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Advanced Sickness & Government Hiding it?

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posted on Jan, 28 2008 @ 09:21 AM
Is it me or is 2007/2008 the worst year for sickness? It seems like everywhere I go people are sick. Ive been sick all winter on and off and before this year I would get sick once every 4 years. Is there a mutated flu strain out there that the government knows about but is not disclosing for fear of mass panic and people staying indoors and not out keeping the economy rolling?

A good example besides me is I went to a restaurant this weekend and I heard everyone in the tables around me coughing. So finally I started asking people and they all told me the same thing that they never get sick like this and they cant figure out whats going on. I know Im gonna get my usual fans on here saying that I think the sky is falling but Ive been right so far on a lot of stuff that Ive predicted. I just want to know if people are having the same problems because I think it is widespread and the government does know about this.

posted on Jan, 28 2008 @ 09:31 AM
I don't know about the Government hiding anything but I have noticed an increase of colds this year. I chalked it up to my middle child starting pre kindergarten this year and bringing new germs home and mixing that up with my oldest bringing his germs home. My kids have been out of school more this year than previous years, in fact right now my 2 youngest have pink eye, congestion, earaches and sore throats, my oldest had all of this stuff over the weekend as well he also missed school on Friday.
I also have had sore throat, ear aches and debilitating sinus pain for about a week.
I am starting to get concerned since my middle child has now got a mild fever as well.

So everyone in my house (except my husband) has been sick for a week and the symptoms seem to be getting worse and this household almost never gets sick and when we do it is just a sniffle or two and its gone very quickly. We also rarely go to the Dr. for more than well visits (well really never go other than well visits), our Dr. called in drops for my 2 youngests pink eye, I have a feeling we will have to go in today and I really hate that because I feel they will catch even more bad junk just by going into the Dr.'s office. Yuck!

posted on Jan, 28 2008 @ 10:23 AM
Sounds like a story I hear from everyone but the reason why I think they know is how could you not? So many people getting sick and going to the doctors the government has to know. Why is there no news stories on how crazy its getting. Good luck hope you guys feel better

posted on Jan, 28 2008 @ 10:31 AM
We were sick for the last part of December and the first half of January. My daughter started preschool and of course, that right there is a petri dish. But in all my 4-year-old's years, she has NEVER gotten RSV; this year, the 7-month-old got it and my 4-year-old too.

posted on Jan, 28 2008 @ 10:31 AM
My question to everyone would be, in these areas where everyone seems to be getting the same thing over and over, or at best, it seems to die down then flare back up, is the weather sporadic?

I know here in West Texas we will go running from the mid 60s to high 70s and then here comes a cold wave, dropping us down into the 30s and 40s. What you talk about is also occurring here and I have experienced the same. I am wondering if it the warm weather back to cold weather then back to warm back to cold, is the culprit.

posted on Jan, 28 2008 @ 10:44 AM
Im in florida its warm here all the time and Im still having these problems. I dont think the cold fronts have anything to do with it but then again what do I know.

posted on Jan, 28 2008 @ 10:47 AM
We have had quite a bit of that weather here. But here is another thing: My husband was in the military for 5 years. We lived in Alaska first. We rarely got sick there. We lived on post. We then moved to Maryland. Rarely ever sick there. Again, we lived on post. We come back to his home town, and honest to goodness, we are sick quite a bit more than we were while in the military. I don't know if that has any kind of ties, but it was worth mentioning I think. I also think it could be because the city we live in I find absolutely filthy. There are SO many drug addicts around here and homeless people. We had I don't know how many cases of whooping cough a couple of years ago, and people were actually going out with this mess and spreading it to others. I really think it is some of the people that occupy the city we live in that are the biggest spreaders of all this crap going around.

posted on Feb, 1 2008 @ 03:32 PM
I think it may be do to the large amount of chem-trails that we are bombarded with all over this country [USA] and the rest of the world. Some days it looks like the jets are playing tic tac toe.

posted on Feb, 1 2008 @ 04:07 PM
I would seriously like to create some valid input to this topic, with reference to the creator and first post, you have pretty much answered my question, and although i dont know i have for some time wondered the same, what is going on, i returned last year nov having lived and worked away for almost 4 years, with no problems, within one week, bam down with the flu, but not the 3 or 5 day type. one that knocks you out, like 12 rounds with tyson. 3 weeks later over that, then almost christmas, and start coughing, somethings up right and then 1st week in January, collapsed, from complete exhaustion, bronchitus, flue and a virus, so i managed to recoup away from uk for 10 days and my doctor in europe told me, its a virus, rather than the flu, turns out everyone in italy was coming down with it, so i have to wonder whats going on, if anyone has the time i would dearly love to make a programme about this, as i think its not only going to be common place, but happen more and more, and become more and more stonger, and btw its also a great ploy for the pharmaceutical companies, whose relief medicines you buy over the counter, think coporations again, so as a media producer any one wish to jump on board with some ideas. appreciated
BTW back to normal over the virus but not completely if u follow - something is in the air, question is wot??

