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Chemtrail upscale??? 3700 flights cancelled for "inspection issues"??

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posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 10:56 PM
here's the biggest question to all members of ats that do not agree with the theory of chemtrails and their possible uses or intent, why the grid like patterns in the sky? I mean come on our government has enough money to just fly planes everyday in patterns that appear as though they have been designed on a drawing board in shapes that are very symmetrical. Why? military operations? I don't think so. Every day in the area where I live they are spraying. Yes spraying , not flying patterns, spraying. The so called cirrus like clouds that appear are actually a life form known as sylphs, I have been able to summon them for quite a while and they are here to clean up the skies. Look inside for the answers to all the mysteries and all will be well in the world.

posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 10:59 PM
reply to post by spiritual being 13

Yes spraying , not flying patterns, spraying. The so called cirrus like clouds that appear are actually a life form known as sylphs, I have been able to summon them for quite a while and they are here to clean up the skies.

Hey, can you please provide us with the evidence that these jets are spraying chemicals upon you? Did you take samples from thousands of miles above you?

And can you please explain what you mean by life forms known as slyphs and you summoning them?


posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 11:00 PM

Originally posted by Pilot
reply to post by Zeus187

That's what they do as soon as the word "chemtrail" appears on ATS, and presumably anywhere else on the internet...they pounce and put a halt to any discussion by ridicule and puffed up credetials Im a this Im a that blah blah. Use your ignore button.

They make the case for disinfo agents everytime they do it, I advised the 3 wise men of gotham (I know you are female leo so don't get the panties in a twist) to be more discreet when ganging up on chemtrail op's, but, alas, they lack the finesse. If ya wanna talk chemtrails, ignore 'em and post all the wild claims you wish. Getting bogged down with agents is a bore.

Care to label us on the disinformation thread I created. And then tell us why?

And for your information the Op of this thread (who is polite, I might add) has welcomed rebuttals to his topic and is making up his own mind about whether or not he believes chemtrails exist. Without us posting he would only get the one side of the story....yours.

In fact are you not promoting disinfo by telling him to ignore us, thus leaving him with only your opinion on chemtrails?

posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 11:10 PM
reply to post by greeneyedleo

You are going to enjoy this one Leo…

Magical Sylphs Eat Chemtrails

posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 11:18 PM

Originally posted by greeneyedleo
reply to post by Gerizo

Your entitled to your opinion but lighten up. I happen to believe what I see with my own to eyes and I noticed that the planes where spraying chemicals in the sky and I also have many pictures to prove this. I even called the EPA myself and the representative on the phone told me that they were indeed "chemtrails" and not contrails.

Please, do provide us with your evidence that what you see when you look up in the skies is in fact - CHEMICALS being sprayed upon you.

Seriously, I want to see your evidence. Not pictures = they tell NOTHING = but your scientific evidence that you personally have.

I mean, go ahead and show a picture. But I want you to show your picture of a CHEMTRAIL right next to a picture of a CONTRAIL. Then proceed to tell me exactly what the difference is in the picture.


Oh, and I dont believe you when you said the EPA told you that jets/planes are spraying chemicals upon us all. Sorry, not buying it. In fact, I might just call them myself tomorrow. Please provide me with the number you called!


There's the pictures. The difference is simple, contrails disappear, chemtrails don't. Usually after the planes are out the weather gets cloudy, most times it rains. My evidence is my notebook with the time, date, weather that day, pictures. I didn't say that he said they were spraying us with anything. I asked him if those were contrails he simple stated no they are chemtrails. After I explained how after the planes trails would remain in the sky, fan out into clouds, blocking the sun. He said well those are chemtrails. He didn't know what was being sprayed and he didnt say anything more, he gave me a number which had a washington d.c area code for more info. I decided at that point to no longer pursue the issue. I also have better things to do than post made up stories in replying to the topic. So yes I indeed did call.
I believe this was the number I called:
Phone us at 312-353-2000 or toll-free at 800-621-8431 from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Central time. No, I did not get his name unfortunately.

