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Anyone else noticed increased police presence in their cities?

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posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 07:36 AM
Perhaps if cops actually did the job people think they do and didnt spend their time working solely as revenue agents for their jurisdictions, people might not actually think lots of cops is a bad thing.

I have no idea what line of work you are in but when your boss tells you to do something do you refuse?

It is part of the job. While you may see it soley as a revenue generator, it also helps prevents accidents and fatalities.

Cops dont see dime 1 from the tickets they write. No bonus, no time off for tons of tickets. My department gets no increase in budget from ticket revenue.

If we are told to increase traffic patrols should we just tell the Colonel to go jump off a bridge? If your on a traffic post should you just look the other way when someone goes by doing 20mph over the limit because it will generate revenue for "the man"?

Next time your boss tells you to perform a task, tell him to stuff it. See how that works out for ya. You might not be so quick to be so pious when it comes to other peoples jobs.

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 08:19 AM
reply to post by SwatMedic

swat... i agree with you, the cops job is no fun and games...i am 55, own my home and have lived in this house for 25 years, never been arrested or committed a crime. but i have had my vehicles broken into a number of times and have had 2 burglaries in my home. on the car break-ins, we here call it in...they don't come out...higher priorities they say. on the burgaries, evidence technicians didn't come out till the next day and they spent about 20 minutes in my house. never has any of the stolen property been found from either of my vehicles or my house. yet i got stopped for doing 35 in a 25 mph zone and had to pay a 100 dollar fine. now i know i was in the wrong and paid my fine without complaint...but you can see why some of us are quite frustrated. it seems that the ordinary citizen is easier to catch and more cost effective. and the bad guys that might require more time, effort, and money in investigation, seems to be getting away with it. maybe the various law enforcement agencies just need a better P.R. person.

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 08:30 AM

Originally posted by jimmyx
reply to post by SwatMedic

swat... i agree with you, the cops job is no fun and games...i am 55, own my home and have lived in this house for 25 years, never been arrested or committed a crime. but i have had my vehicles broken into a number of times and have had 2 burglaries in my home. on the car break-ins, we here call it in...they don't come out...higher priorities they say. on the burgaries, evidence technicians didn't come out till the next day and they spent about 20 minutes in my house. never has any of the stolen property been found from either of my vehicles or my house. yet i got stopped for doing 35 in a 25 mph zone and had to pay a 100 dollar fine. now i know i was in the wrong and paid my fine without complaint...but you can see why some of us are quite frustrated. it seems that the ordinary citizen is easier to catch and more cost effective. and the bad guys that might require more time, effort, and money in investigation, seems to be getting away with it. maybe the various law enforcement agencies just need a better P.R. person.

I totally understand frustration like that and I cannot offer you any good excuse for someone not coming out to at least take an incident report about the vehicle break-ins.

Im not going to blindly defend a department that treats its tax paying citizens like that either. There are certainly flaws, mistakes, stupidity, and bad apples in the system.

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 09:16 AM
reply to post by slackerwire

Definetly here in Kingland, Georgia.

I come home from work around 11pm everyday. There has been an unsually high presence of police on Highway 40.

I thought it might have something to do with the Submarine Base here? But this is the first time that I've counted at least 20 police cars on the road (Highway 40) every night since Jan. 18, 2008.

I asked my sister to ask her friend whose boyfriend is a Police Officer what was going on and he suppossedly said that it was just a normal routine drill that they conduct. Whatever??? What kind of answer is that?

I've lived here for almost 10 years and I've never seen that many police on the road. Hell, I didnt even know that we had that many police cars in our town. You can literally drive thru Kingsland in less than 8 minutes.

It's just weird???

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 09:46 AM
reply to post by slackerwire

no increased police activity where i live an army town of 10 thousand.lots of vandalism and break and enters and drunken brawls all around but the cops spend most of their time out on the highways trying to catch speeders---apparently their number one priority.

the last time i called the cops this past fall for a break and enter into a town property lock up i told them exactly where to go find it and that i had closed the broken door best i could with clothing over my hands so i wouldnt mess up finger prints and that i had in the same way put the remains of the broken door lock inside and left to phone for them instead of continuing my walk.

i had to phone several different #'s before getting a 1-800 #.they wanted to know what was missing--i told them--how would i know? i was just out for a walk and noticed the door swinging in the wind--it was a sunday.

next week when it came out in the paper the story was so messed up that i think they were looking for me as their suspect instead of the 1 that called in the problem---they never did phone me back or visit me.

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 09:46 AM
I haven't seen more cops in East Tennessee, but I have heard more and more people talking about being harrased by cops. Many of these are my patients, some of whom are elderly. An example; a late 50's fellow was pulled over for going 41 in a 40mph zone. He asked the cop why he was pulled, and the cop went nuts, starting pounding his chest, screaming "I am the law here. Don't question me." This guy is 100% straight up and would never make this up.
Another patient of mine, a former cop himself, was seen yawning at a stop light by a young cop, who pulled him over and claimed he was "under the influence" refused to do a breathalyzer for alcohol and took him to jail for DWI. The patient was latter released and not charged. People need to start filing lawsuits against these abuses and they will either stop or escalate; in the latter case, maybe that will wake up the populace.

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 10:15 AM
Wow this is a bit scary.

I stubbled over here, and yes there is an increased police presence in NYC.

Police are once again doing random bag checks at subway stations (I havent' seen that since the early spring). And a heavy presence at TWC with some sort of hazard detector truck driving around.

I am wondering if it has anything to do with Super Tuesday and the democratic nominations? OK I guess only in the states that doesnt' explain Aus or UK

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 12:22 PM

Originally posted by 1Angrylightbulb
reply to post by tallcool1

Could it have been UNJLC instead of "UNLJC"? Because UNJLC stands for United Nations Joint Logistics Center.

