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Convert your Car to run on Water

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posted on Apr, 9 2008 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by ATruGod

I've bought several kits and plans and built some in order to test out and tinker with these. I've tested the output of gas along with the input of electricity, and thereby getting an efficiency for particular designs.

Output will vary somewhat depending on your electrolyte (water mixture) and electrode materials..

What was the name brand you have bought, you can post it here or u2u me..thanks.

Here are some documents on HHO gas production thru electrolysis:


So for a car, you would basically need the main components:

►Electrolysis cell
►Bubbler of other simple safety device
►Water reservoir (the fuel for the electrolysis cell)
►Misc tubing and fittings, check valves, solenoid, relay etc

If you want to get fancy, you can add a square waveform generator to the input to get supposedly increased efficiency. My first document addresses this and supplies the schematic.

[edit on 9-4-2008 by battlestargalactica]

posted on Apr, 9 2008 @ 03:28 PM
Alternative fuels always make me turn my head. You've got my attention now. I'd like to hear from Tru after he gets his installed. I trust (some of) the people on ATS a whole lot more than testimonials. I'll be waiting

posted on Apr, 10 2008 @ 02:05 AM
reply to post by MostlyHarmless

Same here.
Battlestar, if you know of a kit for a lincoln continental, 2002, please let me know. I actually just got back from the Chumash casino, and now I will actually buy the part and install it if you can point out a reputable one.... seriously.

posted on Apr, 10 2008 @ 02:20 AM
reply to post by battlestargalactica

Can you give us a ball park on fuel gain or what the max is you got on what design, I have been thinking of doing the same I have an older 90 BMW 325 that I can not worry about warranties on lol.


posted on Apr, 10 2008 @ 05:59 AM
Those kits is not for making your car run on water completely... from my understanding and further reading on this, it basically reduce your gasoline consumption, by adding extra combustable gas (hydrogen and oxygen) into your engine so you dont use to much gasoline to ignite...

It is a similar concept as hooking a nitrous oxide into your car

[edit on 10-4-2008 by IspyU]

posted on Apr, 10 2008 @ 06:10 AM
Sorry if i'm repeating someone... but i find this interesting


posted on Apr, 10 2008 @ 06:29 AM
more information can be found on this Yahoo group -

more than 8000 members that study / are interested in this subject! I guess this is the way to save time and get in touch with hands-on ppl !

posted on Apr, 10 2008 @ 09:35 AM
reply to post by IspyU

BMW is now in production for the "Hydrogen 7" which is a Hydrogen assist type set up. The car stores Hydrogen in a special tank in liquid form. They will also be producing the "Tesla" which is a roadster. The cars can run on either conventional gas or Hydrogen.

posted on Apr, 10 2008 @ 01:49 PM
there are already have those cars out to the general public... but where is the hydrogen pump....

[edit on 10-4-2008 by IspyU]

posted on Apr, 10 2008 @ 02:45 PM
This is a good starting website for information kit (they are selling it):

But the HHO cell is fairly chincy, but a good informational book on how to setup a car. What I would do is buy either a car kit or an ebook with info in it to setup a car, then swap out the electrolyser for something beefier.

Here is a good link that has many HHO links to various makers, or use the links the OP posted too..

Index of HHO ..

So what can you expect if you a) install a proper kit to your car and b) upgrade the electrolyser, or build one that has some substance to it?

It is not going to replace your fuel, in order to replace your gasoline input to your engine, you would need around 500-750 liters/minute! Thats a lot of gas output! If you build a good HHO cell, you can expect it to output around 1-4 liters/min. With that amount of gas (which is sizable, just try to light a single bubble of HHo and you will see the power of hydrogen!)

A cell of that size you can expect a 10% - 25% increase in gas mileage. Some may experience greater increases as well due to varying circumstances. So for free basically, if you were getting 30mpg, you can expect to get around 33mpg at the low end to 40mpg at the high end.

The units I tested for example, a low-end unit was producing barely .3 liters/min and a pricier unit was producing 1.2 liters/min. This more expensive cell was priced at $400, however one can make it for around $100 or less.

So if you bought a car kit with all the components, tubing, fittings, electrical, bubbler, switches, reservoir etc and built or bought your own HHO cell, you can expect 10-25% for little cost.

Just remember HHO is an explosive gas! It is dangerous and can kill you, but is easily made safe with simple safety devices, one of which is called a bubbler, other devices are flashback arresters (like a cigarette filter) and other such simple devices to prevent the flamefront from reaching your gas production.

Example of explosions! (planned and unplanned

This one has adult language content, it is a over-pressure explosion

A planned one:

Never use glass (duh):

[edit on 10-4-2008 by battlestargalactica]

posted on Apr, 10 2008 @ 05:21 PM

Originally posted by IspyU
there are already have those cars out to the general public... but where is the hydrogen pump....

