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Obama: Grandmother Was A "Typical White Person"

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posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 08:16 PM

Obama: Grandmother Was A "Typical White Person"

Sen. Barack Obama appeared on local sports radio in Philadelphia this morning to discuss the race. A blog for the Philadelphia Inquirer noticed this part of the interview:

610 WIP host Angelo Cataldi asked Obama about his Tuesday morning speech on race at the National Constitution Center in which he referenced his own white grandmother and her prejudice. Obama told Cataldi that "The point I was making was not that my grandmother harbors any racial animosity, but that she is a typical white person. If she sees somebody on the street that she doesn't know (pause) there's a reaction in her that doesn't go away and it comes out in the wrong way."
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 08:16 PM
What is "a typical white person", Mr. Obama?

Open mouth, insert foot.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 10:40 PM
Is that supposed to endear white folks to him? So he comes from a mixed (up) family
is that supposed to be "special"?
Next he'll be telling us how his cousin Billy Bob whittles wood on the front porch covered with an umbrella, of course, so the sun dont burn his "very white" skin.

I dont like him, i dont care what color he is. A "blue" Obama is still the antichrist to me.

On the other hand, arent we supposed to have a few years of pure bliss with the Antichrist? Maybe electing him would give us some peace before the
Satan in him shows his ugly head.

Like i said in another thread, anything is better than these here BUSH YEARS.

Jso (hugs to you)

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 09:33 AM

Originally posted by dgtempe
anything is better than these here BUSH YEARS.

I'll ask you if you feel the same way after four years of Obama and his disciples running this country. You may look back at these as 'the good old days'. Frightening!


'typical white person'. That's vile.

If someone pointed at Obama and called him a 'typical black person' there would be crys of racism all over the country.

If someone points at a black rap star and says 'typical black person' they get called a racist.

If someone points at a black welfare queen and says 'typical black person' they get called a racist.

But, Obama gets away with the 'typical white person' racist statement.

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 11:15 AM
"typical whiteperson". Would someone care to enlighten this white person, what that's supposed to be?

My own interpretation is that Obama is saying that white people are inherently distrustful, aka scared, of those of a different racial background.

Gee, and that's going to make me vote for him? Excuse me whilst I gag...

I was giving him some consideration, but now? Let's just say, nope...

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 12:19 PM
Aren't you guys paying attention?

A "typical white person" is a racist, sexist, bigot, homophobe- oh wait, that's a typical conservative...

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 02:29 PM
From reading these posts you would think that nobody on here who is white has ever had a racist thought, never felt a moment of apprehension when an unknown black person has passed by, never called a black person a "welfare queen" or had a single derogatory thought about African Americans. Therefore you are all very righteous in your repudiation of the implied racism in Obama's comments. Obama was simply saying that racism--black or white--is still an issue that is charged with anger and needs to be addressed in this country. He is qualified to make such a statement because he has been exposed to, and part of, both. His approach is very mature and sensible.

I'm white but I acknowledge I've had racist thoughts at times (I'm not proud of that, but I'm not going to lie) and Obama's simply acknowledging the racism that exists on all sides. If both whites and people of color stop shouting "racism" at each other, grow up, and start working together to improve the situation nothing will change.

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by Sestias
of the implied racism in Obama's comments.

There is nothing 'implied'. It was racism. (or some would say prejudiced or biggoted)

Obama was simply saying ..

You are rewording, and giving different meaning to, his words.

He was VERY exact and very careful in his words. This was an important speech. Every word was calculated. He said exactly what he thought - a white person said something negative about black and he says '... typical white person ..."

Obama's simply acknowledging the racism that exists on all sides.

Obama saying that his grandmothers racially charged words were 'typical white person' words is in NO WAY 'acknowledging the racism that exists on all sides'. Not even close.

He lumped all whites together.
He assumed all whites are racist.
He assumed all whites spout racial slurs.

And yet he STILL hasn't really broken with that racist pig Wright. Obama still makes excuses for Wright, and for his own continued relationship with Wright.