Funny how quickly my post was attacked by 3 people. Isn't ATS about denying ignorance? Your being ignorant into not wanting to why this chemtrail stuff is going on. Harmful or not. Instead you attack people that simply question or want to know more about it.

posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 11:20 PM

Originally posted by spiritual being 13
Yes spraying , not flying patterns, spraying. The so called cirrus like clouds that appear are actually a life form known as sylphs, I have been able to summon them for quite a while and they are here to clean up the skies. Look inside for the answers to all the mysteries and all will be well in the world.

Thats absolutely hilarious, do you know what clouds are made of? Ever heard of a little thing called water?

I like how they said that the rainbow colour in the cirrus clouds was the chemtrails buster killing the chemtrail on defcons link. In fact they weren't even contrails, just cirrus clouds

It was quite a good picture of irisation actually, just proving that the cirrus clouds aren't sylphs, just ice crystals

posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 11:21 PM
reply to post by spiritual being 13

spiritual, ya know, I'm going to go buy some aeronautical charts for you, because you, and others, just don't seem to get it.

I'll try again....take a look at a map, use whatever country you currently live in, then take a real close look at al of the major cities that airliners fly between.

Did you notice that sometimes airplanes will fly East-West, or North-South?

Let me use the East Coast of the USA as an example: One very heavily travelled section of the country is the NorthEast to Florida (and other destinations down south). Of course, there are the trans-con flights, East West....and of course, again, the ones that are International...there are a heck of a lot of flights nowadays, just look it up!!

Back to my last paragraph....guess what? Some flights go North-South, some go East-West....surprise!! Looks like a grid!!!

We now have, in the US Airspace system, RVSM standards, for airplanes that have sufficient certification, as pertains to their pitot-static systems....

What this means is, and (sigh) I've already written this several times, but here it goes again....

Because of safety concerns, and some fears that above about 29000 feet, there needed to be a minimum separation of 2000 vertically between airplanes, that was the requirement for many years. Better technology has allowed the RVSM implementation, so the normal 1000 foot vertical separation standard can be used above FL290, when the airplane is so certified.

Assigned cruise altitudes are based on the 'magnetic course'. a course of 001 to 179 degrees, clockwise, is considered 'odd' (East is odd). A course of 181 to 359 degrees, closckwise, is thusly 'even'.

A due North or due South is rare, and is decided based on the other legs in the Flight Plan

I have actually flown flight plans, from the NYC area to Florida, where there is a point, when the mag course changes, then ATC requests a new altitude, in order to fit in to the 'system'.

There are always exceptions of course, but it is how the system is designed, and we work within the system.

Now, I've had to write all of this, as education for those who may not have seen it before.

The cancellations at AA? It was a political move by the FAA, because they got their hand caught in the cookie jar, as it pertains to the office in Dallas that was too cozy with SouthWest Airlines. See? AA is headquartered in Dallas....getting it yet? Poor AA got caught up in a political CYA maneuver, after the SouthWest publicity scandal....

Here's interesting info: Continental Airlines is headquartered in Houston, Texas...not Dallas, please take note. Guess what? NO problems at Continental. Know why? They are well-managed, and well-run.


posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 11:25 PM

Originally posted by Gerizo
There's the pictures. The difference is simple, contrails disappear, chemtrails don't. Usually after the planes are out the weather gets cloudy, most times it rains.

Cirrus clouds are a good indicator of rain. I take it you've never done forecasting using the clouds...right?

Maybe you should review this link

Funny how quickly my post was attacked by 3 people. Isn't ATS about denying ignorance? Your being ignorant into not wanting to why this chemtrail stuff is going on. Harmful or not. Instead you attack people that simply question or want to know more about it.

Careful who you call ignorant around here, you could be considered ignorant for not doing enough research into upper air weather

posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 11:28 PM
reply to post by Gerizo

Funny how quickly my post was attacked by 3 people. Isn't ATS about denying ignorance? Your being ignorant into not wanting to why this chemtrail stuff is going on. Harmful or not. Instead you attack people that simply question or want to know more about it.

