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2012 without a doubt!!!

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posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 01:12 AM
Take a look at this article,

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 01:23 AM
My husband is very medical and militarily oriented, talk about issues such as accension and 2012 is something that he would cut you off and say he just doesn't believe or care about this kind of 'stuff'. I have recently been having vivid dreams, some of destruction, some of sacrific, these are just examples, but he always says they are just dreams. I have also lately been feeling that something is just so out of whack, like I am waiting for something to happen, good or bad, but something phenomenal is about to happen. One of the dreams I had was about cutting the head off a small bird, a ritual sacrific, with a knife handed to me by an obvious 'indian' style painted hand and arm. I have discovered that in both dream interpretation and Hindu belief this means I am entering a time of spirtuality, or a new level of. I had not told my husband about this particualr dream or what it meant, or that I feel someting is about to take place, and lo and behold, his skeptical butt woke up the other day and he said to me ' you are not going to belive what I just dreamed' and he proceeded to tell me of seeing me cut the head off a bird, and that the clouds got really bright and glowing, and he said I was glowing! Yesterday morning he woke and kept saying something just wasn't right, I asked what do you mean? and he says, 'I don't know but I feel like we are waiting for something to happen, like just after 9/11 happened, that kind of feeling'.

I mention all of this because I tie it to a spirtual awakening I think we will all either realize or reject by 2012, and those who do realise will not be so unprepared when a great earth change occurs or ends, I feel that what the Mayans were pointing to is some catastrophic event, that will leave the earth with few inhabitants to start over, and given their expertise in astronomy I would think that it is an orbiting entity could be coming, or change in magnetic activity here on earth will change the earth yet again, as it has done in the past. It is hard to dismiss that fact that the earth has cleaned itself of life before, leaving only the strongest of life forms to inherit and survive, yet provided new life forms to intergrate with it's new world.

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 01:26 AM

Originally posted by darcon
Take a look at this article,

We could introduce the word Rose over Isis. As we all know a rose by any other name will still smell just as sweet. Right?

People in their desire to find rightousness in something outside the "norm" associate meanings to a charactor.

I still see this as a step backward, although what I read was right for the most part. Why is it a step back? Because it is splintering the same singular source that is the creative force that rules over all time space and knowns and unknowns.

The Christians seem to assoicatie that "being" all powerful creator of all as "Jesus" and this is also a mistake.

However the "Jesus" of the story book had it more right when he called the all powerful original creator God "Our Father".

The point being that we are all created from creatures created from some lined aspect down to the original creator. We thus have a direct link to the origin of the creator. We are "God's Children" and all we have to do to truly assure that is welcome it by givng ourselves over to it.

From personal studies I have made I've found this is a common thread through several belief systems, however they all call it diffrent names, and this leads to confusion and seperation of the brotherhood.

We are all family. We are part of the "ONE". Even those that are the most evil, the one's that wish to do you nothing but harm, even they are members of our family that have just lost their way. Keeping that in mind when dealing with all beings makes one a better being themselves.

There is the original source and center of creation and that is the most high God our father the creator of all things.

How many terms needs be to fully grasp this?

We are in a stage of moving foward and part of moving foward is letting go of the past understandings so that truer and more exact understandings of a higher nature may take great root with us.

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 02:55 AM
The world is in a mess there is no doubt about that. It is we, human beings, that are screwing it up big time. Now we could do something abiout it but there are too many greedy selfish stupid people in the world for this to happen (there are even more sheep people in the world too easily led by the vocal greedy selfish stupid group). This means that we can see the damage we are doing and the total lack of any effort to do something about it. So what happens: people get frightened, have bad dreams (! see above), seek solace in religion (forget today do nothing wait for the afterlife) etc etc.

What we should be doing is getting damned angry at those voices preventing and/or distracting us from making the world a better place by getting off our lazy butts and doing something.

The year 2012 is another good story, I love the coiincidences but hey you could pick any date in history and get several coiincidences! e.g. 2000 was a good one that came and went. what about 06/06/06 ooooeeer all the babies born on that date!!!! etc etc.

I suspect folks like me were warned off this thread at the start because we create discomfort for those wallowing in prohpetical comfort by reminding them to get a grip.

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 03:09 AM
To all posters...
Thanks everyone, this is a great topic and has been properly discussed (save for a few moments that seemed more like personal attacks).
Freedom is a wonderful thing and that freedom does entitle people to refuse to believe whatever you say for whatever reason they may want.
While I am not personally interested in reading about former predictions and the prophecies that haven't come true, I do see validity in questioning people's reasons for their beliefs. For one, the new people come to understand where the believers are coming from and two, the believers themselves may garner a more thorough code or system- you have to challenge yourself everyday. To blindly believe without question is the exact opposite of this community's purpose. We don't stand for it from government or the media and the same must be said of ourselves.
But, because there is no indisputable hard primary evidence, it does come down to a belief system. It is no different from Christianity, Hinduism or Scientology. Part of the deal is exactly the one thing you can't prove- you have to have the f word- faith. If we start to attack people's faiths, beliefs and ways of life we will certainly end up in the place that seems most commonly predicted.
Sorry to sort of return to about page 6 but I've been at work all night.
May all your consciousnesses (?) ascend, may all your predictions be sound, may all your beliefs be held firm and may all your Christmases be white.

