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Why do 90% of you hate America?

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posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 03:30 AM
I love America. It's the Stockholm Syndrome that causes that.

When national morale improves, so will I, and I'll be singing about how proud I am to be an American again, hopefully. The conspiracy thinking and finger pointing will still continue even on a most loving day.

Like you can love someone who keeps hitting you, or a dog that bites you, because they just don't know any better, that's how I love America these days.

Really, if I ever stopped loving my country, seriously, I would move out.

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 03:34 AM
LOL GenReaper, I hear guantanamo is really nice this time of year. I could use a holiday.

[edit on 25-3-2008 by jpm1602]

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 03:35 AM

Originally posted by Graemej213

Hi, I will bite your bait...

Alright I have been reading these boards off and on for about 2 years now and never really bothered to make an account, just liked to read what other people had to say and such.
Typical...stay out of the conflict until you feel like you have a valid enough point...don't join at the start to help ensure the conflict does not gets out of hand.

But I have decided now that I have a good question for all these people on the forums that bash America
Bash? yes because America was so innocent - removing sovereign governments here and there by force for decades without worldwide UN approval - before being "verbally attacked" in these forums, whilst ignoring genocide and horific human rights situations in countries equal in might or greater in might than America - or where the country has no American interest, such as oil.

and say all these outlandish things like;
9/11 was an inside job
Bush is a reptile
and he is trying to take over the world.

I will give you a point here, outlandish they are. However 9/11 was not handled well from the investigative perspective. No proper civilian oversight and many people were blocked from knowing the full facts.
Looking at Bush's use of military might and tactics one could well assume that the wheels were in motion not to take over the world, but to police it. Similar but different. In effect, America says - hey you get to do what you want how you want, as long as you use our rule book.

My question to you folks is why if you dislike this country so much and think all these thought don't you why buy a plane ticket and get out of here, because honestly we don't need people like you bringing this country down.
Having worked internationally with over 42 countries for the last 10 years i can tell you that this "type" statement is often typical of an American who has no outside world experience.
I am not talking about holidays in Mexico or Canada either. I am still not sure whether these sorts of statements are arrogance or naive, as you have assumed that these comments:
1. Are coming from people living in Amercia
2. Are from Americans
3. Are about America in general.
I read Bush, Reptile and take over the world...nothing about Americans, or America. I have a lot of US friends and generally speaking every nation has wonderful people, once you get to know them and respect their culture...including Americans

Also when you post a topic about 9/11 being an inside job think about the thousands of people that died and their family members and friends, you are insulting them by saying that and you should feel bad
If the police told me that my child, wife or sister was killed in a hit and run car accident and they had no clue to the person who did it other than it was reported that a Male by African American appearance driving a gang banger style hummer was seen in the area at the same time versus that in fact the person I loved was raped and murdered by a gang of white college school boys, I know which version I would want - THE TRUTH no matter how hard it hurt.

Another thing also is you folks that think the government is ruining this country are very very mistaken it is in fact you that is ruining this country by putting your unintelliegent ideas over the internet and having kids read this b/s.

Ironic that you misspell unintelligent...anyways I am no grammar cop.
Ideas of the people is what helped free America from UK rule and shape her constitution. I am sure so many Royals were touting exactly what you said just as America declared independence.

Anyways I don't want to turn this into a bashing thread I would really like to hear an intelligent response to my question...WHY DO YOU HATE AMERICA?

I don't hate America, its a piece of land. I don't hate her people, they are a great group of multicultural groups that need more time to learn how to work together.
My response has been intelligent and factual, I hope you find time to read it and understand that their is always a broader perspective.

Don't think in terms of another side of the point, as there may in fact be 3 or 4 or even 21 different perspectives on the same point, so is the world we live in...

Have fun!

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 03:38 AM

Originally posted by Graemej213
Also when you post a topic about 9/11 being an inside job think about the thousands of people that died and their family members and friends, you are insulting them by saying that and you should feel bad.

Surely it's more insulting to those who died for it to never be revealed who the real perpetraitors of 9/11 were. Does it show them respect to be blaming the wrong people for their deaths? No it doesn't. The most respectful thing we can do is to fight to uncover the absolute truth behind what happened. If it turns out that it was Al-Qaeda after all, then so be it. At least people investigated to establish the facts.

