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ufo seen during endeavour live tv broadcast!!happening right now

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posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 06:35 PM

Originally posted by Karlhungis
Looks like you were right.

Good catch.

just to clear this up, the video's sped up is my first point. IF we're referring to the white orb in the sky in the centre of the video, its blatantly a helicopter with its searchlight on. If you watch the ground, you see the spotlight drift across. Sry.

posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 06:36 PM
reply to post by Longy4eva

OMG did you read this thread at all ? No ? You couldn't possibly have. FAIL

No one at all except you is talking about that video . Except to say WRONG VIDEO > > >

Sorry . This thread keeps going to that video . Its distracting for those that are looking for the vid and didn't read everything yet.

[edit on 11-3-2008 by oLDWoRLDDiSoRDeR]

posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 06:36 PM
Just to confirm my previous post, I did sign up today and that was my first post.. I actually was watching this thread throughout the day, not going to post as I wasn't sure what I had seen, but victoriawarrior confirmed exactly what I saw. That is what drew me to the site to post.

When I had checked the NASA TV schedule earlier in the day, I was able to determine that it was during the Shuttle payload bay observation segment, but I have not been able to find that footage. All I can find is the launch sequence.. Not sure if it was debris, but is was no standard debris from what I have seen previously..

So again, if anyone has footage of that segment from the Shuttle payload bay observation, that is where I would look.

posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by Spoodily

Please see Teratroma's reply, they understand what i've been getting at and explain it better than I.

Oh, and look, another new face to the mix with supporting views, this is good to see, but with thousands of members, i'm still surprised no-one here saw the launch or anything funny in it. But indeed as someone (it may have been you) said, no-ones said they saw the launch ad DIDN'T see anything.

So we'll just have to wait and see...

posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 06:48 PM
I'm currently watching the Endeavour Mission live on NASA TV. I was looking at a view towards the rear of the Endeavour while we were waiting for a short burn to adjust velocity. Just before this happened the picture was cut to a default pattern and then we were treated to a prolonged view of mission control personnel munching their sandwiches while the burn took place. All that waiting to watch the burn and they cut the video shot! What are they not letting us see?

[edit on 11/3/08 by Myrdyn]

posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 06:51 PM
Incidently, for those who haven't seen it yet, the NASA TV live link is at
Excellent video of the mission as it progresses. I'm keeping my eyes peeled

[edit on 11/3/08 by Myrdyn]

posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 06:57 PM
yeh sorry about that, just wanted to clear it up. Anyway, since i spotted the thread i've been looking for this video for about an hour. One thing's for certain; It won't be found on the likes of any of NASA's channels.

Well, the video will, but as Myrdyn pointed out, any convicting images have been (and will continue to) be cut out of it, smaller user-run sites are the most likely target, the only problem i'm having with them is trying to stream from them. Most either host it themselves and take an age to buffer 10%, or are hosted by those Japanese sites like Kudos or whatever and it doesn't work until you download their oodles of spam.

Hopefully this will at least help narrow down the search

ps. wasn't saying it was wrong video, just saying it was a chopper

[edit on 11/3/08 by Longy4eva]

posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 07:00 PM
reply to post by Vector J

Aye, I only flagged the thread for a reason. No star for the OP just yet.

Originally posted by Spoodily
Only a flag for you now.

You'll get your star in due time. Muwahahahaha.

Can't wait to see the real video in question. Anyone know anyone that works for a cable company? Maybe that guy in Canada that had all those direct NASA feed videos knows where to get a copy.

posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 07:32 PM
I hope someone has the video of this, I was watching most of the NASA feed last night but didn't see this.
Launch was in prime time for Australia, can't find it on u-tube yet...


posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 07:32 PM
Gee people, just calm down.

OP believes he saw something, I'm sure someone will turn up trumps, they always do here on ATS.

And if it's BS, then ok, it will be treat accordingly.