You were not attacked. You claimed that the trails above you were CHEMTRAILS. WE asked for your evidence of such great claims. You still have not provided it. Your pictures show contrails. Contrails absolutely DO stay in the sky for long periods of time. Espeically when the temps are cold. This is fact. And there are professionals here who have explained this over and over.

Thefore, I (and a few others) are actually the one denying your ingorance.

Again, can you please provide us with your proof that chemicals were being sprayed above you. Thanks! It will help us all in this long winded debate!

posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 11:30 PM
reply to post by OzWeatherman

Your behavior is disgraceful. You are bullies.

How is that?

posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 11:36 PM
reply to post by Pilot

Actually, we are all either current or retired aviation, and meteorology professionals, and we have tried to explain things very patiently despite constantly having to repeat ourselves. The Chemtrail believers so far are the ones who are making the personnel attacks by calling us everything from paid shills to bullies.

[edit on 4/13/2008 by defcon5]

posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 11:39 PM
reply to post by Gerizo

Dude! Gerizo, nice pictures, as I've commented before wen many others before you post these pretty things....

They are CIRRUS clouds. Could be ALTO-cumulus, have to ask the meteorologist here....sometimes I've seen cirrus clouds, when distorted by upper winds, spread out and refered to as 'horse-tails'....strictly an American term, I'm guessing....OZ?

Thing is....naturally occuring clouds 'persist' for hours and hours, depending on where you are on the ground observing, of course, and how fast the particular layer of atmosphere that the cloud formed in and is persisting is moving....

Think is, a jet contrail is, really, an 'artificial' cloud, I'll concede that point. It is artificial because of a vehicle that flew through an airmass, and exhausted HOT air, along with a few hydrocarbons as a result of the INTERNAL COMBUSTION that occured within the engines.

Trying to finish this notion, it is difficult to keep saying this....there are simply NO, and I emphasize NO spraying apparatus on commercial jets, it is silly to think so, any number of people can go to an airport and see, but that's a waste of time, since there is no, and I mean NO WAY to hide this apparatus from tens of thousands of prying eyes, meaning the airline employees themselves.....

Finally, again, use some logic: These are poisons? Then they'd spray at night so you couldn't see them. These are helping to fight GW? THEN they'd trumpet it rorm every WH Press conference!!!

So, pick one....Poison? Meaning, they actually poison EVERYONE? Including the idiot-in-chief? Or, GW solution, but it's (shhhh!) secret! is natural, and a result of airplanes flying through the sky....

OK, pick one!


posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 11:47 PM

Originally posted by Pilot
reply to post by OzWeatherman

Your behavior is disgraceful. You are bullies.

How is that?


What part of 'truth' do you not understand?

You asked a very good question, on another thread on this subject, and I explained, to you, how airplanes climb out after take-off, and how they descend from cruise a general way, knowing that traffic issues and airspace issues will vary around any country.

But, now you attack a poster? Attack me, not him!!


posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 11:48 PM

Originally posted by OzWeatherman

Originally posted by Gerizo
There's the pictures. The difference is simple, contrails disappear, chemtrails don't. Usually after the planes are out the weather gets cloudy, most times it rains.

Cirrus clouds are a good indicator of rain. I take it you've never done forecasting using the clouds...right?

Maybe you should review this link

Funny how quickly my post was attacked by 3 people. Isn't ATS about denying ignorance? Your being ignorant into not wanting to why this chemtrail stuff is going on. Harmful or not. Instead you attack people that simply question or want to know more about it.