Originally posted by Graemej213
Another thing also is you folks that think the government is ruining this country are very very mistaken it is in fact you that is ruining this country by putting your unintelliegent ideas over the internet and having kids read this b/s.

I very much disagree. It is the people who make up America, not the goverment. If the people are discontent then America is discontent. And if the people are discontent, it's because they love their country so much that they will fight and oppose any single group who pose a threat to real American values - be it terrorists or the government itself. The government are NOT immune to criticism.

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 03:38 AM
I am an American and even I am starting to hate Americans. I mean come on, have you ever seen a dumber population? Most of them still think Iraq was behind 9-11, that Bush wasn't in on it, that the Pentagon was hit with a plane. Hell, my fellow Americans are getting ready to be Chipped after they've fallen into line for this new National ID Card. The list is so very long of why even I am starting to hate Americans. I mean, who the hell needs enemies when your neighbor is standing around while your house burns down.

Me? I am seriously think about moving to a 2rd World Country.

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 03:47 AM
Oh Canada, how I love thy maple leaf. British Columbia looking better and better every day. Good day mate, cold enough for ya' ey? How's about those redhawks!

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 03:47 AM
OP, apparently, you are the one who hates the United States.

Freedom of speech? Not in your world.

Right to question those who represent us? Not in your world.

Right to privacy? Not in your world.

Those who question the actions of those who they elected are the TRUE U.S.Americans. Those who don't would be better off under a dictatorship.

If you don't like it, you work to change it, you work on impeaching and not re-electing those who have abused their job. If you love the U.S. you work on making it better.

If you are in a relationship, and you love the person ... do you just leave them if they do something you don't like, or do you talk to them, work on it? What about a child? Do you disown them if they have been bad? No, you still love them, but you teach them the right way.

Remember, the government is our servant. They are public workers, hired by the people. They are our employees and therefore answer to us. We have every right to question their decisions and actions.

If they violate the law, which has been done by Bush and Cheney, then they should be appropriately punished. The are humans, they are not infallible gods. You should never treat a human as such just because of some title, especially a title that is a position of public service.

It seems like you need to read your Bill of Rights, Constitution, and Declaration of Independence a few times over until you understand just how astray this government has become.

Sounds like if you don't like What a Constitutional Democratic Republic is, then please go somewhere that has more of your style of rule ... Monarchy? Dictatorship? Facism? Corporatist? I am sure you can find one where people are afraid to question the people that serve them.

Our government and agencies have admitted to being involved in and having prior knowledge to events that cost U.S. lives. History repeats itself. It is impossible for anyone to say that there isn't a possibility that 9-11 was an inside job, because the evidence wasn't collected to prove otherwise. The official stories are not solid or based on real life physics. To be honest, you would have to admit there is no reasonable explanation at the current time that explains all the events of that day based on facts and evidence. CIA, FBI, military high ups question 9-11. So are people only credible if they agree with you? That is silly.

So, OP, why do you hate America? And, do you hate all of America? South America? North America? or just the U.S.A.?

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 03:51 AM

Im just glad i dont live in America cause my post ide reckon 5 minutes later ide have some one knocking at my door trying to lock me up cause i posted my beliefs which are against the Gov`s outlooks and tortured for having my say

No worries, we are all in this mess wheather we like it or not.

And if what you said in the quote were true, I would be on my way to Guantanamo as we speak (note my first post)

The situation hasn't been reduced to that point yet, but who knows. Pretty much anything could happen at any time, and none of it would really suprise me. Cheers.

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 04:01 AM
Another ignorant thread of someone with loads of self-compassion, 'look at us poor Americans', all these naughty people hate us.

I can tell you, pretty much no one in the Western world hates Americans. Personally, I don't even hate your government. I do think, however, your government consists of many criminals.

How can you explain the world that you are 'the best country in the world' (Bush, Hillary Clinton, Obama, they all say it) when:

-You have created a war on terrorism that costs billions, not just for Americans, but also for people in Europe, Canada, Australia and so many other countries.
-An illegal war in Iraq that has lead to hundreds of thousands of deaths.
-You want to police the world but only care about your own interest (Palestine-Israel, Darfur) Bush and his warmongers are horny to attack Iran while thousands of people are experiencing a genocide in Darfur, do you ever hear them about sending the marines to Darfur? No, nothing to gain there.
-You tell everyone they should live in accordance with international human right laws, while they themselves are torturing people.
-You put the US economy is a huge recession causing even bigger problems on a global scale.