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 04:06 AM

Originally posted by malcr
I suspect folks like me were warned off this thread at the start because we create discomfort for those wallowing in prohpetical comfort by reminding them to get a grip.

Oh the things some of us have to tell ourselves to sleep well at night. Consciousness dreams in the unconscious mind helps turn a blind eye in the light of the truth.

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 04:33 AM

Does being "Led" by very tall people who have a leader with a very wise mind and clothes of a rooster mean anything to you?????

Genuine question and not meant in anyway to trip things up.

I dont think its the general race of people on this planet either. Its a very vivid sight in my mind.

Sorry if I was negative earlier.


posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 04:41 AM

Originally posted by pierreletrek

Does being "Led" by very tall people who have a leader with a very wise mind and clothes of a rooster mean anything to you?????

What worries me is that it might make sense to you. I doubt it makes sense to anyone outside your own mind there buddy.

You sound like a very paranoid person.

Though I do love a puzzle so here's what I think you're trying to say.

Rooster man is that which wishes people to wake up. Ummm nope. Makes no sense what so ever to me,,, sorry I don't speak nutjob.

[edit on 27-2-2008 by Incarnated]

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 06:19 AM
every generation people have thought the world was going to end in their time, isn't any different this one. keep at least some rational thought and come to realization the armageddonists may be wrong again.

grow up

[edit on 27/2/08 by cheeser]

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 06:26 AM
Based on the 7 Day 6 Night cycle of the Mayan TUN Calendar, we are in the 5th Night of the 2nd last cycle of Creation. After we finish going through the 5th Night, we will be in the 6th day. After one cycle has finished, the next will progress 20 times faster than the last.

On the 5th Night of the previous cycle, a cycle which focussed on the concept of POWER, was the Great Depression. This cycle started with the Industrial Revolution.

On the 5th Night of the cycle previous to the above, which focussed on the concept of LAW/Morals, was the Fall of Rome. This cycle started with the First Written Language.

On the 5th Night of any cycle in the TUN calendar, is when the Consciousness that is persistent over that particular cycle (be it Power, Ethics, Morals) will succumb to a new Consciousness which has been developing throughout that cycle.

The Cycle we are in now is developing on the Ethics Consciousness, while the Power Consciousness is still persistent.

We are on the 5th Night of this cycle, we are already seeing the sprouts of Ethics ruling over Power. Our economic system is collapsing, people starting to become spiritually aware, Governments slipping their grip on the people. It will seem to be all out chaos to those that are unaware of the situation. All will be well by the end of 2008 early 2009 which is the end of the 5th Night.

The cycle we are in lasts for 12.8 years, and started in 1999, when all the hype about Y2K occurred. Y2K represented a message to our Consciousness, to not trust our systems which became painfully evident on the 2nd Night of this cycle - September 11, 2001. It only worsens from that point on with the War on Terror, Iraq War, multiple warnings regarding the Economy, London Bombing, so on and so forth.

This cycle will end early 2011, and we start a new cycle which lasts for 0.78 years. On this cycle, the developing Consciousness will be that we realize we are Co-Creators of Reality, we will become Conscious Co-Creators living out our imaginations coupled with infinite creativity.

Why would someone ridicule the fact that we ARE Co-Creators of the Universe? Because they simply cannot comprehend it, they don't have the Consciousness to be able to make sense of it. No one cares that our physical reality is a manifest of our collective Consciousness, they will not even give a thought upon it.

We are also a society heavily dependent on Science and Technology, which are footprints of Consciousness, but dismiss or overlook the meaning of Spirituality, to be Conscious of Consciousness.

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 06:36 AM
Incarnated, if what you are saying is true there will be not much celebrating as from your figures 4.5+ billion of us are going to die and those that will be left will be starting the new stone age so not really alot to look forward to is there.

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 07:54 AM

Originally posted by darcon
Truth, the Universes are always going through evolutionary changes. All time, even though there is no such thing as time

I was thinking about this word Universe the other day... it's actually now quite an archaic/legacy word to be honest. I dont even know how the word Universes can be grammatically correct, I mean think about it people ? the key word here being uni, how can we make a plural out of a singular word ? Multiverse seems to be the correct option here.

It's like the word Elohim in the bible which is attributed to the God of Genesis. But God is a singular word and Elohim is plural for crying in a bucket. Elohim means angels/messengers of God - Probably what we would call aliens these days. Not sure why people get so mad at me when I say Angels created Adam and Eve, it's right there in the bible! :p

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 08:10 AM
link the year 1618, on the Gregorian calendar, was to Mayans, roughly September:

Kepler's laws of planetary motion in astronomy and classical physics, laws describing the motions of the planets in the solar system. They were derived by the German astronomer Johannes Kepler, whose analysis of the observations of the 16th-century Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe enabled him to announce his first two laws in the year 1609 and a third law nearly a decade later, in 1618.