Careful who you call ignorant around here, you could be considered ignorant for not doing enough research into upper air weather

Maybe you should review this link
Please check out the sources link at the bottom. No i have not as I am not a meteorologist. Ignorant why? Because the best you can come up with is research upper air weather. Please don't insult my intelligence. It doesn't take much to look up and see planes criss-crossing the sky spraying chemtrails. Contrails that jets leave behind do not remain in the sky for hours on end. Where I live it seems to increase during sunrise and sunset. Everyone is entitled to there own opinion and you shouldn't attack people for asking what is going on.

posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 11:51 PM
reply to post by Gerizo

Sorry I didnt type the link in correctly.

posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 11:55 PM
dear greeneyed leo, yes I run tests every day on the atmosphere. I observe nature at all levels of life, and I also communicate with life forms you may not be aware of. That being said you need to understand that I am here to educate those who are ready to learn about these forms of communication and ready to love the planet and all life on it, in it, and around it. for you see the burden of proof is on you to demonstrate to this audience that no.1 there are no planes flying these dangerous patterns, by the way commercial airlines have a distance restriction and would never fly in patterns such as these, and no.2 that these whatever you want to call them, contrails, are just that. Everyone on Earth has the ability to not only see these trails, but to sense that they are dangerous. Look inside, all knowledge is contained within, get back to me after looking inward and tell what you find. much love, me

posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 11:57 PM

Originally posted by Gerizo
It doesn't take much to look up and see planes criss-crossing the sky spraying chemtrails. Contrails that jets leave behind do not remain in the sky for hours on end. Where I live it seems to increase during sunrise and sunset. Everyone is entitled to there own opinion and you shouldn't attack people for asking what is going on.

Please review these posts:
Persistence of contrails:

posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 11:57 PM

Originally posted by greeneyedleo
reply to post by Gerizo

Funny how quickly my post was attacked by 3 people. Isn't ATS about denying ignorance? Your being ignorant into not wanting to why this chemtrail stuff is going on. Harmful or not. Instead you attack people that simply question or want to know more about it.

You were not attacked. You claimed that the trails above you were CHEMTRAILS. WE asked for your evidence of such great claims. You still have not provided it. Your pictures show contrails. Contrails absolutely DO stay in the sky for long periods of time. Espeically when the temps are cold. This is fact. And there are professionals here who have explained this over and over.

Thefore, I (and a few others) are actually the one denying your ingorance.

Again, can you please provide us with your proof that chemicals were being sprayed above you. Thanks! It will help us all in this long winded debate!

Sorry pictures and what I witnessed with my own two eyes is all I need. The pictures where taken last June and I believe it was 80 outside. Your not proving me with anything but arguments stating what you think. I feel like im on FOX twist and manipulate facts in order to tell an opinion.

posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 11:58 PM
If I had the authority I would invite every 'chemtrail' believer here on ATS to come fly in the cockpit (well, better called 'flight deck' nowadays) for a three-day trip, but it just won't happen.

Here are the people authorized to occupy a 'flight deck' jumpseat:

An FAA Inspector, while operating in that capacity

A Secret Service Agent, when operating in his/her normal duties of protection

A pilot employed by the airline, for personal reasons

A mechanic employed by the airline, when traveling on a charter and is designated as a 'required' crewmember.

A pilot from another authorized air carrier, who once 'vetted' is aproved for carriage on the jumpseat.

HOWEVER, if there is a valid passenger seat available in the cabin, all mentioned, except the FAA Inspector, on duty, and the Secret Service Agent, on duty, must occupy a seat in the cabin.


posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 11:59 PM
reply to post by defcon5

That is the funny thing defcon, why are you few so heavily invested in controlling the chemtrail threads? If I were you, I would probably find it a real bore and not so much fun to beat my head against a wall with all my little charts and proof and expertise because it seems there are people who refuse to take the word of "experts" over what they see and feel intuitively is wrong.

It reeks of coordination when you, weedwhatever, weatherman and the leo chick hammer away with your charts and proofs and expertise and skepticism on every chemtrail thread that ever gets posted. Can't you see that?

WHY?? Why if you know so much and are sure it's a hoax, why bother?? To deny ignorance? To zealously deny ignorance about one particular conspiracy theory? To zealously deny ignorance about one particular CT agenda?

You said yourself you have relayed the same info 10,000 times - when you planning on retiring? Aren't you sick of wasting your time?? Have you actually ever changed anyones mind about chemtrails? I would be glad to speak to anyone of your friends who previously held the belief that chemtrails were real, but after your careful and patient tutelage has seen the light, that they are harmless whisps of water hanging there.

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