[edit on 23-1-2008 by 1Angrylightbulb]

That could be - so what then does United Nations Joint Logistics Center do and why do they have a vehicle driving in the greater Seattle area? Is this something normal and I am just ignorant of it?

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 01:09 PM
Here are the pictures of the military vehicles being stashed at a fire-training center. They didn't coime out as well as I had hoped, but only had a cell-camera and was trying not to get caught.

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 01:14 PM
reply to post by jackinthebox

How many would you estimate are there?

It doesn't look like more than ten or so.

Are they painted in a green camo scheme or are they black?

Thanks for risking it to get the shots.

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 01:22 PM
reply to post by goosdawg

Green camo with the exception of the communications module which is still desert tan. There are about ten Hummers and another four troop transports, so this is about two platoons worth of transportation. There are also four trailered generators.

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 01:23 PM
Also if not, is the silver tanker trailer off to the left, which may be the fuel supply for the vehicles.

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 01:33 PM
reply to post by jackinthebox


Makes you wonder; where are the troops right now that are gonna be transported by these units, and for what reason?

And where's the "rabbit hole" they're gonna pop out of when it comes time to deploy these assets?

"I've got a bad feeling about this."

Only this ain't Star Wars...

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 01:48 PM
I have noticed the increased police presence, especially in and around major transportation centers. namely the 42nd street port authority, grand central station and the subways. what is more disturbing is the fact that there are military personnel also patrolling these areas as well. there is definately something coming. u can feel it. there is a notification that goes over the loud speaker which states " any bag or suitcases can be randomly searched" conditioning the people to accept the military presence (which is a violatiion of posse comitatus) becoming the policing authority. what is even more disturbing is how the police (who are more or less our last line of defense agains powers foreign/domestic under posse comitatus) are siding with the martial law/military control and offer no challenge whatsoever. im afraid that if we dont protect ourselves we may be hearded away into concentration camps (which are already ready to accept civilian populations) all across the world. the financial system has already been crashed. we have to pay close attention .

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by doctorwork
...the cop went nuts, starting pounding his chest, screaming "I am the law here. Don't question me."

This is the end result of police training that teaches cops that the citizenry are the enemy:
Survivor recalls shootings in Crandon, Wis, by police officer Tyler Peterson, 20
Charlie Neitzel was at a party the night he was nearly killed by childhood friend Tyler Peterson. He recalls an argument, a threat to call police and Peterson's reply: 'I am the cops." Peterson "was a crazy psycho," Charlie said, "when he came flying in that door."
It was strictly a verbal altercation, he said, until Peterson pushed Murray and hit one of the other girls and then, before anyone else could intervene, ran out the door. ...
When he returned, we all know by know, he had an AR-15 rifle, and he kicked in the door.
(and commenced to slaughter seven young people)

Other friends and neighbors said Peterson, who was officially deputized in February(after one year conditional employment), had recently completed special-forces-type training.

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 02:07 PM
Ontario, Canada has noticed a HUGE difference.
Local/ municipal police departments are being 'taken over' by provincial/state police. We no longer have local police, they have gelled with the O.P.P. (Ontario Provincial Police). Very quickly small towns and rural areas are seeing brand new, larger O.P.P Stations being built all across Canada.
I have also noticed major changes in education and it's Policing Programs offered to students in Colleges, the recruitment has intensely risen since the Education System changed it's program about 7/8 years ago (or so) to "POLICE FOUNDATIONS". This is simply at entry level local colleges.
Many Americans visit Ontario, particularly in the summer, we are a border state. If anyone reading plans to visit the area, just keep your eyes out for the big yellow and black OPP stations, you really can't miss them.
Their site is or you can google image it.

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 03:04 PM
Strange, my girlfriend and I were just talking about how many police we have been seeing in the last week.

They seem a lot more active as well, driving fast, doing u-turns. Also seeing lots of people pulled over, even during the morning commute which is unusual.

It appears they have some new toys too, saw a really cool looking unmarked black armored truck a few weeks back that appeared to be brand new. Looked like this but pimped out with hooks and gear attached to the outside and black windows. Probably just a regular swat truck, but never seen anything like that just cruising around the burbs.

I live in Beaverton Oregon, a suburb of Portland.

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 03:04 PM

I started reading this thread yesterday. Didn't think much of it as it seemed there were responses both ways.

I live in the middle of Orygun.

Yesterday driving home from work I saw 6! LEO's whereas I see maybe 1 or 2 a week. I look for them all the time too.

3 city cops, two of which were cars traveling together - which I never see - and 3 County Sheriffs.

I just went out again and I saw way more city cops than normal and then I saw a State Trooper in the city which is very rare as they tend to stick to the highways it seems.

So yes I have noticed increased police presence in my city.

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 04:03 PM
The thinkg I am wondering is NOT are we being taken over by a police state, but what are the police looking for. It seems there has been an unnoficial terror alert heads up. Wonder if there is anything to this?

[edit on 24-1-2008 by Torlough]

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 04:21 PM
I live in south eastern Florida, and have noticed a large spike in the number of police officers over the past few months, including undercover officers, which was a rare occurrence at one point. Our highway patrol is out in droves, I honestly cannot go a few miles without seeing at least 2 or 3 cops. I see under covers pull people over at least once a week now. It disturbs me to find that my state is not the only one.

The last time I got pulled over the cop actually asked if I had weapons of mass destruction- I couldn't help laughing in his face. Luckily he took my laughter well. But, honestly, who is paranoid here? Us or them?

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