[edit on 3/21/2008 by FlyersFan]

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by Sestias

He threw his own grandmother- the white one that had to raise him- right under the bus. To equate what this woman said in private, to the biggoted and blindly racist public rage of his pastor is terribly unfair. A pastor that uses the Lords name in vain from the pulpit still blows me away...

Just for the record- Obama's grandmother was right when she saw a group of black men walking down the street, she SHOULD cross before they get to her! It's called being careful!

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 04:54 PM
reply to post by jsobecky

Way to make more out of this than is actually there. He's telling the truth. White people react to black people with suspicion and fear, which is a media driven issue at it's core. Don't read into this more than is actually there.

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 05:55 PM

Originally posted by Sestias
I'm white but I acknowledge I've had racist thoughts at times (I'm not proud of that, but I'm not going to lie) and Obama's simply acknowledging the racism that exists on all sides. If both whites and people of color stop shouting "racism" at each other, grow up, and start working together to improve the situation nothing will change.

Obama isn't "acknowledging" that racism exists on both sides at all.

He is clearly lumping all whites into a group, then insulting them - of course, if someone called Barack a "typical black" there'd be a media frenzy, while that person would have to do the "White Man's Crawl" (i.e. apologise profusely and cry on national television as he apologised to the offended person, numerous black "leaders" like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton etc and the black community overall).

Also, it's interesting to note how easily Obama throws the white grandmother that raised him when his mother simply dumped him on her doorstep while she finished her degree outside America so easily to the wayside - the fact that a Presidential candidate is so willing to do that says a lot more about him than words ever could.

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by projectvxn

Congratulations!!!! You win the "stereotype all white folk as racist prigs" Award. Really, well done.

He used stereotype to portray all whites as at the very least closet bigots.

Do you know for certain all whites are inherently racist or bigots? Unless you know every white person on earth, I'd have to say no.

Talk about ungrateful, he just tossed half his family under the bus for the sake of his ambition. Yet anther reason not to vote for him, who else is he going to hurt for the sake of gaining the White House, more and more he's beginning to look like just another race baiting idiot with delusions of moderation. Thank you, but no thank you.

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 06:16 PM
Yea... most people above me got the point across.

Obamas campain is losintg people by the min.

Obama needs to ZIP IT, if he wants a shot at winning this.....

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 06:33 PM
As Ive stated in the past.. Obama's sudden rise to power was but a ploy to make it seem as if he had a chance. I still dont think the man would make a good president. Yet then agin, I dont think any of them up there are looking out for the "people". You and me.

Hillary is going to win it folks bottom line.. Ive stated this before in JO threads and we talk about this often. And many where like, well Obama is doing much better in the polls..

He will be cut down to size with stuff like this. A remark like this is not welcomed by anyone and is going to hurt him very badly..
Yet I say hurt him bad by meaning he wont get the vote..
It wouldnt have matter if this came out or not.. He is only there to give the illusion of choice. When clearly there is no choice.

Hillary is going to take this and run with it.. Shes on the list, and is the leading person for the current agenda..

This sucks, and always hate to see so much mud slinging.. When we should be looking at all the mud pools on the ground!
And also I here tons of people saying.. There is not enough mud slinging!
I want more! More more more! Release the hounds!!
Sad.. Honestly..

Sad America.. This country is nothing like it use to be.. And thats comming from an American.. IM ashamed of all our leaders. And ashamed at all the mudslinging. and slander..
Tho it might be true, but the thing is we have no choice.
You will see.. Trust me, you will see..

And I wont come back and say told you so.. But I will be laying low for the poopie to hit the fan.. Duck and cover!

Edit.. Just to add a couple thoughts Ive said else where..

know the media is feeding us a buch of crap and the scary thing is that alot of americans go for it. I mean, they dont have the ability to surmise. They believe what the media says...scary, huh? I have witten e-mails to MSN and Yahoo telling them they are biased and not reporting the facts. But you know what? its not going to change anything because the media has the power and they know it. I honestly dont know what we can do. I find it very frightning, how the media is and corporate america. You know, its really the Americans fault for going for this crap (media Bullcrap).