Please get rid off your self compassion, no one hates Americans... how can you generalize that, or rather, how would you call Americans who are not in favor of their government? American American-haters?

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 04:05 AM
My son, my only son, insisted on joining the Marines, just like I did and the next thing you know he is patroling and doing things he is asking me not to ask about. Thank God, he made it back and out. I have again asked him what happened and this is what he said.

Dad, see those boots? (he booted a some camp boots he had put near the fireplace) He walked over and threw them in the fire and looked at me and said: Dad, those boots are covered with the blood of women and children and old men , I wish it were so easy to burn what we are doing over there out of my mind.

Don't tell me we are not the Biggest Terrorist on the Planet, Don't tell me Bush isn't a War Criminal.. I was in Viet Nam and know how this goes but never would I have believed a group wouold be so bold, so blood thirsty, such traitors.

G.W. Bush and those with him have sold this country down the tubes and unless my fellow Americans wake up and get serious about 9-11 and all the crimes this adminsitrations has committed...unless we do something to reverse NAFTA and everything the Bushes and all their Skull and Bones friends..the CFR,,,the Unilatereral Commission... hell, it is too late. we are screwed and my country has turned into a bunch of fat brainwash debt slaves.

I am about done.. Question is, where can I move me and my family where they will accept US Dollars.

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 04:29 AM
I was about to write a whole bunch of reasons why someone would hate the US, but then almost all my good points were already mentioned! But I would like to write a couple of lines, though;

First of all, are we talking about America?? I thought America was the whole continent?
But that brings me to my first point of the day:
Most people in Europe I've talked to experience "americans" as beeing ignorent. That is probably because of the US' school system! I really don't know what people learn in the "american" schools, but it almost feels like they only learn about themselves as a "country"! And I'm quite sure they don't learn geography.
Plus I feel that "americans" have been forced to believe that the States are the greatest country in the world since birth, partly because so many "americans" live in front of their television! USA might be one of the biggest countries, but it's far from the greatest country in the world!
Second of all, I don't really like the way the States have acted against several other countries. I'll give one good exsample that has nothing to do with the Iraq war or the Vietnam war or the Korean war etc. etc.:
A couple of weeks ago Israel bombed a whole bunch of Palestinian people, killing mostly children from a couple of months to around 8 years old! Nobody said a thing (and I bet it was never even covered in the news in the US)! But then a day or two after (or before, I don't remember) an arabic "man" went into an jewish school and killed a couple of people, and the States came out condemning the whole thing in the media minutes after it happened! Now, I know that most part of the rich part of the US are Jewish, and by not siding with Israel would almost be like treason! But that also means that the USA are NOT the good guys, like they always like to portray themselves as in the movies!

I blame mostly the government for choosing the richer, stronger side, and not the weaker side like the "good guys" should do! But I also blame the people who have blindedly trusted its government and never questioned their leaders!

Now, as a closing point I'd like to say I find it ironic that a once communist-hating people suddently live in a country were most of the media are owned by the republicans, and were brainwashing people is a daily rutine!

What the hell happened, and why aren't anybody doing anything?
Well, like Wu told us in '93: Cash Rules Everything Around Me, C.R.E.A.M. get the Money! Dollar Dollar Bill Ya!!!!

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 04:38 AM

Originally posted by MajKarma
I am about done.. Question is, where can I move me and my family where they will accept US Dollars.

The fact is, you can move anywere you want and you'll probably have it better! Everyone in Europe at least accept US Dollars. But at the Dollar rate as it is now, try to get a hold of some Euros!

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 04:40 AM

Originally posted by Graemej213
Alright I have been reading these boards off and on for about 2 years now and never really bothered to make an account, just liked to read what other people had to say and such.

Hi and welcome to ATS

But I have decided now that I have a good question for all these people on the forums that bash America and say all these outlandish things like; 9/11 was an inside job and that Bush is a reptile and he is trying to take over the world.