posted on Feb, 1 2008 @ 07:05 PM
Thats why I created this thread I think this is a bigger problem than is made out. I cant say the government created the issue but I do think they they know about the issue and they are not making it known because they know it will keep people indoors and ruin the economy. I brought it up because I have been told by so many people and I deal with a lot of people on a daily basis that they too are getting sick and for long periods of time and have never been sick as often or as long as they are getting now. I think this is big and should be talked about.

posted on Feb, 1 2008 @ 07:31 PM
Every one in my life has been ill off and on over the past couple of years. Check out anything you can find on "Chemtrails"

posted on Feb, 1 2008 @ 07:39 PM
reply to post by dnodnodno

im in south carolina usa. and over christmas i was in the hospital with a virus bhronchitis and a urinary trac infection. now i got the worst sinus infection ive had in quite some time. this is odd for me because eveything i eat i put garlic in and sickness is a rareity for me almost a non issue until the last month or two..

posted on Feb, 1 2008 @ 08:03 PM
Man, I could smell vic's vapor rub just by reading these post.

I haven't been sick,(oh now I probably will be.), but everyone that I work with, and each one of thier kids have been sick, starting around the first of January. Even my painter told me he was sick this morning.

posted on Feb, 1 2008 @ 08:45 PM
reply to post by seawolf197

I love reading your posts.b

posted on Feb, 1 2008 @ 09:07 PM
Hey, I'm from Florida to, an d the temp's been jumping around like a dang flea. Last week it was warm, couple of days ago it was freezing, and today it went from cold, to mild, to sunny, back to cold again. A lot of people tend to get sick this time of year, heck, nearly all of the ladies at the gas station are sick with one thing or another, really makes it feel great that their handling my food. Though I can't say no to fried chicken and corn for lunch regardless.
So, my question would be how much fluids have you or others been drinking?
I haven't been drinking much except coffee, tea, and mountain dew since I put up my bike for the winter. Been feeling sick on and off.
How about sleep? Eating? Getting enough sun?
Also, what type of clothing do you and the folks around you wear? I saw a gal yesterday who was wearing a heavy coat and a incredibly filmy skirt, due to fashion. Fellas were wearing shorts and jackets. Stuff like that'll make people ill, especially with the weather jumping around like it is.

posted on Feb, 1 2008 @ 09:25 PM
We have been sick here more than any time recently that I can remember, my husband got some kind of horrible chest cold, no real coughing it just hurt and made it hard to breathe, it hung on for 2 weeks, then he went out of town to CA for almost two weeks, was healthy the entire time, but got sick again the day after he got home, which means he either picked up something out there, or on the plane ride home.
My son got sick on christmas evening and had a nasty nasty cough and low grade fever that stuck around until after the first of the year.

then this week the poor kid came home from kindergarten a total wreck turns out he had a fever of 102, but no other symptoms at all

So he stayed home on tuesday with a lower temp but still fevery at 100.9
still no symptoms though
He was fine until last night when what started as a couple sneezed turned into a full blown respitory thing by bedtime he was miserable and crying because he couldnt breathe.
So he missed school again he has to go to the doctor so they can tell me its viral and he will get over it in a week or so just to stay out of trouble with school..... I have nothing better to spend $100 on for sure:@@

Ive had a full blown stomach flu this year, the only time i have puked since college or morning 7 yrs.And i think i might have a low grade cold..but im ignoring it because mom cant get sick.

MAny other people who never seem to get colds and coughs and the like are getting it lately though
our weather is always crazy, its the norm for our area

posted on Feb, 1 2008 @ 09:28 PM
reply to post by seawolf197

vics vapo rub gives me the warm fuzzies...its sort of like smelling cookies baking lol visions of rare maternal moments and my sweet grandmother warming my shirt in the dryer to put on over the vics when i was visiting and sick

I make my own now that is petroleum free and it doesnt smell quite the same.... but it works really really well!

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 05:19 AM
Hmmm...noticed it too here in Manhattan. At least one person from all my classes his semester is sick and I see a lot of sick people in the city. OP might be on to something...glad I can't get whatever is going around and I'm not sure about the gov part lol

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 08:43 AM
Response to RuneSpider:

I wear whatever the day calls for if its cool Ill put on pants if its warm then shorts. I never wear a coat (Its South Florida For Gods Sakes) but its not just here in florida. BTW when I say the government knows Im not saying its a mass conspiracy to make people sick I just think that they know about all the sickness and are not keeping the people informed.

[edit on 2-2-2008 by mybigunit]

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 09:52 AM
Well so far i think everyone seems to be in agreement, something is indeed going on, but no one seems to be able to figure out what, maybe this is where it ends for the moment, not too certain, but u know when u have a feeling or go on a feeling, call it instinct well my intuition tells me something is going on, funny the previous previous poster mentioned SINUS, i had the same problem as well, and never in my life have i had a problem with sinus, or maybe viruses are getting more reproductive, and mutating faster than we can think, but then when u think about it all those over the counter products must make coporations a fortune in profit, to help relieve the symptons of it all, sense theres somthing afoot here, still not too sure what though..any ideas..

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