I remember when i was in my late teens/early twenties how the economy was stable and the media was respectful and reported the facts, but know its just a complete circus and anything basicly goes. Look at whats going on with the gas prices, up & down, up & down...its such a joke. I know we're getting suckkered from our hard earned money...look at all the fees in everything...its like a free-for-all for corporate america, "charge whatever you want its ok bleed them dry".

sorry that went a bit off topic.. But its how I feel.. And Obama is just another tool. And they will use all this stuff to make him look bad.
I dont mind I dont like the guy anyway.. He is just as fake as the rest of them. And to top it off he is a rasist.

[edit on 21-3-2008 by zysin5]

posted on Mar, 22 2008 @ 01:09 PM

Originally posted by seagull
reply to post by projectvxn

Congratulations!!!! You win the "stereotype all white folk as racist prigs" Award. Really, well done.

He used stereotype to portray all whites as at the very least closet bigots.

Do you know for certain all whites are inherently racist or bigots? Unless you know every white person on earth, I'd have to say no.

Talk about ungrateful, he just tossed half his family under the bus for the sake of his ambition. Yet anther reason not to vote for him, who else is he going to hurt for the sake of gaining the White House, more and more he's beginning to look like just another race baiting idiot with delusions of moderation. Thank you, but no thank you.

1 I never used the words you used to describe the situation. You have to remember that the experience of the black man in America is most certainly not the same as that of the white man, or the hispanic man. But all of our problems emanate from one source, corporate greed. Corporations screw everyone and they remain "color blind" while doing so.

I know alot of white people that cross the street when they see a black man walking up. I know black men that run from the cops whether they've done something wrong or not, and I know hispanic men that are here legally and still fear the USCIS(imagine that). So what is wrong with this picture? Where is the core issue here? Media sterotyping, and corporate greed is what fuels the racial divide today. Not some false deep seeded racism, which is an idea pushed by the media as well. To further the divide...

Divide and conquer. As long as we're afraid of each other, afraid to come together as American people, then they will always have the advantage.

posted on Mar, 22 2008 @ 02:00 PM
Maybe what he meant was that she was a typical white person of that generation. My grandparents said loudly in front of us that "All the n****** in Detroit should be lined up on the bridge and shot!" They were certainly loving grandparents and had lots of friends, but they held white supremist opinions.

My parents didn't go that far but cautioned all of us to not marry anyone who was not white, as any children would not be accepted in society.
Have I been fearful of a group of youth walking down the street...yes, until I realized I knew them! (Have I been help up at gun point by a few youths...yes, sad to say.)
Do my kids care about skin So, thank God, the next generation is getting a chance to speak on overcoming (past) racism.

posted on Mar, 22 2008 @ 02:52 PM

Originally posted by Gatordone
Aren't you guys paying attention?

A "typical white person" is a racist, sexist, bigot, homophobe- oh wait, that's a typical conservative...

You certainly have been misinformed, Democrats have had a much higher track record for being racists but of course people quickly and conveniently forget certain aspects of American History.

Consider yourself duped.

posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 03:05 PM
Oh lay off of him already. You are going to complain about what he called his own grandmother? Where were you when people were saying that he's only winning because "he's black"?

This is getting stupid now.

Can we talk about policies and real facts, or do you just want to keep wasting time about mundane BS?

[edit on 24-3-2008 by Sublime620]

posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 06:46 PM

Originally posted by Sublime620
Oh lay off of him already.

Not a freak'n chance. Exposing candidates for what they really are is called VETTING. It's part of the process.

Obama made a racist comment. He's up to his eyeballs in it.

Obama's halo is not shining as bright as his disciples want.
Guess that makes 'em cranky.

posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 06:51 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

That wasn't exactly racist. It was stereotyping. Not the greatest thing ever, but there's worse.

It's a fact that most people look at race before anything else. We are pretty much all guilty.

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