How many times have we seen this here?
We should know it sometimes takes time.

posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 07:42 PM
Still no video? So all those flags and stars to see no video? What a waste of time. If the video ever shows up, please just post it in a new thread, because I'm not going to bother reading through this one again.

posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 08:07 PM
Aircraft operating at night are required to have strobe lights and navigation lights .... ie: red / green left and right and flashing strobes.... there was no strobe flash in this sequence of footage and no green or red lights seen as well.


posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 08:08 PM
Ok, firstly I like to clarify a few things, there seems to be some confusion in this thread about what its actually about. Before any one yells out 'Hoax' lets find the video in question then we can decide, I really like to thank all those who are helping to do this. I did not post this thread for flags or stars (However much appreciated), I posted to see if any NASA enthusiast out there could have recorded the live NASA TV broadcast.

The area in question we are interested in is when the shuttle is in orbit with the cargo bay doors open, camera facing from the front of the shuttle looking at the tail section with the boom arm to the right and earth at the top of the screen. According to calculations by icblue,zeptepi:

Let's try to figure out the time this happened, someone please correct me if I'm wrong, according to OP it was 09:57 p.m. Australia/Adelaide time when he noticed the object.

21:57:00 Tuesday March 11, 2008 in Australia/Adelaide converts to
07:27:00 Tuesday March 11, 2008 in EST5EDT
Daylight Saving Time is in effect on this date/time in Australia/Adelaide
Daylight Saving Time is in effect on this date/time in EST5EDT

Date: March 11
Mission: STS-123
Launch Vehicle: Space Shuttle Endeavour
Launched: 2:28 a.m. EDT

so basically that would give us (7:27 - 2:28) 04:59 into flight time. [\b]

h3akalee posted a screen shot, but thats not what we saw infact none of the posts in this thread is what we saw.

some have suggested that nasa cuts to mission control quite often, let me tell you my friends Im fully aware of that
, but not like the way we saw it. The second it happened when the object appeared, in my mind I was thinking, it would be incredible if NASA cut off transmission now, and to my suprise IT DID! This to me felt like undeniable evidence that someone out there knows or controls whats going on. So, please only with everyones cooperation we can get to the bottom of this, lets see if we can find the clip we are looking for.

All help is much appreciated

posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 08:14 PM
Some one mentioned the light being a search light reflecting on the ground ... it's not it's another guy walking across the screen with a torch from left to right that lights up the ground .... so it's not a chopper search light .....

Guys TUBE SOCK RIP & STEAL all good images and footage from youtube and keep them for re-posting they are starting to censor youtube .... if all of us at ATS keep ripping good footage a reposting it we will stay on top of these guys.

posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 08:16 PM
Just ban 'em. Every time it's a hoax it's one, two, or three "new" members who just happened to see this crazy thing happen. Then they "just happened" to see it talked about on ATS and decided to sign up.

Not foolin' this guy

posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 08:18 PM
Ok I've been a guest at this site for over a year and like to read interesting (although most of the time) garbage threads and never had the intention of ever joining or posting in this forum.

I live in Australia myself and did happen to see this NASA footage, although unfortunately i was not close enough to my LCD screen at the time to actually pin point what i thought i noticed in the back ground that looked very bizzar.

My only point in posting is to back up what the OP has said in regards to the transmission being cut. This has never happened the way it happened on this occasion and it was intentional, anyone who saw the coverage the way we did would agree. Even the TV station person that was presenting looked surprised that it had cut off.

OP is not lying or wasting time, this is one thing that needs to be looked at and this video needs to be found and attempted to be debunked.

All im going to say is that NASA just like most major news Networks (CNN,FOX) once they show something the first time Live or not live, it gets cut and is never showed a second time. I doubt there is much point looking into any of NASA's supposed live feed re-runs of the event. Waste of time in my opinion as it wont be there.

Hopefully this vid turns up, but NASA would have a really hard time worming there way out of this one if it ever does.

Thats my piece.

posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 08:32 PM
The plot thickens. If there is anythig untoward going on here,i'm leaning more in the direction that the OP is real and that it's one other person whos screwing around here.