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by magicmushroom

It is a matter of persepctive. I understand the reality of the spiritual life and the factuality of forced reincarnation. Death isn't lights out, it is doors opened.

There's not going to be another "stone age". Mankind is going to get a booster shot from the universe. There's going to be a civilization set up seemingly over night. This is going to be done through "alien" interaction after the fact.

Free yourself from the bog of phyical thinking for the phyical world is the illusion. It's the animalistic nature of the beast that causes you to fear what is about to come upon the world, this is why it is about to come as mankind should be past all this by now.

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by mortalengine
It's like the word Elohim in the bible which is attributed to the God of Genesis. But God is a singular word and Elohim is plural for crying in a bucket. Elohim means angels/messengers of God - Probably what we would call aliens these days. Not sure why people get so mad at me when I say Angels created Adam and Eve, it's right there in the bible! :p

What I try to point out there is how people go about all the time taking people out to eat, buying grocieries, doing this or that in the "name of God".

I can point out case upon case where it's common for people in churchs to help other people out and attribute it to the work of God.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying it isn't the work of God. It is, but it is just the same as the Elohim. The Universe is all under one God. The Elohim, angels, might be confused with todays "Aliens".

So what!

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 12:40 PM
Here are some things to look out for if you are not convinced we are on course for catastrophic changes in 2012.


Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Hurricanes (Pole shifting)
De-railed Presidential Elections
Dollar Crash
North American Union
More "Terrorist Attacks" on American Soil
Martial Law
War with Iran, Russia, North Korea or possibly even China


HIV AIDS Pandemic
H5N1 Flu Pandemic
Multiple Volcano Eruptions
Rushing in the NWO
Mark of the Beast

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 01:08 PM
reply to post by 12.21.12

Though that's a more dark and sinister way of looking at it then I dig. From some people's perspective those events are quite likely to happen. I'd strongly sudgest you try to see a ray of light because if all you look for is darkness how will you ever see the light?

I don't believe in a conscious effort conspairtorum of "NWO", rather I see this as a byproduce ot the animalistic beast nature. I do so hate the "NWO" term. There's nothing New about it at all.

The Black Flu was a nice introduction. I feel you've forgoten the return of small pox.

Personally I do try to keep to the traditional "Revelation" view of the end of the world.

[edit on 27-2-2008 by Incarnated]

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 01:32 PM
These are just tale tell signs and the events that could amount to the massive loss of life. Maybe it's dark and sinister but that is something that has yet not come to pass. Unfortunately for some people these things will happen before they open their eyes and realize whats going on. Take these signs as a warning, do not wait until after they come to pass.

I look forward to the lighter side of this, just as many would and should. The fall of the Roman Empire. The rise of spiritual empowerment and unity. the transformation from time into the eternal.

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 01:33 PM

Originally posted by cheeser
every generation people have thought the world was going to end in their time, isn't any different this one. keep at least some rational thought and come to realization the armageddonists may be wrong again.

grow up

[edit on 27/2/08 by cheeser]

You are wrong, their is more evidence to point to this time frame 2012, Incarnated back me up here.

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by darcon

Originally posted by cheeser
every generation people have thought the world was going to end in their time, isn't any different this one. keep at least some rational thought and come to realization the armageddonists may be wrong again.

You are wrong, their is more evidence to point to this time frame 2012, Incarnated back me up here.

There are really only a handful of cop-outs when it comes to 2012.

Such statements as "God said: No man knows the time" are last ditch efforts of having to face the reality of what seems to be a piling up of evidence overwelming that the person spouting off at the mouth needs so way of escape. This is why so many line up to throw in their two cents on a thread that was suposed to be about people that already have had to face the reality.

It kind of reminds me of some of the youTube videos I see. I don't know if it was a government plan or just a strange cowincidence, but for a while there would be video after video of "children" stating such "2012 is stupid"... blah blah blah...

I was 14,15,16... And at that age although one thinks they know everything this is not the case at all.

Although I don't think we should even address the "people all through time have been saying the world was ending" cop-out. People have a right to believe what they want and if they are unwilling or unable to face the truth it is better they just snore, snort roll over and go back to sleep. Also having to address this topic once again makes my skin crawl. I'll do so.

At NO TIME in recorded history has so many people from so many places come together in understandings on a time period to come. Sure the cult curch of yo-mamma-gonna-be-a-star, might have preached to a township that the time has come. Sure, bumbs have been doing the sandwhich board with the "end of time is coming". Sure even well established religions have said the wrong thing about the wrong time. Sure even it is recorded that a full on city paniced once. Sure there is what is known as mellinum feaver.

But at no time has people from across the globle come together in true understanding about what a time means and made accountings of what the "is next" will be around any time period in recorded history. Upunitl that last couple of decades this wouldn't have even been posable.

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