Well, if you've been reading for 2 years you'll know that it is a conspiracy theory board and the home of all thats weird and wonderful, so quite why you'd need to ask that I'm unsure.

My question to you folks is why if you dislike this country so much and think all these thought don't you why buy a plane ticket and get out of here

Some of us (myself included) don't live in the USA. This is an international board. Its kind of hard to get out of a country when you don't live there.

because honestly we don't need people like you bringing this country down.

So everythings OK with the USA and no-one should question anything?

Also when you post a topic about 9/11 being an inside job think about the thousands of people that died and their family members and friends, you are insulting them by saying that and you should feel bad.

You've made a logic leap there that I don't follow. What if it was an inside job? No one knows for sure. There are huge inconsistencies with alot of data and policies that should have been implemented and plainly weren't on the day, and the "evidence" showing the origions of the hijackers is flimsy at best. Isn't it more of an insult to the deceased not to find out in full exactly how and why they died and prevent it from happening again?

Another thing also is you folks that think the government is ruining this country are very very mistaken it is in fact you that is ruining this country by putting your unintelliegent ideas over the internet and having kids read this b/s.

"unintelligent ideas" + "b/s" huh? Well you say you've been around for 2 years or so, so I guess the notion that Courtesy is Mandatory won't have passed you by. You also seem to be under the impression that ATS is only available to people in the USA.

People come to ATS to share and express their opinions. Providing those opinions are within the Terms and Conditions of Use then they are valid and just as viable as anything you choose to post.

Anyways I don't want to turn this into a bashing thread I would really like to hear an intelligent response to my question...WHY DO YOU HATE AMERICA?

Whilst I'm sure that some people may actually hate all things American, I think you'll find that a large percentage of people dislike the Bush administration for its policies, its prosecution of a war that was not UN Security Council mandated, its continual rhetoric that the American way is the only way and the percieved notion that the US acts as an aggressive bully on the world stage to further its foreign policies, capped with an unequivocal support of Israel in anything that it does, regardless of the rights and wrongs of the situation. And while the USA does an awful lot of good in the world, it is by no means saintly, and an awful lot of what it does applies underhand double standards with only US interests at heart.

Now you may think thats "b/s", but we're here to Deny Ignorance and thats actually the way it is. I'm sorry if that shatters some of your illusions about the USA, or that you think the "kids" shouldn't be reading it, but to be frank they really need to be reading it so that they can do something about it should they so desire, because the US population makes up only about 5% of the worlds total and doing stuff that has the potential to upset the other 95% isn't necessarily a good idea.

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 05:49 AM

Originally posted by Graemej213
Alright I have been reading these boards off and on for about 2 years now and never really bothered to make an account, ...WHY DO YOU HATE AMERICA?

I hope you are not insulted by my questions. They are not meant to insult. I would honestly like to know the answers, because I can't understand how someone could read these forums for two years and not know why some people hate America.

My questions:

Are you on Prozac, Ritalin or some other prescribed mood enhancer? What is your education level? Are you still in high school?

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 06:21 AM
I'm not that proud to be an american right now. People look at Americans and say, "ignorant american."
It's really weird, I went to Germany and I swear I was called ignorant at least 20 times. I just shrugged it off because most of the people were drunk.

People can say whatever they want about whoever they want, regardless of their nationality. It doesn't matter, and your just confirming what people say if you get all defensive and start shoutin "I'M AN AMERICAN."

I'm an American, born and raised. But the way I see if all government failed, then we would all just be Humans. A united species, regardless of skin color or nationality.

Ignorance is Bliss.

[edit on 25-3-2008 by sumperson]

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 06:21 AM
Thank you for taking the time to create a thread. It is unfortunate that you have taken your very freedom for granted.It is an Americans duty to question everything and everyone especially those supposedly representing us. What is repulsive is this Love or Leave it nonsense. Sorry I won't trade Humanity for Patriotism! I love how pride is more important than compassion and understanding. Consider your intention for creating this thread is it sincere or was it to mock those with alternative views. That last one is retorical so no need to answer just chew on it for awhile. Thanks again for giving me an opportunity to post.

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 06:46 AM

Originally posted by slackerwireCommunists are the enemy of freedom, and each and every one of them deserved to be rooted out, and executed.

