed out naturally.

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