But that's pure speculation, simply a possability given what can be seen in this thread. Albeit it a rather pessimisitc view of the course of the thread.

I hope the OP or someone else can find and post a rip of the NASA vid this thread is about...

posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 08:32 PM
The OP says he saw it on NASA tv. Is that where everyone allegedly saw this?

Just to narrow the search down.

posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 08:33 PM
Hi all!

I compiled some evidence of this thread and the forum of nasaspaceflight where it seems there is a post (edit)that might be(edit) relevant to something strange doing a pass near the shuttle.

Here is the post:

Paul Adams

Posted 11/3/2008 6:26 AM (#253924 - in reply to #253916)

Just got up here, its a little after 04:00, and turned on NASA TV during the RMS check out. There we definately two objects floating 'to the left' of the shuttles tail as seen in the TV view. One looked to be tumbling as it flashed. Lost them both as they passed from a back space background the the white of the earth background.

Anyone else see these and know what they were?


Here is the link:

The original cooljayman's description in this thread of what he/she saw is here:

Hmmm, you may have seen something but its definately not what we saw. What we saw the shuttle was in orbit with the earth at the top of the screen, then the ufo appeared just behind the shuttles tail section moving left to right, it did not look like debri! It had an oval shape very bright and moving in a very straight line, we saw it for about 7 seconds from the time it appeared than the camera cut to mission control. The main big screen in mission control was also blanked out with some sort of noise! so even the people working there must have been suprised

Here is the link for this:

Then 2 different ATS witnesses

victoriawarrior and

(brand new ATS members)

claim they saw the following, and they believe it matches cooljayman's description, although cooljayman has not yet identified anything like their descriptions.


posted on 11-3-2008 @ 03:50 PM

reply to post by cooljayman

I saw it. I'm in California. I witnessed the largest UFO I've ever seen on NASA live feed this morning. It was enormous! It was pulsating but it wasn't round. It was chevron shaped (like on a soldiers uniform) only it was longer than wide and it was standing upright and then it looked candy cane shape. It was like a giant worm, And it was like sucking in and out as it moved toward the shuttle. It was so bright and it looked like it had stripes of neon like light, (brighter than the rest), pulsating. The shuttle cameras focused right in on it and zoomed in. They (I think ground control) said they had debris impacting the shuttle. But that wasn't debris!!!

Oh my God! How lucky was that? That I would be watching it at that moment. It lasted about 12 seconds or longer. I hope I wasn't the only one that saw it. It took place sometime between 5:20AM and 6:00AM my time (pdst) I got so excited I tried to call a friend and didn't pay attention to the time until I came to my senses and looked at the clock. There was at least one more smaller roundish one too but it was nothing compared to this. Shortly thereafter, they went to the replay of the blastoff footage.

That was great! Has anyone else reported to you that they saw it? I've been checking Google Video to see if anyone captured it, but noting is there yet. This thing was huge!
Watching the space shuttle on NASA TV from my monitor, sitting about 2 1/2 feet away from my monitor, holding up my thumb, it was as long if not longer than the length of my thumb.

Then Spacewalker:


posted on 11-3-2008 @ 06:16 PM

reply to post by victoriawarrior

I saw exactly what victoriawarrior indicated and it was described exactly. Similar to a glowing worm that was pulsating.. The tail of of the shuttle was in the left of the screen, the Canada Arm was in the right.. this pulsated and squirmed slowly, and seemed to go from left to right then hide under the arm. The camera DID zoom in on it, and if anyone reviews the footage it will be quite apparent what was seen.

[edit on 11-3-2008 by spacebot]

posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 08:36 PM
Did this guy just slip up or am I missing something?

Originally posted by cooljayman
Let's try to figure out the time this happened, someone please correct me if I'm wrong, according to OP it was 09:57 p.m. Australia/Adelaide time when he noticed the object.

Why is he acting like he's not the OP? Did he slip up and forget which account he was signed in on?

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