[edit on 10-4-2008 by IspyU]

*Correction i was thinking about electric cars

posted on Apr, 10 2008 @ 06:11 PM
reply to post by IspyU

You may be thinking of another technology realted to this. What we are talking about is "Hydrogen On Demand" technology, that is producing hydrogen on board the vehicle. Another technology is hydrogen fuel stored on-board the vehicle, this requires strict safety concerns and expensive equipment, hydrogen fuel pumps, extensive modifications to the car etc.

This is why H2 on Demand is so nice, but right now is only a fuel addition to your gasoline but can still afford % increase in MPG (see above post).

posted on Apr, 10 2008 @ 06:15 PM
reply to post by jbondo

I agree! they make it sound as if they are working night and day trying to find a cure to helps us with the oil crisis, its a totall load of bs.

posted on Apr, 10 2008 @ 06:30 PM
What about using HHO for home heating? To replace propnae for instance. Are there any plans out there for that? I have a 100 foot deep well with 90 plus feet of water in it.

posted on Apr, 10 2008 @ 06:38 PM
reply to post by -Reason-

Search the net....there appears to be a manual to convert almost anything.

posted on Apr, 10 2008 @ 07:20 PM

Originally posted by -Reason-
What about using HHO for home heating? To replace propnae for instance. Are there any plans out there for that? I have a 100 foot deep well with 90 plus feet of water in it.

Well interesting question, I've thought about this myself, I havent ran the numbers on it, but I can run some back-o-napkin calcs here:

Assuming a say 450w HHO, running for 1 hour = 450wh
The electric cost for 450wh (depending on area)=450wh*$.0012/hr=$0.54/hr
So say inefficiencies that brings us to $1.00/hour to run the cell.

The cell produces 2 liters/minute = 120 liters gas/hour = $1.00

Now we calc the BTU for 120 liters H2.
120*.09=11moles*(eff,.666)=7.3gram H2

7.3g H2*35 wh/g = 255wh

So it took (theoreitcally) 450wh to produce 255wh of gas.

$1 in electrical cost = 255wh equivalent H2
Compare now with propane and the cost per gallon/liter..

posted on Apr, 11 2008 @ 03:57 AM
reply to post by battlestargalactica

I don't usually do this, never have actually, but I wanted to say that I am impressed with the depth of knowledge you have, as well as the effort that you put into this. My challenge remains though. I am WAY too busy to do any research. 2003 Lincoln Continental, find me a part, I will invest all the money, send you all the results so you can "science it up", and meanwhile reap the Bens of using the convertor. Thanks, and if you can't, I get it. Just limited for a while. To save a question, I am fairly handy with tools, but not a mechanic

posted on Apr, 11 2008 @ 09:43 AM
Thanks for the supergreat links to the pdf files, they really helped me, been looking for days for some deep end information on the o2 splitting technology.

i think of making a system for my garden house, i have a 140 watt solar panel which in some periods are wasting its output, a system filling up you h2 while your not there would be nice.. when winter comes you have a lot of litres for a weekend stay..

so if you can get the current to break the o2 from other sources which are locally available, the ground, the wind, the sun and optimize the h2 extraction process a house could be completely independent, using stored h2 to provide electricity, gas and heating back on damand in need.

by using the other technologies of h2 extraction, directly from the sunlight or directly from organic materials, enough h2 should be available for a family living in their own house.
people with investment capital could by windmills, wasteproducts and solar areas which produces hydrogen continously and stored

now i remember the problem with this, that its very dangerous to store hydrogen, how convenient then that there are people working on exactly that making hydrogen fuel cells. (instead of en demand)

i have ordered a package with 12 books on hydrogen extraction, im looking forward to be building my own remotely controlled hydrogen on demand spacecraft

to all of us,
-this is rocket fuel, take care

[edit on 11-4-2008 by skywatch]

posted on Apr, 11 2008 @ 10:10 AM
reply to post by -Reason-

Believe it or not I grew up in NWPA and there were oil leases (still are) all along the valley I lived in. Next to every oil jack was a 2" pipe sticking out of the ground with natural gas venting into the atmosphere. You know what else? I could go right back to those jacks today and the gas would still be venting. So, not only is heating gas being wasted, it has been going on for 50+ years. Many people can't even afford to heat their homes and we have oil companies that just vent gas as a waste product.

posted on Apr, 14 2008 @ 08:42 PM

Originally posted by battlestargalactica

Originally posted by kaferwerks
A great concept....I believe that this was debunked on Mythbusters as well.

Anyway, this is HHO (really its H2 O2, but referred by some as HHO) technology, so not technically hydrogen, but a gas called Browns Gas.

You can build a better one and learn from the experience.


I fully agree with your comments, that this systen...the Browns Gas method, which basically is a simplified version, which can be undertaken by even a novice and with simple instructions, you are already on your way to an alternative to paying high gas prices for nothing. This is a sure winner and the gas companies don't like it to take-off.

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