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Convert your Car to run on Water

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posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 01:11 AM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

Yea thats a cool idea for electrodes. Cups with spacers between them...
Another idea thats been tried with success are the home depot (or anywhere) stainless steel wall switch plates (solid ones without any lightswitch holes..). THese can be stacked many times, and even have the screw hardware holes for the attachment for stacking..

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 01:51 AM

That is a link to a Japanese inventor who created a car that runs on water. Seriously. This isn't a scam site, it's reuters, a news service....oh wait, MSM, might be a scam site. But at least it's not some obscure bull. Check it!

posted on Jun, 23 2008 @ 12:07 PM
reply to post by Apex Predator

It certainly is not bull, its science, simple electrolysis (maybe with some other energy we aren't aware of yet fully also).

Honda is making a hydrogen on demand (HOD) car model as well. This may well be the next big thing for hybrids. Instead of gas/electric hybrids, it will be gas/HOD hybrids. This will eliminate the need for plugins for your vehicle, just top it off with water every week or so (depending on driving amounts).

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 09:31 AM
Total and utter pseudo-scientific bull#.
The energy costs of electrolsis to liberate hydrogen are higher than any possible energy gains from burning or recombining said hydrogen. There's no such thing as a free lunch and this axiom holds true in physics.
Even in a closed cycle (impossible to achieve), with perfect conversion (also impossible to achieve) and perfect recombination (again impossible), total net energy gain would be 0. In the real world there would actually be an energy cost, as energy is lost in various forms such as heat, due to mechanical and electrical resistance, imperfect liberation and recombination, and the generation of noise, would bring the net energy state change down from 0.

This is about a physically possible as a perpetual motion machine, or lifting yourself up by your own bootlaces.

Don't be a mug.

posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 06:29 PM
Hydrogen On Demand

Hydrogen-on-demand systems within the automotive industry may one day rock the world. If the current hydrogen on demand systems that are being developed pan out or if future hydrogen-on-demand systems take hold, this could mean that building a huge hydrogen gas infrastructure is not necessary. A hydrogen generator may one day start with just the turn of an ignition key.

Hydrogen On Demand

Hydrogen-on-demand systems within the automotive industry may one day rock the world. If the current hydrogen on demand systems that are being developed pan out or if future hydrogen-on-demand systems take hold, this could mean that building a huge hydrogen gas infrastructure is not necessary. A hydrogen generator may one day start with just the turn of an ignition key.

Hydrogen Power Inc.'s Converted 2005 Ford Ranger XL

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Currently, the hydrogen-on-demand systems that are being developed for the automotive industry either use electrolysis or a chemical reaction in order to generate hydrogen as needed for a car equipped with either an internal combustion engine (ICE) or a fuel cell. The hydrogen-on-demand systems that use electrolysis generally use some other metal catalyst such as aluminum or magnesium to help aid in the process.

The hydrogen-on-demand systems that use a chemical reaction usually start with sodium borohydride (or another boron / hydrogen derivative), which is a hydrogen-rich chemical compound and force a reaction that releases the hydrogen as needed. In the case of sodium borohydride (NaBH4), the result of the chemical reaction is to degrade into inert salt, which can then be recycled back into sodium borohydride again.

Some of the companies currently developing hydrogen-on-demand technology include Hydrogen Power Incorporated, who have developed a Hydrogen Now system, which they have demonstrated at the 2007 International Auto Show in Seattle, Washington. The Hydrogen Now system was retrofitted inside a 2005 Ford Ranger XL. Another company that currently has a retrofit hydrogen insertion device on the market, Hypower Fuel Incorporated is testing its new Hydrogen Reactor (H2R) on-demand system and is expected soon to demonstrate its device.

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