Slavery was a widely accepted practice back in the day, so much so it still occurs in Africa and Asia today.

So you defend slavers not to be enemies of freedom?

Communists are worse than slavers. Ok. I see....

Am I communist as I support national health system? I also support that government can own and run also important pieces of society: fire department, post system, army, banks, military and medicine production and so on, but I also support private property, freedom of speed and thought and enterprise.

Am I communist? Do you wanna execute me? Do I have not freedom to think as I think?

THIS is the thing I hate in many, but not all, americans. Arrogant attitude that USA is über alles, better than others and always right and not allowed to be critizised.

US government is messing with all the world, so all the world has right to mess with USA.

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 06:54 AM
I don't hate America. I don't hate anyone or anything, and I would in fact like to believe that I'm incapable of hatred. I am an individual with great curiosity and a lot of questions, however. Questioning my government - which, in theory, works for me and is constituted by me and my fellow citizens - is not equivalent to hating my country.

I don't believe that 9-11 was an "inside job." I don't believe that it wasn't either, though. I don't know that it was or that it wasn't. I have an open mind, and a long list of questions pertaining to this and other things concerning my country's government, its positions, goals, and activities.

I hope that you will consider people's feelings as well as the diversity of thought that one can find in this world we all share. Not everyone thinks the same way, or feels the same way about events and life in general. I'm sure there are people who hate America, and that saddens me. However I also understand it, however much I might disagree with it. I understand the anger that people who truly believe they have been duped or lied to must feel. I myself am not yet convinced that this is the case, however as I said, my mind is open and my curiosity and skepticism are both high. I accept the possibility that more happened on 9-11 than we have been told, and I have seen at least a wealth of what I consider to be suspicious (if circumstantial) evidence for exactly that.

Being a "questioner" or an investigator into matters regarded as already resolved by a majority or in the realm of accepted "norms" does not equal hatred or enmity. That certainly isn't how I feel about my country. It takes a great many sorts of human and ways of thinking to make a world, though, and ATS exists to let them connect and communicate.

[edit on 3/25/2008 by AceWombat04]

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 07:16 AM
Let me start by saying that I love some Americans. I love the old vanguard of literate, intelligent Americans that seem to have been so disencfranchised by the media. I love the US constitution and Bill of Rights and regard them to be the greatest documents of governance on earth.

However, these two things that i love about America are no longer valued by the Americans themselves. American society is propagating idiocy in their schools, is turning their population into religious zealots, is turning their inner cities into ghettoes viler than the gulags of russia.

The government is a damning indictment of the democratic process as it stands, because the leaders are not chosen by the minority of educated Americans, but by the vast swathes of idiots. Dysgenics has ruined American society, because democracy can no longer function in a country where the majority are not intelligent.

In short, the foundations of America are undoutedly the greatest of any nation in the world. The people are some of the kindest, most down to earth people in the world. However these are in the minority at the moment. This is what allows the presentation and national character of the United States of America to be tarnished.

I do not hate America. I just feel an indescribable sense of loss to see the greatest nation in the world go down the drain.

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 07:42 AM
By jove!! this thread is hilarius, When I first read the post I switched the kettle on, made some toast, and settled down for a good ROASTING

Honestly this is the first thread Ive read that I knew in advance what everyone was gonna say, and the op was gonna wear it!!!!
There are so many things to say, in responce, I would be here for hours!

Bush is an evil twit and we all know it.

Of ALL the americans Ive met, they've all been GREAT!!!!

If only the STUPID, IGNORANT, DUMB,american government would stop meddling in other countries affairs, people wouldn't be so narcasistic in view of "America" as a nation.
Imagine if all the countries of the world were represented by a group of people, each person a country. The person representing america, would in the eyes of the world, be a fat, smelly,brute,unsociable, constantly bullying others in the group, taking more then his fair share, allways figuring ways to manipulate and undermind the others,double crossing, face slapping jerk.
And like all social groups, that person would become resented, and shunned,
Not all in the group would care for Britain, some won't "get along" with france etc But nobody would like america, who would?
The AMERICAN GOVERNMENT really does need to take a back seat for a century or two, and evaluate what they are all about, because they are stuffing it all up for all the good, godfearing, hard working, americans, who are just trying to live a life, just like the rest of the group.
And that's my opinion.

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